Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Brandi was to have another match again tonight, and she planned to keep up with her winning streak, making sure to build herself up here in LAW to establish her name. The mature woman grinned to herself, knowing that she would be able to challenge for the goal once she had built herself up by winning many matches. And tonight was no different for her, because she was aiming to walk out of the ring with another win in her record.
Brandi Quinn
Making her way to the ring as her music was played, Brandi strutted down the ramp, swaying her hips as she did so. She chuckled upon seeing the crowd loving the way she walked. Despite her age, many still thought that the mature woman was attractive. In fact, her maturity seemed to contribute to her own attractiveness.

Well, enough about that. With her music fading, Brandi would wait for her opponent. From what she had heard, her opponent would be some no-name talent named Charlene Everworst. Regardless of who she would be facing tonight, Brandi was certain that she would be the one to win it.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Charlene was waiting back stage. It was her debut tonight. Her eyes were focused on a screen that was showing her opponent for the night make her entrance. Charlene wasn't disappointed. Her opponent looked tough. Not only tough but sexy as hell too. From the looks of her, She was mature, which meant plenty of experience.

Brandi's music would fade and Charlene would be told that it was her turn to enter. She would wait behind the curtain as her music started. The curtains would open and Charlene would be on display. She Wore a similar outfit to Brandi. A black skin tight high cut one piece swimsuit that fit like a second skin. She wore black arm warmers as well. She would saunter her way down the ring, swaying her hips and getting a few cheers from the crowd. Although she was unknown in this league, her looks were able to get her on the crowds good side at times.

She would keep her eyes on Brandi as she made her way down the ramp. The closer she got, the more attractive this woman got. She would get to the apron, climbing up and over the top rope, stopping with a foot on either side. She would give herself a spank, making her plump rear jiggle. She kept looking at Brandi, licking her lips. She would then step over the top rope and go to her corner as her music faded.

She would keep her eyes on Brandi as she made her way down the ramp. The closer she got, the more attractive this woman got. She would get to the apron, climbing up and over the top rope, stopping with a foot on either side. She would give herself a spank, making her plump rear jiggle. She kept looking at Brandi, licking her lips. She would then step over the top rope and go to her corner as her music faded.

After a few moments, Charlene would make her way towards the center of the ring, hoping Brandi would meet her there. "It's an honer to face such a beautiful woman as my debut..." She would say as she licked her lips, looking Brandi up and down. "I know this isn't a hentai match... But I hope you don't mind having a bit of fun..." She would say as she bit her lip, waiting to see how Brandi responded. The ref would explain the rules. They went upon deaf ears, at least for Charlene. She was focused on Brandi and her beauty.

The bell would ring and Charlene would get into an athletic stance, putting her arms up for a test of strength.
Last edited by Jobber/squashfan on Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Brandi's smile grew wider as she saw her opponent whom she would be facing tonight. The woman in question seemed bigger and heavier than her, but Brandi had enough experience dealing with those who were above her weight class. She kept her eyes on this Charlene as she made her way into the ring, crossing her arms under her ample breast as she leaned against the turnbuckle. Soon enough, Charlene joined her in the ring, and Brandi kept sizing her up, trying to ascertain her.

When Charlene went to the center of the ring, Brandi also stepped away from her corner, making her way to the center of the ring to meet her opponent. Hearing what Charlene was saying, Brandi chuckled as she put her hands on her own hips, smirking at the other woman. "Of course. It'd be a waste if there is no spiciness in this encounter of ours..." Brandi kept looking at the bodacious body of the other MILF as she imagined all sorts of things that she could do to her. "Try to not disappoint me..."

Of course, it was time for them to clash in this match, and after the bell was sounded, Brandi saw Charlene holding out her arms for a test of strength. Smirking, Brandi would hold out her hands as well, as if preparing herself to lock up with her opponent. But when her hands were about to touch Charlene's, Brandi would immediately try to slip past her, ducking and moving herself to her back before attempting to wrap her arms around her waist from behind, pressing her own ample bust against her back in a rear waist lock.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Charlene was more then satisfied with her opponent's response to her words. She would continue looking Brandi up and down, appreciating everything about her opponent's body and now her personality as well. She seemed to be just as eager as Charlene. As the bell rung, Charlene would get into an athletic stance, waiting to see what her opponent did. She would wiggle her fingers and smile at her opponent as she got closer and closer. "C'mon Brandi... Don't be scared... Mama will take good care of you..." She would taunt waiting for their hands to meet.

Charlene would bite her lips as she felt just the finger tips touch before suddenly she was surprised by Brandi's speed. Brandi quickly sped past her, wrapping her arms around her waist in a waist lock. Charlene would be surprised but not upset about this so far. She felt Brandi's ample breasts press against her back and her crotch against her behind.

