Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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KO Match : Win with a knockout

Quetzalcoatl was pretty excited about the match she was going to have tonight. For the first time she was going to compete in a KO match, exactly her kind of match because she only wants to fight against strong people, like her. She was already in her locker room warming up by shadow boxing. Even if she hadn't done boxing, her training with her partner Astrea was useful to her to give more precise blows.

She was the first called by the commentators, Quetzalcoatl sighed for a long time before setting off for the ring, greeting the public who was beginning to know her well with all the matches she had played and seeing her for the first time in a new outfit.
She grabs the ropes and jumps through the ropes then climbs onto a corner, again bowing to the audience then waits for her opponent to arrive, sitting on the corner where she was standing.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Excited was one of the many words Yang could’ve used for how she felt about her match. Not standard, not submission based, no crazy stipulation. Plain and simple this was going to be a brawl. KO match means there is only one way to win. Something Yang was more than comfortable with considering her boxing background. Safe to say Yang was ready to have punches flying.

Never one to do her homework, Yang didn’t know anything about her opponent. All she got was the name of her opponent. Quetzalcoatl to be honest Yang had a hard time pronouncing the name. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to say it in full much. Names aside, if its an opponent lined up for Yang in a KO match. Yang made the safe assumption that her opponent was at least built for the match also.
Yang finally got the go ahead to do her entrance. Making her way to the waiting area, Yang hopped on her feet trying to get her blood flowing. Waiting for the right queue to start. Once her name was called out, Yang exploded from the waiting area. Pyrotechnics going off at her sides. OH YEAH WHO’S READY!! Yang yelled out to get the people amped up. The crowd responded with that same energy right back at Yang. The cheers were almost deafening in a way.

After amping the people up, Yang walked down the ramp and waved at her fans. In Yang’s head they were all here for her. Didn’t take long for Yang to reach the ring, once she did Yang climbed the apron and went through the ropes. If the energy was anything to go by, this was going to be a high octane match. Now in the ring, Yang went to the turnbuckle closest to her. Climbing the rope and raising her arms up one final time, getting a final pop from the crowd.

Getting off the turnbuckle Yang finally got a good look at her opponent. Yang’s opponent was as gold as her. Safe to say that the ring was almost radiating light from the two wrestlers. Sizing her opponent up Yang nodded off Quetzalcoatl. Hey before we beat each other senseless. Mind if I call you Quetz? You have a very long name. Yang said almost embarrassed as she rubbed the back of her head. Moments before the bell rang.
Last edited by Tiamat on Wed Oct 19, 2022 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Quetzalcoatl continued to heat up the audience by raising his arms but got slightly cut off hearing his opponent's theme and his fans boiling when the blonde arrived. Quetzalcaotl came down from the corner watching her opponent walk to the ring and put on almost the same show as her then come down. She stood with her arms crossed in front of her opponent smiling a little provocatively while looking her up and down.

Quetzalcoatl was intrigued by her adversary, she strongly resembled him, whether in height, musculature and hair. What intrigued her even more was why her opponent had accepted this KO match, she had to be strong enough to know what was going to happen to her. She looked up at her opponent's words before warming up her arms.

"Hmmm... No hello, no handshake... I see..."

Quetzalcoatl totally ignored his adversary's question, closing his eyes and sighing deeply while waiting for the bell to ring. When this was the case, the right fist of Quetzalcoatl quickly threw itself on the cheek of his adversary with a medium force, capable of repelling people of his size to start the confrontation. The public remained silent during this short moment, the match had just started and the hostilities were already beginning.

"You will call me 'Sun Goddess' rude girl, now it's time for correction!"

