Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

Unread post by Aeri »

”I’m the Master!” Match.

The match ends when all people on either side have been pinned, knocked out or made to submit. If someone has been eliminated, they’re the “slave” and must do the one who eliminated’s bidding.”

Cyrene, if she was completely honest.. hadn’t been expecting that she was THIS lucky.

Her signature match had been approved and she was faced up against two women that were smoking hot and had names for themselves! Best thing is, she could do whatever the fuck she wanted in these matches, be it lewd or even illegal.. as long as the referee wasn’t looking after all.

The announcer began to call for her. The crowd began to cheer, loud and proud as her own voice blared from the speakers. That’s right, Cyrene had done her own rendition of a song she liked so much, and it had been a huge success on her stream. So she submitted it instead of the original, and that was what she would come into today.
“Standing at 5’7, 158lbs.. here’s a new and debuting wrestler from Ireland, one known as the Fiery Red Fiend!! Cyrene D’Artagann!!”

Cyrene raced into the ring. She broke into a run, blowing kisses as she went, circling the arena with a jaunty stride, waving at the people. She’d leap up onto the ring and circled the area, screaming at the top of her lungs..


She laughed, before shaking her head and swinging into the ring, taking a bow. She’d be dressed in a Nun costume, nice and tight around her body. It seemed to cover her quite a bit, which must have been confusing for the LAW crowd..

But Cyrene didn’t care. She’d strip when she wanted to!


Was them!!”

She said dramatically, pointing at her opponent’s entry spot. She’d grin evilly, before spreading her arm out.

“To my dear Finella and Veronika! Good morning, good evening.. and for if you don’t hear me before I knock the lights out of your skulls..

Good fucking night!!”
Last edited by Aeri on Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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The Queen of Hearts rolled her eyes. "Why...fuckin why.", she groaned and put the last touch on her wild make up while Finella Edelstein the Hellraiser grinned and got her usual sixpacks of beer out of the fridge.

"Relax Veri. You are in a team with Sachi, I mean I am basically a smaller version of her.", she chuckled and Veronika groaned. "Believe me, there are worlds between this lunkhead and you.", she said with rolling eyes but then her gaze turned softer. "She understands me and treats me well...", she said with a little hint of a smile as Finella threw herself onto her from behind. "Veri and Sachi, sitting on treeee...",
"Ziag o du Heisl!", Veronika curses in best austro-german as Finella jumped back, cackling.

Finally Veronika put on the last touches and sighed. "Let's get this charade over with, Sachi and I have dinner tonight."
As Finellas grin turned wider again, the Queen of Hearts shot her a warning gaze. "Don't even think about saying something...", she hissed and the Wolf shook her head. "I would neeeeeever!", she said and both went to the gorilla position before a theme both picked for their entrance, started to play.

It was a song by Rammstein over the impossible connection of Fire and Water and when the slower first part started the Symbol of the Austrian Eagle, a Doubleheaded Eagle, Symbol of the old Monarchy appeared on the titantron. But when the song finally started to hit hard the two members of the famous roster stepped out to a roaring crowd!

They walked in, greeting the fans with kisses from Veronika and high fives from Fin.
They reached the ring and entered to the blasts of Rammstein, making their way to two separate turnbuckles and climbing them, lifting their arms.
Wheb the music went silent they met up in the middle of the ring with the irish hottie.

"A nun? Is this some sort of joke?", Veronika asked and laughed. Finella was a bit more amicable and reached out to grab Cyrenes hand to shake it. "Yeah a nun. I think it looks cute, but I believe me I can't wait to tear that off of you. If have some troubling past with the penguins you know.",she grinned and Veronika rolled her eyes.
"Of course you have."
Finella ignored her and gave Cyrene a wink.
"Sooo, who do you want first redhead? Either way it will be your funeral!",

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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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“Oh you wanna tear it off me, little dog? Fat chance! I bet you couldn’t even tear wet tissue if you tried!”

