Harmonia blushed when Hank seemed rather unpleased with what he saw but then again they were partying, why the hell had Jonathan to come up this now? Harmonia groaned and pushed her indexfinger on Chria forehead. "This is all your fault you lawngnome!", she said and angrily lept forward, both of women hissing at each other' their foreheads pushed against each others and their hands in a test of strength. They were too drunk for a serious fight so they went for a typical kindergarten brawl.
Finella had learned at a young age that there was no sense in crying. It did'nt made things better or changed the situation. It did'nt bring her grandfather or her parents back to her. It just made no sense and was an annoying thing to do, mostly by children and chicks. Crying was stupid, it was something others did, not her. That was'nt what Finella was about, she was a badass bitch, tough as nails, she did'nt cry especially not in front of...
But all damms had burst a long while ago and Finella had pressed her head on Chelseas shoulder. The moonlight illuminated the two former enemies in a soft glow as Chelsea wrapped her arms around Finella. The Wolf yelped at first, fearing an attack but soon noticed the gesture and hugged her friend back. "I... I... Don't want to cry in front of you but I just can't help myself...", she whimpered as she held the Brit tight.
"I hated you but you became a part of my life. And I don't want to lose you. I fought so much to come here, to see Moni again. Then I got...got to meet all this awesome people here and the first time since my Opa died I feel like I have a family again. And... And... I just don't want to lose anyone. Not Moni, Karl, Veri, Shrila, Barbara, Lori... You...", she said and sniffed." Don't you dare leave me. I already promised I follow you to hell! ", she said stubbornly and helped them both up. The Hellraiser rubbed her eyes and pouted." Sorry... That you had to see me like this Chels...", she said and pouted a bit.
"It just was...was..." She bit her lip but remembered that she and Chelsea were friends now and you could tell your friends everything. "It was too much... Too much to bare. I was'nt strong enough..."
Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
- RedShinigami
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
Damn, she must have been transparently drunk to have gotten that reaction from USPW's head. While the rocker didn't drink too often, she didn't think she was that much of a lightweight - no pun intended. "Apolohgeeeez, ssir," Chris said with a small bow. Before she could turn to ask Molly if she minded getting them some water, a bitch of an Austrian took a much less appealing approach.
First her finger jabbed the little rocker right in her forehead, causing the balance compromised high flyer to stumble a bit. Then she decided to call her a freaking lawngnome, of all things. And finally she lunged at her, for no god damned reason! Chris only barely caught Harmonia's hands in her own, pushing back against the much stronger girl with all she could.
"Ze fffuck! 'Ow'z it my fault!? You ord-ordered the extra pints and shots! Try'n a be all friendly like to just sstab my back here!" She hissed as their foreheads met. Chris wasn't holding her ground well, even if the blond had exhausted herself with arm wrestling and was more drunk than her. All she could do was stand the moral ground, even if her brain ended up spitting out something that was about to land her in hotter water.
"Y-you.. you.. yuu Orschwarzn!"
First her finger jabbed the little rocker right in her forehead, causing the balance compromised high flyer to stumble a bit. Then she decided to call her a freaking lawngnome, of all things. And finally she lunged at her, for no god damned reason! Chris only barely caught Harmonia's hands in her own, pushing back against the much stronger girl with all she could.
"Ze fffuck! 'Ow'z it my fault!? You ord-ordered the extra pints and shots! Try'n a be all friendly like to just sstab my back here!" She hissed as their foreheads met. Chris wasn't holding her ground well, even if the blond had exhausted herself with arm wrestling and was more drunk than her. All she could do was stand the moral ground, even if her brain ended up spitting out something that was about to land her in hotter water.
"Y-you.. you.. yuu Orschwarzn!"
- CaptainL
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
With both of them lost in a haze of alcohol and with high emotions flying, it wouldn't take long for Chris and Harmonia to butt heads...over something as insignificant as Hank pointing out they were drunk, at that. Needless to say, Molly was not amused. She let out a long sigh as her shoulders slumped, and she planted her face directly into the palm of her hand. She had a sinking suspicion that something was going to go horribly wrong...but she didn't think it would break out this easily. Nevertheless, this really wasn't the time. She already had this turmoil envelop her family once; she wasn't going to let it do that again.