Charlene would start off right away in her flirtatious manor. "Ohhh your quick!" Charlene would say in a cute surprised voice. "Hold me tighter dear..." Charlene would tease as she would bend forward causing her soft and curvaceous butt to press against Brandi's crotch. She would try to wiggle back and forth and grind against her opponent, wanting to see her reaction. She would double down by trying to reach down for Brandi's arms, trying to loosen them around her waist. If she did so, she would instead bring them up to her breasts, trying to get Brandi to grope her.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Holding Charlene in the rear waist lock, Brandi then noticed that the other woman tried to grind her backside against her crotch. Letting out an amused chuckle, Brandi decided to play along, keeping herself pressed against Charlene's back as the other woman reached down to her arms, seemingly looking to make her go grab her tits. Immediately understanding the message, Brandi changed her hold, bringing her hands onto the bigger woman's breasts, groping them.

"Oooh... aren't you one naughty mama?" Brandi purred as she would knead those ample breasts of the other woman, squeezing and groping those tits, much to the audience's delight. "Very well, I'll play with you for a bit..." She would then press those breasts together against each other before she groped them again, making milking motions. She would then bring her thumbs right on the other woman's nipples, tweaking and rubbing them against those nubs in order to excite her even more.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Charlene was loving this match so far and they had barely just started. She would continue to grind her round and firm behind against Brandi's crotch. She would smile as it got a chuckle out of Brandi. She would try to grind expertly into her, making her that each ginormous cheek of hers pressed right between Brandi's thighs with every movement.

She would let out a soft moan as she was able to coax Brandi's hands up to her large and full breasts. She would nod and smile as she heard Brandi asking if she was a naughty mama. "Ooohh.. The naughtiest..." Charlene would coo as she felt Brandi double down on the groping. She would feel her breasts get pressed together before getting squeezed again. It was as if she were getting milked or as if her breasts where like dough in Brandi's hands, molding to her touch.

Charlene would lean her head back against Brandi's shoulder, rolling her eyes back and letting out an exaggerated moan as she felt Brandi's expert fingers press into her nipples, changing them from soft nubs to hard and firm stones. She would continue her rhythmic grinding with her hips as she leaned back so that she could try and look at Brandi face to face. If she were able to, she would try to kiss Brandi, hoping to meet her soft looking lips for the first time.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Brandi was having quite a good time there as she groped Charlene's breasts from behind, kneading and squeezing those tits and making milking motions on them. She hummed in approval as she listened to Charlene's moans of pleasure before she saw the other woman leaning back, seemingly trying to kiss her.

Never the one to refuse a kiss, Brandi went ahead and press her lips against Charlene's, kissing her while groping her breasts. The crowd rejoiced, and Brandi would keep playing with Charlene's tits, now focusing on her nipples, tweaking and pinching them while groping those breasts.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Charlene would be ecstatic that Brandi accepted the kiss. She would let out a moan as their lips first made contact. Brandi's lips were so soft against Charlenes. After only a few seconds of their lips pressing together, Charlene would double down, sticking out her tongue and running it along Brandi's lips, coating them with her saliva before attempting to plunge her tongue into Brandi's mouth to find her tongue. She wanted to have a tongue wrestling match within their mouths. She would let out throaty moans as her tongue explored Brandi's mouth while her breasts were expertly massaged and groped.

Charlene would continue to grind against Brandi and make out with her before separating the kiss, looking her in the eyes. A bridge of saliva split between their lips. "I... think it's time we do some wrestling don't you think?..." Charlene would ask, not giving Brandi the chance to answer, Charlene would bring her arm up to wrap around Brandi's head, holding her chin against her shoulder. Charlene would then attempt to preform a stunner, dropping to her butt while jamming Brandi's jaw against her shoulder.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

For a moment, Brandi was enjoying herself as she groped Charlene's breasts while kissing her. And then, after the kiss was broken, she heard what Charlene was saying, and she only had a fraction of second to react as Charlene brought her arms around her head. Still, it wasn't enough for her to avoid being hit with a stunner as Charlene dropped herself onto her butt while jamming her jaw against her shoulder.


Brandi recoiled back from the impact of the stunner. Still, she managed to remain standing, staying on her feet, albeit wobbly. She staggered a few steps back, stunned by her opponent's stunner. It seemed that she was careless against her opponent, and she needed to be careful after this, and for now, she would put some distance between herself and her opponent to avoid more attacks from her.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Charlene Everworst - Worst Mama

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Charlene was pleased that her stunner had landed. It felt like a solid impact against her shoulder. It was satisfying to her. The sound of the impact and the grunt from Brandi was music to Charlene's ears. She would sit there for a moment, smiling at the crowd and the cameras, waving seductively, knowing that the sudden violent move would stun her opponent for a moment at least and create some distance between the two.

After a few moments, Charlene would look over her shoulder. "Oh where do you think you're going? Don't run away from me baby... I'm sorry. That was so mean wasn't it..." Charlene would tease as she got on her hands and knees, crawling towards Brandi before attempting to leap forward and tackle Brandi by entangling her legs with her arms. If she were successful, she would try to mount Brandi, putting her heavy body on hers, sitting on her stomach while her hands would go down to massage and grope Brandi's breasts. "You got to feel mine... It's only fair if I feel yours..." She would tease.

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