She said with a loud laugh, swatting away Finella’s outstretched hand and shaking her finger in her face.

“Nuh uh, Cy doesn’t do handshakes! I prefer to greet people like this!”

She grabbed Finella’s shoulders, and spun the wolf girl around, before delivering a solid spank to her ass! She’d back up a bit, before.. having a rather pondering expression as she put a finger on her lips, smirking at the duo.

“Maybe I’ll help you.. I’ll tear it halfway! Kyahaha!”

She grabbed her outfit and pulled at it hard, ripping apart the black fabric over her boobs to expose them, smirking at Veronika and Finella.
But when proposed with WHO she wanted against her first.. she looked at Veri, then at Fin. Both were incredibly hot, and she didn’t know which one she found cuter to toy with.

She simply shrugged her shoulders, lifting a leg and gesturing at Finella and then Veri.

“Dunno! You decide!”
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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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Finella had to admit that she was smitten by the selfassured redhead that started to boast, even if she was at the disadvantage here. Cyrene was not afraid and if she was she did a damn good job hiding it.

When Finella offered a handshake, the heel just grabbed her, turned her arouns and smacked her butt, making Finella grin in the process. "Well, finally someone who is'nt a total bore. Fuck that will be a good one, what are we waiting for!", she grinned and raised her fists, eagerly anticipating the start of the match as Cyrene surprised them again by tearing away her top, or at least part of it as her big cleavage came in sight, both women looking in awe at the truly sexy sight.

"Fuck, this gets better and better..."
"Focus, Fin. This little slut just wants to distract us with her fake tits."
"What? Fake?"
"Please, look at them. Much too perfect to be real!"

Meanwhile Cyrene had lifted her leg and pointed around between them only to let them decide who they first wanred to get into the ring!
Veronika took a step forward. "I do that. I choke this bitch out and we are home before desert.", she said and Finella pouted.
"Hey, leave me some yes?"
"No promises...", Veronika answered, her eyes already on Cyrene as she lifted her arms for a test of strength invitation!


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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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Cyrene didn’t seem to mind that her breasts had been called fake, but she did give Veronika a particularly nasty little smirk. She’d wink at her playfully, resting her hand on her hips.

“Think they're fake? Awww, is Veri-Veri jealousss?”

Cyrene said with a little laugh, seeing Veronika stepping up to lock hands with her. Perfect! Cyrene absolutely hated locking hands, so she would lock hands with Veronika, holding them rather warmly, using her thumb to massage the back of her hands sensually.

“You are! Well monsieur bitchiness, have at thee!”

Instead of pushing, she pulled. Normal wrestlers would try and convert a pull into a throw or something, but nope! Cyrene reared her head back like a bull, smashing it into Veronika’s forehead with a merciless headbutt!! But she didn’t stop there, Cyrene started to shove Veronika back to pin her against the turnbuckle before delivering a second headbutt to leave the sexy dark skinned blonde seeing stars! Right before she’d push against her, hugging the turnbuckle and squishing Veronika between her and the post!
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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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Veronika was ready to start this match honorably, totally against her style, with a test of strength to shut the little tramp up who already had started trampling on her nerves when she had opened her mouth to her for the first time.

Veronika locked up with the Redhead only to get a taste of her own medicine as she got suckerpunched immediatly, getting a big headbutt to her skull, making her see stars. She tumbled and tried to shake her head before Cyrene quickly attacked her with a second headbutt that made her reeling, tumbling back into the corner.

She held on to the topropes and tried to stay on her feet as Cyrene already stood before her, crushing her between her body and the ringpost. Their sexy bodies squished into each others, their big breasts mushrooming togetherx making them appear twice as big when Veronika groaned. A bruise already had formed on her forehead and she was dizzy. For now she was unable to fight back, but thankfully she had someone in her corner who did'nt give much about fair play either as Cyrene got grabbed from behind and pulled into a nelson hold.