Stepping forward, Molly would attempt to insert herself between Finella and Chris, extending her arms to try and push them apart from one another. "That's enough!" she shouted to them, before looking back at Hank with an awkward smile, hoping she could do something to salvage this situation. "Er, so sorry about that, Hank...I really hoped it wouldn't get this bad this quickly, but, uh..." Chuckling nervously, Molly glanced between the two women. "I would order a water myself, but I don't want things getting out of hand while I'm gone..."
Or...would she?
It wasn't lost on Chelsea that for all they talked trash to each other, for all they struggled to get in the last word in their little feud, for all they convinced each other they hated everything to do with each other...she and Finella had a lot in common. They both liked to drink, they both liked to fight, they wouldn't let anyone tell them how to live their lives, and they didn't give a damn if anyone around them took exception to any of that. But for all Chelsea had her hard-edged exterior, there was a softer core to her too - the part of her that was, deep down, just a lonely girl looking for something she could hold onto, something that would give her a reason to live, to justify why she was here and to make all she'd suffered worth it. And Finella had that too. It was no wonder those feelings were there, if they were there for Chelsea, too. The two really were each others' mirror images, for better or worse.
Even as Finella sobbed into Chelsea's shirt, the Englishwoman brought her arms up higher. They laced around Finella's sides, pulling her close against her chest and giving her a firm squeeze. It seemed ridiculous that Chelsea would ever want this - to have mercy on her worst enemy. But when she knew Finella's pain all too well herself, she knew it wouldn't be fair to leave her languishing.
"Trust me, Fin...no one's leaving. I know them all, too. And I know they wouldn't think to leave you behind. Neither would I. The last few months gave me something to really care about, for once. A reason for me to apply myself, and to try my damndest, and it worked. That's because of you, Fin. I'll be the first to admit it...I owe it to you. And I'm not going to put aside someone that important to me any time soon. Even if it was as an enemy, you gave me what I needed to turn everything around."
When Finella went on to say she thought she wasn't strong enough, Chelsea took a pause. Her expression went grave, and a chill ran down her spine. No matter how much she took pride in her victory, no matter how much she wanted to look at it as proof of the success she'd always yearned for...when she saw how it affected Finella, she couldn't help but feel guilty. Even when it was a win she so desperately needed, that she'd fought so hard for...was it making Finella feel worse? Was it drawing her into the same pit of self-doubt Chelsea herself had languished in for so long?
Nevertheless, Chelsea bit her lip, and she pulled Finella tighter. She'd had her moment to cry before. Now, it was her turn to be the strong one, if that was what Finella needed. "Hey, Fin...I'll tell you something. I might've won, in the end, but...you still gave me the toughest fight of my life, and there were a few times back there I wasn't sure if I'd make it. Hell, if it wasn't for me being so pissed off...I probably would've passed out several times over by the end of that match. After what I saw of you, I know for a fact you're strong. If a car crash couldn't stop you, you're tough, end of story. And, in the end...we both gave each other a fight we'll never forget, and that no one will ever forget. People'll be talking about us for years to come, at my rate. The entrances, the music, all we did to each other...all of it left an impression. Honestly, from one would-be rock star to another, that's some'a the highest praise I could think of. Win, lose, whatever...at least we'll be remembered."
Stepping forward, Molly would attempt to insert herself between Finella and Chris, extending her arms to try and push them apart from one another. "That's enough!" she shouted to them, before looking back at Hank with an awkward smile, hoping she could do something to salvage this situation. "Er, so sorry about that, Hank...I really hoped it wouldn't get this bad this quickly, but, uh..." Chuckling nervously, Molly glanced between the two women. "I would order a water myself, but I don't want things getting out of hand while I'm gone..."
