Ruby in the rough

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Ruby in the rough

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Alicja's workout attire
Some habits really did die hard. Despite moving into wrestling an keeping her modeling gigs running, Alicja found it hard to go away from her old workout routines. She didn't have to keep up such a strict schedule now that she wasn't competing in bodybuilding but she did so simply out of habit.

Right now she was finishing the last few reps of squats before taking a rest. She was pretty close to lifting at her max but keeping with her plan she should be increasing her load soon.

Setting the bar back on the rack and taking a few deep breaths she reached for the towl to wipe her sweat and stepped back, at reaching a little. Now she would look around the gym, when she started it was still pretty empty.

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Last edited by Tiamat on Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Alicja was still taking her break when she saw another women walk into the gym and make her way to the squat racks, seeing how she seemed to be taking a station next to her she would give a small wave to her. Then she saw what kind of weight the other girl was putting on the barbell and paused. It seemed rather heavy given her size, not to mention it being her first exercise right after coming in. Still she wasn't about to be one of these assholes who were telling others how they should exercise so she didn't say anything.

Then the other girl lifted the bar off of the race and started to squat, the shaking in the knees was a dead giveaway that even if she didn't fall halfway through the squat, she wouldn't be coming back up. Alicja quickly made her way behind the girl, making sure she saw that she did so not to spook her. "We need to get that back up, I'll help you, ok? On three" She said before getting into position with her arms wrapping around Ruby's midsection to help her with the lift and provide stability as they went up. "One... two... Three!" She said before lifting up and helping the other girl set the bar on the rack after which she would step back, letting her get out from under the weight.

"Better to start low and build the weight up. Oh, and have a spotter if you are not sure if you can handle the weight" She said with a smile before reaching out her hand for the other girl to shake. "I'm Alicja by the way"

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Ruby came into this gym wanting to get a good workout in. Not dealing with the pressures of her sister or anyone else really. Figuring out this would be the best way to bulk up and get some more power in. Just like anything in Ruby’s life, she wanted to do things quick and explosive. But this wasn’t something she could apply to working out. Things could get dangerous real quick if Ruby didn’t have some sort of direction.

So when Ruby put on the weight to her bar. She wasn’t sure if the weight wasn’t good enough. But it looked like something Yang would lift, so it couldn’t be that far off, right? Getting under the bar, Ruby was at least able to get it up. But only half way through her first squat Ruby realized this was a mistake. Yup this was a bad idea. Very bad idea Ruby thought to herself as her knees were shaking.

Luckily the girl nearby Ruby raced over to her. Saving Ruby before the weight took her out. Ruby was more focused on not collapsing under a weight twice or three times her own. Feeling the arms around her waist, it was a mixture of shock and happiness. Especially since these arms were accompanied by a voice that helped Ruby with the bar. Counting to the count of three as they raised the bar and setting it on the rack. Ruby could feel the nagging pain in her upper back. Well that could have gone better Ruby said doing light stretching. That counts as one right? Ruby asked rhetorically hoping for a good answer.

The girl nearby would start to throw some advice Ruby’s way. Yeah but if I start big then I just cut the time in half! Ruby said enthusiastically. Reaching out to the other girls hand and shaking it. I’m Ruby, Ruby Rose. Nice to meet you

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Alicja smiled and chukled. "Sure, it counts as one... minus one, that is." She said before moving to the bar to start removing some of the plates. "Starting big gets you hurt, and that makes it take longer to build strength... and muscle." She continued before leaning on the rack and looking at the other girl. "Could have picked wore exercise to overdo it on, this would probably end just in you dropping the weight, maybe tearing a muscle, nothing permanent that is. You have to be in one piece to train, remember that, it's some of the best advice I've got." She took a pause then as she felt she has been talking for a while. then chuckled. "Look at me yapping like I was some old geezer. What I want to say is I can help you some, if you want that is.