Quetzalcoatl shrugged his shoulders and raised both arms in front of his face to protect him and prepare to attack again. She hadn't done boxing, but thanks to a friend of hers who did, she was able to learn some basics to defend herself well and kick effectively, the rest was brute force coming from Quetz.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang looked to fire up the crowd. By all measures she succeeded in doing just that. Everyone was more than ready to watch Yang and Quetzalcoatl beat the life out of each other. Yang didn’t pay that much mind to her opponent during the entrance. She was more focused on trying to show out for her entrance. But now that she was in the ring, all bets were off. Yang was ready to start throwing some punches.

Quetzalcoatl looked tough to be sure, an opponent just fit for Yang. Even better if she was straight forward and just wanted to brawl. Yang had no intention on losing, but she’d be lying if she said this wasn’t going to be a rough match. KO matches tend to go that way since there is only one victory condition.

Eh not much of a talker I see. I could say the same about you with the handshake. Not like you offered Yang shot back at her opponent. Still though Yang more or less waited for a response to her question.

Yang’s cheerfully expression would dampen slightly as Quetzalcoatl never answered her question. Yang expected to keep things light a cheerful between the two before they came to blows. Though it looks like Quetzalcoatl was not of the same mindset at all. Once the bell ringing, immediately throwing a right hook towards Yang’s face. Thankfully her arm was already up so blocking it wasn’t to difficult.

That’s when Quetzalcoatl proudly proclaimed her name, while also calling for correction. Yang showed a jokingly disappointing face. Eh, god you are one of those types It looked like fun would be a one way street for Yang. Which might not even be the case depending how Quetzalcoatl goes about things.

Sun goddess? Well you definelty have an ego on you Yang said as she got into her boxing stance. Right arm tucked in for defending and warding off blows. Left arm slightly extended forward, to make throwing blows easier. Correction? Tough talk from a Goddess why don’t you make me Yang said mocking Quetzalcoatl. Seeing how she started the match. Yang was confident Quetzalcoatl would be one to continue her offense.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Quetzalcoatl loved provocation. She who was only looking to fight against powerful people, provocation was one of her only assets to turn the match into a fight. That was her goal for today, to provoke her opponent so she could fight at her full strength, putting on the best show for the audience. A fight between two blondes of the same build was the perfect scenario for a rivalry and showing a bloody fight.

Then comes the moment when Quetzalcoatl started the hostilities with a right hook, his opponent reacted at the right moment to block the blow and Quetzalcoatl couldn't help but smile in an annoying way seeing his opponent lose patience and get angry .

"You will have noticed that I didn't ask for your name, simply because I don't pick weak women like you~"

Quetzalcoatl continued her provocations, trying to lower her opponent's guard and find out if she was as strong as her, blocking the blows was not enough to determine what her opponent was capable of, she had to know more about her wild nature. .

"Since you only know how to block punches, I will break your guard with my fists, and only my fists!~"

Quetzalcoatl advanced towards his opponent keeping a peek-a-boo guard, striking his opponent with one fist then the other, aiming for his opponent's face and protecting himself after each blow. The purpose behind her attacks was clearly to deliver direct punches to her opponent's face while numbing her opponent's arms if she shielded herself with it. Fortunately, his boxing training is useful to him for a few things.

"I'm bored! It's not interesting to hit a punching bag!~"
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang has dealt with her fair share of difficult people. Try talking to Weiss for more than 5 minutes. Quetzalcoatl Yang felt was going to be one of those people. All she needed to do was to speak two sentences. Quetzalcoatl had this combination of being on a high horse and somehow holier than thou. You don’t call yourself the Sun Goddess unironically without having that personality trait.

At least Yang was happy enough that her opponent was direct. Quetzalcoatl going out and starting things swinging. It looks like Quetzalcoatl wasn’t like Yang who tried to make friends or keep things nice. Nah this girl was looking to piss off and hurt Yang.

I noticed that you are going to be a pain in my ass. Talk like that when your knocked out. Yang shot back not one to lose to verbal warfare.

With the way Quetzalcoatl was coming at Yang. Yang wasn’t a complete idiot, she knew that Quetzalcoatl was looking to bait her in. Whether that was to go for some big counter or just promote a brawl was to be seen.

