Judy Blitz
Real Name: Judith Blythe
Ring Name: Judy Blitz
Sex: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 127 lbs
Hometown: Beverley Hills, California, USA
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: Ballroom Blitz
Wrestling Information
Type: Fast-Paced Striker
Style: Kick-Heavy Puroresu
Strengths: An avid devotee of the "hit and run" school of striking, Judy is the perfect exemplar of speed, precision, and power in the ring. She knows when and where to strike on an opponent's body for maximum impact, and her incredible speed gives her a pretty good chance of landing most of her shots too! Her background as a kickboxing prodigy has equipped her with world-class punching and kicking techniques, guaranteed to leave opponents of nearly any size stunned! Her dazzling looks belie her ring smarts, which she uses to great effect to break her opponents down and outmaneuver them at every turn.
Weaknesses: Few can match her in the sweet science of striking, but Judy still has much to learn when it comes to other pro wrestling styles. Her submission skills in particular are in dire need of enhancement, but she still possesses enough know-how to pull of the basics without too much of a hitch. The fact that she's willing to accept pretty much any challenge head on also exposes her to all sorts of danger that she may not be prepared for yet.
Strategy: Don't let her blonde hair and glossy looks deceive you, because Judy is a very capable tactician! While she may not be the best wrestler in the world, she knows how to play to her strengths. Judy fights best standing up, opting for quick, powerful, and well placed strikes before backing out to a safer distance. Her flirty nature can sometimes lead to steamier entanglements, but her arsenal of lethal knees and elbows render her more than capable of defending herself should things get too up close and personal. By strategically avoiding ground engagements and keeping the fight on her feet for as long as possible, Judy can dictate the pacing of the match, and if she's lucky, maybe even net that sweet KO!
Preferred Matches: Anything
Attitude towards Hentai: Just like anything else in life, I'll give it a shot!
Signature Moves:
Spinning Shock Elbow
Judy faints with a jab before launching into a spinning elbow!

Brawler Blitz
Judy hits her opponent with too many punches to count, forcefully backing them into a corner or the ropes where they're even more vulnerable

Thunder Dropkick
A dazzling ariel assault that sees Judy leaping off the turnbuckle for a daring diving dropkick

Flying Kneebolt
Judy spearheads a flying knee straight into her opponent's jaw.

Rolling Thunder
A deceptive maneuver meant to catch an opponent off guard with a koppo kick to the face!

Fast-as-Lightning Kicks
Judy rains down hell on a trapped opponent in the form of rapid fire corner kicks!

Finishing Moves:
Super Smite Spin Kick
Judy sets up her finisher with a striking pose, before launching into a 720 spinning kick into the back of her opponent's neck, sending them straight to dreamville!

Shock Treatment
Kept in reserve as a stunning reversal and finisher, Judy stops an opponent dead in their tracks with this lethal combination of kicks before moving in for the pin!
2-Kick Version

3-Kick Version

Thunder Struck
Judy unleashed a gut-wrenching punch to the solar plexus before moving on to strike the rest of her opponent's vital spots one by one, before topping things off with a switchblade kick to the back of the neck

Physical Statistics:
Endurance: 3/5 -Body built to take a whole lotta blows, but suffers under extreme tension and submissions.
Strength: 3/5 - Above average strength for girls in her weight class.
Speed: 5/5 - I mean, it's in the name.
Defense:2/5 - Can block some heavy hitters, but will crumble against powermoves and major slams
Technique: 3/5 - Expert kicker and overall striker...still learning the ropes when it comes to other wrestling techniques.
Wrestling Statistics:
Strikes: 5/5 - Is nothing short of a master.
Submissions: 1/5 - Knows the basics... kinda
Powerhouse: 2/5 - Can give girls her size a good tumble if they don't put up too much resistance.
Aerials: 2.5/5 - Nothing flashy, but Judy is afraid to go for a dive
Counters: 3/5 - Can defend and counter effectively when on her feet... on the ground, not so much
Overall Difficulty: 6/10
Personal Information
Match Attire
Standard Attire

