Christina's Long Midnight

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Christina's Long Midnight

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Mindy was happy to take it slow today, her workout only being a light jog and some arm curls. After her winning streak she had little reason to push it, she was in the best shape of her life and her string of victories and success proved it. She had an Apex match coming up and best of all she could feel victory was close at hand. Really she had every reason to take it easy and celebrate, if she didn't have this workout planned for so long she would have been out partying after her last victory. Her last match being her hard fought victory over Christina Perez, which she won after Christina hit her with her finisher but hit the ref, making Mindy turn things around by using a chair to fake an injury. Sure she had to cut herself and that left a slight scar on her head but the bleeding had stopped and she had a good doctor, once she got an appointment you wouldn't even notice it after they were done. Christina was mad about it but like she was with Alizeh, Mindy didn't care since it was just someone mad about something out of their control. She only hoped the Filipina took her misfortune better than Alizeh did.
"Well that's enough for today." Mindy said putting the dumbbell down and standing up with a stretch. "The day is almost over and that means I shouldn't be wasting time here. I'm sure some party today would love to have a hero like me to show up and make it special." Mindy said packing up and putting on her sunglasses before she would start to head out towards the exit, thinking about the best place to crash.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Before Mindy could exit the gym Christina Perez entered inside the gym and was blocking the enterance. She was still pissed about losing the match by Disqualification. If Christina would have lost in the more honorable way then she be fine with it, but she hated the fact that Mindy had to Lie, Cheat, and Steal her way to win and that was something Christina could not let go.

"Hey! Mindy! Your not going anywhere!" Christina made sure the gym door was locked so Mindy couldn't escape her.

"I'm not satisfied with the way our match ended last night...I never figured you as a cheater...but I guess that's my fault for not watching your crappy show. Anyway your not leaving this gym until we we finish this match the proper way!"

The angry Filipina demanded as she would not budge out the exit door until she gets the continuation of the match that she believes she deserves.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Mindy didn't make it out the door before they came flying open and Christina came out scorching with fury before she had the door closed like she planned the whole thing. Mindy watched her burst on the scene with bewilderment, she knew that she might get some backlash for what she did but no one came back at her this fast. And she was locked in while Christina demanded they get a proper finish to the match that ended in a DQ for her, while closing off the exits that Mindy could have used to avoid this showdown until she wanted it.

"I don't know how you knew I was here but I guess you're looking for answers." Mindy said taking her sunglasses off so that she could look at Christina face to face. "First things first, your loss. I can see why you'd be upset but you must understand something, I'm too important to be losing matches like that. The better my record the better LAW gets off my branding. That show you called crappy was more popular than anything you watched, and the name Mindy Midnight still means something." Mindy said with a cocky stride while she watched Christina react to that. Given how heated she was anything might get them wrestling on the floor if she reacted badly to it. "Second how can I give you a proper match when you've locked us in here? Do you want to fight in the gym ring and call that a match? " Mindy asked, wondering if Christina even cared about a match so long as she got her hands on her again.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Christina began to roll her eyes when Mindy started to flaunt about her popularity.

" don't mean jack in this scenario."

Mindy: "Second how can I give you a proper match when you've locked us in here? Do you want to fight in the gym ring and call that a match?"

Christina looked at Mindy with a serious face and answered with...

"Yeah obviously...I want to wrestle you with no fans and no referee. This is good because since you care about your precious fucking record that when I beat your ass all around that ring it won't be counted as a loss. I get the therapy session I need and you still get to retain that win over me that you cheated to can try to say no...but if you do ill turn this bitch into a street fight and then we'll see how much your popularity and fame will help you from there..." Christina growled as she cracks her knuckles in front of her.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Mindy had angered people before but she knew by the way Christina was talking about her demand for a match that this could get ugly fast. She wanted a fight and nothing was going to stop her. Mindy knew how to handle herself in a street fight but an injury would be career killing, so close to Apex if she hurt her back or her legs or got her face cut like she did with Oboro this would be disastrous. Nothing came to her mind to avoid it and so Mindy would have to listen and do what she wanted.

