Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.
"...Making her debut, hailing from Atlanta, Georgia...the lean, mean, bubblegum-chewing machine ready to bring the PAIN...standing at 5'8 and weighing in at 149 lbs...NORAAAA....'BUBBLE'...BOWERS!!!"

And there she stood at the top of the entry ramp, a sly ever-so-slight smirk stretched across her face as she walked down the ramp toward the ring, blowing up a piece of gum into a perfect bubble several times, pulling off an impressively loud -POP- every time she let it burst. Her confidence oozed from her toned, well-defined figure, and her eyes conveyed nothing but a calm, cool, and collected personality. Nora's demeanor was as casual as can be, a debut in a company this big would have anyone sweating but she was completely nonchalant about it. She didn't care about LAW, and she hardly even acknowledged the crowd. Like a prizefighter, she was here for one reason and one reason alone...wreck everything and then leave when things got boring. She'd hoped that her opponent would be a little entertaining for at least a few minutes, this WAS her debut. Then again, if she could leave early that might be the better option...
As she made it to the ring, she climbed up the apron with a single, mighty hop. From there, she gripped the top rope, but before entering, she finally turned to face some of the audience, giving them a cocky smirk and a wink as she showed off her strong, sexy figure, the lights making each curve, contour, and muscle gleam. After slipping through the ropes, she gave one of her pigtail buns a little 'puff' as she ran her hand across the pink-colored surface before she reclined against the ropes, continuously chewing her gum without a care in the world as she idly relaxed, waiting for her opponent to arrive. That is...if they even bothered to show up. If they didn't, Nora would be supremely upset and would have no other choice than to go backstage and sate her hunger for a rumble by pummeling someone else's face in.
"Whatever bitch, skank, hoe, or wannabe 'wrestler' comes down that ramp better be worth my time~" She said. "If LAW is such a great place to be, then I shouldn't have any trouble keeping myself 'entertained'..." She said, getting nice and comfy as she relaxed.