Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*She had been out of practice for who knows how long, but that didn't prevent Bianca from breaking a sweat every, solitary day within the illustrious Gem's Haven. It had been a long, arduous day of training: A ten mile run, subsequently followed by a gauntlet of weights and finally, as if her corpulent frame wasn't in enough physical anguish, a "Friendly" wrestling session with the ginger titan, Jess. Once she had finished, it seemed as though the day had almost entirely passed her by. Clad in her signature, almost psychedelic purple and gold attire, fashionable boots and determined attitude, she let out a nervous huff of air before slamming the palm of her right hand into a ponderous heavy bag. Immediately upon impact, the cumbersome weight wildly swung backwards as the hinges noticeably rocked back and forth.* "Wow! I'm...still pretty strong eh?" *Giving the bag a second, equally powerful strike yielded the same result: Haphazard rocking, as the structure itself nearly teetered backwards.* "Man, I forgot how fun this was!" *She continued to mercilessly pulverize the stationary object, giggling all the while as it constantly shook and rattled from her strength.*

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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Who knew that moving permanently to Japan for an entertainment career could require so much...paperwork.

Arlise Christiaens worked tirelessly to escape from the local office buildings, but for all her efforts, her day had slipped away behind a pile of legal documents and small taxes that caused her funds to wither...rapidly. With those withered funds in mind, Lise would need to ensure she impressed the ones booking matches in hopes that they would continue to give her a chance to compete in the LAW ring week after week. She was...not off to a good start, with the day's events having kept her from her planned trip to the gym until the late hour.

But into the gym she walked nonetheless. At the hour, the majority of the patrons had disappeared. In fact, her eyes found little to no one who wasn't actively leaving or showering. Specifically, no one who looked like a fellow wrestler. The redhead twisted her mouth. Another disappointment. She did not have a great deal of time to build her body, but a spar would have been a fine way to amend for her lost time...

She rounded the corner to observe the brutal beating of a heavy bag by a woman currently turned away from her. A very tall, built woman. Hips, curves. That looked to be wrestler's attire...

Lise felt a pull towards her. She suspected her to be a wrestler, and that outfit... This was the opportunity she wanted to release the tensions of a stressful day. "Excuse me," she greeted, loudly enough that she could be heard over the bashing of the bag, and momentarily forgetting she looked an odd fit in the gym in her blouse and skirt. "Are you a wrestler with LAW?"
Last edited by Winter on Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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*Craning her head sideways to discover the source of whomever had called out to her, Bianca was astonished to find that it happened to be a ravishing woman, who appeared to be rather distressed by something. Well, whatever it was, the jovial jamaican would do everything in her power to aid the stressed young woman with her endeavor!*

"Why yes, yes I am. Right now however, you're in the co-owned Gem's Haven. Unfortunately, I'm the only member who hasn't retreated off to'll just have to wrestle with me, if that's what you're planning on doing." *By this point, Bianca had fully turned her supple body towards the crimson beauty, fully scanning over her gorgeous features with a silent yet approving smile inhabiting her face.* "I'm Bianca, by the way. Bianca Valentine. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss..." *She allowed the stranger to fill in the blank, right hand extended for a handshake.*

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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That was...a sudden agreement.

Lise remained blinking for several seconds, perturbed by such an immediate, positive response and the discovery that she had as much to look at when the stranger turned around as she did from the back. No...not a stranger. Along with the offer for a spar came the woman's name, so quickly that Arlise did not immediately take her hand. Of course, the natural assumption was that Bianca, too, was disappointed that everyone else had departed, and would have leaped upon the first person to mention wrestling, even if that person currently wore anything but suitable wrestling attire...the late hour had not afforded a chance for Lise to return to her apartment for a change.

"If it's not..." She finally took the hand, giving it an uncertain shake. " inconvenience, I would most certainly be interested in wrestling with you." Lise was looking up at her, a fact that made Bianca all the more...stunning. Clearly strong. Attractive. Well-dressed. The outfit suited her.