Alt Version

Personality: There are some pretty unflattering stereotypes when it comes to cute blondes: Dim, naive, simple-minded. Unfortunately for her opponents, Judy possesses none of these traits. She is incredibly intelligent both in and out of the ring. If it wasn’t for her fighting spirit, Judy may very well pursued academic ventures instead.
But Judy is a girl who chose to reject the clean and picturesque life her upbringing would allude to. She’s a lot more rough and rowdy in nature, preferring the fast-paced lifestyle of the ring as opposed to the catwalk. Many people assume that because of her privileged upbringing, Judy must be snobbish or supercilious in nature, when this couldn’t be farther from the truth. She is much more down to earth, and prefers the company of other thrill-seeking athletes over craven elites.
Perhaps the only thing inherited from her parents (besides her good looks), Judy is also incredibly outgoing and charismatic. While she’s still learning to employ these traits in the form of in-ring showmanship, she is nonetheless very charming to her fans and friends outside of the ring.
While she is ambitious, Judy is also not too gung-ho. She'll participate in just about any match or activity that doesn't pit her in too much danger, but she does have a tenacity of overestimating her abilities to perform well all the time. As a result, Judy also possesses a fierce sense of competition. She'lll fight clean and fair, but there’s no doubt in her mind that she’s fighting to win. As a result she can come off as a bit rude or passive aggressive after a loss, but with enough time, she’ll learn to reconcile with her losses and try again.
Biography: Raised in the affluent suburbs of Beverly Hills, Judy was surrounded by glitz and glamor her entire life. Her father was veteran stunt double Charles Blythe, while her mother was none other than famed supermodel and actress Debbie Summers. With both parents so used to being seen on the big screen, it was no wonder that they had similar ambitions for their daughter. During ages six through eight, Judy auditioned for commercials all over L.A. Much to the disappointment of her parents, Judy was too restless and hyper to sit through any of them, resulting in the jubilant girl unable to make an appearance on any televisions.
Judy was much more interested in the world of books. She gorged on everything from science, history, fiction and everything in-between. But in the vanity obsessed hivemind that comprised her Beverly Junior High classmates, intellectual pursuits weren't exactly the fast-track to popularity. Eager to make friends and fit in, Judy tried to get involved in a much more tried and tested method: Sports.
She found much more success in this regard. Judy joined her school's track and field team, and even managed to break the school’s marathon record for three consecutive years in a row. A daddy’s girl from the start, it was clear that Judy inherited her father’s aptitude for athleticism, so it was especially devastating when both her parents candidly expressed their disapproval for her involvement in sports. The dirty, musty track and field was no place for a girl of her beauty and star potential to be.
Undeterred by the lack of familial support, Judy made it her dream to go to college on a track and field scholarship, and maybe even the Olympics after that. On the advice of her coach, Judy enrolled in kickboxing training as a way to improve her conditioning. She attended classes only once a week at first, viewing it as she would any other cardio exercise. But soon that grew to two, then three times a week, and before she knew it, Judy found herself attending classes almost every single day!
The sport was the ultimate antitheses of the Hollywood lifestyle. It was grimy, gritty, bloody: It filled her with a sense of purpose that she had never felt before. She even dropped out of track and field all together in order to pursue kickboxing as her full time passion. But hitting pads in a gym was hardly her idea of a thrill. She wanted a challenge, she wanted competition. And so Judy soon began taking the sport to a whole new level, competing in amateur kickboxing bouts for the remainder of her schooling years.
It goes without saying that her parents were absolutely enraged with her involvement in the sport, but after she turned eighteen, Judy no longer had to pay them any heed. Using the prize money she earned from her amateur bouts, she was able to afford a palace of her own in a much less dazzling part of town. But Judy didn't care. Kickboxing was her life now, and she was willing to sacrifice everything in order to pursue it.
Judy was soon recruited into the top gym in the state, where her talents and skills were honed to perfection. She traveled and studied every technique and form: Muay Thai in Thailand, Dutch style in Holland, savate in France. At only 19 years of age, Judy finally went pro, amassing a flawless string of victories in her first few years of competition.
Kickboxing took her all over the world, but her favorite place to fight was by far Japan. The country was steeped in martial arts tradition, combined with all the fun and glamor of modern Japanese living. It was while participating in a Shoot-Boxing tournament in Tokyo that Judy caught her first glimpse of pro wrestling. It was just an exhibition match, a half-time spectacle to fill in the intermission for the tournament, but it reinvigorated Judy’s sense of wonder. Bodies crashing into each other, diving off ropes, the roar of the crowd: It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Spontaneity was rarely a trait Judy practiced, but in that moment, she knew a career change was in order.
LAW was the first place that Judy thought about applying to. The league was filled with some of the very best fighters in the world, and some of the sexiest too. The California kickboxer knew that this was where she belonged, and LAW talent knew it too. Her stunning looks and resume as a professional fighter was all that was needed for her to sign her name on the dotted line. Accustomed to a life of never-ending wins, only time will tell if Judy will be able to find the same success in the wild world of wrestling…
LAW Information