When Finella's voice wavered, and when tears began to roll down her cheeks, Chelsea went silent; she looked up like she had just seen a ghost. In all the time she'd known Finella, she had seen a lot. She'd seen her laugh, she'd seen her sing, she'd seen her roar with rage more than a couple of times. Her emotions had been laid bare almost as often as her body was, which, knowing her, was saying something. But what occurred to Chelsea was that she had never seen Finella cry - not until now. And when the same brutal, hard-edged Hellraiser who had been such a thorn in her side all this time, who had filled her every thought with rage and hate and a burning desire for vengeance, came flying to her side, clinging to her and burying her face in her shoulder to dry her tears, Chelsea didn't know what she was seeing, or how to deal with it. She might as well have been dealing with a different woman entirely; the Finella she knew would never...Or...would she?
It wasn't lost on Chelsea that for all they talked trash to each other, for all they struggled to get in the last word in their little feud, for all they convinced each other they hated everything to do with each other...she and Finella had a lot in common. They both liked to drink, they both liked to fight, they wouldn't let anyone tell them how to live their lives, and they didn't give a damn if anyone around them took exception to any of that. But for all Chelsea had her hard-edged exterior, there was a softer core to her too - the part of her that was, deep down, just a lonely girl looking for something she could hold onto, something that would give her a reason to live, to justify why she was here and to make all she'd suffered worth it. And Finella had that too. It was no wonder those feelings were there, if they were there for Chelsea, too. The two really were each others' mirror images, for better or worse.
Even as Finella sobbed into Chelsea's shirt, the Englishwoman brought her arms up higher. They laced around Finella's sides, pulling her close against her chest and giving her a firm squeeze. It seemed ridiculous that Chelsea would ever want this - to have mercy on her worst enemy. But when she knew Finella's pain all too well herself, she knew it wouldn't be fair to leave her languishing.
"Trust me, Fin...no one's leaving. I know them all, too. And I know they wouldn't think to leave you behind. Neither would I. The last few months gave me something to really care about, for once. A reason for me to apply myself, and to try my damndest, and it worked. That's because of you, Fin. I'll be the first to admit it...I owe it to you. And I'm not going to put aside someone that important to me any time soon. Even if it was as an enemy, you gave me what I needed to turn everything around."
When Finella went on to say she thought she wasn't strong enough, Chelsea took a pause. Her expression went grave, and a chill ran down her spine. No matter how much she took pride in her victory, no matter how much she wanted to look at it as proof of the success she'd always yearned for...when she saw how it affected Finella, she couldn't help but feel guilty. Even when it was a win she so desperately needed, that she'd fought so hard for...was it making Finella feel worse? Was it drawing her into the same pit of self-doubt Chelsea herself had languished in for so long?
Nevertheless, Chelsea bit her lip, and she pulled Finella tighter. She'd had her moment to cry before. Now, it was her turn to be the strong one, if that was what Finella needed. "Hey, Fin...I'll tell you something. I might've won, in the end, but...you still gave me the toughest fight of my life, and there were a few times back there I wasn't sure if I'd make it. Hell, if it wasn't for me being so pissed off...I probably would've passed out several times over by the end of that match. After what I saw of you, I know for a fact you're strong. If a car crash couldn't stop you, you're tough, end of story. And, in the end...we both gave each other a fight we'll never forget, and that no one will ever forget. People'll be talking about us for years to come, at my rate. The entrances, the music, all we did to each other...all of it left an impression. Honestly, from one would-be rock star to another, that's some'a the highest praise I could think of. Win, lose, whatever...at least we'll be remembered."
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
Hank saw the two women almost come to blows and Molly separating them as he bit his lip. Maybe this wasn’t a good time and he cursed himself for taking a job interview with drunk applicants. Any other rational hiring manager would’ve thrown them out just looking at the mere sight of their predicament. However, Hank saw something in these two women. They clearly had passion for the sport and even through their slurring of their speech, they clearly had intense strength to show judging by how Harmonia weighed down on Chris, but the rocker showed no signs of surrender. He smiled warmly and said something that he hoped wouldn’t come back to haunt him.
“You’re both hired!” Hank exclaimed as he waited for the girls to stop fighting and look at him with shocked expressions before he explained his reasoning.
