Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Rena was at her computer trying to deal with the Dial up internet speeds, that came with living twenty minutes out of town and on a farm. Otherwise it was a quite and busy hard working life out here. It was no wonder why Rena wasn't really seen in the Gym using equipment and keeping in shape. She had all of that and more here.

Her folks were out of town and she was watching the house with her mutts. Who were barking at the noise of Tracy car pulling up to the house.

Waring her fluffy house coat with her underwear underneath. She was itching to hang out and wrestle till dawn if it came to that. But Rena wasn't sure who Tracy was bringing to Ref for them. Not that she thought she needed it. But it was a neat idea to have someone watch them brawl it out in the basement apartment style or have it out in the Barn where she cleaned out a stall for a cage match idea she ever so loved.
Mae Hune

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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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After their last fun encounter, Tracy was bouncing with excitement and expectation. The young wrestler was enamored with Rena. When she was offered the chance to wrestle her again at her house, Tracy had grabbed her friend and mentor, Katherine Hart and made her come along to officiate the match.

The two pulled up in front of Rena's property in Katherine's car. Tracy was wearing a red bikini underneath some street clothes, some ripped jeans, white sneakers, and a pink crop top. Katherine was wearing her mask, a yellow hoodie, black jeans, and black sneakers. The two would begin making their way towards Rena's door whilst engaged in conversation.

"Kat! I'm telling you, you're gonna love her! She's sooo hot! Like, not as hot as you, but super hot! And she's actually sweet despite the whole 'Black Tigress' thing! Oh and-

"I know! I know! It's like the fifth time you're telling me, Tracy, I get it, haha. I can't wait to meet her. But remember, I'm also here to act as a referee. You can ask her out or whatever, but I'm gonna call it down the middle!"

Tracy would blush at the thought of asking out Rena. She really had half a mind to do it. While she mulled it over in her mind, Kat smiled at her and reached for the door to ring the doorbell.
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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Rena answered the door as she saw the two of them coming up the drive way. Letting the dogs outside. They barked and wagged their tails as the two lady wrestles walked up to the front door, were Rena opened the door and greeted them both with a wide smile. "Hi, glad you made it. Come in, come in. Don't mind the dogs, there pretty cool about people."

Her Jaw nearly drapped as she recognized Katherine was under that yellow hoodie. "No way! Katherine's in my house." She reached out and shooked the purple cat grappler by the hand as the two came in. "No wonder why Tracy said nobody else was coming. You wanted to see the look on my face." She went over and hugged the circus cat nicely.

"We have two choice tonight. I have the basement cleared up and padding ready.. but I also cleaned out a stable in the barn if you also feel like getting into a cage match as I like to call it." It was often Rena was left behind to watch the house for her folks. And just as often she took that advantage to make it a wrestling place to be.

"Also i have drinks in the fridge your thirsty." She winked as she was bursting with energy, not sure were to start. As she didn't expect Tracy to actually convince Katherine the great to come over. It was rather fitting she pulled her tigress mask on and tie it in place.
Mae Hune

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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Having realized they were in a barn setting, the two women would smile upon hearing the dogs. They would begin to exclaim about the dogs. Tracy had already turned around to try and pet one of them, but the moment she did, the door opened.

"RENA!" Tracy would blurt out upon being invited in. She'd happily jump in to hug her friend. Kat would chuckle at her friend's excitement. Rena seemed nice, already. She could tell that she'd have no qualms with this woman. The two made their way inside and before Katherine could properly introduce herself, Rena recognized her.

"Oh! You've heard of me, haha!" Kat tried to play off her popularity. She was a well-known wrestler in and out of LAW, but she tried to remain humble and joke when she could. "No need to be starstruck, Rena. I'm as happy to meet you as you are to meet me, I promise! You wouldn't believe how much this one talks about you, heheh." Kat would laugh before placing a hand on Rena's shoulder to be friendly. Tracy would blush a bit at Kat's comment while Rena while on to explain their options for their match, today.

The two listened intently as Rena described both locations. Kat would place a hand on her chin and contemplate.

