Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Standard Match: Winner to be decided by pinfall, submission or ko

Today had been a long time coming. A match Alizeh had been wanting for a while that she was finally getting, thanks in no small part to some harmless interactions online thanks to a certain influencer's prompt on twitter.. But that was besides the point! With Apex on the horizon and a potential two new champions being decided soon now was the time to get in the matches you always wanted before those titles could be on the line or things changed in a way where such matches would be harder to organize. So with that in mind Alizeh and her opponent tonight had went to LAW and asked for this match, that way they can have it and get going before anything else happened to shake LAW up.

Said opponent was one Honie B Bea, Heroine of the Bee Hive, and like Alizeh one of LAW's rising stars starting around the same time she did. Only difference being that while Alizeh was rising in the middleweight divison, Honie was a rising favorite among the heavyweights, and now the tag team division. On top of that she was one of the nicest and most genuine but hot heatedly competitive around, just like Alizeh, so naturally it was no reason why the two wanted to go head to head. So standing up straight and having herself ready Alizeh would make sure the preparations on her dark purple and black ring gear was set and ready to go. Tonight being a special occasion and match Alizeh wanted to bust out something different than her usual look.
Feeling all set Alizeh would walk out to the guerilla position where, after a quick check with the ring crew, she got the go ahead to make her entrance. Smiling as she got the ok Alizeh would take a deep breath while the heavy guitar riffs and thunder cracks of her entrance song filled the arena, already getting the crowd hyped up!
Coming out Alizeh would smile and pose proudly for the fans who immediately cheered loudly for her appearance. Strutting down the ramp towards the ring Alizeh would be sure to high five the fans on her way before leaping up and smoothly slide under bottom rope of the ring. Popping up to her feet once in the ring Alizeh would pose proudly for all to see with a eager smile on her face before hopping onto the middle ropes and posing again, earning another round of cheers from the fans before hopping down and turning to face the entrance ramp, hands on her knees in preparation for Honie to come out.
Last edited by Bare on Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Today was definitely a special day, not only for the contestants, but for some of the crowd members today? After all, how often did someone get to see two of their two favourite people duke it out in a ring?

Cassandra was perched rather comfortably in the ringside, front row seat. She hadn’t come as a wrestler, but rather she spectated as a casual fan.

Well, casual would not be the word for it. She would say, she was a “cass-ual fan”, holding up a signboard she had made herself of an emerald swarmed by bees!

She giggled to herself, finding it amusing that Alizeh and Bea, two people who had managed to make her pass out in their cake were fighting. When Alizeh came into the ring, Cassie cheered as loud as any, waving her sign.


Someone had got the crowd cheering too, making sure to give her friend a rousing reception!
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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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This match indeed had been a long time coming. Alizeh had tweeted that Honie was one of her desired opponent's some time ago, and the cutie bee was eager for a fun scrap as well. But Apex had taken up quite a bit of the attention of both wrestlers. They had been focused on their Apex Qualifiers, but none of those matches ended up overlapping together. However, their efforts had yielded great fruit. Both Honie and Alizeh were qualified for Apex! And while they both still had their Apex Matches upcoming, they now had more time to schedule other matches. Matches with opponents the wrestlers specifically wanted to fight, such as this very one against each other!
Honie's Entrance Theme
Just as Honie's entrance theme started, the Heroine of the Beehive made her appearance at top of her ramp. Clad in what had become her iconic bee-themed wresting attire, Honie started jogging down towards the ring! But she made sure to wave at the cheering fans, and give out some high-fives as she made the trip. And once she was close enough, Honie leaped off the floor, clean over the top ropes, and right into the ring! Said ring shook a bit, after the heavyweight high-flyer preformed her signature ring entrance, making her fans cheer even louder!

While this was their first meeting face to face, Honie had heard more about Alizeh, after their initial interactions on Twitter. They had even more similarities than the bee initially thought. Both were positive, fun, and extroverted gals that you were better off not ticking off. And both were rising stars in their respective divisions. "Hiya Alizeh!" Honie buzzed sweetly. "It's great to finally face off against the Emerald Storm! Just like I promised in my tweet, I brought my honeycomb abs, stinger badonkadonk, and positive, heroine attitude with me! Hope you're ready for all that buzz and more! Oh! And congrats on qualifying for Apex, by the way!"

