Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

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Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Jaystar »

Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Noble Rose
Standard match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO, count-out, or disqualification

There were some mixed emotions for Isa tonight. On the other hand, the beautiful blonde was extremely happy to get into the LAW ring once again tonight! The blonde had had a little bit of rough luck in the LAW ring so far, and she was eager to to get the chance to change her fortunes tonight. But she was also under quite some pressure! The fact that her record wasn't that good so far was really bothering her a bit, and to the Icelander, succeeding tonight was going to be very important!

Hearing her tunes beginning, it was Isa's turn to start heading towards the LAW ring. But not before a staffer had called out after her as she went... "Good luck, she's quite famous!" "Huh...? What did she mean by that...?"

Isa - The Angel of Ice

There was no time for Isa to ponder that though, as she was already making her way down the ramp. Now she already had to look confident, kind and graceful as usual, greeting the crowds while making her way calmly towards the ring! Sliding graciously inside between the ropes, the blonde then performed her usual procedure of getting up on the ropes at each side of the ring, making sure to greet all of the crowds with a cute smile. Finally settling down in her corner, Isa then removed her cape while beginning the anxious wait for her opponent. "You can do this!"
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Tybo226 »

As Isa was in the ring for her match, she heard the music start up and the crowd got on their feet. That staff member wasn’t kidding when he or she said that her opponent is well known in the world of Wrestling. She was Noble Rose aka Fujiko Hinomoto! The music gave a heroic feel to it like she was a superhero. Sword in hand she drops to the ring and ran, which is impressive since she’s got heels on her boots. She smiled and waves to her fans.

(Think a little something like this)

[img] [img]
Last edited by Tybo226 on Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Jaystar »

Isa had done her best with trying to clear her head of the staffers remarks, when they suddenly forced their way back into the blonde's mind as the crowds went absolutely wild when hearing her opponent's entrance theme. They even got up to their feet to see her! "What in the world.....? Who is she?!?" Thoughts were now racing through Isa's head, as she was pretty sure by now that whoever was going to be marching down that ramp, was probably going to be a much more established star than her.

As Noble Rose entered the ring, Isa eventually made her way to the center of the ring to face her. Trying to scan her opponent from head to toes, Isa was trying to get a good feel of her... She appeared to be slightly taller, but also slightly more slender than the Icelandic blonde. Maybe that could be a sign that Isa could overpower her...? Well, there was going to be only one way to find out...

But there was one certain aspect about Noble Rose that still bothered the Angel of Ice. "Hey there! What's up with the sword?" the blonde girl queried as she was meeting her opponent now in the middle of the ring, trying to sound as polite yet confident as she could.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Noble Rose turned to her opponent and smiled “you need not fear me. The sword is only for dramatic flair.” She said giving the sword to the ref to place it for safe keeping. “I am Noble Rose the thorns of Justice. I will promise you this to be a hard hitting fight. As would be expected of the eldest daughter of Kamikaze Rose.” She said hinting at why she’s so well known. “Also a word of warning. Beware Dr. Cutter.” She said letting her name sink in. She then offers Isa a handshake showing no Ill will towards the icy wrestler “to a fun hard hitting match.” She said.
Last edited by Tybo226 on Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Jaystar »

Isa already had an uneasy feeling that she was not knowing as much about her opponent as she should have, and apparently not even as much as the crowds did. And the fact was made even more ominous as Noble Rose opened her mouth... Sure, she was being nice and all, but all that name-dropping with a serious tone... Isa was clueless to what that was all about and who those persons were, but she surely was going to try not to reveal that!

Instead, Isa tried to focus on the positives she could gather from her opponent's words. "Oh, well, good! It does look cool though!" the blonde decided to compliment the entrance with the sword, now that it was for certain going to disappear before the match began. And at least Noble Rose was offering her a good, fair, proper handshake, which was always a good sign, and much appreciated by the Angel of Ice as she promptly shook her opponent's hand before the bell would ring. "Yes, let's have a fun match!" she agreed, even if the hard-hitting part did make her slightly concerned...


