The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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The flying cherry bombs were a unit, a team, and like many teams they had their fair share of issues. Issues that normally wouldn't be so troubling for a roller derby team. In that they knew each others roles, played them, and could almost act entirely independently from one another and In many ways it was very similar to wrestling but just cause they were did not mean they worked the same.

Tonight in what one could argue was their biggest nights so far proved that. Phoneix was down, Cannon was out, and Rabbit was running scared! But why wouldn't she be? Phoneix was be herself with 3 ruthless delinquents that weren't likely to stop with just a pin. In other words Rabbit had to do something! She just couldn't sit back and let this team of assholes do whatever they wanted with her friends. She needed to act quickly and as such her mind cleared as she jumped over the ropes and ran towards the other end of ring.

Cutting the air as she neared the other end of the ropes. Which if she managed to slingshot off of would probably give the young lightweight enough speed to put an end to this beatdown but just before she could reach them. Sachiko would manage to grab her by the arm. Causing the two to spin out for a second before she would be locked into hammerlock and feel the twin peaks of her opponent's large breasts press against the sides of her head.

"Grrr! Let go!" Rabbit cried. As she pulled against the trios merciless leader but stopped once Sachiko had called over the other two. Sounding alarm bells in her head as the smallest member of the Flying Cherry Bombs would redoubled her efforts to knew at this point that it was meaningless but rather than plea for any mercy she would hit them where it would hurt. A dangerous proposition but if it meant keeping them away from Phoneix then she would gladly be bait. "Gargh! You pieces of shit! You got nothin! No skills! No talent! No means!" Rabbit berated. Which after finishing she'd turn to Sachiko and add with a smile. "And with none of the respect."

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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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Rabbit hadn't done all that much throughout this match, but now that the other two Cherry Bombs were down, perhaps it was finally her time to shine. If there was anyone who could turn it around, it was going to have to be her - and she was determined to make a difference, as she jumped into the ring to charge for the delinquents, hoping to bring them down! Already, many voices in the crowd were calling out for her. This was the one chance the Flying Cherry Bombs had to put an end to the Heartbreakers' meddling! It was all up to her now!

But for all her determination, and all her desperation, Rabbit was still the smallest member of her team - while Sachiko, who had now stepped in, was the largest of hers. More than that, the blue-haired girl was riding high on the thrill of her successes. She had watched the opposing team go down, and she couldn't be more proud of her girls for all their hard work. That had left her more energized than ever to finish them off - and all Rabbit did was deliver herself right into Sachiko's waiting clutches!

Instantly, the same fans who had been cheering for Rabbit a moment ago were now booing Sachiko. But it didn't seem to slow her down one bit. She grinned even wider, twisting Rabbit's arm behind her back, and even as she cried out in pain, all Sachiko did was laugh at her ill-fortune. Rabbit might have been determined, but Sachiko was locked on tight. She couldn't hope to break her grip - and now, as Kyoko and Misako closed in, the lightweight would find herself being glared down on by three ruthless cheating heels that each outweighed her. And each one of them was eager to have some fun with the arrangement.

Grinning even wider, Sachiko turned Rabbit over to her partners, who reached to restrain her - Kyoko grabbing her by the head, while Misako held the legs to suspend her in the air parallel to the mat. "Hold this for me," Sachiko said, cracking her knuckles once her hands were free. Rabbit was quick to voice her displeasure in no certain terms, of course. But even through all her insults, Misako locked onto her face with a cold glare and a disappoving scowl. "You should've seen this coming when you named yourself after something known for getting stuck in traps."

"Ain't that the truth!~" Sachiko winked to Rabbit, stepping in closer. "She's a feisty one, alright, but I'm feelin' like a little rabbit stew tonight..."

"Okay, that was even lower-hanging fruit than my joke," Misako added. Kyoko, meanwhile, laughed even harder. "Good one, Sachi!~"

But Sachiko was focused on Rabbit's response. And even as she chewed her out, accusing the Heartbreakers of being all talk, of using their brutality and their cheap tricks to cover for a lack of talent...Sachiko just smirked. None of it seemed to get to her at all; through the whole spiel, she stood there with her hands on her hips and a grin on her face. When she was finished, all the sukeban did was shake her head. "Pssht! You really think that one's gonna work on me? Guess what, kid - none of us ever made any claims to any of those things! We don't give a shit about respect - we just care about taking down everyone who's in our way!"