“You’re both hired!” Hank exclaimed as he waited for the girls to stop fighting and look at him with shocked expressions before he explained his reasoning.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
Finella and Chelsea held each other. Mere weeks after their hateful battle that went way too far, Fin saw that now, but Chelsea was right, they would be remembered. This match would go down in LAW History and every match and promo that had accompanied it.
Finella sniffed, allowing herself to finally let go. There was nothing left to prove. They both in the end were only human and it felt good to have Chelseas warm body and her soft hands carressing her. They had made it. The future was only shining bright now as Finella smiled. "You won this PPV, you got your honor back, you have a man who loves you. You see Chels...", she said and shifted so they both sat there, leaning against the bed, one arm over each others shoulders. "If you need any help getting the big guy down, I am all to eager to help...", she whispered and then laughed.
"No, no he is all yours. Believe me, he is hot but much to similar to me. I would go crazy.", the Hellraiser quipped and pulled Chelsea closer. "Oh and...", she said and left Chelsea for a second to grab something from a cooler that Chris had brought. "Here.", she said and threw a bottle of her favourite austrian beer into Chelseas hands before she got back to her and cuddled against the other woman.
She opened the bottles for them and raised it. "To the future..."
Finally the day had come and the two girls could leave the hospital. Everyone had come to pick them up and when Finella and Chelsea came out the Hospital they were greeted by all the people and animals that were dear to them.
George took Chelseas bag and smiled. "Oi, Alice, back from wonderland?",he said as soft as he could so the others could'nt here that embaressing nickname before he bent down and gave Chelsea a kiss. "Ready to go home?", he asked and took her hand.
Finella ran into Chris arms and hugged her sister in heart as tight as she could. "Freeeee! I don't want to see a fucking bed for a month!", she said with a pout and kissed the smaller womans forehead with a happy cheer. Then she looked up to Harmonia and sighed. "Moni." "Fini."
The Hellraiser stood before her sister and sighed. "There is still stuff that needs to heal...",she said and Harmonia who had Molly on one hand nodded. "Yes... Yes of course.", she said. "... But i am willing to give it a try, come here you two!", she said and pulled both Superstars into a tight embrace.
"Thanks Molly. Keep looking after Moni please, yes? She can be quite a stubborn, shortfused nuisance but she always means well. I will check weekly! ", she chuckled before she looked at Kennedy. "And you, Monkeylady. How about a date sometime?", she asked.
Finally there were no frowns and sad faces anymore, every tear was shared out of happiness. The Forsters and Edelsteins finally were a family now. And of course everyone that had gathered here. They could move on, to the future, all of them together!
Finella sniffed, allowing herself to finally let go. There was nothing left to prove. They both in the end were only human and it felt good to have Chelseas warm body and her soft hands carressing her. They had made it. The future was only shining bright now as Finella smiled. "You won this PPV, you got your honor back, you have a man who loves you. You see Chels...", she said and shifted so they both sat there, leaning against the bed, one arm over each others shoulders. "If you need any help getting the big guy down, I am all to eager to help...", she whispered and then laughed.
"No, no he is all yours. Believe me, he is hot but much to similar to me. I would go crazy.", the Hellraiser quipped and pulled Chelsea closer. "Oh and...", she said and left Chelsea for a second to grab something from a cooler that Chris had brought. "Here.", she said and threw a bottle of her favourite austrian beer into Chelseas hands before she got back to her and cuddled against the other woman.
She opened the bottles for them and raised it. "To the future..."
Finally the day had come and the two girls could leave the hospital. Everyone had come to pick them up and when Finella and Chelsea came out the Hospital they were greeted by all the people and animals that were dear to them.
George took Chelseas bag and smiled. "Oi, Alice, back from wonderland?",he said as soft as he could so the others could'nt here that embaressing nickname before he bent down and gave Chelsea a kiss. "Ready to go home?", he asked and took her hand.
Finella ran into Chris arms and hugged her sister in heart as tight as she could. "Freeeee! I don't want to see a fucking bed for a month!", she said with a pout and kissed the smaller womans forehead with a happy cheer. Then she looked up to Harmonia and sighed. "Moni." "Fini."