This much anticipated meeting and brawl with Alizeh currently had Honie's attention. But little did the big bee know a familiar face, a familiar friend was spectating this match, and she seemed just as excited for it as the current combatants!
Honie's Appearance

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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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And of course, Cassandra wasn’t simply going to cheer for JUST Alizeh or JUST Honie. No, she simply wanted to make her cake and eat it too, or however the expression goes. She was pretty torn between who to cheer for.

If you asked her who won? She would probably go into a rant. In fact, that’s what she was doing, talking the ear off the poor person next to her “Oh but Honie is taller, more muscular, and makes it harder for Alizeh to win, but Alizeh doesn’t shy from delivering the harder blows like knees to faces.. while Honie does like her hip checks I feel Alizeh can hit harder.. but I also think I coulda gotten out of Alizehs smother in some cases, not with Honi- OH HONIE IS HERE!”

She spoke excitedly, eyes shimmering like diamonds. She waved her hands up, although she didn’t go for high fives with either of them, she simply let the other fans have their turn since she had already been verryyy personal with both in ways they wished others only wished they could be. She also was realising she could cheer up a storm, as she began a chant of “HON-IE!!, HON-IE!!, HON-IE!!”

.. before halting, allowing the crowd to roar between the two wrestlers name. She leaned on the edge of her seat, a bright smile on her face. She would enjoy this.

She also had popcorn which lay forgotten.
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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Whilst waiting for Honie to appear Alizeh couldn't help but take notice of some... rather loud cheering to the side. Turning Alizeh would smile recognizing a familiar face there cheering her on in one Cassandra Selinofoto. Walking up to the side of the ring closest to her Alizeh make it known that she knew Cassie was there with a wink. Guess she shouldn't have been shocked given how they're match had ended, and from what she knew Cass also had history with Honie as well so yeah she really shouldn't have been shocked.

Though Alizeh wouldn't be able to tease Cassie for long since within moments Honie's music would kick on over the speakers. Smirking at this Alizeh would leave the side of the ring and approached the center, hands on her her hips in eager anticipation as the titanic Bee themed hero walked down the ring, the fans obviously cheering as loud for her as they did Alizeh and the green haired girl wouldn't blame them at all with how positive and uplifting Honie was, as well as how talented and skilled she was.

Hell the bee's personality was part of the reason Alizeh wanted to face her, while the sheer challenge she would provide was another big factor. Once Honie entered the ring Alizeh would lean back, standing proud before the taller woman and looking determined, but with a soft smile on her face to show some of the amicable feelings that were definitely the backbone of this match. Smiling just a bit wider at what Honie said Alizeh would nod right back to her. "Same to you Honie, and believe me I'm well prepared for everything you got and more." She said confidently, looking up at Honie with no sign of intimidation at the height difference between them at all.

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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Honie was finally face to face with the green-haired, blue-eyed Emerald Strom. And so far, she liked what she was seeing. Alizeh was indeed shorter and smaller than Honie, but that wouldn't cause the bee to underestimate her in the slightness. She'd heard good things about what Alizeh could do, and now it was time for both wrestlers to show the other what they had! "Oh are ya now?" Honie teased, with a sassy, competitive smile. "If so, that's something you have over most of my opponents. Teehee. I can't buzzing wait!"

But as the chants of both wrestlers grew louder, Honie would turn her head to finally notice the person who started them all. It was her good, often butterfly-themed friend, Cassandra Selinofoto! "CAAAASIEEEEEEE!" Honie waved and loudly buzzed. Unlike with Alizeh, Honie rushed over to the ring ropes to greet her gal pal. "Heeeeeeey gaaaaaaaal! Your taste in what matches to come see in person is as sharp as my stinger! And you're in for a treat as sweet as my honey buns!"

