Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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The Ominous Future
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Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Pacing the hallways of LAW, one particular beauty unknown to the masses of the LAW world found herself wandering in hopes of figuring out where what was in her new found work place. Knowing not the meaning of the wearing appropriate attire, save for the denim jacket across her wrestling attire, Amelie Roux saw it only fit that she'd make her first appearance among LAW lands in an outfit she would be wearing near enough any day she'd be on site. Having seen near enough every room there was to see, becoming familiar with both the general areas, and the obvious entrance to the ring she'd be dazzling the masses in, Amelie would set her frame on a course to the final half of the building, with a firm grin and curvaceous swagger to her step.
Confident that in such a new environment, meeting those she had wrestled and fought against before would be next to impossible chance, Amelie kept up her charade and stroll as if she owned the place. Stepping foot upon the women's locker room, both for changing after the gym and for those without their own private dressing room following a match, the French giant would pace along the aisles, oogling a few fine figures she saw before her. Until that was, she laid eyes on a body she somewhat recognised.

For the first time in perhaps her life, her jaw dropped, and not from awe at the figures beauty.

Last edited by Devilish53 on Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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Amy was reading...something she usually didnt too much of anymore. After school there was very little she was interested in reading, usually things she could see interested her far more. The difference being Amy was reading this out of necessity, looking over terms she had to adjust to and news outlets on her recent actions..none of which were good for her current agenda. Some stupid promo package came out about Bloodsport and it made her look like a damn monster, even saying as much straight up, worse it was bits and pieces of an old promotion she was a few from her promotion she still worked on. What was the point of a fresh start if the past followed you here too..she had hoped she could just show up under the radar and that would be the end of it. But in her first match she faced a girl who knew her which put an abrupt end to that and now afterwards everyone knew who she was.

"Fucking hell this is hopeless! Who even approved that stupid promo in the first place? Marissa?!" Amy screamed suddenly as she tossed the paper to the side, letting it smack the wall as loud as possible. Some people turned and looked at her for the outburst as she looked in there directions. "What? If you'd seen what i read you'd be mad too! Dont you have anything better to do?" She asked the wanders, some who wandered off or just looked away after that as Amy looked at them.

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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If Amelie Roux felt things couldn't even get more awkward, she'd be in for something of a shock, immediately so, as she found herself leaning to one side with hands to her hips. Evidently, Amy didn't recognise her. Had it been that long? Or rather, the thought occurred to Amelie, that had what the lion did to the French giant the last time they met simply have made her one of many victims. It would be hard for the blonde to keep track, had she exerted such belly-bound torture on as many figures as Amelie was now imagining.

"We've actually met sweet..." A smug grin to her mug as she spoke, confident that her somewhat signature style of speech would flick on a lights witch in the clearly furious blonde.

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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As she was trying to explain herself in her own way, which amounted to scaring people off the girl proceeded to start going back on the move when she was stopped by the sound of a voice that seemed to be directed at her. Calling her someone's sweet but Amy didnt recognize the voice and as she turned to the girl that was talking to her she was still equally confused as to why the girl was looking at her with such familiarity. And that smile didnt seem to foster good tidings for her.

"O-kaaay....You gonna enlighten me on how? Cause so far you look like the average big girl ive fought." Amy said, a nagging feeling of familiarity was there but it was brushed away in the blondes own anger at the reading, her own lack of names to faces, and in general that the feeling that whoever they were they just weren't impress enough for her in the past to elicit a memory. "Or do you think a light bulb is just gonna appear on my head and help me see the light?"

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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The attitude of the lion before her mixed with how the last two met didn't exactly leave a huge smile upon Amelie's mug. To put things simply, a challenge by the French beauty for something of a simple, if coy match had ended in the green giant being left something of a ragdoll. And whilst she enjoyed the more sensual moments of the session, Amy's penchant for outright busting her belly had not left the blonde a popular figure in her mind.

"Perhaps if you stop and think for a moment, my sweet...instead of perhaps roaring at the air like a barking dog?" Grin to her face, Amelie's time away, or more time spent in the gym, left the previously casual French beauty with more than enough confidence to try and tame the blonde this time round!

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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"Sounds more like you dont know, and thus cant tell me. I have stopped thinking and your face is still as unmemorable as ever. Dont worry im sure someone would recognize you eventually." Amy said looking at the paper she dropped for a second before looking back at the smug girl in question. she didnt look altogether friendly but Amy wasnt exactly the leading women on being nice to everyone, since most of her hello's were punches to the face and most of her contact lists were girls who had spent a night as her punching bag. Which was alot bigger then it probably should be.

"Look im not here for vagueness if you dont have anything for me i need to go." Amy said pushing past the passingly familiar blonde. Her mind went to Lea for a moment but last she checked that women never talked. Amy never understood why either.

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

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"I don't think I'm making myself clear..." Finding herself somewhat agitated at the occurance, Amelie had raised her arm, slamming her open palm against the other side of the doorway as Amy attempted a quick exit. To forget Amelie was one thing, one of great insult in the French beauties mind, but one made all the more insulting by the fact Amelie had been forgotten after what Amy had done to her. She was hardly a kind victor after all, for after their previous brawl, Amy saw it upon herself to punch, beat and squeeze the French beauty until she simply could not stand. Amelie was all for the more sensual things in life, but given the blonde had tried to practically bust her gut, she was hardly a fan of this girl.

"You could atleast have the decency to try and remember me after what happened last time...otherwise...I'll have to take it personally.."

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Amelie wasnt letting her leave, putting her hand to deliberately stop her from going out as she was clearly not happy with Amy not knowing who she was. Amy looked at her with a stern look on her face. "Look, im not looking to offend you by not knowing who you are, and i did try but the fact is i dont remember i dont think its very fair of you to get upset when you could just as easily tell me who you are and how we met." Amy said before her eyes grew more aggressive as she spoke.

"That being said if you do know who I am you know im not someone you can just push around. If i dont remember you its likely because you didnt put up much of a fight before. So knowing that id advice you not to push your luck in a fight thats not going to end well for you and let me pass." Amy said before trying to push through one more time.

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"I shouldn't have to..." Amelie rebuffed, crossing her arms under her giant bosom as she stared Amy out, evidently the feat of coming into LAW for the first time in her wrestling attire being a worthy choice after all. She didn't expect Amy would somehow turn around now and apologise to the French giant. And Amelie believed such was what she exactly deserved. Stepping where her arm was, Amy would find the taller woman glaring right down into her eyes, as her entire body now filled the gap her no-longer extended arm took.

"You should remember me, by default let alone after what you did. You aren't going anywhere..."

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Re: Amelie Roux/Amy Evans - Old Frenemies

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

"What kind of sense does that make? Who the heck remembers everyone they met ever, especially when there apparently not even allowed to get a hint?" Amy asked as she looked at the girl like she was an idiot. A pissed off idiot who apparently thought her size intimidated her, which it never did. Just meant Amy had to put more effort into beating them down. Though shed much rater not even give news outlets more ammunition. 'Amy Evans murders blond bimbo in LAW backstage area.'

"Fine then...back entrance it is." Amy said spinning on her heels as she turns right around and goes to leave through the other area. "No offense but whatever i might have done to you probably wasnt an exclusive thing. Your no Karina or Odessa thats for sure. Maybe focus all that anger on getting better and making sure whatever happened isn't a repeat. Would serve your time better." She said with a half ass wave as she started to walk off.

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