Punctuating her words, Sachiko raised a hand and went to unleash a hard chop down against Rabbit's stomach. She was hoping that would shut her up - but either way, she would throw her head back in a laugh regardless, giving no heed to the boos of the fans, or the trash now being thrown at the ring. "Y'know, though...for as mouthy as ya are, you're still not too shabby~" With a sinister grin, Sachiko's hand began to run upward, now going to cup Rabbit's chest and squeeze at her breast!
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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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Rabbit had hoped, perhaps foolishly, that by the end of her tirade. That she would strike a nerve and maybe have the heartbreak reevaluate their whole strategy. At times it really just took someone to tell you that you were being a complete piece of shit.

Rabbit however would have no such luck. She would instead get the most irritating thing the Heartbreakers had done all day, laugh at her face. Causing her cheeks to burn as she clenched her jaw. They weren't simply laughing at her or their stupid jokes but everything. Her principles, her values, her hard work, and everything she strived for. It made it all feel so incredibly vapid and realized that if they ever did get hold of the tag team championship. That they would cheappin it, make it less than it was worth.

To an extent it did fire her up. As she would open her mouth to tear them a new one but instead words coming out she would herself wailing in pain. As Sachiko chopped her hand against her defenseless stomach! "Argh! Y-You pieces of sh-shit!!" Rabbit choked. Her eyes watering as the top of her head would push up against Kyoko.

Before she would suddenly release a girlish squeal and feel her chest get squeezed by none other than Sachiko. Prompting Rabbit to cry. "Pervs!!" As she swung one of her legs wildly to the side in a desperate attempt to get out. Though with her so unfocused and in a such panic her kick wasn't likely to do much as the three Heartbreakers would continue with their unadulterated fun!
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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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It was at that moment that Rabbit exploded. She saw the true face of the Heartbreakers, and she recognized what she was truly up against. Everything that she believed in, that all of the Cherry Bombs believed in, everything about honor, integrity, respect...none of them cared about that. And not only did they know that, they reveled in it. The Heartbreakers had no ulterior motives. They just wanted to cause trouble, destroy everything in their path, and have a good laugh at the wreckage they left in their wake, with no concern for anyone they hurt while doing so. Rabbit's appeal to dignity meant nothing to a team that already had none!

Sachiko smacked her hand down hard against her stomach, leaving the white-haired girl writhing in pain. And she only laughed even harder, even as she spat insults back their way. None of her words meant anything to her - she already knew that there was nothing Rabbit could do to back herself up. She was struggling in their clutches, and every motion she made was only serving to tire her out more!

"Hah!~" Sachiko cheered, not once faltering even as Rabbit tried kicking at her - to which Misako only held tighter to her legs, shooting her a glare. "Don't do that again, or I'll break them," she said as matter-of-factly as though it were completely inoccuous. Meanwhile, the boss of the Heartbreakers continued, drumming her fingers along the front of Rabbit's body. "You're funny, y'know? All those insults...pervert, piece of shit, I've heard it all before, and franky, I don't care! My life is my life. Not what you dumbasses want to tell me I should be doing, or ought to be doing - I don't CARE! But if you want to stand up for your friends, heh..." Sachiko glanced down to where Cannon and Phoenix were lying in a daze. "That's very noble of you. I bet they'd be proud of you...if you can walk outta here with anything to be proud of!"

With a wicked grin, Sachiko grabbed for the zipper on the front of Rabbit's top, going to unzip it with one sharp jerk! Then, she would grab for Rabbit's waistband to pull down on it as well, hoping to expose her body to everyone watching!
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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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Babies! The Heartbreakers were no better than crying, whiny babies! No word! No analogy could describe them better and if Rabbit had her way she would have torn into them for it. Screamed it from the highest point on Mt. Fuji and the like. Cause to her, Sachiko and her gang were being idiots. As they would squander their talents on nothing more than tantrum!

