Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

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The Ominous Future
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Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen Sommers was irate. A rarity, but not something yet to be seen, especially by those who worked backstage in LAW.

Often a woman of composure and pride, the redhead felt she had reason not to be this evening as she quite literally tore her way through the locker-room area - throwing stage hands out of her way with aggressive motions, before literally shoving them out of the way.

There was little reason for Eileen to do so - besides catharsis. For the woman wasn't scheduled to be here this evening - she was neither scheduled for an appearance in ring, nor for an appearance in a spar. Nay, Eileen Sommers seemed simply out to hurt those weaker around her, as she soon saw fit to shoulder barge the nearest stage hand as hard as she could. In a motion that effectively sent her flying.


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Re: Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Bare »

Selket was a woman of mystery, letting very little, if anything be known about her besides that you didn't want to cross her for any reason less she make you pay for it. However just as much as she was known as a woman of mystery, she was also a woman of opportunity. She rarely if every made a move if she didn't feel as if there was an opportunity to make things into her favor.

That was how she got her heavyweight title shot, and nearly won. Stalking and waiting for the perfect moment to strike and keep Astrid off balance mentally. Hell now she was poised to get another title for a similar reasoning.

But while the heavyweight title was certainly still in her sights, it wasn't the only title in her sights. No Selket had qualified for the Open weight title of LAW as well, and she believed she had found the perfect opponent for Apex and she just tossed some poor stage hand back a few feet with a shove.

'Heh.' Smirking to herself Selket would emerge from the shadows just in front of Eileen, cutting her off. "My oh my, you seem quite upset now don't you miss... I'm sorry what was your name again?" Selket asked the red head, knowing full well what her name was, she just knew it would aggravate her to no end to act as if she didn't.

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Re: Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen did not charge straight into the figure now before her - she was irate, but she was no fool. Just like with her in-ring matches, Eileen Sommers picked her foes accordingly and appropriately. Even if right now, said 'foe' was someone just to push out of the way.

Sidestepping albeit with a thousand yard stare offered to the larger woman, Eileen wouldn't look to even tickle her shoulder upon a woman notably larger than her. Instead, she'd look to step past this woman albeit glaring all the while, as she continued on her path to find easier victims.

"What?" Eileen would turn, having made only two steps past Selket. Her voice had none of its usual charm to it, as she once more locked her glare back upon the woman seemingly speaking to her.

"You dare speak to me?"

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Re: Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Bare »

Selket smirked cockily as she saw Eileen automatically step past her, seemingly opting to avoid running into her all together then risk confrontation. Good that was something that she could use as ammo against the smaller woman when the time came.

For a brief moment however Selket was worried she may have to forcibly stop the woman to keep her focus, but her insult towards her seemed to do the trick ad trigger the red head as she turned back around with a glare. One returned with a lofty smirk from Selket right back at the woman.

"Dare? I See no issue with speaking to someone below me." She said bluntly, telling Eileen just how Selket saw the red head. "In fact I'd argue that you're the one that should watch her tone when addressing me." Selket said, literally and figuratively looking down on Eileen with her arms folded across her sizable chest.

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Re: Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen picked her opponents carefully, but it didn't mean she was invincible to the act of picking a fight she shouldn't have. This may have very well have been the case, as Eileen let her anger get the better of her the moment Selket spoke to her. Never mind her response.

Glaring up at the notably taller woman, Eileen's eyes began to twinge through raw anger. To be addressed like this was one thing - but it was the fact that her current enraged state of mind had left her deprived of witty response. She was caught out and then some!

"You will shut your filthy mouth..." Eileen was barely a inch away from touching upon Selket's body, as she leaned up against her. "Or I will shut it for you...you disgusting...thing..."

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Re: Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Bare »

'So easy.' Selket thought to herself after baiting Eileen successfully, apparently leaving the woman at a loss for words from it and unable to respond for a good few moments.

Chuckling to herself at the display Selket was unbothered by how... up close and person the red head got to her, no Selket simply took it as a sign that her plan was working flawlessly, Eileen just needed that last, little push.

"Who. Will. Make. Me." Selket asked simply while looking down at Eileen with a smile full of venom. "An ant like you that crawls on the ground had no business ordering a falcon who soars such as myself." Selket said in a deadly whisper as her hand went to Eileen's neck...

"If you want to try however.... meet me at apex." Selket said, giving Eileen's neck a squeeze before pushing her away, using all her strength and heigh advantage to try and take the woman off her feet. If successful than when Eileen would get up... Selket would already be gone, seemingly disappearing into the shadows where she came...

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Re: Eileen S./Selket - Prime Opportunity

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen wasn't one for backstage brawls, but then again she was hardly one for shoving stagehands into the walls unprovoked. With her hands poised as if to offer Selket a nail-filled slap right across her cheek, Eileen would be beaten to the punch in more ways than one as the giant grabbed at her. With a squeeze given upon her throat, before Eileen found Selket laying down the challenge!

For a battle at Apex!

Gagging if briefly from the quick squeeze upon her neck, the shock of the throttle and shove to follow would have Eileen fall upon her ass!

Screaming both in breathlessness and rage as she hit the deck, Eileen would push to her feet as quickly as she could with intention to perhaps quite literally gauge this woman's eyes out!

Only to be left looking as clueless as can be, as Selket disappeared as quickly as she appeared in the first place! With Eileen left rubbing her neck, as she darted her head left to right in apparent search for her!


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