Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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Standing backstage, a short, curvy girl was pacing back and forth in front of the curtain, getting herself hyped up for her match tonight. Ducky had a habit of pacing before each match, trying to get herself ready for what was to come. And this match in particular she was nervous about, as she was apparently facing someone who was also new to LAW, a position she had been in not at all too long ago.

And after a bit of research on the girl, Ducky was no better off than she had been before. Her opponent seemed to be an enigma, a completely mysterious girl with a bit of a dark edge to her, and so Ducky had been left a bit in the dark. Not that it bothered her much, she was more than happy to go out and have a match against someone she knew nothing about. And as she heard the announcer call her name, she knew that it was her cue to make her entrance.

Stepping out of the curtain and onto the ramp, she gave the audience a big wave, striking a pose on top of the ramp, soaking in the cheers for just a moment, before blowing the audience a kiss, beginning to make her way down to the ring. She shook hands and greeted fans as she made her way down, clad in her regular wrestling gear, dressed in her nice bright outfit, drawing the eyes of many and earning her a fair amount of whistles from the male part of the audience.
Sliding into the ring, Ducky walked over to the turnbuckle, climbing onto it and giving the crowd another pose, before stepping down, moving back to her corner. Now was the part that always made her nervous. Waiting in her corner, doing a few light stretches to keep herself occupied, Ducky kept her eyes trained on the top of the ramp, waiting for her opponent to make her entrance.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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There wasn't long to wait before Yokai replied to her own cue to enter.

"♪You... see the light begin to fade...♪"

Her entrance theme came up as the lights dimmed and Yokai slipped through the curtain like a shade. Her eyes glowed eerily in the low light as they flicked about the arena before settling firmly onto the ring and the woman now waiting within it. The white of her flawlessly sharp teeth began to show as she grinned wide and wicked, occasionally turning to hiss at anyone that attempted to reach anywhere near her before she made it to ringside and rolled up and onto the mat just as the beat dropped.

With that, she gave a howl of joy to the heavens, bouncing around the ring a bit and shouting aimlessly out into the crowd to use up a bit of energy before she could finally calm down and take her own corner, leaning back heavily into the turnbuckle as she stared down her rather curvy opponent with that awkwardly lopsided grin of hers while she waited for the bell.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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As the lights dimmed and her opponent entered, Ducky watched carefully, although what she saw was not very reassuring to her, at all. Her opponent entered, a scary looking girl with glowing eyes, and a wicked, sharp-toothed smile. As Ducky watched her walk down to the ring, hissing at the crowd and looking at her, Ducky felt her hairs stand on end, an uneasy feeling coming over her.

And as Yokai slid under the ring, suddenly letting out a violent howl and beginning to bounce around, Ducky visibly flinched, but as the scary looking girl settled into her corner, Ducky shook her head. Come on, you got this... Those thoughts repeated themselves as she looked at her foe, overcoming the brief but intense period of fear that had come over her.

Instead, she looked over at her opponent, looking her straight in the eyes to hopefully send the message that she wasn't just going to roll over for the intimidating looking girl. As the bell rang, Ducky moved towards the center, she put her hands up, getting down into a ready stance, wanting to meet Yokai in the middle of the ring for a traditional lock up.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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At the ring of the bell, Yokai stood straight from her lean against the turnbuckle, eyeing the blonde's actions with the gaze of a predator sizing up a meal seconds before the kill. As Ducky put up both hands in the international sign of wanting a starting lock-up, the dark woman could only tilt her head to the side a touch and raise a brow before a slow and sinister smile crept over her lips to display those terrible teeth of hers.

She shrugged in an overall expression that said 'It's your funeral' before reaching out to match the curvier female's hands with her own, locking her fingers in as they laced between the other's delicate grip. The moment it appeared there would be no escape from her fate, Yokai leaned in quickly to get as close to in Ducky's face as possible before shouting as loud as she could.

"BOO!" And Yokai put her strength into motion, attempting to show off as she shoved back against Ducky's grip, intent on forcing her all the way back to the ropes.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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As Ducky stood in the middle of the ring, her arms out, gesturing for a lock up, the strange girl from her seemed to turn her head slightly to the side, almost as if she was questioning her. Then, with a eerie grin, she would approach Ducky, looking as if she was going to accept the lock up, and accept it she did. Just not in the fashion that Ducky would have liked...

"WAH!" Ducky gave a loud shriek, the girl's sudden movement catching her completely off guard. She had been on edge around this girl already, and when Yokai darted forward and screamed in her face, she had nearly lept out of her skin. But then, right after that, Yokai would grab her hands, pushing her hard and shoving her back to the ropes.

Ducky grunted as she desperately tried to shove back, but Yokai had completely taken her off guard. So as she shoved, Ducky was simply pushed farther and farther back, until she hit the ropes, trapped there by the eerie figure!

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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Stuck against the ropes now, Ducky didn't have much of anywhere to go as Yokai grinned like a villain about to strike the defining blow of a battle, throwing her knee forward while still keeping the blonde's hands locked in her own, attempting to catch the ducky darling straight in the stomach with her quick attack.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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As Ducky and Yokai pressed against one another, Ducky very much on the losing end, they were quickly approaching the ropes, before finally hitting them, the blonde girls back being pressed into the ropes. As Ducky gave a light grunt from the impact, she was still trying to muster her strength, getting ready to shove Yokai back. Although, that wouldn't be the case.

"Ugh!" Ducky grunted as the scary looking girl's knee flew up into her stomach, drilling into her soft gut. Ducky's grip on Yokai's hands immediately vanished, and the blonde bent over, both hands clutching her gut.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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Yokai obviously wasn't going to turn down the invitation to soften up her prey before she went in for the kill and so, as Ducky's hands left hers to grasp at her stomach while doubling over, Yokai flew quickly into action as she attempted to loop her left arm over Ducky's neck and throw herself back into a rough DDT. All things considered, with the force Ducky would be hitting the mat pretty hard.

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Re: Submissions Match - Ducky vs Yokai

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As Ducky grunted, her arms clutching her stomach as she stumbled backwards, she didn't make it far, Yokai quickly grabbing her head and pulling it under the scary girl's arm, before falling backwards, drilling Ducky's head into the canvas!

"Ugh!" Ducky gave a loud grunt as Yokai yanked her backwards, slamming the blonde down. She felt a jolt of pain in the top of her head, and collapsed to the mat, stunned from the DDT, and momentarily unable to fight back against the scary looking girl that she was facing off with.

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