Forgetting to give her own name due to her scattered thoughts, Arlise glanced down at herself. She had on underwear, yes, but strangers tended to have strong reactions to women who walked in their midst in nothing but underwear, empty gym or no. "I'm sorry that I don't have the proper attire for a spar. I've had a very long day."

And it had been so long...was she misunderstanding a joke? Sarcasm? "That is...if you are serious, and want to wrestle."

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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"Pfft, who cares about your outfit..." *Bianca took this moment as an invitation to quietly examine all of Arlise's prominent features, nervously gulping while a silent, trembling motion overtook her legs.* "Or l..lack thereof. I'm not a judge or a jury, so just give me all you've got and I won't complain!" *Her ebullient attitude soon took control of the reins once again, and as quick as a wink, her momentary weakness was completely erased.*

"Please, follow me!" *Retracting her hand in a quick manner, her eagerness guiding the jamaican's every step, she began effortlessly bounding towards the outer threshold of the vacant ring.* "So, what styles are you trained in? I'm rather adept in sumo and catch wrestling myself. Learned the first from high school, and second from my southern cousin. She would absolutely LOVE you!" *Even when she hosted company, it appeared as though Bianca struggled to maintain a constant track for her train of thought to chug along on.*

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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That was fortunate. It was not outside of the realm of possibility for another wrestler to be so haughty that they might deny Arlise on weight of her bringing the wrong attire. Lise herself didn't enjoy having to wrestle in a skirt and blouse...that she could damage. She glanced down at herself. Maybe the underwear was the better idea...Bianca certainly did not sound as if she cared what Lise wore, or as she said, didn't wear. Hmmm...

Falling into step behind the woman, silently debating what she should do, before deciding, when Bianca distracted her from her thoughts with an interesting question and explanation, that she still had the time to decide. Her attention was caught at sumo and catch wrestling, and her eyes wandered again to...the woman filling out the suit, who walked before her. That was a fascinating combination for a shapely woman...

Before Lise could answer, Bianca caught her attention with another comment. Already somewhat overwhelmed by the rapid pace of their conversation, Lise raised a red eyebrow. "Southern? Do you mean, southern United States?"

Er, no, that wasn't the question. The question was about the styles Lise knew. "I was only trained in professional wrestling styles. But, I did start wrestling before I was given real training, so over time, I kept using many of the amateur moves I relied on when I started." And, yes, her name. Thankful her brain had caught up with the discussion, Lise continued. "I'm afraid I forgot to tell you who I am...Arlise. I also answer to Lise, so the choice is yours."

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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"Yup! The heart of the good ol' U S of A, Texas!" *She cheerily replied before clapping her hands together. Even though Bianca might have rapidly fired off a slew of questions at the perplexed ginger, she clearly took an interest in each and every one of her responses. Bianca continued to nod, intently listening to her retorts before finally responding herself, once she had determined that all of her inquiries had been fully answered.*

"Oh, so you're the type that practices one move a thousand times? I bet you're insanely dangerous in the ring!" *Still unable to contain her excitement, Bianca hopped up and down from the mental image she had concocted of witnessing Arlise in action. She couldn't bring herself to state it aloud, but the thought of being grappled and held down by her felt...rather intriguing, to say the least.*

"That's such a pretty name. I prefer Arlise; you weren't given half a name, so I won't address you any other way!" *And with that, she slowly trotted up the steel steps and through the ropes, her shapely frame making quite the entrance for anyone to behold, let alone the crimson-haired figure before her.* "Please, join me. I'd love to see what you can do!"

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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Arlise hummed in understanding. Of what she knew about the United States, the Belgian was aware of the common stereotype assigned to people from Texas as the rowdy, but fun, types. She suspected that Bianca was not from Texas, since she had heard Texan accents, and hers did not match.

