Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Quetzalcoatl was surprised when she saw Yang take her uppercut without flinching, anyone would have started staggering or losing the use of their legs, she even thought she hadn't put enough strength.
Even after giving hooks, she was quite surprised to see her opponent defending and attacking so well, she even thought she was weaker than her opponent, which was starting to annoy her, which made her blows less powerful and precise.

Quetzalcoatl had to calm down and come to her senses, she wasn't going to win the fight if she kept fighting this way. But the moment was already quite late as Yang grabbed Quetzalcoatl's head to headlock it. Quetzalcoatl then took the first knock of her knees by surprise and made her legs tremble, waking up her pain in the liver.
Quetzalcoatl groaned in pain and shielded herself from further knee strikes with her arm, she knew she wasn't going to be able to shield herself long enough and had to counterattack now.

To be effective, Quetzalcoatl lets her instinct speak and react rather than thinking about a combat strategy. Quetz was strong, strong enough to lift many women in the heavyweight category. So Quetz decided to do the same to her adversary, releasing her belly to put one of her arms between her legs and the other on her opponent's neck. Despite the position which was not perfect and the legs trembling, Quetzalcoatl counted on carrying her opponent and throwing her to the ground with the rest of her strength, slamming her back on the carpet. If Quetz could do that, then she'd go to rest on a corner without getting any benefit. She intended to beat her opponent with her fists, this fight was going to decide which of her two blondes were the strongest and the most resistant.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang figured that Quetzalcoatl knew how to throw a punch, but that would be putting it lightly. Sure she wasn’t knocking Yang out, but these were solid hits that surely put anyone else on their backs. Good thing Yang was an expert on taking punches. But knowing your limits were important. So Yang knew she couldn’t take much more consecutive punches.
Defending off of the hooks were easy enough. At first the punches stung just to even guard. But as they got weaker Yang figured she’d get some rest time in the storm. Without Quetzalcoatl knowing what Yang was really doing.

Yang luckily was the first one to switch gears. Even if she were a boxer/brawler at heart. That didn’t mean grappling was out of her wheel house. Boxing has clinching after all. Hopefully catching her blonde opponent off guard. Yang knew better than to just leave things at one submission hold. Adding on some knee blows for good measure.

The damage behind these knees would be something Yang needed to look for later. Quetzalcoatl wasn’t giving much of an indication. Yang knew how hard she hit, so at least something was being done. Quetzalcoatl would use this moment to show off her quick thinking. Knowing full well that Yang is happy to sit here and connect knee shots the entire match. Getting a hold of Yang, she knew what was coming. That being said, Yang didn’t have a good way to stop it. So the most she could do was just brace for impact. Quetzalcoatl using her strength would carry Yang up and bring her crashing down onto the mat. AGH!! Yang let out as her body bounced from the impact. Holding her back, as if to try and hold back the pain. Not that it was working.

Now on her back, Quetzalcoatl retreated to a corner to get some time to recover. Yang on the other hand was on the ground and began to chuckle Heheh. What happened to all that big talk before? Couldn’t out punch me? Can’t say I would’ve chickens out like you did there Yang said making fun of Quetzalcoatl as she got up. For added measure Yang got back into her fighting stance and even gestured for Quetzalcoatl to come at her.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Quetzalcoatl sighed harshly in pain with each knee strike she blocked. She felt like her arms were being crushed with each blow received, without even imagining what could have happened if her knees gave out at that moment. Luckily, nothing worse happened to Quetzalcoatl. She managed to lift her opponent despite the pain on her arms and knees and to tackle her violently on the ground while launching a scream of a warrior.


After having tackled her opponent on the ground, Quetzalcoatl walked to land against a corner of the ring, like a break between two rounds in a boxing match, except that no one was there to check on Quetzalcoatl's condition. Several seconds pass before Yang gets up, Quetzalcoatl had regained her strength, her legs were no longer soaking and she could hit again as hard as at the beginning. Despite that, Quetzalcoatl felt that her stomach wouldn't last very long if it continued like this.

Seeing her opponent get up, Quetzalcoatl smiled confidently for the rest of the match, she struck her two fists with a motivated air and was about to move forward before stopping after taking a step forward. Quetzalcoatl seemed hesitant but didn't know how to attack her opponent after several tries. She then decided to put a hand on her hip and motion to come with the finger of her second hand, trying to provoke her opponent into this position.

"I've come to you many times already, don't you know how to attack on your own?~"

Quetzalcoatl wanted to see what her opponent was capable of when she launched the offensive, to be honest, Quetzalcoatl was mostly tired of having her shots blocked and countered, she intended to return the favor for the rest of the match, watching her opponent carefully with eyes wide open.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang sighed as she got back up from Quetzalcoatl’s throw. Yang had half expected Quetzalcoatl forcing or coming back with more strikes. So when Quetzalcoatl came in and grabbed Yang and slamming her down on the mat hard. Letting out a warrior scream after doing so. “Oh great now she’s getting more of an ego” Yang thought to herself getting back up. If Quetzalcoatl was getting her rest, Yang would be getting the same rest.