"You missed me, babe?", Finella grinned and held on tight to the redhead as Veronika shook her head. "Hmpf, I could have done that on my own!", she snarled and Finella rolled her eyes.
"You're welcome Veri."

The Queen of Hearts just pouted before a devious grin formed on her face. "Tryin to cheat a cheater you bitch?", said and lifted her dancerleg wide in the air behind her before sending it hard between Cyrenes thighs!

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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

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One could see from Cyrene’s disposition, that she wasn’t just any ordinary wrestler. She was really a menace, and she needed to be stopped! As she crushed the sexy Veronika in her embrace, Cyrene squirmed lightly and ground herself against the dark skinned female, gently bonking her forehead against hers a couple times to remind her of the earlier headbutt! But!

She felt two arms wrap around her own, pulling her back! Finella had yanked her back, and for her lightweight opponent, she was muscular and really powerful, able to pull Cyrene back! Rather than get aggravated, Cyrene just giggled and pushed her hips back, grinding herself against Finella’s crotch!

“Mwah! Of course I did, cute little wolf pet of mine!”

As Veri got into position and ready for the kick between Cyrene’s legs, Cyrene grunted lightly. That would hurt.. but, Finella was behind her! She’d take a few steps forwards, stepping CLOSER to Veri instead of away, Cyrene used her legs to force Finella’s open too!

“Lets share this one, babe!”

She laughed, before she and Finella received a sound kick between her legs! That HURT and did make her let out a little yelp of pain, quickly crossing her legs together which were shaking like jelly..

But she still had a grin on her face, as she declared her intent to Veri head on, even if she looked like she would fall over!

“bad little.. bad little cheaters need spankings!”
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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika came out of the corner, her assets jiggling into all directions as she finally was freed again. But what Cyrene did just angered and frustrated her to no limit and so when Finella grabbed her from behind, the Queen of Hearts shot the redhead a devious grin, crossing her arms under her impressive chest.

"Sooo, you little skank, how about that?", she smiled and gave Fin a nod. "Not half that bad. Maybe you are more useful as a tag partner, then I thought!", she quipped and Fin chuckled.
"Wow, thank you Veri, how nice of you to say that!", she said with a sigh as she rubbed her cheek against Cyrene.
"Weeelll, babe? How do you get out of this one? Oh I will so enjoy fucking you unconcious!", she grinned and bit the nuns ear as Veri lifted her leg.

Finella grinned and held on to Cyrene as she heard what the redhead had to say. Her eyes went wide and before she could move, the nun had spread her legs too! "Veri stop! Stooooop!", she screamed as she receieved a massive blow to her pussy that made Cyrene and her groan in pain. Finella let go of the redhead, dropping from the apron and held her hurting pussy.

Veronika just stood there, growling. "Fuck, you little bitch! Why wont you give in?", she snarled and grabbed Cyrenes head tight for a sitout facebuster, slamming Cyrenes head into the canvas hard while dropping onto her behind.
"Take that, you ugly horsefly! "

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Re: Cyrene D’Artagann vs Veronika Noir and Finella Edelstein in “I’m The Master Match!”

Unread post by Aeri »

”Heheh, I won’t!”

Was what she had said to Finella! And after pulling her daredevil stunt, Cyrene had just been thinking that Veronika needed a taste of her own medicine! But before she could do anything but recover from her painful ordea, she was pulled forwards and grabbed by her head! Veronika lifted her head up and slammed her down in a painful sitout facebuster with a WHAM! Her face smacked against the canvas as her body jolted with pain!


But.. a giggle still came from her, as she clutched Veronika’s chocolate thighs and dug her nails in deep!

”Because I’m the fucking devil!”

She laughed loudly, lifting her head up and bashing it into Veronika’s pussy mercilessly, a hardcore low blow! She would sit up, and pull her arm back, grabbing Veronika by her own hands! Cyrene began to spin, before twisting around and mercilessly TOSSING Veronika’s body into the side of a turnbuckle!!
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