The Hellraiser stood before her sister and sighed. "There is still stuff that needs to heal...",she said and Harmonia who had Molly on one hand nodded. "Yes... Yes of course.", she said. "... But i am willing to give it a try, come here you two!", she said and pulled both Superstars into a tight embrace.
"Thanks Molly. Keep looking after Moni please, yes? She can be quite a stubborn, shortfused nuisance but she always means well. I will check weekly! ", she chuckled before she looked at Kennedy. "And you, Monkeylady. How about a date sometime?", she asked.
Finally there were no frowns and sad faces anymore, every tear was shared out of happiness. The Forsters and Edelsteins finally were a family now. And of course everyone that had gathered here. They could move on, to the future, all of them together!
- GolemGuardian
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
After how many visits with Chris doing her best to remain civil whenever Harmonia was there, and a handful of successful attempts of sneaking in some beer for Fin, the day of the two injured competitors' release had come. The rock star stood a few paces away from everyone else - specifically from the older twin - and a bit closer to the entrance. Childish, she knew, but Chris wanted to be the first face the wolf saw when she exited.
That would soon be the case as her sis came out, the two rock lovers embracing the other's open arms. Chris actually had to brace herself a bit to keep herself from toppling over. Sometimes it seemed Fin forgot how physically feeble the snow-haired girl was. "Hehe, well, sorry to say Fin," she started after the taller girl made her faux complaint. "The docs said you need a bit more indoor rest before we can go camping. Next week, it'll be all tents and sleeping bags though." She sighed when she finished, letting Fin go.
Her and Harmonia went to have their moment, hugging and opening themselves to keep working on their relationship. Were it not the fact it involved the horrid ex-model, Chris would have probably saw it as sweet. Things between the Forsters and Edelsteins seemed to be over, for the better for everyone. A satisfactory ending to an incredible journey. They shed their tears and their animosity, coming out better in the end.
Chris, however, was the only outlier. Happy as she was Finella was almost completely better, glad as she was to see her smile so brightly after the gruesome battle she had fought, the rock star couldn't say the story was closed for her. Fin was the first person she'd actually opened up to after however many years, first person she trusted enough to let into her heart. Even if it went against how she felt, the rocker couldn't forgive Harmonia or Chelsea for everything they had done during the prologue to the PPV fight - and even further before that, in the Austrian's case. The chapter for this story was coming to a satisfactory close, but the high-flyer had her own side story to settle, whenever that may be.
That would soon be the case as her sis came out, the two rock lovers embracing the other's open arms. Chris actually had to brace herself a bit to keep herself from toppling over. Sometimes it seemed Fin forgot how physically feeble the snow-haired girl was. "Hehe, well, sorry to say Fin," she started after the taller girl made her faux complaint. "The docs said you need a bit more indoor rest before we can go camping. Next week, it'll be all tents and sleeping bags though." She sighed when she finished, letting Fin go.
Her and Harmonia went to have their moment, hugging and opening themselves to keep working on their relationship. Were it not the fact it involved the horrid ex-model, Chris would have probably saw it as sweet. Things between the Forsters and Edelsteins seemed to be over, for the better for everyone. A satisfactory ending to an incredible journey. They shed their tears and their animosity, coming out better in the end.
Chris, however, was the only outlier. Happy as she was Finella was almost completely better, glad as she was to see her smile so brightly after the gruesome battle she had fought, the rock star couldn't say the story was closed for her. Fin was the first person she'd actually opened up to after however many years, first person she trusted enough to let into her heart. Even if it went against how she felt, the rocker couldn't forgive Harmonia or Chelsea for everything they had done during the prologue to the PPV fight - and even further before that, in the Austrian's case. The chapter for this story was coming to a satisfactory close, but the high-flyer had her own side story to settle, whenever that may be.
