Cage Match
Victory via pinfall or climbing out of the cage
Tasha was buzzed. Finally, for the first time in a while, she got the chance to fight in the LAW arena once again. A chance to show her skills and prove her worth to the world! It had felt like a long time since her last fight against Lauren Fredericks, an older and more experienced heavyweight... That she had lost. It had been quite an embarrassing defeat for the Alabaman newcomer, and even more so after she had learnt that Lauren's record in LAW wasn't exactly stellar...
But with that, she was also nervous. Tonight was going to be a Cage Match. It was going to be a first for Tasha... And she was also going against yet another heavyweight. Granted, Tasha knew that tough matches was exactly what she had signed up for coming into LAW, and those were to be expected as a wrestler in general as well... But her confidence had taken a slight hit due to her last match, and the Southern Twister was feeling like she could have used a little lighter match tonight. Granted, if everything went well, this was a great chance to shine brightly and prove any doubters wrong... But if things went wrong, this match had the potential to become an extremely painful and rough one as well.
Tasha Jackson - The Southern Twister

This was one of the moments when Tasha once again thanked herself of her choice of entrance theme... Ida Corr's Ride My Tempo was such an energetic and confidence-boosting one to the Alabaman! Hyping herself up, the Southern Twister sprinted out of backstage and down the ramp, greeting the crowds with her other hand while holding her signature bottle of sweet tea in the other. She proceeded to circle around the apron and cage while seemingly greeting the fans closest by - while actually at the same time observing the cage and trying to find out where the entrance was. When she finally located it, she jumped up onto the apron and entered the cage for the first time, proceeding to settle herself down in the opposite corner, trying to keep her good hype up, and not letting any doubts or concerns over how her opponent would turn out to be like to raise themselves... Anyway, she would be finding out soon enough.