Not exactly feeling refreshed, Yang got up cracking her neck. Talking trash as she got up. But it looks like Quetzalcoatl wasn’t really listening to Yang. Even hyping herself up as she strike her fists together. Yang’s expression souring a bit. So whatever I say is just in one ear and out the other with you huh? Yang said crossing her arm. Now whether or not Quetzalcoatl rushed Yang while she was not in fighting stance didn’t matter. The distance in between them made it so Yang could react comfortably. Yang was always talkative during her fights, but that is in part because her opponents would shoot back. Quetzalcoatl was kinda ruining this part for her.

At least Quetzalcoatl could talk some trash and back it up. Now telling Yang to come in and attack on her own. Which confused Yang because who attacked for Yang?
Awe look at that puny sun god is scared of me. Must be petrified, it’d makes sense why you aren’t pushing forward. I mean you did just throw me, but you backed off? Yeah okay sis Yang said as she shrugged and even turned her back to Quetzalcoatl. Yang with a clear mind could tell that Quetzalcoatl was baiting her in. For once being a smart fighter, Yang wasn’t going to rush in like normal. Instead wanting to copy Weiss and play some mind games.

Yang went to the ropes and rested on them. Don’t worry little Sun, I’ll give you more recovery time. Hit me with that punishment you were talking about before Yang said yawning as she rested on the ropes. Both fighters now in a deadlock taunting each other. Yet Yang was hoping that her taunts were more personal.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Even though Quetzalcoatl taunted the blonde in front of her, her opponent didn't look as primitive as Quetzalcoatl and remained serious while keeping her composure, not responding to the taunt with her fists but with words. Quetzalcoatl sighed for a long time before smiling mischievously at her adversary who preferred to retreat towards the ropes rather than come towards her. She then decided to put herself in front of her opponent, sticking against the ropes to also rest while keeping her smile.

"Oh I see you're scared, maybe my uppercuts made you less wild and more tame?~"

Quetzalcoatl chuckled lightly and began to warm up her legs and shoulders while staying against the ropes. The two women recovered their energies without too much trouble while Quetzalcoatl continued to make conversation with her adversary.

"I'm not scared of you, in fact I can't wait to keep getting hit by you.~ It's just that I'm THE sun goddess, female dogs like you have to come to me to HOPE to dethrone me, I have nothing to prove in front of you and the public~"

Quetzalcoatl raised her arms to support the crowd who were screaming at the two fighters but especially at Yang. The spectators had appreciated Quetzalcoatl's attitude from the beginning of the match to answer the provocations with her fists and to continue to be on the offensive but now they were disappointed to see Yang acting selfishly. Quetzalcoatl stepped forward slightly to the center of the ring, motioning her opponent to come again but in a less polite manner.

"Come on, come on little dog, after this match I will become your owner~"

Quetzalcoatl prepared a guard with her arms but what she had planned was quite different. In this position, anyone would imagine defending with her arms, but Quetzalcoatl planned to stop her opponent's momentum with a kick, which had more reach than her opponent's arm.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang knew better than to play into the words into her opponent. At least this time, honestly its a coin toss whether Yang plays into it or not. Sure she was letting Quetzalcoatl recover, but Yang figured she could win the verbal contest. After all it wasn’t Yang who caused the separation first. Still Yang couldn’t figure out how Quetzalcoatl functioned it was like she had her perspective be damned everything else.

Scared? You gotta be joking right? You were the one that ran into the “corner” first. When I was on the ground of all times Yang said stating a fact firing back at Quetzalcoatl.

Quetzalcoatl would go on about her sun goddess image. Calling Yang a dog and even wanting to get hit by Yang. Now keep in mind the coin toss. Yang had been doing so well in this match to keep her temper. Yet being called a bitch once nearly set the woman off.

You know what. Tired trying to make sense with you. I’m just gonna settle for sending you the the emergency room. Yang said with a certain anger in her eyes and cracking her knuckles. God you are so full of shit. Nothing to prove to the public? Yet you wanna play to their good sides. Whatever keep that same energy. Yang said threateningly.

Finally not responding to Quetzalcoatl Yang shot forward with a quick dash. Yang’s stance was not a boxing one this time. It was much more free flow, allowing her to adapt to what was coming to her if she needed. Quetzalcoatl who planned to stop Yang’s momentum with a kick made a good choice. “GNH” Yang grunted running right into the kick. But that was just a byproduct of her plan. Sure Yang got kicked, but now she managed to get a hold of Quetzalcoatl’s leg. Letting the woman bounce on one leg if she wanted to keep her balance. If Yang’s previous tactics were anything to indicate. Yang was going to aim for Quetzalcoatl’s stomach. Pulling Quetzalcoatl’s leg in, Yang cocked her right arm back. Looking to impale Quetzalcoatl with a punch to the gut. Yet this time, Yang was headhunting, so as a semi fake out. Yang aimed for Quetzalcoatl’s head with the punch! Guard or no Yang was doing damage!

