Age: 20
Eyes: Dark Burgundy Red
Hair: Magenta
Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight: 149 lbs (68kg)
Nationality: American
Hails From: Atlanta, Georgia
Alignment: Tweener (Leaning Heel)
Entrance Theme

(Co-owned and co-written with the help of @Leviathan-Inc)
Past + Personality
Nora 'Bubble' Bowers was your average, A/B honor roll, bubblegum-chewing, boy band-loving girl up until her high school years. Due to a change in influences, falling in with the worst crowd, and eventually discovering her secret openness to others due to her pansexuality, Nora slowly began to shift towards the woman she is today. When she wasn't maintaining her studies and coasting through school, she was often seen partying, sneaking into bars, pummeling the occasional drunk bastard, and getting into scraps with wannabe tough chicks looking for a fight. She eventually caught the eye of a seedy bar owner, telling her that she wouldn't be reported to the police if she participated in a couple of fights in his joint. She merely shrugged, ignoring the whole 'police' thing and simply signing up for the fun of kicking some ass. In a series of catfight-style wrestling, Nora tore through the bar's regulars and claimed dominance over the entirety of the roster, catching the eye of yet another individual, although this one was far less shady of a character...
It was a wrestling gym owner who was looking for talent...'diamonds in the rough', as he put it. Again, Nora shrugged off the grand scheme of his agenda and proposal, simply choosing to sign up for the gym in order to continue fighting. Months later, she became an adequately trained amateur female wrestler. While slightly inexperienced, she showed IMMENSE talent in terms of her strength and overall power. She quickly crushed a few indie competitors and in the midst of a champion's match, she interrupted by taking out the scheduled competitor, taking on the champion herself and utterly crushing her amongst all of her fans, gaining some serious heel heat while simultaneously being adored for her skills and appearance. Her bubblegum-themed aesthetic won fans over, along with her endless swagger and calm composure. Though she may not take things as seriously as she should, nobody could doubt that this chick had some serious guts and nerves of steel. Like pure Teflon, things just bounced off of Nora, and like the many flavors of gum she loved, opponents got chewed up and spat out with no mercy.
Eventually, she received a call-up from this promotion called LAW all the way in Japan, they had seen her stuff and invited her to an invitational match where she could fight in a woman's four-way free-for-all, the winner of the brutal match would be allowed an official contract into the promotion that led directly onto the main strings attached. Without any hesitation, Nora signed and packed her things, heading across the seas over to the 'Land of the Rising Sun' in order to meet the locals and bash a few heads in. The night of the match, all other of her fellow indie competitors were freaking out, as they had never performed in front of an audience this massive, nor had they ever fought for something on a scale this large. This made indie league championship titles seem like cheap, plastic toys. A contract in LAW was a potential GOLDMINE, and all of them were blinded by the idea of riches, grandeur, and stardom...all of them except for Nora, who was treating it like any other match. She had almost missed her cue with how laidback her response was as she chilled in the locker room, browsing social media on her phone. When the match went underway, Nora simply cracked her knuckles at the start and got to work...
She bulldozed through the girl immediately on her left, toppling her over with a brutal series of attacks that left her winded in the corner before darting over to the other two girls, clobbering them by smashing their skulls into one another in order to daze them. With a shocking display of strength and ferocity, the crowd easily speculated that Nora would be the winner, but what they hadn't realized was that this intensively brutal opening was simply an appetizer of what was to come. Throughout the entire match, the dark-skinned, brawling beauty mauled her opponents one by one in a constant cycle, not letting up on any of them, annihilating each one without so much as breaking a sweat. Without a chance to even pin one of the other girls that came under fire, Nora's competition could only serve as the woman's set of punching bags as she showed off her skills. Eventually, the match got boring, so Nora figured her time in the ring was over, she supposed that she should move on with it now that things had gotten STALE. After picking out her favorite girl, she brought her over to the canvas, pinned her down, locked lips with her, and secured the win, stunning EVERYONE in the room. She stood up nonchalantly, exited the ring, and went over to the talent scouts with her hand out, a casual smirk across her face as if NOTHING had happened. She snapped her fingers in front of the scouts in order to get their attention, asking for her contract and telling them that she wouldn't be as patient if she had to ask twice...needless to say, arrangements were made, contracts were signed, and LAW had a brand-new bruiser on the scene ready to batter the competition...