It was absurd! It was sort of shit Rabbit would have squashed not only from her derby team but from her very own neighborhood. "Go ahead and try!" She barked as she refused to stop strugglng. Not the least bit terrified of having her legged snapped off like Misako had threatened. She had plenty of scars to prove that.

Yet, despite all her moxi she lacked the skin for what happened next. As the lead Sukaban would pull her top wide open! "Aah! Stop!!" Rabbit cried. Only for her skirt and panties to be immediately pulled down from her waist next!

"Quit it!!" Anya continued. Her face beet red as her limbs went wildly but without much strength to her body she was only tiring herself out and was in fact slowing down by now.

Though just because she was suffering. It did not mean she was doing so alone. Phoneix was stirring and with every plea her teammate made. She would grow in strength and force her body to move. Until she had managed to get back on her knees and glare at the three girls acoss from her. "Hey you degenerates! D'ya forget something!?"
Last edited by TheSuitedOwl on Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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Rabbit had dared the Heartbreakers to take a step further. And sure enough, that was what they did - as Sachiko began to strip her in front of everyone watching. The white-haired girl might have protested as she unzipped her top, but it wouldn't slow Sachiko down one bit as she went straight to yanking down her skirt. If anything, Sachiko only grinned wider. This was exactly what she hoped to wring out of Rabbit. The girl might have talked big, but as small as she was compared to her opponents, anyone could see that her bark was worse than her bite. And as soon as her naked body came into view, the cameras moving in closer to catch every angle of Rabbit's struggling form and broadcast it onto the big screen, her bravado and her defiance melted away in seconds. It all just proved her point. Just as Sachiko had thought, once she was actually up against the wall, she was quick to give in.

"Pssht...where's the big hero attitude now, huh? Just what I thought, heh...ya call us out all ya want from where you're sitting comfortably on your sofa, but when you're actually staring into the face of danger, you run away with your tail between your legs!" Sachiko raised a thumb to her underlings, and they began to move into position; Kyoko pulling Rabbit's vest down off her arms while Misako tossed aside her skirt and panties before moving on to unlacing her boots for good measure. Although there were many in the crowd who booed the delinquents for their actions, just as many cheered and flashed photos. And Sachiko wouldn't stop for any of it. She threw her head back, laughing even harder. No one could stop her now - not in the stands, or in the ring!

Sure enough, she heard Phoenix's voice call out at her. But when she turned to look back at the middleweight, it wasn't with shock or horror, but a smug, self-satisfied smirk. If Phoenix thought she was going to make a difference...Sachiko already knew better.

"Pssshaw...really? You really think you can stop us? Don't make me laugh. Let's face it, you fuckers already lost - whether ya think ya did or not, it doesn't make any difference! You're hopeless! No matter how much you wanna be the big heroes, to stand up to us, to put us in our's not gonna matter. She did too - and look what happened to her! You're all gonna be the same way. Because I think you're forgetting something, too."

Sachiko took a step closer to where Rabbit was dangling, naked and defenseless, from the arms of her two partners in crime. There, she reached out, wrapping her fingers around her now-bare breast and giving it an even tighter squeeze. "Yer little friend here? All ours. We got her good, and we can do anything we want to her if you so much as take a step closer. Ya really wanna try it?" Her hands began to wander down, her fingers brushing toward Rabbit's crotch. "Ya wanna test us and see whether or not we're fuckin' around here? If you're really all such good friends...ya must be worried about her right now, aren't ya?~"
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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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"Quit it!" Rabbit echoed in the darkest recesses of Phoenix's mind. Shocking the daring upstart back to life. Greeting the terrible pain in her head before she would finally will her limbs to move and confront the troublesome trio that were her opponent. Then muttered a curse as Sachiko begun to monologue of all fucking things! Unfortunately Phoneix got plenty of that from Rabbit (bless her soul) and didn't need anymore preachers in her life.

Sachiko was barking up the wrong tree but if she wanted to mess around with Rabbit then it didn't really make much of a difference. Messing with one of them was the same as messing with all of them. Problem was she actually wasn't willing to put her friend in anymore danger. She was out of sorts and Rabbit was easily overwhelmed. The two easy pickings for these thugs.