Soon enough, Ms. Bea turned around and spanked her tough backside towards Cassie, causing it to jiggle just a bit. Honie intentionally but somewhat subtly aimed to remind the lightweight of the times she was wedged in those cheeks, during their own match. Not publicly announcing it out of respect, but teasing Cassie in her own sassy way. Nonetheless, Beatrice would soon approach Ms. Midori and square back up with her with a smile, waiting for this match between rising stars to get started!
Last edited by dddybee on Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Cassie in the meanwhile, had been to matches before. She had spectated her mother’s as a child, and even now she made it a point to view the match online, if not in person. However.. asides from that, she hadn’t been to many matches.. in the front row, with two of her friends competing..

.. and.. both of them.. ahem, teasing her in their unique way. Alizeh was sultry and subtler, eliciting a flush from Cassie. She actually had enough humour in her though, to swoon and “faint” dramatically for Alizeh’s wink like some kind of princess, but she quickly got back up at the beats of Honie’s theme. She watched her friend buzz in, get into the ring..

And take notice of her after a little skirmish with Alizeh. Honie was much more direct in reminding her of her loss, and the WAY she lost. Having Honie’s huge bee-hind in your face was certainly a way to experience smothers for the first time. She rubbed her cheek as Honie spanked her ass, before having a red sheen across her face.


She might have to ask these two for a rematch soon.

She needs to right the wrongs they caused by making her lose! She shook her head in a slightly grumpy fashion, but all in good spirits, as she got up on her chair to spectate.. and miraculously wasn’t being yelled at by the people behind her. Tis cause she was so short and small, it didn’t matter.
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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Alizeh would giggle and snicket seeing Honie give a much more public and on the nose greeting to Cassie compared to her own, and seeing the flustered look that came upon the girl's face from ringside was definitely a fun way to start this match off. Cracking her neck and knuckles though Alizeh would get herself prepared as Honie stepped away from the ropes and approached once again, clearly prepared for the match ahead.

Stepping closer herself Alizeh would smile confidently at Honie. "We were both going to give it our all before hand, but with her watching I think it goes without saying we really gotta make this special huh?" Alizeh asked jokingly in reference to Cassie while raising her arms up just in time for the bell to ring and officially start the match. "So whaddya say? Wanna kick this off with a classic?" Alizeh asked, inviting Honie to a test of strength against her!

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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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"Of course!" Honie responded, sharing Alizeh's desire to make this match extra special for Cassandra. Ms. Midori suggested they start things off with a test of strength, with prompted an amused and slightly puzzled look from Honie. The powerhouse bee was capable of completely muscling around the vast majority of her pervious foes, so it was always interesting when opponent's significantly smaller than her offered to have a push-off. Honie was sure Alizeh had a back-up game plan in mind, just in case. But regardless, the heroine eagerly accepted!

"Let's go!" Honie buzzed, raising her brawny arms up. She'd step forward and interlock her corresponding hands with Alizeh, before really pushing off! The heavyweight bee would aim to use her often overwhelming strength to power Alizeh back, swiftly pushing the green gal to the back ropes behind them, if all went her way!

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Re: Swarms and Storms: Alizeh Midori vs Honie B Bea

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Alizeh smirked at Honie's ready reply to what she had said. That positive energy and competitive enthuthiasm had been one of the big reasons Alizeh wanted this match in particular, and she was more than eager to test Honie and see for herself just how strong she was. Hence the first thing she wanted to do was a full on test of strength to see how things would go. Granted Alizeh knew that more than likely Honie would overpower her. Sure she had done strength training to contend with heavyweights, but even she knew when it was better to cut losses and fight a different type of game on certain opponent.

Here though she just wanted to show Honie that Alizeh COULD contend with powerhouses like her, and besides... she had a plan. So the moment the two locked up Alizeh began pushing and immediately got treated to the raw power of Honie which was pretty impressive since she began sliding back almost immediately. But Alizeh would push back, offering resistance she hoped would surprise the Heroine of the beehive. Regardless if it did or not however Alizeh would change tactics right away, dropping one of Honie's arms and switching to a two handed grip on one of Honie's hands before turning and dropping her weight down, aiming to use Honie's own momentum against her and pull her down to the mat with a deep armdrag!

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