"Hmmm so a cage match...or a basement match with a padded floor...."" She mulled over which options would benefit both wrestlers. But the moment Rena mentioned beverages, she allowed herself to get distracted. Kat was always down to eat or drink. "Oh!
Refreshments! Show me to the fridge! Please~"
Kat finished with a smile and a melodic tone.

Tracy would continue contemplating. When the two women returned from the fridge/kitchen area, Tracy would be found petting one of the dogs. She'd stand with her hands on her hips and declare: "Rena! I've made my decision! The basement match! And! If I win, I want you to take me out on a date!" The red head would say with a nod and a smile while assuming her pose.
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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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The dumb seemed to like people alot. Of course if they didn't Rena would have just shoved them in their yard and left them there for a time.

As Rena was tying up the last of her strings, she smiled "Help yourself." As the fridge was prepared for company and probably a bit of a party. But then Tracy stood, hands on her hips. And declared a bet over it. Rena was taken back, if only because she didn't expect to hear Tracy wanted to date her. "Is that so." Her wild smile appeared, and her robes slipped from her body. "And if I win, you take me on a date... But lets make this interesting."

Her hands slipped her bra off and pulled her panties off. Showing herself naked to the two girls, with not an ounce of shame on her pale skin. Not a blush, at last not that you could tell with her Tigress mask on. "What would you say to making this a naked fight...with bonus points to the one who cums first... Pinning and submissions are the main goal mind you."
Mae Hune

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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Tracy would continue posing, brimming with confidence as she declared her bet and Rena answered. But as soon as Rena's robes fell to the floor, despite having already seen the Tigress's beautiful body during their match, the sudden surprise would have Tracy blushing. The embarrassment and redness on the red head's face only intensified when Rena opted to strip. Tracy would lose a little composure and drop her stance. She'd begin ogling the curvaceous and sexy Tigress like a horny schoolgirl, falling into a trance for a moment before shaking her head to snap out of it!

Katherine would whistle suggestively in approval and appreciation of Rena's body. She'd follow up the whistle by commenting: "Nnniiiice!" The comment would help aid Tracy in finding her senses. The unmasked, blue eyed girl would stammer a bit whilst accepting Rena's terms without giving it a second thought!

"Y-Y-You're on! I accept! KO's can be allowed, too!" Tracy would say in a defensive tone whilst pointing at Rena.

"You sure about this, Trace?" Kat would ask her friend. "You're should be more careful." The blonde would advise her tag partner.

"Yeah, why? Did I choose wrong?"

"Well, think about it like this. You had a choice between a cage match and a match in a closed space." Kat would squat to place her drink on the floor before standing back up and gesturing to Tracy, using each of her hands to denote the options that the latter could have picked.

"You're a high flyer. The cage would have given you plenty of space and chances to soar and use some of your best moves. And it would have given you the fallback option of escaping the cage to win. You're pretty quick, so having that option would have been better for you than it would have been for Rena.

But you went with the basement match, which is better for a brawler like Rena. I watched your last match, and while you did win, you were only able to really take it to her when she gave you the space you needed to use your aerial moves. When it came to trading blows and getting up close, Rena got the better of you. She even explicitly told you that she liked battering you in your match. I'm pretty sure she wanted you to pick the basement.

On top of all that, Rena knows you like her. And you just agreed to fight her naked with hentai moves allowed, haha."

Tracy would begin to strip down while protesting Kat's words. Her pale skin would reflect some of the sunlight coming in and her large breasts would pop out of her top whilst she declared "Kat, I've got this! You just focus on reffing!" Despite the fact that Katherine made it pretty clear that the deck was stacked against her.

"Oh? Then let's make it best of 5 falls. You're good with that, right Rena?" Kat would tease while winking at the Tigress. She hoped to use this chance to give Rena even more of an advantage and help the Tigress capitalize on Tracy's mistake.
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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Rena was pretty pleased with herself to make Tracy blush like a red rose... or match the color of her hair. But she didn't expect to meet with results like this as she was ogled heavily. That certainly made Rena blush red on her pale skinned cheeks. "Thank you." The black tigress smiled as she was whisled at by Katherine and complimented.

"I'm not looking to knock you out. But it seems I'm almost already have." Rena laughed as Tracy accepted.

