Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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Kodama smirked and planted her foot on Marlee, raising her hand to show off for the crowd as if she already won. In her mind, there was no doubt it was just a matter of time.

"Soft belly you have there." She said before raising her foot and stunning down on the other women's belly and digging her heel in. "Let me help you learn how to take some punishment there."

Then she would sit on the New Zealander's chest and place one hand on her belly. "It's nice to the touch." Suzume said in a slightly flirtatious tone that would be sharply contrasted by a rain of powerful punches that followed.

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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Laid out flat all over again, Marlee managed a faint groan of protest as Kodama pressed a boot down on her stomach, the rookie making her dominance clear for all to see. The New Zealander opened her mouth to fire off some attempt at a come back, but she never got the chance. Before a word could pass her lips, the press of Kodama's boot suddenly became a grinding, squashing sensation as the other woman dug her heel into Marlee's abs!

"GAAGHHH!" Marlee blurted, coughing for breath and clutching at the other wrestler's ankle. She squirmed uselessly beneath the rookie's crushing boot for a few seconds, before Kodama released the pressure. She gasped with relief, but that was short lived as Kodama then sat down, planting herself on Marlee's chest.

She let out a moan, still trying to get her breath back as she was treated to a view of the rookie's backside. A hand pressed against her vulnerable midriff and she tried to wriggle free, but it was no use. Marlee barely managed a couple of movements before the punches began landing.

Marlee's body jerked under each impact, her cries of pain getting more and more choked with every blow as she couldn't get any air into her lungs. That combined with the pressure of Kodama's weight on her chest pushed the curvy Kiwi to the point where she almost passed out, sagging limply beneath Kodama with her breath coming in faint rasps, her eyes fluttering as she clung to consciousness.

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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"You still there? Oh my, I think you should get a reward for lasting through that." Suzume would say looking back at Marlee's face with a playful smile. She then repositioned herself over the New Zelander to make sure she would have a nice view of her backside. Then she would flex as if striking a victory pose already as the referee started to count the pin.


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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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"No..." Marlee whined pathetically as Kodama settled firmly into place on the stricken New Zealander. Breathless and dazed from the onslaught, she could do nothing but gaze at Kodama's pert backside as the woman sat firmly on her chest, flexing and striking a victorious pose.

Shoulders down, helpless, beaten. Marlee was too weak from the barrage of punches to recover in time to stop this. A moan of dismay escaped her lips as the count continued.



And that was that. 2-0, in startling fashion. Waves of panic began to wash over Marlee even as she lay beneath Kodama. So far this rookie had completely outmatched her from start to finish. Had she stepped into this ring to cruise straight into yet another humiliating beat down...?

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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Suzume laughed slightly as the count reached three, she lingered a bit longer on top of her opponent before getting up to her feet slowly. She would look down at Marleewith a playful smile before saying. "If you were holding back so far, you might want to stop. I'll kick your ass anyway but you might at least look like you are trying."

Then she would retreat back against the ropes and lean on them, waiting for the New Zealander to get up to her feet. Then she would only make a beckoning gesture to her, staying relaxed against the ropes, completely unbothered about the advantage she was giving to her opponent.

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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The three count confirmed Marlee's embarrassing capitulation in the 2nd fall, and she had to endure the extra ignominy of Kodama remaining seated dominantly on top of her for a few extra seconds before the other wrestler deigned to rise.

Lying at Kodama's feet, Marlee tried to ignore the other woman's taunts. Her breasts heaved as she tried to get her breath back, placing her hands over her face to block out the lights and the jeers of the fans. This match was getting out of control. She had to do something! Her cheeks reddened at Kodama's fresh taunts, which finally galvanised the reeling New Zealander to struggle back to her feet.

"I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face!" Marlee hissed unconvincingly, trying to convince herself more than her opponent as she faced Kodama again. The woman lounged on the ropes, carefree as could be, and beckoned Marlee to attack.

It was a trap, Marlee knew it had to be, so she approached with caution, hands raised in preparation. Assuming Kodama was waiting to react, she feinted high, pretending to go for a grab at the other woman's head. Then, at the last second, she would dip down and try to ram her shoulder into Kodama's stomach to wind her!

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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Suzume just smirked in response, as far as she was concerned she already had this match in the bag and if she wanted she could make it quick, but this way was more fun than that, for her and for the crowd. So there was no trap to be sprung, she genuinely just stood there wide open for the attack, convinced she could take whatever the New Zealander had in store for her.

At first, she believed the faint, the grab alone would just be the beginning so she didn't do much to defend but then Marlee ducked down and rammed right into Suzume's abs. The girl managed to tense in time to take the edge off the strike but still grunted as it hit, a hit from a heavyweight was never nice. Still, she was holding on and not wanting for her opponent to get to far ahead of herself she rose both her fists up before bringing them down on the other woman's back.

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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Marlee surged forward, and it seemed that her feint was successful as she barged a shoulder hard into Kodama's midriff. However, rather than folding the rookie in half and winding her, Marlee found her progress halted by the firm abs of her opponent. A grunt of pain was all she heard from the other woman.

Then two clenched fists smashed down on the curvy Kiwi's spine.

"AUUGH!" she blurted in surprise, crumpling to her knees under the impact. Marlee sagged forward with a moan, clutching at her back with both hands even as her face leaned unwittingly forward. On her knees in front of Kodama, her head sagged against the other woman's midriff, her cheek pressing against those solid abs as she tried to recover.

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

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As Marlee's head rested against Kodama's abs, she smiled as she just got an idea, one that the people watching were sure to appreciate. She grabbed her opponent by the hair and pressed her face into her flexing abs as hard as she could while grinding up and down.

"Like them? Here have a closer look, feel how hard they are." She said before dragging the New Zeelander away from the ropes and laying down with her, trying to wrap her legs around her in such a way as to trap her arms along her sides whilst being able to continue to grind her face against her abs.

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Re: Marlee Jackson vs Kodama Suzume(Debut)

Unread post by arktriumph »

"MGNHHA! NGGHH!" Marlee blared as Kodama grabbed a handful of her hair, and stuffed the flailing New Zealander's face against her rock hard abs! She squirmed, hands pawing uselessly at the other wrestler's grip, her lips forced to press into the steely midriff of her foe, underlining starkly the difference in power between them!

Things were only going to get worse for the curvy Kiwi, though. Even as she struggled to free herself, Kodama shifted her position. She found herself dragged away from the ropes before her opponent leaned into her, tipping Marlee backwards.

She let out a cry of dismay as she was knocked down to the canvas onto her back, a cry that was swiftly smothered out as Kodama's abs were once again pressed down onto her face. The other wrestler's legs pinioned her from either side, keeping Marlee's arms trapped, and forcing her to endure the indignity!

"Mpphhh! GAGHHH! GET OFF!" she wailed, trying to twist her head away from the press of Kodama's body and get some breath into her, legs slithering weakly on the mats as she fought to get free.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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