And to be the top woman in the middleweight class was something that so many of old and new talents looked out for. Harmonia had her sights on the Tag Team Title, together with Molly but of course she also wanted the gold of golds, to show that her constant training and getting stronger and stronger had finally paid off.
And with the price being free, the fighters werent far away and one woman that wanted to make an impact especially was no one else then Aellas daughter Alizeh Midori. Like Harmonia a rising middleweight star.
She had befriended both Midoris over time, no bad blood between her and Aella anymore, in fact they even considered facing off in the future again. But now there was a match in sight that was much more important for both fighters participating.
Harmonia waited at the Gorilla Position and took a deep breath. Today she finally would fight Alizeh Midori in a match. And everyone had been lookinh forward it seemed as the arena was packed under the roof. And why not, Alizeh and Harmonia were fan favourites and to have these two young middleweighthopes go up against each other was more then exciting.
Harmonias theme started to play as the Titantron showed her Logo forming out of red parts fusing together as stars exploded on the Titantron when the music took speed and Harmonia appeared accompanied by red white red flares to each side, pushing one arm in the air.
When the smiling Superstar reached the ring, she took of her glasses and gave it to a fan. "Have fun with it.", Harmonia grinned and then got up to the apron, jumping the ropes and landing exactly to the refrain of her song, the corners shooting red and white flares in the air as she got into position and smiled.
"BURNING LIIIIKE FIIIIIIIIREEEEE!",, she screamed when the music faded, getting a huge pop from the crowd before Alizehs theme hit the arena...