The match had been a testament to the endurance these two women boasted, and it seemed like nothing could keep them down when they had their eyes on the prize. But at last, Astrid was starting to take back control. She had gotten Dana into a waistlock - and the crowd was already lighting up with cheers, knowing exactly what this meant! Mere moments later, the Norsewoman threw her weight backward, hurling Dana head-first into the mat!
The life seemed to be crushed out of Dana as she landed with a ring-shaking thud, her body practically deflating like an accordion. When Astrid let go of her, she slipped back onto her knees, panting for breath and brushing some sweat-slick strands of hair out of her face. In any other match, this might have been where Astrid would have posed, grinned, and flexed her muscles to revel in her efforts. But there was no time for playing around now - and Astrid couldn't afford Dana any mercy. No matter how much she had suffered, she needed to be sure she would stay down - if she was in Dana's shoes, she already knew it would take more than this to stop her!
Pushing herself back to her feet, Astrid threw her head back and belted out a battle cry. She went to grab Dana by her arm, pulling her back up and into her clutches once again, to hit another German suplex! The fans cheered even louder at the sight of Dana sinking into the canvas a second time. It seemed as though Astrid was going for a series of three German suplexes to end this match, a time-tested strategy. But that still wouldn't be good enough for the Norwegian. Instead, Astrid bent over the fallen Dana to grab her by the leg and neck, lifting her onto her shoulders. Once again, she would roar with determination, before slamming her to the mat with a Stavanger Buster!