A false persona in the ring, matching whatever needs be in an effort to bend the crowd and her foe both to her will.
A fierce repertoire of torturous, often over-brutal holds.
And somehow, gaining entry into the homes of those who had peaked her interest. Without them being there.
Whats more, Daisuke Takeuchi was a figure she had been playing mind-games with before. For a while in fact. Having once upon a time invited the Wrestling Prince to her own home, the redhead of course now found it necessary for herself to return the favour. Her rear having already found the prime seating within Daisuke's humble abode, her eyes now rested upon the door, smug grin and calm posture to hand. Only, Daisuke was neither home, nor had any idea the redhead would be coming. His fault, she figured. He had offered her a question that needed asking, after all.