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Seeing her opponent lunge forward, Quetzalcoatl reacted quickly by advancing towards her opponent and kicking her stomach. Quetzalcoatl had not only foreseen this simple attack, but she intended to act again after what her adversary was going to do. You shouldn't underestimate Quetz, she certainly lost the exchange of blows but it's for a very simple reason, she doesn't know how to box, she only learned it recently. Quetzalcoatl's fighting style is more lucha libre or street fighting, and she fully intended to fight like in a street fight this time around.

Seeing her leg get caught, Quetzalcoatl prepared to advance towards her opponent by leaping forward slightly with one leg. However, Quetzalcoatl had not imagined receiving a punch in the stomach at this time, fortunately Quetz rested and moved closer to her opponent, this helped her to cushion the blow and survive the blow, despite the fact that it is still so powerful.


It was now up to Quetz to act, even under the pain she intended to do what she had in mind. Quetz smiled seeing her opponent pull her towards her, it was perfect for what she intended to do.
Quetz wrapped her arm behind the other blonde's head to force her to lower her head. Luckily for her, her elbow prevented her second fist from going all the way, preventing Yang from punching Quetz in the face at the time. But it wasn't over, Quetz's plan had only just begun. Almost glued to her opponent, forcing her to lower her head, Quetz had a small positional advantage despite her leg still in the air. She clenched her fist and punched her opponent in the face. Quetz continued to punch her opponent's face and intended to continue until her opponent lost consciousness, found a way out, or the referee separated them. There was likely to be blood in the ring.

"It's time for you to call an emergency~"
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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When people get into fights, they rarely think about getting punched. Yang was not one of those people. She got into brawls knowing full well she’d get a few to the face. Sure Quetzalcoatl lost to Yang in the striking part of the match. That was obvious enough, but then Quetzalcoatl had a whole bag of tricks she had yet to show. Seeing how this is a more rough match. Quetzalcoatl was going to use that to her advantage.

Fast on her feet, Quetzalcoatl shifted forward to make Yang’s blow weaker. To make matters worse, Yang was already reeling from the kick. So Quetzalcoatl pushed her advantage, taking a hold of Yang’s head and lowering it and catching her with several blows to the face.
(Okay this isn’t looking good)

Yang wasn’t the trickiest of fighters, what you see is what you get with her. Thankfully she was already holding onto Quetzalcoatl’s leg. So in one quick motion, Yang took a page from Quetzalcoatl’s book. Grabbing onto the Sun Goddess’s back with her free hand. Lifting Quetzalcoatl up and throwing her backwards in a very scuffed suplex! If this landed. Yang exploded with energy, still with bruises on her face and some blood that she would have to spit out.
Nah I ain’t calling for no emergency Yang let out with a cocky tone behind it despite the look on her face.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Even though Quetzalcoatl had a small advantage with the hold she had on her opponent, it only gave her the opportunity to land only 3 punches in her opponent's face. It might not seem like much, but 3 punches from Quetzalcoatl was hard to take, even for an opponent as tough as Yang. Unfortunately, the sun goddess ended up falling to the ground with her back slamming on the ground, she still tried to put her arms forward to cushion her fall and get up without too much trouble.

The goddess now found herself behind her opponent and could take a breather, she could notice that her fist was bleeding, but it wasn't hers, her opponent's could mumble something.

"Hmph, you don't want to give up huh..."

Quetzalcoatl wasted no time, to hell with saving stamina and strength, what she wanted was to knock out her opponent by showing her who was the strongest. She runs towards her opponent before jumping to tackle her on the ground, as she was back to her opponent she tackled her on her back. But it was not a favorable position for Quetzalcoatl who preferred to waste a little of her time to turn her opponent to lie on her back and give her several powerful punches in the face, Quetzalcoatl did not hold back .

"Give up! You're weaker than me! You need an ambulance!!"
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Christ as much as Yang liked to fight, she could do without so many punches to the face. Concussions are no joke, especially with the way Quetzalcoatl would punch. Yang would be more than lucky to get out of this with no head injuries. But who is Yang to worry about these kinds of things. She’d just have to deal with the consequences after the match was over.

Quetzalcoatl would get mildly upset at Yang for not giving up, but honestly Yang could say the same thing about Quetzalcoatl. Yang was finding harder and harder to find a way to put Quetzalcoatl down. At least she was making this interesting by always rushing in. Yang was going to use this moment to counter Quetzalcoatl’s tackle. Though in a unexpected way, instead of dodging out of the way or trying to meet the woman head on. Yang would take the tackle full on, grunting painfully as Quetzalcoatl took her down. Though Yang would latch onto Quetzalcoatl’s neck and lock in a guillotine choke hold! Latching her legs onto Quetzalcoatl’s to make things even harder. Now Yang had flipped things around, she was looking to choke Quetzalcoatl out!

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