An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Tiffany was watching the people who remained in her bar as most were getting ready to leave as the bar maid just smiled as business had bin good recently. As those LAW punks had stopped wrecking her place , and her new connections with the company had gotten her some free promotion in return for the woman not sueing them as she cleaned some glasses.

As the only thing that could make it better would be if that Elm woman would show her face again as it bin an while since she had seen her. Now that likely had all to do with the fact what had happened when they last meet , but the German native had hoped to see the other woman around more often in the hopes of testing out her latest addition before she would announce it. Since she was in final negotiations with LAW about hiring some of there performers for an bit of cross promotion as she had planned on revealing the wrestling pit she had installed to her patrons by hosting an oil wrestling tournament , and she was hoping to pick Elm's brain to see who she should ask to partake in it once she got permission from LAW to hold her little event.

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Outside the bar... The bouncer was having a hard time trying to make sure that the bar was empty air so that the boss could lock up... Until this massive blond woman walked up and told him to move aside, as he tried to stop her... Before getting grabbed and tossed through the door by Brynhild who walks inside the bar.

'Next time I ask you to move... You say Yes Ma'am and move aside, not try to flirt with an innocent married woman you little brat.' She says to the knocked-out bouncer, before stepping on him and making her way over to the barkeeper.

'Sorry about the door... Stupid man didn't take the hint, and maybe you can help me out you see my oldest showed up here and say some woman named Tiffany pulled a fast one on her. So have you seen her around at all Beautiful'
Brynhild would say winking her eyelids, hoping that her flirting would get her what she needs to know.


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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Tiffany had just seen her employees leave through the backdoor as everyone had left the bar as she was about to lock the door , and tell her guy on the outside he could go when the door open. As in walked an rather good looking blond who was clearly older then her as she wondered what the woman was here for , and would resist the urge to start laughing when the other woman mention she was looking for her because she did something to her eldest child as the bar owner just walked away from the bar counter as she walked to the door.

Ignoring the blond for now she would open the door as she said ''sorry about this , but you can go home for the night. As I can deal with the woman , and I will pay you tomorrow night instead''as the hidden man just nodded , and walked as she stepped back inside as she locked the door as she finally took in the blond woman who she assumed would be rather annoyed by now as she said ''well you found her. Also please give my regards to however your child is as I find it rather amusing that an grown person would hide behind their mommy because I threw them out my bar because they were drunk''

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Brynhild would smile, seeing as she found the young woman rather quickly than what she expected to. As she eyes the smaller woman in front of her and chuckles hearing the sassy reply coming from Tiffany and can see why Elm likes the woman and told her about coming to this bar and getting a good drink, but the tone that the younger woman is taking with her doesn't sit well nor the dig at her daughter which she is going to mention.

' Well, someone sure is confident in themselves it seems... Nobody must have told you to listen to the customer even when they're wrong since they are always right.' Brynhild would say as she sits on the stool looking around at the drinks on the back wall, before reaching over the counter and grabbing the nearest one that is close to her reach which is a bottle of honey bourbon and pops the cap open and pours herself a drink. 'So Tiffany, tell me about yourself and why my little girl wanted to say that coming here was worth my time, hmm." she says with a teasing smirk on her face.

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Tiffany would see the blond woman smile as she tried to think of anyone who resembled the woman as she came up with nothing at the moment. Especially when the older woman began to talk as the way she acted you think she own the place. I mean she even went and grabbed some of the good stuff behind the counter as she yelled ''hey are you gonna pay for that. As that bourbon ain't cheap''as she went to the bar counter to grab herself an beer as she figured she should not get to drunk for what was about to happen as she retorted ''it would help if you had an picture or an name for me to remember who your little angel is. As I had to deal with so many brats who think they can do whatever they want to do here''

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Brynhild would act like she does own the place as she would take that good bourbon and just drink it straight from the bottle instead of losing a shot glass cup that was resting in front of her. As she sees Tiffany join her at the bar and even clink the bottle against the other woman's bottle of beer as a toast before taking another deep gulp of the drink. 'AAAHHH that hit the spot you know... Now the brat I am talking about is my cute stubborn pride little girl Elm.' the big blond would say as she pulls out her wallet and a bunch of photos drop down showing off different images of her two girls.

'SO this is my oldest in Elm' she says, pointing to a photo of a smaller Elm wearing a mastodon onesie and holding a toy bone in her hand. ' and this is my little Freya... she is just so cute.' pointing to the image for a small Freya who is standing in front of the Mighty Moe wearing a sailor hat. Rumbling for a bit before putting her wallet away... Brynhild would take another sip and chuckle.' So you met my baby Elm, and she said that you beat her in a match, am I right?.'

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Tiffany was getting an little annoyed with how the other woman was acting as it was obvious that the blond was ignoring what she just said. As she would only click the bottle of bourbon she just took against the German native's bottle of beer. Since normally she would have pour herself an beer from the tap , but since it was so late she did not want to clean up after herself since she already had cleaned the bar counter while the quests were leaving.

Still what hapened next would shock her as she was surprised when she learned the name of the blond's daughter as she had not expected Elm of all people to go hide behind her mommy. Still what she got was even better then she expected as the moment she saw Elm in an mastodon onesie while holding onto an toy bone was more then she could handle . As she tried to reach for the photo as she said ''would you mind if I take an quick pic of that , and you have to excuse me for not realizing who your daughter was. Still I am shocked that Elm would send her mommy after me as I thought the big bad Mastodon would be able to face me herself''

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Brynhild would chuckle seeing the dark hair woman reach out for the photo of her baby girl when she was little, as she would lean forward and place her face inches away from Tiffany's face.

' Sure, dear... You can take a photo of it... After you neat me in an oil match alright, I heard from my daughter about this bar and what you are offering, and let me tell you you got my attention.'
the big blond would say with a slow lick of her lips. 'So care to test your luck against me or you're going to allow me to keep drinking and get drunk tonight?'

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Tiffany was about to grasp the photo when the blond woman would lean forward as the two were inches away from the other's face as she would be an little surprised by the challenge she was being issued. As the barmaid was not really an wrestler , but on the other hand that picture could make for some great blackmail or teasing material if Elm every showed her face in her bar again as she retorted ''did your little girl ever told you how I beat her''

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Brynhild would pull the photo away with a smug look on her face. Oh, she did tell me how you beat her big butt which is something else if I can say since she is a chip off the old block if you must know.' She says with a small smile recalling her eldest daughter beating up people as soon as she got her growth spurt, even recalling the time she tossed a boy out of the classroom for trying to hit on her when she was annoyed. 'But why I am here is simple, Tiffany... You vs me in a match you win... I give you every embarrassing photo I have of my little Elm... I win. I get to come and get drinks for free.'

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