As the bell had rung, Isa took a couple of steps back towards her opponent. Judging by her fair manners, the blonde was curious to find out how strong her opponent was, and did the fact that her frame seemed a little more slender than Isa's own really mean that Isa would be the one having strength advantage here? Thus, the muscular blonde raised her arms in a lock-up stance, inviting her opponent to test her strength against her own. "So, miss Rose, want to show me what you're made of?" the blonde challenged, trying to sound as confident as possible.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Noble Rose was thankful she showed she wasn’t a bad person. But she seemed to confuse the poor ice themed wrestler which wasn’t her intent, she’d explain things later as the bell rings and like her mother would tell her, there’s no mercy in combat. As the bell rings Isa took a few steps back which got the hero to raise her eyebrow. Then she saw and heard that Isa wanted to lock up with her. A little lock up is good to feel things out. “Well if you’re offering.” She said as a little joke to keep things in a friendly mood. Then she matched Isa’s stance and goes to accept her lock up.
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Jaystar »

The crowds were going wild as the two ladies began going at each other, engaging in a proper lock-up to start things off! They were thrilled to see a famous, popular wrestler paired up with a gorgeous newcomer, and so far the combatants themselves seemed rather happy about the night's match-up as well. Both of them were maintaining a friendly tone towards each other, and a fair fight was what seemed to be expected... And honestly, that was positively refreshing for Isa!

Locking up with Noble Rose, Isa's plan was to start off with medium effort and power, the blonde wanting to get a good feel of what her opponent was made of. But gradually, based on how hard and strong effort she was feeling from her opponent, Isa would start ramping up her own efforts, eventually really wanting and trying to get her opponent forced to take steps backwards towards the ropes!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Noble Rose knew there’s going to be a feeling out process. This was nothing new to her, but Isa has an advantage since the thorns of Justice never wrestled her before so she doesn’t know what to expect from Isa. They push and grunt and struggle against each other trying to make each other budge but Noble Rose is happy to see such a new face to LAW be so eager to fight. After all as her mother said “there’s no mercy in combat.” That mostly means don’t hold back when you fight so Noble Rose wasn’t going too. She’d make sure Isa was given a fight. She felt Isa give more effort and slowly push the purple haired heroine closer to the ropes. “I must say…… you’re……. Quite…….. strong.” She said between grunts and efforts to push back.
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Jaystar »

Isa was determined to give her all in this lock-up. While she was rather proud of her trained body, she hadn't so far gotten too many chances to shine in LAW yet... So tonight, she was as eager as ever to prove her worth! And of course, for that she hoped that Noble Rose would not turn out that strong... Which soon turned out to be wishful thinking, as putting only medium power behind the lock-up soon proved as woefully inadequate for Isa, with the Angel of Ice quickly having to apply her full force to the battle!

Isa really wanted to put on her best effort here, and finally it began to pay dividends as slowly but surely Noble Rose was getting pushed back towards the ropes! Isa's progress was halted many times though by the purple-haired woman's resistance, but still her opponent found time to compliment her strength. And that just gave the blonde more motivation! "Well.... Thanks!... So... Are.... You!" Isa finally managed to utter out between her own grunts and efforts at pushing her opponent back.

As she had gotten some progress, Isa did not want to stop until she would get Noble Rose really close to the ring ropes. But if she got her there and managed to prove some slightly superior strength, the Angel of Ice wouldn't want to lose her momentum, and would then try to release the lock-up, and grab her opponent into a bear hug instead!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Noble Rose - Frost Warning In Effect!

Unread post by Tybo226 »

It seems for now the two were at an impass. Both women were equal in strength, that is until Isa went low and managed to scoop up Noble Rose for a tight bearhug. Noble Rose felt the Ice angel’s arm clamp around her back and squeezed trying to snap Noble Rose like a dry twig. “Nnggggh…… not bad…….but I won’t……..give so early.” She said trying to wiggle out of Isa’s grip.
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