- CaptainL
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
Chelsea and Finella had, truly, raised hell. Their match had wreaked havoc not only on their bodies but on the arena, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. One could only pity the unfortunate janitors tasked with cleaning up after them. They'd left bruises and cuts and scratches all over their bodies, too numerous to list. One would think that after their hatred had moved them to such lengths, they would want to stay as far from one another as they could. But Chelsea knew that after it all, there was no way for her to top what she'd already done. They'd proven themselves - they'd set out to show the world that they wouldn't be held down, and no one could argue that they had succeeded. Now, they were both together, joined in their mutually battered and broken state. And they might as well embrace that.
The Englishwoman let out a content sigh as she sank down into the bed. She felt Finella's fingers brush along her back, tracing the edges of her shoulder blades, and she didn't even raise any goosebumps, or try to pull herself away. After it all, there was no way they could match the intensity with which they'd torn into one another on that fateful day. So there was no use in trying, and there was no use in holding onto the feelings that had fueled that fury. In some strange way, the match that had been born of their rage and their hatred...had brought them together, in the end.
Of course, Chelsea did sputter and gasp when she heard Finella tease her about George. "Ye WHAT!?" she shouted, sitting up straight in the bed; she wasn't used to even considering her and George to be together, let alone being teased about it. But she let out a sigh, and she sank back against Finella all the same. She was right. Chelsea had had the victory of a lifetime on the greatest stage of all. She'd made friends, she'd forged relationships, and she'd come out of this all as a new woman. Now...all that was left to do was to follow that path together.
When Finella passed her a beer bottle, Chelsea hefted it high. She hardly needed any prompting to celebrate - on a night like tonight, it was only natural.
"Ter de future!"
She blushed to George, smiling up at him; that he would speak to her so softly, teasing her in his playful manner, made her giggle a little to herself. The two of them really had become like an old couple, with all the inside jokes and secret pleasantries that entailed, and Chelsea was happy to share them all with him. When George kissed her forehead, she blushed - but she also looked back up at him with a nod. "Yeah. I am," she said, reaching to take his hand. "I kun I am."
Molly was less subtle about her affections - she ran up to her sister, pulling her into a tight hug. "Chelsea!! I'm soooo happy for you, I missed you so much..." And Chelsea smiled back at her, too - normally, she was embarrassed when Molly got this excited out in public. But this time, she would allow it.
Molly looked back at Finella and Chris, and then at Harmonia, noting the wary expressions on each. She knew that this was going to be a process - that everyone would need to take their own time to heal. But...Molly was ready for that. No matter how much time it took, she was ready for it. "Don't worry, Fin," she said, leaning in against Harmonia's side as she flashed the Hellraiser a smile, "Moni means everything to me...and I won't let anything get in our way! I won't let you down!"
"Well?" Chelsea asked, pushing open the exit door. "Ready ter get goin'?" The bright light of a beautiful spring morning greeted them - and so too did the promise of a brighter future worth looking forward to.
The Englishwoman let out a content sigh as she sank down into the bed. She felt Finella's fingers brush along her back, tracing the edges of her shoulder blades, and she didn't even raise any goosebumps, or try to pull herself away. After it all, there was no way they could match the intensity with which they'd torn into one another on that fateful day. So there was no use in trying, and there was no use in holding onto the feelings that had fueled that fury. In some strange way, the match that had been born of their rage and their hatred...had brought them together, in the end.
Of course, Chelsea did sputter and gasp when she heard Finella tease her about George. "Ye WHAT!?" she shouted, sitting up straight in the bed; she wasn't used to even considering her and George to be together, let alone being teased about it. But she let out a sigh, and she sank back against Finella all the same. She was right. Chelsea had had the victory of a lifetime on the greatest stage of all. She'd made friends, she'd forged relationships, and she'd come out of this all as a new woman. Now...all that was left to do was to follow that path together.
When Finella passed her a beer bottle, Chelsea hefted it high. She hardly needed any prompting to celebrate - on a night like tonight, it was only natural.
"Ter de future!"
