Stumbling into a Storm

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Stumbling into a Storm

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

After her recent acceptance into the young lioness program, Kate got assigned to train under one of her idols when it came to sports of any kind, and she was not disappointed, her for now at least rather limited time with Huan already made her aware of several errors she was making when it came to her style. Still, even her mentor seemed rather befuddled at why she was in the program and not signed on the main roster which while flattering also got Kate once again feeling like she was somehow fooling people around her into thinking she was better than she actually was, which was far from her intention.

Regardless of how anyone felt about it however for now she was here to train and another session was supposed to be just today in the early morning and so she got ready and using the fact that the gym was not that far from where she was living decided to start her warmup early by jogging to the place. When she arrived the place was predictably devoid of people as she made her way to the changing room before emerging to look for her trainer.

The sound of a bar being set back down on the rack directed her to where the only other person at this time was, Just next to the usual cage Huan was just standing up from e bench and wiping herself off with a towel. "You are here early, I was just finishing up, we are still waiting for someone." Huan said, draping the towel across her neck, the words finding Kate rather confused. "You got a new student?" to which Huan smirked. "Something like that, she will be here any moment, meanwhile you can start stretching, seems you got your running done already, as usual." After which Huan's young student got straight to doing what she was told, slightly nervous about that new, mysterious arrival.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh hummed softly as she walked into the gym Huan had asked her to come too, already dressed in some new workout clothes she had picked up, a benefit of the early time the older woman had asked to meet her here. 'Now ms.Huan said that today there would be someone else. So probably no sexy time, but this should still be interesting.' Alizeh thought to herself as she walked inside.

It hadn't been too long since Alizeh had decided to... take lessons from the former mma champion, both in actual mma and more... sexy stuff. Both areas of which she had started to improve in masterfully, the benefits of a truly skilled teacher she supposed. Though honestly Alizeh wasn't sure who was better, Huan or Risako, both thoughts making a small blush cross her face. Didn't matter, thats not what this session would be about. Huan said she wanted to test Alizeh and the green haired girl was eager to see just what the woman had meant.

Entering the gym proper it didn't take long for Alizeh to spot the two women and smile as she approached. "Hey Huan!" Alizeh called out with a wave, no sense of subtlety given there was no one else around. As Alizeh approached she would see that the partner she would have today was built similar to herself and Huan, which was to say jacked as hell yet still slim and lithe at the same time, and of course, extremely hot.

"Hi!" Alizeh said to the mystery girl, smiling brightly at her as she held a hand up towards her. "I'm Alizeh, nice to meetcha..?" The green haired girl said, leaving off on a cliffhanger for the purple haired beauty before her to introduce herself.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Huan smiled and waved back, waiting for Alizeh to approach. At the same time, Kate shook her head, there was no way the woman Huan mentioned was actually... and then she turned to face her. She immediately recognised who stood before her of course and sufficed to say, tv did not do Alizeh justice as Kate could feel her cheeks growing a little rosy at the sight of the beauty before her. She hoped it could pass off as being just from working out, what couldn't pass off as coincidence was a slight stutter before she replied, making it clear she got at least a little distracted. "H-hi, I'm Kate, nice to meet you as well"

Then Huan approached both of them, laying a hand on Kate's shoulder. "This here is our newest find from a young lioness program. She does look the part of a wild predator, doesn't she?" Huan proclaimed with a slight smirk, coaxing a nervous chuckle out of Kate who got a bit embarrassed at being talked about in that way. "I thought since you are new to MMA, and this here youngling is new in general, it could be good if you sparred, probably a more even playing field, and at least some variety for you both.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh smiled at Huan and noticed the blush on her face at seeing her, but couldn't tell if it was from her or from working out. Either way the little stutter that came from the buff girl before her caused Alizeh to giggle softly at how cute that response from her was before nodding. "Kate.. gotcha." Alizeh said purposely slowly, as if tasting the name that slipped her lips, and while having her eyes go up and down the girl's form non stop before turning to Huan as the woman spoke up and elaborated on the situation.