You threw one punch and that’s all you got? Sure you will, lets see how that works for you

Yang was noticed that Quetzalcoatl was coming in with a peek-a-boo style. Looks like Quetzalcoatl wasn’t a complete novice when it came to boxing at least. Naturally one of the weaknesses of the peek-a-boo style is that it is not good at longer ranges. But Yang wasn’t going to chicken out and wall off Quetzalcoatl with punches. Letting Quetzalcoatl get in she would throw a quick and strong one two punch. Punches that Yang blocked and dodged with her own guard. The punch that Yang did block did sting like hell. Right after Quetzalcoatl threw out the second punch. Yang would side step to Quetzalcoatl side, showing another weakness of the peek-a-boo style, that it lacks mobility and it unable to throw strong punches. Aiming for Quetzalcoatl’s open side, Yang would follow things up with a uppercut right on Quetzalcoatl’s liver!

Considering how Quetzalcoatl started this match and how she talked. Yang would show no sympathy, now going for a blow that could easily cause internal bleeding.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Quetzalcoatl felt that the provocation was working against the blonde who served as his adversary. She judged her as a hothead and this was the case, her opponent accepted the exchange in close combat which pleased her enormously.

Although Quetzalcoatl struck at her opponent and put herself on her guard, she knew that missing a lot of shots was dangerous. But Quetzalcoatl was ready to take this risk, she was there to compare her strength against a woman as strong as her, to receive blows and to give some was logical and had to be prepared for it. And at that moment, Quetzalcoatl received a punch on his liver. A blow to the liver was basic very bad, but the strength of his opponent amplified the pain.

"Ugh~ Not bad but..."

Quetzalcoatl took the pain hard, she had to respond to her opponent with each blow received. She had leaned forward while lowering her head. Now that his head was lower than his opponent's, her chin was more exposed to uppercuts. And Quetzalcoatl executed this, she straightened herself by jumping slightly on her legs to give an uppercut on the jaw of her opponent, which could prevent her opponent from moving her legs for a few seconds.

"But I am the strongest!"

After this hit, Quetzalcaotl sighed in pain and backed up to the rope, gritting her teeth, the pain making him want to vomit. She sighed in pain and breathed heavily, keeping an eye on her opponent and mentally preparing herself for an even more violent exchange.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang felt early on that Quetzalcoatl was very serious about this match. Outside of sounding weird, Quetzalcoatl’s punches were definitely the real deal. At least she knew that this match was going to be exactly what she wanted. A real brawl.

Quetzalcoatl fired off her opening punches. Nothing hitting their mark, but Yang wanted to make Quetzalcoatl pay for missing those punches. Getting on Quetzalcoatl’s side Yang was going to get Quetzalcoatl back with some interest. Landing a nasty liver shot to Quetzalcoatl. Didn’t matter who you are or what you do. A shot to the liver is impacting everybody. Yang felt her punch connect cleanly, felling Quetzalcoatl’s body recoiled from the impact. Yang knew she hit her mark with something that could end someone’s career. But since that it was so early in the match. Odds are the match wasn’t ending with just one punch.

Leaning in close after the liver shot, Quetzalcoatl kept her head down to get a better angle on Yang. Shooting her fist upwards adding with extra power with a jump. Slamming her fist on Yang’s chin and sending her head flying backwards. GAH!! Yang let out as she swung her head back into place.

Definitely hit like you mean it Yang said getting back into her fighting stance. But this came with a smile. Yang was getting riled up despite just getting hit with an uppercut. Getting. Back her bearings she noticed that Quetzalcoatl was almost limping towards the ropes. Without saying a word, Yang knew she did more damage.

