Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Condition: Pinfall, submision or knockout

It wasn't that long since Kate made her first appearance in LAW ring and here she was again, waiting backstage for another mixed match, except this time it wouldn't be she that was a surprise as she would face someone by the name of Alois in his debut. Though she could have looked up who he was exactly, she found the prospect to not really be that appealing, sure, she was going into the match blind right now but at least she had nothing to overthink.

Soon she wouldn't have time to think much more about that at all as she was called forth to make her entrance. Her music started playing and she waited a moment for it to pick up before bursting onto the stage and raising her fist into the air, looking around, she was somewhat less nervous about all the people watching than she was the first time, though she would still have to get used to it.

"Following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston, USA, standing at 5'7'' and weighing 169 pounds, Katarzyna Zawiślak!"
Entrance Music
She cringed slightly at the pronunciation of her name, thinking she should try to have herself introduced just as Kate. Still, she made her way briskly down the ramp and hopped onto the apron before jumping over the ropes. Then she made a slow half-circle around the ring, stretching her back before getting into her corner and waiting for her opponent to arrive.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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New company, fresh start. Was all that came to Alois's mind as he strapped and fitted up his dark blue boots with black flame decals. This was Alois's first and hopefully only mixed match in here. He was going up against a gal named Katarzyna. Usually Alois would have been keen on doing a small background check on his opponent but didn't seem to care all that much.

This blight could have become a fatal error for Alois as he was called up to the ring to make his entrance and show off his brand new attire! His funky pop music blaring throughout the arena. Strutting out to the ring and raising his hands as if he was elevating the volume of the crowd's cheers, a smug smile stretched across his pale face as he entered the ring.

"And her opponent! From The United Kingdom, standing at 5'5" and weighing in at 120 pounds, Alois Trancy!"
Alois would soon stop inflating his own giant ego, making his way to the ring apron, and sliding into the ring, his smile and deflating as he stared at his taller opponent. To say he was losing confidence was an understatement.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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Kate was a bit surprised as she heard the announcer. Her opponent while not much shorter than she was definitely a lot lighter. In most sports, there would be more than one weight class separating them but here it didn't matter much. Still, she felt somehow emboldened by that fact, the smaller person would always be at a disadvantage in a fight, and while she did not relish the idea of beating up smaller folks, having an edge was always nice.

When the bell rang she would slowly approach the center of the ring, dropping into her stance that was halfway between boxing and traditional wrestling one. All the time she carefully watched her opponent, giving him the chance to have the first move while fully prepared to defend from whatever might come.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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Alois wasn't too keen on fighting bigger opponents, not being much of a high-flyer, he wasn't going to be able to outmaneuver his opponents with speed and agility alone. And he had a feeling that this girl wouldn't give that much breathing space. So taking her was out of the question.

Alois would drop into a more traditional wrestling stance. Moving to the center to meet his blue haired opponent in the ring. Her wish would be granted as he shot out his left leg to attempt to make the taller wrestler buckle with a low kick to the shin!

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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Kate slid her leg back to get it out of the way of the kick, now it was her turn. First she stepped in and fired a right cross followed by a left hook and an uppercut from the same side all aimed at Alois's head. Following that she would send a round kick to his midsection.

If that succeded in opening his guard, Kate would follow that by getting lower on her feet and grabbing her opponent's neck to pull his head against her shoulder, then she would grab his lag and lift up before swinging backwards to throw him in a fisherman suplex!

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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"Ah fuck me-UNF!"

Alois barely had time to react to the step back before getting lit up by a straight punch to the face, recoiling back before getting hit with yet another shot, trying to block whatever was coming next. And he was successful for a few seconds. Until Kate decided to go lower, her kick to his midsection making him stumble just right into her trap.

Alois grunted as he was suddenly lifted up and slammed back down onto the mat with a deafening THUD! Definitely not how he saw his debut match going. Not one bit.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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After the suplex connected, Kate would turn and get up. Wanting to keep the momentum going she would then grab Alois's hand and yank him up to his feet, in the same movement throwing him to the ropes.

She hoped he would bounce off the ropes as she run after him to deliver a lariat to get him back down. If he stayed on the ropes though, she would still continue what she planned which could end in her opponent falling over the ropes.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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"Ugh...my bloody head.."
Was the best Alois could mutter, being lifted back up to his feet with ease, almost as if he just weighed a feather to her, getting thrown into the ropes as Kate would prepare for her next devastating blow. Running right into her lariat or so everyone thought. Despite his rookie status, he could sometimes put up an decent fight.

Using his size to his advantage, he'd quickly attempted to duck out of the way of the blue-haired fighter's arm and rise back up. Looking to deal some damage to Kate's legs, jumping up and aiming to hit her with a dropkick to the back of her knees!

Hopefully that would give Alois some space apart from the two.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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Kate found her attack miss, which wasn't wholly unexpected and so she quickly stepped to the side while turning. That sidestep proved to be crucial as soon she saw her opponent's legs zip past hers in a dropkick which luckily for her did not have much set up except for her missed attack from which she quickly recovered.

With her opponent now hopefully on the ground after his own attack, Kate would bring her left leg up and attempt to stomp on his midsection before reaching for his arms, pulling him partially up and then stomping again.

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discord: @_zawal

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Alois Trancy (D)

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To say that he overshot the drop kick would have been an understatement, grunting loudly as his body flopped to the mat when Kat sidestepped the low drop kick. Thinking the worst was going to come and it did, with 169 pound boot imprint on his stomach, making him wheeze out in pain.

Unfortunately for Alois, that wasn’t enough for the girl as he slowly raised up to be brought back down with another stomp. If he ever came out of this match in one piece, Alois would make it a mission to never do a mixed match ever in his life again.

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