And after a bit of research on the girl, Ducky was no better off than she had been before. Her opponent seemed to be an enigma, a completely mysterious girl with a bit of a dark edge to her, and so Ducky had been left a bit in the dark. Not that it bothered her much, she was more than happy to go out and have a match against someone she knew nothing about. And as she heard the announcer call her name, she knew that it was her cue to make her entrance.
Stepping out of the curtain and onto the ramp, she gave the audience a big wave, striking a pose on top of the ramp, soaking in the cheers for just a moment, before blowing the audience a kiss, beginning to make her way down to the ring. She shook hands and greeted fans as she made her way down, clad in her regular wrestling gear, dressed in her nice bright outfit, drawing the eyes of many and earning her a fair amount of whistles from the male part of the audience.