But fun, and possibly rowdiness? She seemed to radiate the former, and Lise would not have been surprised at the latter. She practically bounded towards the nearby ring. A smile quirked onto the Belgian's face, at the mention that she must have been "insanely dangerous." She didn't know about all that, but she wasn't one to deny such small talk. "I've been known to strike fear in a few opponents," Lise admitted, a subtle playfulness beneath her menacing tone. At the moment, she certainly didn't look particularly dangerous, she realized. Titania didn't grapple her opponents in office wear.

Until this evening. Though Lise could not be sure if Bianca planned to wrestle her or wine and dine her...her words were kind. "My mother would say the same. She didn't like that people would call me Lise rather than Arlise," she retorted, as she watched the taller woman ascend the stairs and enter the ring. That outfit...was very snug in the hips. Perhaps she needed one like Bianca's in her wardrobe...

Glancing down once more at her unworthy attire with a silent sigh, Lise ascended to the ring herself, swinging a leg high to enter. She shouldn't be so foolish, should she? The gym was empty, and was it really any different than wearing a swimsuit? "Say...would you mind too greatly if I wrestled in my underwear, instead of these clothes? I don't know if that's against a gym policy...but there's no one else here. I would be frustrated if I ruined my good blouse and skirt."

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

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"Well, it takes a lot more than just a powerful body to intimidate the likes of me!" *She boldly stated, gesturing to herself the her right hand's index finger as a confident grin stretched across her face.* "I'm the one who's always assigned basement duties whenever cleaning time comes around. You know, if the occasional cockroach or unwanted pest has the audacity to call my prestigious gym home."

*Unabashed by how tenderhearted she had been towards Arlise, she felt a delicate bond beginning to form between them. She wasn't precisely what you would deem as friendly or affable, but it appeared as though the ruby-haired woman was much easier to talk to than first impressions indicated.* "Well, she named you Arlise for a reason, right? Names are the most important parts of a person to least, I believe so." *Her childlike logic seemed to have a genuine emphasis behind it, as she silently gestured for Arlise to join her between the ropes.*

*And suddenly, as if a runaway freight train had smashed directly into her chest, Bianca's heart began to furiously thunder within the confines of her chest. She hadn't given Arlise a complete examination up until this point, but as she scanned over her salacious hips, globular breasts and tight waist, she was struggling to maintain her incredibly chipper disposition without becoming a bit flustered."Oh..o...o...of course not..w..w..why would I be bothered by t..t..that at all?"

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Re: Robust and Rowdy: Bianca vs Arlise!

Unread post by Winter »

"I would imagine so. You would be an imposing figure yourself, in the ring." That is, to someone who had not already spent a few moments speaking with Bianca. A smile twisted her lips. While Bianca's thick frame and mention of a sumo background clearly marked her as capable of impressive, imposing feats of power, Titania didn't find her imposing at all at the moment, only bright and cheery. Of course, the woman might intimidate her once they began their tussling on the mats, and her words were not the easiest for the Dutch-speaking Belgian to follow...but Lise quite liked her so far.

And then, as if a meteor had landed on the gym, the rapid pace of the conversation screeched to a halt. Looking expectantly into Bianca's face for a response about the underwear, Lise noticed the woman's eyes trailing over her. "I understand if it's a problem, this is a public..." But Bianca interjected, making it sound as if...all was fine with the proposition? Lise stared at her for a few moments, gauging whether she should truly take Bianca's words as an indication of comfort, before she settled herself. She wanted to wrestle, and she didn't want her clothes ruined. If Bianca presented her with no clearly-spoken objection...

A decided Lise grabbed the bottom of her blouse and lifted, pulling it over her head to dishevel her long red hair. She followed by unsnapping her skirt, and stepping out of her boots, leaving her in blue bra and panties. The cool air of the gym washed over her, providing her with a feeling of refreshment after the long day. She sighed, resting a hand on her hip. "There. Much better." Now, she was ready to fight.
And if they were to fight, they must determine the details. "I would assume we're fighting to submission, with no ref to provide a three-count... Did you have any other rules in mind, Bianca?", she asked, as she strode towards her cordial opponent.

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