A Steamy Time

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A Steamy Time

Unread post by Weonna »

The day after Emma and Fang had there exciting match-up, Previous Thread Hiro was in the gym doing his daily workout routine. This day he was working out his chest and after doing his machine presses, bench presses, Pec Dec, and Cable Crosses it was time for Hiro to call it a day. He had some spotters in the gym leave a bit early and Hiro was thinking to do some relaxation. After all he had a previous match up with Matsuo and technically he should have been resting his body instead of working out.

As people start to leave the gym Hiro was getting ready to head to the steam room. He first would change to just his black shorts, Sandals and towel as he made his way out the locker room.

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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

It was still morning when Hiro finished the workout, which meant that it would be a long day afterwards to figure out what to do. Fortunately, it would seem that might have been someone else coming along to help prevent any boredom from occurring, as an acquaintance entered the building.

Candace, or Fang as she preferred, entered the Iron Titans Gym, wearing a green shirt and netting covering her chest and ripped jeans. On her forearms had some tape on them, since she was still recovering a bit from her fight with the Golden Girl, Emma LeBlanc; especially with her forearms hurting a bit from a kneedrop that Fang blocked. She was also carrying a gym bag with her. She saw Hiro finishing up his workout for the day.
"Hey Hiro!" Fang called out to Hiro, as she walked towards him.
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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by Weonna »

While the Japanese man was walking he heard a familiar voice call to him as he turns to see who it was.

"Fang? Wow...I didn't expect to see you again this soon. Figured you would rest your body after your match against Emma...well too be fair I should be resting too but...anyway...welcome! Good to see you again."

Hiro would do a bow of respect before flashing a smile to the Canadian woman.

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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Fang put her bag on the ground as she also gave a respectful bow.

"I did. I heard that the gym has saunas and hot tubs." Fang responded, "That's why I came to the gym. Figure it can help with making my arms feel better." She raised one of her arms to show Hiro that it was wrapped in tape, "Especially since my arms took a nasty knee drop." As they conversed, Fang was curious about Emma, "How is Emma doing?"
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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by Weonna »

"Oh Emma? She is gonna be fine. She's taking a nice rest...I made sure she got home safely."

Hiro smiled as he checked his phone to see if Emma left any messages for him.

"Well...she said that she is OK and can't wait to get back to the gym when she is 100%."

Hiro would turn off his phone and began to lead Fang to the women's changing room.

"Go ahead and take any locker...I can show you where the steam room is and then show you where the hot tubs."

Hiro smiled politely as he takes a seat and waits for Fang.

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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

"Well that's good to hear." Fang responded as she and Hiro continued walking down towards the locker room. She was led to the women's changing room and was notified by Hiro that she could use any locker that she wished.

"Thanks." Fang said in response to Hiro's comment about picking any locker she wished. She went into the change room, picked a locker and began to chance.

It would only be a few minutes that Hiro would have to wait until Fang came back out. In place of her casual clothes, she wore what one would describe as revealing; even for a bikini. It was an emerald green in colour with strap patterns running around Fang's midriff. While the bottom portion was a standard for a bikini, Fang's top consisted of two thick straps that ran over her breasts that were connected by a yellow strap around her neck.
"Alright, so where to?" Fang said with a smile. Hiro would be able to see that her forearms no longer had the tape on them and he could notice the slight marks left on them from the match.
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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by Weonna »

Hiro waited patiently for Fang to come out...and that's when it hit him.

'Oh shit...I just invited her to go to the steam room with me...' the Japanese man gulped as he knew Fang was gonna come back with something revealing.

When Fang came out and asked where the steam room is, Hiro would glance at her bikini before looking away to hide his face.

'Damn she is hot!'

"I...I...I...umm...uggghh...this way."

Hiro would stand to his feet and lead her to the steam room. Before they would enter Hiro would set up the steam and wait a few seconds. Then Hiro would open the door and invite Fang in.

"Umm...ugghhh...ladies first."

Hiro would still avoid looking at Fang, as if she was a Medusa from Greek tales. One look and Hiro would turn to stone...well not literally as he would close the door and sit a few feet away from Fang.

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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

"Something wrong?" Fang asked as she came out of the change room, noticing Hiro stumbling with his words and looking away; although she could probably figure what was the cause of this. She did have that effect on people from time to time in terms of her body. Nonetheless, Fang followed Hiro to the steam room.

Once she was invited in, she sat in one spot while noticing that Hiro sat a few feet away from her.

"So, how was training?" Fang asked Hiro, as she started to feel the heat in the room against her skin.
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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by Weonna »

"It was ok. Today I was just working on my chest."

Hiro answered her question as they sat for a few seconds and Hiro was already drenched in sweat.

"So Fang...where are you staying at? You have anyone that lives with you?"

Hiro would start a small chat hoping to know Fang a bit more.

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Re: A Steamy Time

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Fang took note of Hiro's chest and the workout making the muscles stand out quite a bit. She had to admit, Hiro was definitely good looking. Meanwhile, Fang could feel her body beginning to sweat as well; the heat taking its effect on her body as well.

"I live in a simple two-person apartment complex." Fang responded, "There was suppose to be someone else that was coming with me, but they got cold feet." As they talked, Fang did her best to maintain eye contact with Hiro while not making it look like she was observing his body.

"How about you?" Fang asked Hiro, "Where do you live? You got anyone whose staying with you?"
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