Keeping up the pressure Yang dashed at Quetzalcoatl. With the same boxing stance, Yang sent a quick one two combo to Quetzalcoatl’s face. Blocked or dodged it didn’t matter, Yang was only looking for Quetzalcoatl to divert her attention. The moment, Quetzalcoatl let up her guard. Yang was going to aim to respond a uppercut with an uppercut. Ducking low quick, and taking a page out of Quetzalcoatl’s book. Yang would shoot herself up, along with her fist. Looking to cave in Quetzalcoatl’s abs with a right uppercut.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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After taking the blow to her liver, Quetzalcoatl knew she had to recover as best she could while taking deep, long inhales and exhales. Her opponent was not weak at all, her muscles weren't there to look pretty, he was definitely the ideal opponent for Quetzalcoatl.

"Tch, stupid blonde who thinks she's better than me because she looks a little like me~"

Quetzalcoatl continued to provoke her opponent, we must not forget that she is a wrestler, creating a show is a priority in a match, even if destroying her opponent with her fists is also a priority.
When her opponent lunged towards her again, Quetzalcoatl remained in a defensive stance, again using her peek-a-boo guard and tightening her abs, preparing to take her opponent's blows well at this level. Despite this preparation, Quetz blocked her opponent's jap chain without too much difficulty and was now preparing to respond with an uppercut.
Quetzalcoatl didn't jump on her uppercut, it was just her strength and the little movement of her hips to shift her weight into her fists. And when Quetz's fist hit her opponent's jaw, Quetz also felt her stomach hit, even with her abs tightening, her opponent's punch was going to hurt her. But it was too late to react, she had to give her all.

At the end of the uppercut, Quetzalcoatl recoiled with her head looking at the ground, at the moment but she had only taken a hit to the liver and that uppercut she could clearly recover from.
She spread her legs to avoid falling grunted in pain clenching her teeth, her opponent is surely in a worse state than hers by taking two uppercuts on the jaw, Quetz had to react now. She then lunged forward and gave repetitive right and left hooks to punch her opponent in the face. But with the state of Quetz's belly, each hook was going to slow down and become less powerful, she wouldn't be able to give hooks forever.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs Yang, Sun Goddess vs Sun Dragon

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Yang landed heavy blows to start this match. But just like Yang, Quetzalcoatl was landing the big hits. The only difference is that Yang’s hits were doing more damage as things currently stood. Yang was at least happy for one thing. Quetzalcoatl was not scared of the brawl, if anything she lived for it.

Oh shut up, keep talking like that and you might cough up your liver Yang said with a dangerous smile. More than comfortable with going the extra mile when it comes to violence.

Whether Yang knew this was provocation or not didn’t matter. Yang was biting no matter what. If the match was going to let fists fly she didn’t care. Keeping the same peek-a-boo style guard. Yang was more excited on cracking that guard than anything else. The jab was nothing crazy, it was just a guard check. Meeting Yang halfway Quetzalcoatl aimed for another uppercut. Catching each other cleanly with the blows. Now Yang might boast she knows how to take a punch. But uppercuts are never a good thing to take in succession. Yang just needed to bet on her liver shots doing more damage. Odds are Yang was on the better end of this trade.

Quetzalcoatl wanting to follow up her hits knew that Yang was partially dazed. Putting up her arms to guard her head. Yang would try to withstand the onslaught that Quetzalcoatl was giving. The hooks would crash onto Yang’s arm, with each blow making her arms sting. But Yang could feel that the more Quetzalcoatl was punching. The weaker each punch was getting, so waiting and biding her time to recover. Yang would move in close to Quetzalcoatl. So close to Quetzalcoatl that they could feel each other’s breathing.

Swapping from the brawling session they were having. Yang went to grappling Quetzalcoatl, putting the Sun Goddess in a head lock. Choking Quetzalcoatl’s out, but also sending her knee crashing into Quetzalcoatl’s stomach over and over again. Yang was making sure to keep targeting Quetzalcoatl’s stomach. Lord knows it was a matter of time before her abs give out

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