A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission or ko, hentai tactics are also allowed for this contest.

Cleo yawned slightly as she strutted backstage, already dressed in her wrestling gear, ready for her first match in LAW. Honestly it had taken management far too long to find her a suitable first opponent, though admittedly Cleo hadn't helped with that given how picky and demanding she had been over the course of the whole process. Regardless she had her match against some lame o named Yumi. "Tch, lame name." She said to herself derisively as she made it to the entrance ramp, giving a pointed look to the backstage crew to ask without saying anything when she'd be let in and thankfully they'd be quick about the response giving her the ok. 'Least they can do their job decently quick.' She thought to herself as her music finally started.
Stepping out from the entrance ramp Cleo would enjoy a rather loud response, her reputation as a world class model and natural beauty winning over the otherwise harder to please LAW crowd. Smirking as she struck a sexy pose, one leg raised all the way up in the air to demonstrate her flexibility and revealing outfit Cleo would then drop it and began to strut down the ramp. Sway to her hips and and legs shown off with each step Cleo waltzed like it was a catwalk, earning even more cheers and cat calls from how good she looked and the confidence she displayed all throughout.
Making it to the ring itself Cleo would climb up the steps and walk across the outside apron to look out at the crowd. One hand holding onto the top rope Cleo would lean forward seductively winking at the camera before throwing herself back, balancing on the top with her spine while doing a perfect split mid air, bringing her whole body around over the rope rope till she landed feet first into the ring with pure elegance. Strutting over to the nearest corner Cleo would lean against it and wait patiently for her opponent to come down so they could get this over with.

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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After Cleo made her entrance, the lights around the arena dimmed, signalling the arrival of her opponent. Purple spotlights shone around the arena as powerful strobe lights began flashing around the entrance ramp, mimicking bright flashes of lightning. As her entrance music began to play, Su Yumi stepped out onto the ramp, one hand raised above her head as she showed off to the crowd. They let out a cheer of appreciation and support. Many of them were eager to see how she would fare against another newbie in a hentai match, partially because of Yumi's flashy way of fighting, but even more so because they really enjoyed seeing the proud Chinese fighter embarrassed and humiliated by her opponent's hentai tactics.

Yumi had a lot to prove in this match. The last time she got put up against a rookie in a hentai match, it had resulted in an utterly humiliating display for her, with her opponent's lewd finisher causing her to make herself cum to lose the fight! Yumi did not intend for anything like that to happen this time. She was eager to show that she was not some kind of "hentai jobber" as some were beginning to say, but rather a serious competitor in lewd combat! Her opponent Cleo was new to LAW, but she came with a bit of a reputation already in place. Yumi intended to best her to wipe the tarnish off her own record.
She took off down the ramp with her usual speed, the bottom hem of her white Chinese style dress fluttering a little as she ran, giving observant members of the crowd a nice view of her firm buttocks underneath. Once she reached the ring, she leapt up onto the apron, then vaulted herself over the top ropes, landing lightly on her feet. The crowd roared as she did another round inside the ring, cheering her on as she waved to hype them up. Between the two entrances it was hard to tell which one the crowd liked more, though Yumi felt confident it was her own.

She turned to her opponent, sizing her up for a moment before approaching her in the center of the ring. Cleo was several inches taller than her, slim and leggy, with flawless dark skin and pretty blue eyes. If it wasn't for the rather disdainful way she was looking at Yumi the Chinese girl thought she would have liked her quite a bit. Yumi wasn't about to let her opponent's attitude ruin her own though, as she stepped up and extended a hand to for a fair shake.

"Welcome to LAW Cleo," she said, her voice polite and firm, "Let's have a good match!"

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Cleo yawned bored as the music of her opponent started playing followed by the appearance of the purple haired girl. Taking a look at her as she came down the ramp it was clear the crowd liked her, and on a surface level Cleo wouldn't blame them. She wasn't as full on sexy as Cleo, by a mile, but she had that cuteness factor working in her favor which the crowd was eating up. Honestly the girl may have been able to make it in the modeling world, but Cleo could already tell that she lacked any kind of killer instinct to make it in such a business.

Even as the she entered the ring and came forward to 'welcome' her to LAW. Cleo could only scoff while turning her nose up at the girl's offer. "Yeah no." She said at the offer for a handshake. "I'm not looking to have a good match, I'm looking to beat the hell out of you while making you literally beg for mercy." Cleo said with a small, smug smirk appearing across her lips. "From what I hear its something you're quite used too." She said mockingly to the purple haired girl.

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Just denying her the handshake would have been enough, but Cleo had to add on that extra barbed comment to really dig at Yumi's confidence. The purple-haired girl let out an indignant little gasp, eyes flashing with anger. "Oh so that's how it is! she said, pulling her hand back, "Alright, no need to be nice then," she said, "You got a pretty big mouth newbie, let's see if you can back it up!"

Yumi had been in enough matches to know turning her back on an opponent with this attitude was a bad idea. Cleo might not look like the type to throw a sucker punch, but neither did most of the girls at LAW. So instead of going back into her corner, the athlete simply took a few steps back, putting some space between herself and her opponent as she awaited the start of the match. She took the time to size her opponent up, trying to figure out the best way to approach this fight.

"Cleo's got the height advantage, and a pretty big reach advantage as well," she thought, "I shouldn't get in a striking match with her. Maybe she's not too fast though?" With that thought in mind the athlete came up with a plan, just awaiting the sound of the bell to put it into action!

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Cleo smirked smugly at her opponent despite the sheer animosity now bursting from her opponent at her words. Really fragile little girls like these were a dime a dozen in the fields that she had been in for most of her life, and they were always easy to predict and manipulate. Perfect as far as she was concerned for setting them up for failure.