She then took a breath and took a step back to look at both Ruby to estimate how strong she could actually be and at the rack, trying to think what weight could work for her newfound friend(?) "I hope you don't mind but how much you weigh?"
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Ruby smiled back at Alicja as she complimented Ruby on her one. Quickly souring that expression when Alicja finished saying minus one. Wouldn’t let me have just that huh? Ruby sighed. Watching Alicja move the bar and removing some of the plates. She would start to almost teach/scold Ruby on her methods. Ruby wasn’t wrong in her thinking. But it was just something she couldn’t handle. Something Alicja was making abundantly clear. Though to be honest, as Alicja was going on and on. It was going through one ear and out the other for Ruby. The most she could do was pick up the basics of what was said. Heavy weight dangerous for me was what Ruby got out of it. Blinking herself out of it when Alicja noticed that she was rambling. You certainly know your stuff, that’s for sure Ruby chuckled as despite her lacking expereince it was a nice conversation. But seeing as how the weight nearly killed her, when Alicja offered to help. Ruby was quick to accept that help. Yes please!…I mean yes, I would appreciate that Ruby said happily now feeling like she would have some sort of idea of what to do.

Getting close to Ruby, Alicja was doing a quick check up on Ruby. Following that Ruby was asked about her weight. Something she usually was never conscious of. Yet for some reason in this situation, Ruby was more worried about her weight. Me? I’m one hundred and nin…. I’m a lightweight. Yeah a lightweight Ruby said switching what she was going to say.

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Alicja looked at her smaller friend and raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a slight smile. "Hell of a moment to get conscious about your weight, you know I'm much heavier than you, you realize? Much heavier." She said as if trying to reassure Ruby before she moved back to the rack, switching weights around before taking a long look at it.

"Ok, that should be a decent fit for you, we are aiming for 8 reps, if after 8 you can still do more with no rest, then we will go a bit higher." She said before gesturing for Ruby to get under the bar. "Go slow and steady, don't straighten your legs to full, I'll be sporting you."

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Ruby knew that her last answer was going to be a point of contention. Alicja picking up on it and even pointing out the timing. Yes yes, I know. No need for extra commentary. That and bragging Ruby said with a small pout. Alicja obviously knows her stuff, so Ruby would have to deal with some of it. Ruby’s new workout buddy/coach now was messing with the weights to something more suitable for Ruby.

Taking a good look at the bar and the weights on it. Isn’t this to light? No way I’m this weak right? Ruby said feeling low on herself at the moment. But with the further gesturing, Ruby sighed and went under the bar and followed Alicja’s instructions. Placing her hands on the right spot and spreading her legs right. Ruby took a deep breath before raising the bar. Grunting as she did so, the weight this time was still heavy. Yet this time Ruby felt like she could move way more than before. Lowering her hips and body, keeping her form up. With Alicja hopefully keeping the form clean. Ruby would try to knock out the 8 reps at a good pace.

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Re: Ruby in the rough

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Alicja chuckled at the reply from Ruby about the weight. "Wasn't bragging, some would say I'm too heavy for a woman." Then she positioned herself behind her new friend to spot her as she went down.

Ruby seemed to have done it before, or have a back for it as Alicja didn't really need to correct her at any point. Her legs were spread at the right distance, her knees weren't going too far to the front, spine was straight, a picture-perfect set. When they finished she gave Ruby a pat on the back. "Now, that was good, you are a natural."

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Re: Ruby in the rough

Unread post by Tiamat »

Ruby would do a textbook workout, doing everything she needed to do as intended. Almost no wasted movements. At least something from Yang’s workouts made it into Ruby’s foundation. Lifting the weight with much more ease now. Settling it down Ruby pumped herself up proud of her progress. Oh yeah thats right look at me. Ruby said finishing with a small bicep flex. It was like there was a fire slowly growing inside Ruby. Okay what’s next, more of this? I can easily crank more weight. Bench Press? Pull Ups? Sit Ups? Ruby would go on and on about the workouts she would do now. Seemingly invigorated to get some muscle built.

Though remembering what Alicja said before about weight. Oh please you haven’t seen Nora or Yang those two are gym freaks. I can say that because one of them is my sister Ruby said almost trying to make Alicja feel better about her weight. Suddenly though a wave of guilt came over.
I just realized I might be robbing you of doing something else. I have a better idea about how to do this, that is if you don’t mind staying? Please stay Ruby would say all in a craze, mumbling the last part though

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