Personality: As a tough, home-grown, gum-chewing ass kicker rising up the ranks from street fighter to pro-wrestler, Nora is a bit of a tricky person to figure out. The pansexual, pink-aesthetic rocking bringer of pain comes off as a bit of an enigma due to her hard-to-read attitude, which stems from the way she lives life. While not hedonistic or lazy, she has a tendency of doing as she pleases regardless of authority, even going so far as to agitate forces that stand in her way. Given her outlook on life and her usual attitude, she carries this lackadaisical demeanor, not caring for what anyone says or thinks, dismissing most things as unimportant or just annoying, unless it's coming from someone she actually likes and/or respects. She goes about life winging most things and doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants. If something's pissing her off, she'll solve the problem with either verbal or physical means, of which the latter is more preferred. Despite her being prone to violent outbursts, she's an extraordinarily calm and reserved person. In the ring, it's very hard to read her confident poker face, always playing it cool and never sweating over anything. Riling her up with the use of taunting barely has an effect on her, but being boring and standing in her way, in general, achieves a far better, albeit dangerous result. So long as life is going her way, she's got no need to burst someone's bubble and beat their ass. In terms of romance, Nora doesn't really DO all of that lovey-dovey stuff, she's mainly in it for the immense, erotic pleasure and sex alone. Hanging out with someone can be a bonus, but it's not necessary...she might grow tired of them too quickly. Warm up to her enough, and you've got someone who will potentially have your back at all times, though that's a rare sight coming from Nora.
Strategy: Nora's goal is simple, chew bubblegum and kick ass, and god forbid if she runs out of gum in the middle of a fight...Without a care for who she faces, Nora will equally curb-stomp anyone who stands in front of her, be they babyface or chaotic evil heel. She'll happily grind anyone's face into the canvas and thoroughly pummel them until she's either satisfied or bored. With a devil-may-care attitude, she hardly sweats over the competition, showing zero signs of fear and anxiety and having more of a nonchalant, cocky demeanor at nearly all times.
Preferred Attacks: Suplexes, Bulldogs, Big Boots, DDTs, Stomps, Bearhugs, Charges/Spears, Low-blows.
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hardcore, Tables, Multi-fall, Last Woman Standing, Kiss My Ass, Knockout.
Attitude towards Hentai: "I give ZERO fucks as to whoever I get down and dirty with, but if you don't satisfy my needs, you'll be as good as a wad of gum beneath my boot heel."
General Stats
-Endurance: 3/5 - Capable of going toe-to-toe with several people for long periods of time, all while keeping her cool~.
-Strength: 4/5 - Easily her best attribute, and her scariest. Colossal levels of power behind her attacks and grapples.
-Speed: 3/5 - All you need to know is that she DOESN'T have lead feet, and if she catches you off guard, you're screwed.
-Defense: 3/5 - Carries a solid defense when needed, and is to built to last like a brick wall.
-Technique: 2/5 - Her strength makes up for her lack of experience, but she's got plenty of potential deep down.
Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 4/5 - Don't let the bubblegum and pink colors distract you, she could knock your lights out at any moment if she wants to.
-Submissions: 1/5 - Loves to wear people down with submissions, seeing them exhausted and pleading for mercy is a turn-on for her.
-Power Moves: 5/5 - Her immense strength leads to insanely powerful grapples and slams. She's brutal with a capital 'B'.
-Aerial Moves: 2/5 - You won't see her climbing up often, but when she does, she's sure that she won't miss.
-Counters: 2/5 - Capable of performing counterattacks when things get dire, but you won't see her panicking to pull something off.
Signature Moves
Running Bulldog


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Finisher Moves
Burst Your Bubble (Cradle Piledriver into Wheelbarrow Facebuster)


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