Fucking Cannon! If only she hadn't interfered, this would already be over. Always sticking her neck out when it wasn't needed. She was smart too just lacked any vision whenever she got mad. An achilles heel, so bad that Phoneix always felt she had to pick up the mess after her. Cursing her into this stupid role of leader!

The thought angering her more as she clenched her teeth. Only to immediately snap back to reality as Rabbit would let out another high pitched squeal from Sachiko's naughty touch. Immediately killing any passing interest in the woman as the last of her good will evaporated.

Fuck this! Phoneix thought. "Enough! Ya beat me fairly! You heard me Ref! I said they won! I forfeit the match! Now let her go! Before I decide to give ya new curb rash!" Phoneix exploded! Eyes narrowing as she readied herself to attack the trio if they showed even the slightest sign of refusing her demand.

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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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Sure enough, when it came down to the safety of one of their friends, even the same Flying Cherry Bombs that had been so outspoken about standing up to the Heartbreakers were going to fold like wet cardboard. "Theeeere we go," Sachiko muttered. A grin spread wide over her face as she nodded her head. It wasn't typical of her to go the psychological approach; usually, the Heartbreakers found that throwing fists around worked just fine for their purposes. But she felt a smug sense of satisfaction when it came to knowing she had outwitted her opponents, and forced them to concede - all by exploiting the sense of teamwork that had brought them together in the first place.

"Glad ya made the right decision, babe. Though...I am still a liiiiiittle disappointed I didn't get my way..." She looked back at Rabbit with a wink, giving her one last squeeze on her bare thigh for good measure, before giving the signal to Kyoko and Misako. At this, the two girls hurled Rabbit unceremoniously at her teammates - and the bell rang, declaring the match over, and the Heartbreakers as the victors!

Immediately, the crowd rang out with boos. The Heartbreakers had only achieved their victory through dirty tricks, and everyone knew it. But that was hardly a care for the three delinquents, who shared a round of high-fives before Sachiko glared back out into the stands. "And to all of you booing out there...just wanted to say two words. Too bad! A win's a win, losers!"
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Re: The Heartbreakers vs The Flying Cherry Bombs - 3 on 3 Tag Team Match

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If their was one thing the Flying Cherry Bombs could take away from tonight. It was that they certainly had the means of becoming serious contenders in the League. The fans knew it, The Heartbreakers knew it (even if they would never admit it) and Phoneix knew it. Yet despite that tonight's loss couldn't be made any less bitter for the Cherry Bomb leader to swallow. As she watched the three winners, after having tossed Rabbit into her arms, celebrate amongst themselves. She however wouldn't linger on the scene, she could see Cannon off to side and with her watching from a distance. Phoneix would finally feel comfortable enough to help Rabbit gather her clothes and leave. Before The Heartbreakers decided that celebrating entailed more than a few high fives.

Luckily with The Heartbreakers so enthralled with their post match celebration. The three would manage to get back to their locker room. Where all hell would break loose!

"What the hell you were you thinking Cannon?!" Phoneix demanded. As she tossed her bike helmet off in the opposite direction of where Rabbit had sat. Who was up to this point quitely fidgeting with herself. "Me! What about you?! You weren't taking any of them seriously!"

"How da fuck would you know?! You aren't in here." Phoenix rebuked. Tapping her head before continuing. "However because of you-"

"Don't you fucking say i-"

"Guys enough!" Rabbit shouted. Having stepped between her two friends with her arms out. "I think we all know where we screwed up. Alright!" She then added. Looking between them before finally relaxing a bit. "Cannon you need to trust us a bit more this ain't derby okay and Phoneix. This wasn't her fault." Rabbit clarified. A stern look in her eye as she looked at Phoneix. Though not as a friend but a fellow team member. "I didn't sign up to give those fuckers a good time." Rabbit continued. Her fists clenching as she recalled what Sachiko had said to her.
"So were going to train and train hard. Cuz this is far from over."

"Fine. I'll set something up mo-"


"Yeah... Tomorrow."

Winner via Forfeit
The Heartbreakers
Last edited by TheSuitedOwl on Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:31 am, edited 2 times in total.

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