Nodding at the words Alizeh would grin softly as she refocused her attention to Kate. "Oh I see, sounds like fun." Alizeh said as she focused on Kate. "I'm definitely game if you are Kate." Alizeh said confidently, never having seen Kate in action before, but if her muscles were any indication the girl would definitely be a fun fight, especially in a method Alizeh wasn't used too like mma.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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The giggle, the way Alizeh looked at her and then spoke her name. Late was positively melting and it showed as her cheeks only grew redder. Getting attention like that was certainly nice, especially coming from someone as gorgeous as the green-haired woman. Late didn't even register as her eyes wondered a bit, then snapped back up as she caught herself on it.

"That's what I'm here for, train, get better." She said with just a hint of a smile on her face, she tried not to show too much of her excitement, not knowing that she already was an open book. "Great, get the gear and get in the cage. Try not to mess each other up too badly." Huan said with a smile, feeling just a little bad for setting Late up like that, though she had a feeling that the girl would thank her later. As for kate herself, she moved to where her gloves and mouthguard were, getting everything in order before getting between the wire mesh walls.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh would nod at what Kate said with a grin, definitely liking the girl's attitude. "That's what I like to hear!" She said, grabbing her gloves and mouthguard out of her bag and sliding them on before heading into the cage, but not without turning and winking at Huan to show she understood the woman's request. Once inside the cage Alizeh would take a ready stand and wave one of her fist towards Kate in an all too famous gesture. 'Come at me.'

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

With both girls now inside the octagon, Huan would stand outside, it was a sparing so she didn't think there would be a need for her to pull them apart. All things considered, she was already quite pleased, It seemed Alizeh caught on with her scheme and didn't seem opposed to giving it a shot and if everything went smoothly it might be exactly what her student needs to get some wind in her sails.

For Kate's part, she took a few deep breaths, shaking her arms and legs to relax them a bit before taking her stance. Seeing the green-haired woman beckoning her to approach, she would slowly make her way, paying close attention to any movement she could glimpse before firing a quick jab followed by a low kick to start off their engagement.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh would smile at Kate as best she could despite the mouth guard, it was definitely a good test for a young lioness such as her to go against someone like Alizeh. Vice versa the green haired girl was grateful for the chance to test out her mma skills. So with beckoning the girl to start Alizeh would tense herself up in preparation. So once Kate approached Alizeh would duck under the jab before raising her leg to block the following kick, afterwards Alizeh would return the favor by using her raised leg to try and send a knee shot right into Kate's gut!

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

The early exchange went how one could expect, that being uneventful. Neither the jab nor the kick hit but then Alizeh's knee went up, just in the nick of time kate moved her torso back and tensed her abs so that it wouldn't impact her at full strength, despite this she would still let out a little huff after being hit. Then she moved one of her hands down to grab the greenete on the back of her thigh, that being the main reason why she didn't step back entirely. Her other hand at the same time moved to the back of Alizeh's neck and if all went as smoothly she would then lift up before slamming her opponent down and attempting to mount her.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Things were starting off fairly easy and standard in this spar. Kate sending a quick two shot combo at Alizeh that she managed to evade fairly easily, and retaliated with a knee aimed at Kate's gut. Despite feeling contact Alizeh could tell it was barely a glancing blow. Nothing substantial enough to deal real damage to Kate. Unfortunately for Alizeh however she could feel her leg grabbed by the purple haired girl and pulled in before a hand grabbed the back of her head.

'Shit!' Alizeh thought as she was easily picked up and thrown on the mat! "Ngh!" Releasing a soft grunt from the impact Alizeh instinctively threw her legs up, wrapping them around the girl's waist for a body scissors in a effort to put a stop gap on Kate's offense! If it worked then Alizeh would try and sit up while sending some punches aimed at the side of Kate's face!

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