Case in point the pout and frustrated look already present on Yumi's face as she took a few steps back. 'Well she's close... gives me an idea.' Cleo thought to herself with a grin before the bell finally rang, starting her debut match. Immediately the former model would dash forward, making use of her long legs to surge towards Yumi at full speed before leaping up, pulling her leg in and shooting it out to try and smash her foot into Yumi's face right out of the gate with a pump kick!

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Yumi was ready for whatever Cleo would throw at her, btmut even she was surprised when the model suddenly closed the distance between them in an instant, her long legs carrying her across the ring in a single bound. "She's fast!" Yumi gasped, barely having enough time to cross her arms in front of her face before Cleo's kick slammed into her. Those long legs packed quite a bit of power too, sending Yumi feeling back, stumbling a few steps before her back hit the corner turnbuckle.

"Whew!" Yumi let out a soft breath. Cleo had surprised her, but that gave her a pretty good idea of what to expect from her opponent. Cleo's range and speed were nothing to scoff at, that was for certain. But even though Yumi was caught off guard, the Chinese girl believed she could be faster. She wasn't called Blazing Lightning for nothing!

So Yumi immediately fired back. She dashed out of the corner, speeding towards Cleo, closing the distance between them just as quickly as the tall leggy model did. Yumi did not hesitate, leaping up herself to throw her own kick right back at the model. Only she didn't kick with one leg, jumping up and flying through the air with both her heels aimed at Cleo's chest, aiming to take her off her feet with a speedy dropkick!

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Cleo smirked to herself, seeing the look of shock pass across the face of her opponent as she desperately raised her arms up in an attempt to defend herself. Unfortunately that meager defense had been enough to stop Cleo's kick to be fully effective. But it had at least been strong enough to push Yumi far enough back with enough force that the girl hit the corner back first.

Landing smoothly on her feet following the kick Cleo would toss her hair back haughtily with a smug smirk on her face after seeing the state of her opponent. As it happened however Cleo's own arrogance was about to come and bite her hard since with a similar speed to Cleo herself Yumi would come running in leaping through the air with both feet at the ready, forcing Cleo to raise her own arms in defense!

"Ngh!" Cleo grunted out as she was knocked off her feet by the greater stopping power of Yumi's dropkick. Even as she hit the mat back first however Cleo was already gritting her teeth in annoyance from being knocked down so early, and thusly she immediately kicked out with her legs to kip up to her feet immediately, glaring furiously in her opponent's direction! "Bitch!" Cleo hissed as she swung her arm out to either, slap Yumi across the fae if she kipped up as well, or to smack her on the back of her head if she was down on the mat!

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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After rushing in and delivering the powerful dropkick as a follow-up to Cleo's fast attack, Yumi expected Cleo to be down for a while, stunned by the power behind that attack. Imaging her surprise when Cleo suddenly kipped up to her feet in a smooth move, and immediately began attacking her again! The Chinese athlete was impressed by her opponent's athleticism. But she had no time to admire her though, as Cleo stepped forward and delivered a powerful slap right to her face!

"Ow!" Yumi gasped as the open-handed slap snapped her head sideways. The blow left her ears ringing, an angry red mark appearing across her cheek. Yumi had been hit in far worse ways, but for some reason getting slapped like that felt far more personal and hurtful. That only made her more mad at her opponent.

The purple-haired girl immediately counterattacked. She stepped forward, throwing a forearm bash right at Cleo's chest. Fighting with slaps wasn't her style, but if Cleo wanted to get into a striking match, Yumi would oblige. She would keep up the pressure as well, following up that forearm bash with an elbow strike with her other arm, using repeated blows to make up for the indignation of being slapped.
Last edited by pu-level-up on Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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Despite the drop kick from Yumi taking her down it was far from enough to take her out. In fact if anything it only angered Cleo and made her all the more eager to dismantle and humiliate this brat in front of her. Thankfully the surprise slap she had delivered to the purple haired girl had just the effect Cleo wanted it too. Surprising and hurting her in both a literal and figurative sense. Making her hold her now crimson cheek with a look of utter shock on her face.

Although this was immediately followed by Yumi stepping forward and starting to unload fore arm smashes into Cleo's chest in payback! "Ngh! Gah! Ugh!" Cleo groaned out after the first round of strikes from the girl, unable to do much about them, but she'd be damned if she allowed this bitch to get the better of her so easily!

The next gap in strikes that would occur would be when Cleo would strike, her hand immediately going to grab a handful of her opponent's hair from the back! Giving a firm tug to hopefully cause a delay in the woman's attack pattern Cleo would look to return the favor, unloading a series of elbow strikes right back into Yumi's chest as well!

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Re: A Flood of Fun: Cleo Hulbury vs Su Yumi

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The fight was quickly degenerating into a catfight as Cleo responded to Yumi's arm bashes by grabbing her hair to pull her back, following up with a few precise strikes of her own into Yumi's chest. "Ack! Ahh!" Yumi gasped as Cleo's arm smashed into her sternum, making her breasts bounce with each hit. The Chinese girl wasn't going to take this lying down, one hand grabbing Cleo's to try and pray away her grip on her hair, while her other grabbed Cleo's arm to stop her from continuing her strikes.

With their hands tied up, Yumi immediately moved to strike with her legs. She stepped in, swinging a leg up to smash right into Cleo's exposed tummy. That hit was meant only to knock Cleo around and make her release her hair though, as it was Yumi's follow-up blow that would be truly devastating.

Once she forced Cleo to release her hair, knocking her back a step to put a bit of space between them, then Yumi would swing her leg up high and throw her heel right at Cleo's chin! She hoped that high kick would knock the sense out of Cleo and send her reeling back, allowing Yumi to set up a big move!

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