As Tracy and Katherine talked. Rena listened and stayed quite. Seeing that Tracy was more confidant in her abilities, then she might other wise be. "You know if you can't handle it. You can tag your partner in at any time." While out of her weight category. Rena and Katherines styles were more similar. Would make for some serious streaming television.

Waving the two down stairs. It was indeed a padded room that was all nicely set up cleared out. "Just ring that bell when ever you feel like it." Rena said as she pointed at the old boxing bell hanging downstairs. The Black masked girl took her corner of the spacious room with padded walls. Swaying a little as she wanted to entice Tracy into over reacting.
Mae Hune

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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Tracy's face would redden further upon hearing Rena embrace the escalation of this banter at her expense. Indeed Rena's looks alone made her worthy of being deemed 'a knockout'. Tracy would cross her arms at look away in defiance upon hearing the comment. When Rena moved on to mention that Kat could tag herself in, she'd protest point to Rena and protest.

"No no no! You and me are settling this ourselves! I don't care about the odds! I'm EARNING that date, you hear!? Don't forget that I beat you once, already! By myself! I can do it, again!" Tracy's lashed out verbally out of embarrassment. Only time would tell whether or not she would eat those worse or prove herself to be the better woman by beating Rena in her own home on their terms.

As the visiting pair made their way downstairs with Rena, Katherine would tap the Tigress on the shoulder and whisper to her in a silly voice that was audible enough that Tracy could hear it. "Kick her buuuuutttt." Kat would finish whilst covering her mouth to stifle a soft chuckle. Tracy would frown and protest with a simply "Hmph!"

Katherine would never genuinely wish harm or defeat upon her own tag partner, and Tracy knew that. But she'd clarify her comment by justifying it and following up her previous statement. "It'll be a good learning experience for Tracy, heheh."

When the three of them finally made their way to the spacious basement with padded walls and floors, the bikini clad Tracy would put her arms up and begin shadow boxing. Kat would slowly walk over to the bell and toss her beverage to a corner of the room. She'd place a hand on the bell and build anticipation by going through the motions.

"This match is is best of 5 falls featuring your lovely special guest referee, 'The Super Kitty' Katherine Hart! In one corner we have the captivating and dangerous Reeeena, the Black Tigress! And in the other corner, we've got the resourceful and disadvantaged Tracy ' Circus Cat' Canon! Are both of you ladies, ready?!"

Tracy would nod to give confirmation. As soon as Rena did the same, Kat would ring the bell and give the two women plenty of space of get down to business!
Last edited by winner3 on Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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Rena was more then a little pleased she managed to rile up Tracy enough to rant like that. But the pale skinned girl practically glowed with a white smile o her lips as Katherine told her to kick Tracy's butt. Take the word of one of her hero's to heart. The naked masked girl took her side of the ring, "Ready ref!" She called out from her side of the 'ring' and across from the bikini clad Tracy.

Two masked cat girls looking for a rematch at the Clang of the bell. *DING!*

Rena charged in and got up close and personal. Her pale skin body twisted and turned as she gave Tracy one hell of a spin kick to her stomach. The move impacted and bounced her large breasts inside her bra, probably just about enough to knock a tit loose. But Rena wasn't looking to embaress the circus girl she was looking to pin the girl down long enough to get a point.
Mae Hune

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Re: Brawl At Rena's House! (Rena vs Tracy)

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At the sound of the bell, Tracy took a stance. Despite the odds, she was no pushover! The red bikini clad girl would expect Rena to come charging at her! As Rena spun around to deliver the kick, the red head dropped down to one knee! Tracy brought both forearms to one side to block the kick! The impact of it reverberated through the area. Even Katherine raised an eyebrow. Rena was no slouch!

"You never were big on letting opponents warm up, heheh." Tracy said with a smile as she stood her ground.

Canon would attempt to rise up and swing her leg wide to retaliate with a Roundhouse kick aimed at Rena's head! Tracy would put a lot into that kick, similar to how Rena put a lot into hers. If her kicked missed, Tracy would spin around 180 degrees and be left with her back to her foe! But if it connected, it likely would have given her an edge.

"How's this for brawling?!" The unmasked Circus Cat would yell while throwing her kick!
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