At last, the day had come. Chelsea's wounds had healed, and she was ready to return to her home - the home she knew she had now, with people who loved her and cared about her, like she'd always yearned for. She had grown so accustomed to staying in the hospital that now, as she stepped out to the waiting room, she almost felt out of place. Even the fact she was walking on two feet felt strange. But when she looked back up, seeing George and Molly and everyone else ready to greet her, she knew she couldn't find any regrets. The future was here - and it was better than ever.She blushed to George, smiling up at him; that he would speak to her so softly, teasing her in his playful manner, made her giggle a little to herself. The two of them really had become like an old couple, with all the inside jokes and secret pleasantries that entailed, and Chelsea was happy to share them all with him. When George kissed her forehead, she blushed - but she also looked back up at him with a nod. "Yeah. I am," she said, reaching to take his hand. "I kun I am."
Molly was less subtle about her affections - she ran up to her sister, pulling her into a tight hug. "Chelsea!! I'm soooo happy for you, I missed you so much..." And Chelsea smiled back at her, too - normally, she was embarrassed when Molly got this excited out in public. But this time, she would allow it.
Molly looked back at Finella and Chris, and then at Harmonia, noting the wary expressions on each. She knew that this was going to be a process - that everyone would need to take their own time to heal. But...Molly was ready for that. No matter how much time it took, she was ready for it. "Don't worry, Fin," she said, leaning in against Harmonia's side as she flashed the Hellraiser a smile, "Moni means everything to me...and I won't let anything get in our way! I won't let you down!"
"Well?" Chelsea asked, pushing open the exit door. "Ready ter get goin'?" The bright light of a beautiful spring morning greeted them - and so too did the promise of a brighter future worth looking forward to.
Last edited by CaptainL on Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)
That was the end of the great war between two sets of sisters-one pair bent on destruction and one pair bent on love. Nobody surely thought they would be a cohesive unit and move forward as a family, but they proved their doubters wrong. The Superstars were a mainstream power couple and Chelsea and Finella could be friendly rivals not afraid of taking each other to their limits, but this time under better circumstances. It seems the grudge match at We Are LAW had taught everyone a valuable lesson. It taught Harmonia to not abandon her family even when she personally wanted to see a personal feud end and get to the better part of becoming a family. It taught Finella that she had a right to be angry, but she needed to know when too far was too far. It taught Chelsea not give to give in to her pride and anger otherwise it would land her and everyone she hurt in far graver situations. It even taught Molly a little reality and probably put her in a better state of mind of how to approach things for the next conflict between them all-if any arised in the future.
However, everything was settled and the family of four could move forward with the guys and even Kennedy. Not to mention, Finella took her own shot and asked Kennedy out on a date. This caught the older woman’s attention and she simply smirked walking up to Fin, grabbing her by the waist, and planted a nice kiss on her lips shocking everyone. As the lips parted and left a thin trail of saliva between mouths, Kennedy simply had one thing to say.
“I thought you’d never ask. However, I wasn’t waiting till after dinner for that,” Kennedy stated.
Ah, some things never change it seems. Maybe that’s for the best. Fences will mend, bridges will be rebuilt, and the bond created today will forge new memories for the future between the Forsters and the Edelsteins. Only this time, they had a bigger family to share it all with. And that’s the ending they all hoped for.
However, everything was settled and the family of four could move forward with the guys and even Kennedy. Not to mention, Finella took her own shot and asked Kennedy out on a date. This caught the older woman’s attention and she simply smirked walking up to Fin, grabbing her by the waist, and planted a nice kiss on her lips shocking everyone. As the lips parted and left a thin trail of saliva between mouths, Kennedy simply had one thing to say.
“I thought you’d never ask. However, I wasn’t waiting till after dinner for that,” Kennedy stated.
Ah, some things never change it seems. Maybe that’s for the best. Fences will mend, bridges will be rebuilt, and the bond created today will forge new memories for the future between the Forsters and the Edelsteins. Only this time, they had a bigger family to share it all with. And that’s the ending they all hoped for.
My Travelers: https://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=11975
Welcome to the Frontier! World Frontier Pro Wrestling: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43299 ... /108838659 (Updated Link)
Welcome to the Frontier! World Frontier Pro Wrestling: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43299 ... /108838659 (Updated Link)
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