When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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*As his magnificent figure tore through the sky with an effortless elegance, Comet had convinced himself that Athena was physically incapable of recuperating from the previous damage she had sustained- This assumption, however, wasn't entirely rooted in any factual data, which would ultimately bite him where it hurt the most: His ego. Athena would seize this opportunities with both hands, specifically wrapped around his slender frame, before drilling him into the ring with a tremendous* "WHUD!" *That sent ripples throughout the stadium!*

"GGGUUHHHH!" *Almost every ounce of oxygen escaping the previously energized acrobat, the surly strider was left motionless and glaring up towards the spotlights that seemed to be swirling around him in a confluence of anguish and exhaustion. Athena, however, had only just begun to impose her matriarchy, joining him against the ground before latching her legs across his throat for a strangulating submission hold!*
"Rrrgghh...must...es...cape...but...so...hot..." *The conflicting experience caused Comet's distracted mind to incessantly misfire, instructing his limbs to twist and turn while he squandered what little vigor he had left in the tank! The audience was devouring this like an all you can eat buffet, sensing that the comet's demise was right around the corner!*

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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Athena chuckled as she looked at Gryff thrashing and struggling while he was trapped in the headscissor. She would continue squeezing him in the hold, weakening him. The crowd seemed to be loving this, and she would make it a show by flexing her arms. The reversal earlier seemed to have turn the table, allowing her to gain an upper hand over her male opponent in this match.

"Now, now... try to not waste your energy too much..." Athena chided her opponent as she would continue squeezing his neck and head in the headscissor. Of course, she had a lot of things in store for him, and she wanted to see how excited the young man was as he was being squeezed. "Are you enjoying yourself down there, boy?" Athena purred.

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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*Feeling as though his thumping appendage was on the verge of bursting out of his trunks, the earthbound comet was forced to witness the audience around him drinking in one of his less flattering moments, but the tactile stimulation alone was enough to keep his spirits moderately high- Victories come and go, but being caught in a precarious position such as this one was an open invitation to use it as an excuse to indulge in his more devious side. Athena seemed quite adept at assuaging his plaintive griping, her demeaning words serving as the basis for his enticement and as time began to stand still, his chances of recuperation began to fade into obscurity.*

"Rrhhh...m..more..th..than I'm letting on~" *He professed, continuing to fruitlessly twist and turn, as if to show the spectators that he wasn't out of this match just yet. However, it was becoming increasingly apparent that this was merely for show, and his odds of realistically reclaiming control of this encounter were almost nonexistent!*

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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Athena chuckled to herself upon seeing her opponent struggling. Of course, the more interesting thing here was the growing erection under his trunks. Licking her lips, Athena got an idea. Bit by bit, she would start loosening her hold around Gryff's head before she started maneuvering herself right above him, crawling over to the other end of his body, bringing herself closer to his hidden yet erect member. Then she would place herself right on his legs, pinning them and making sure that the young man wouldn't get away from her.

"My, you're quite excited down here..." Athena purred as she would bring her hand to his crotch, lightly massaging the bulge. "Maybe I should give you something to remember before we finish this match for real..." And so, she would start rubbing his member with her hand through the fabric of his trunks. The crowd seemed delighted by this erotic act, though Athena would also make sure to keep watching his reaction so that she could ensure to keep him down in order to prevent him from fighting back.

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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*Just as he was reaching his personal limit for punishment, Athena mysteriously released him, prompting Comet to quickly inhale as much oxygen as he possibly could- Whether this was a streak of good luck or fortuitous circumstance wasn't something he intended to ponder on, but in an instant his chances of recovery were dashed when the veteran succubus reestablished her control by straddling his body, sending a sensual tingle across every inch of his weary figure!*

"Aaaahh...ch...cheater~" *Unable to conjure up enough expendable energy to resist her barrage of lascivious moves, The Comet felt his legs begin to buckle, inadvertently collapsing and subsequently sprawling out beneath her, forfeiting his entire being unto the magnificent goddess astride him. Within a matter of minutes, his pulsating scepter suddenly betrayed him, his honey escaping through the only orifice available while glazing Athena's hand in the process!*

" *Clinching his teeth together to stifle his unusually high pitched squeal of pure ecstasy, Comet deeply exhaled one, final time- The last sliver of energy departing from his glistening body as the crowd surrounding him chanted* "Pin him! Pin him!" *In an encouraging chorus!*

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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Chuckling upon seeing Gryff's reaction, Athena would keep stimulating his member through the fabric of his trunks before he finally exploded, shooting out his load and staining her hand with his warm juices. "Oh my..." Athena seemed fascinated by this. And with the crowd chanting her to pin him, she might as well go for it as she would position herself so that she could pin him.

Of course, she wouldn't forget to get Gryff's manhood out of his trunks. From there, she would sandwich his junk between her thick thighs, which drew the approval of the audience. At the same time, Athena would go for the full body pin, pressing herself against him as the referee would come over and start counting for the pinfall attempt.


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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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"Ggguuhh...so good~" *As if he were under some sultry, hypnotic spell brought about by Athena's beguiling actions Comet remained perfectly still, unable to summon the vigor to refute her whatsoever as the last reserves of his expendable energy dissipated through his extremity, forming a puddle in the palm of her hand.* "Hhhhuurrrk!" *As the buxom beauty flattened him with her powerful frame, his limbs spastically shuddering before returning to a stationary position as the moderator cried out* "TWO!"

*The sound of his impending defeat would typically light a fire under him, reinvigorating the tanned muscle to try and break free from his degrading hold. However, this instance felt different- Athena had put him through his paces, matching him blow for blow and ultimately outlasting him through relying on her veteran experience. Despite coming up short, Comet didn't feel an ounce of humiliation- Rather, he curled his toes and waited for the inevitable to occur.*

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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With the third and final count, the match was brought to its end, with the referee calling the bell, ending the match with Athena's victory. Getting up from Gryff's body, Athena would stand victorious over her opponent, raising her arms in triumph while the referee would hold onto her arm to declare her the victor of this match. The crowd cheered for the blonde bombshell, and she smiled proudly after successfully defeating yet another opponent in the squared circle.

After celebrating her victory, Athena returned back to Gryff, looking at him with an amused smile on her face. "You did good, boy. Perhaps one day, you may be able to beat me, but that's a thing to see sometime in the future." Winking at him, she then turned around as she looked over her shoulder. "I'll see you around, boy." With that, Athena would make her exit, walking out of the ring with yet another win under her belt. She knew that by winning more matches, she would keep building herself up in this company, becoming a much bigger deal in the process.

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Re: When a comet strikes- Gryff (D) vs Athena!

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*As the last number was called, Comet remained utterly motionless, witnessing Athena return to a standing position while quietly admiring the view- Despite their light tension with one another, he couldn't help but gawk at her supple backside, sighing in a slightly exasperated manner before she pivoted back around to address him on a personal level.* "Tch, yeah yeah- Try not to get crushed by all that ego." *He responded, snark and vinegar extremely present in his voice as they bantered for a moment before Athena took her leave.*

*After shaking off the slight mortification, Comet crawled towards the ropes and pulled himself back onto his feet, dusting himself off while hanging against the ropes for support- The confluence of sensual teasing and physical exertion he was subjected to was sufficient enough to leave him extremely drained, although he couldn't deny that it was worth the effort. Finally departing from the arena in a sluggish fashion, he traipsed up the ramp and eventually disappeared backstage, humbled by the experience of being put in his place by a veteran of the sport.*

Winner- Athena!

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