"Fine, if it'll put this business behind us I can do a match for free. I'll even make you a promise and record it if it makes you confident that I'll follow through. No low blows or anything considered cheap will happen the moment we get in that ring until we go back out. We wrestle until a pinfall or submission and then it's done with okay?" Mindy said before she offered a hand. She kept her other hand visible and in the way to make it clear to Christina that she had no cheap tricks coming with this handshake, if it would end this mess before it began Mindy could play by her own set of rules.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Christina would glare at Mindy's hands before looking up at the former Actress to stare at her.

"Alright...good..." Christina would nod her head and shake Mindy's hand, even though she still dosent quite trust her yet completely. The Filipina would take her hand back and enter inside the gym's private ring, but before she would be ready to take on Mindy in this private affair Christina would request for a quick warm-up to get things started.

Buzz buzz buzz

Suddenly her phone started to ring much to the annoyance of Christina as she took her Samsung off her back pocket of her white pants and started to turn her back against Mindy to text Emma privately.

I'm bust right now...I got some important business to do...I'll see you there later.

Emma started texting frantically trying to understand what important business Christina meant as the Filipina sighed.

"Dammit she want to know about everything? Oof sorry...Hold on Mindy..." Christina was a bit annoyed that her friend would interrupt her at a time like this. Christina would exit the ring and text Emma that she would explain everything when she gets to her. Once Christina was done texting to Emma she would try to find a place she could leave her phone, as she dosent want it broken when she wrestles with Mindy, as she found a bench nearby and approaches it and places her phone down.
Last edited by Weonna on Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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The two shook hands on it before Christina quickly left and would head right on over to the ring. Mindy would follow but take her time, especially since Christina wanted to warm up for a second before they started. She thought this match was bullshit since she was supposed to be someone important who didn't fight everyone she pissed off. Christina didn't leave any room for arguments however, so it was either this or a street fight. Mindy grabbed the ropes to get ready to enter until Christina left to go and answer her phone. While she was out the devious Mindy knew what she could do with both of them out of the ring. Coming up behind Christina while she was on her phone the former actress ended up right behind Christina before she would bring her arm up and swing right below her legs.

"I don't feel like waiting!" Mindy said before she would turn Christina around, placing her head under her arm and taking her arm to place it over her before she would grab her leg and start to lift her up like she was in a Fisherman suplex but she would hold her up and drop her back down headfirst! One of her old moves on the show was being used in real life to punish a surprised Christina.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Once Christina was out of the phone she felt an intense pain on her crotch area!

'That bitch...!' Christina felt like a fool for turning her back against Mindy and now the Filipina finds herself completely stunned as she gasps in sheer agony from the low blow!

Mindy did not hesitate to put Christina in another move as the former Actress would turn her opponent around and lifted her up in a Fisherman Suplex! However instead of flipping Christina on her back, Mindy would hold her up for a bit longer causing the Filipina to panic before being dropped on her head causing Christina to flop then lay on the floor and groan out as she held on to the back of her head and started to move side to side withering in agonizing pain.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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Mindy didn't waste a second, she dropped Christina with the brain busting move and would pull her up by her head and bring her over to the ring and roll her right in. Her plan required her to act quickly, not waste any time and punish Christina in the moment. Once she was in the ring Mindy would climb up and head for the top rope, keeping an eye on Christina to make sure she was still down when she got up there.

"Time to start!" Mindy said before she would jump and go down right at Christina for a 450 splash, another move she had used to win matches being used to start off this match. It showed that Mindy was taking no chance with Christina and was trying to take her out here and now, but how she expected Christina to accept this loss was still unknown to anyone, even Mindy.

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Re: Christina's Long Midnight

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The low blow and the brainbusting Fisherman Suplex left Christina incapacitated as Mindy would grab the Filipina by the hair and push her back in the private gym ring.

Christina would roll to the center of the ring on her back as she laid there totally stunned, leaving Mindy to do any attack she wanted!

"Uggghhhnnn..." Christina was trying to keep herself awake while Mindy climbed to the top rope and jump off for her Finishing move: The 450 splash!

As the former Actress landed Christina would flop her arms and legs up before slowly forming a spread eagle position. The devastating finishing splash attack left Christina breathless as she passes out, her eyes closed, and her arms above her head.

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