Sachiko Vs Blair

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Sachiko Vs Blair

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight Type: Submission
Victory Condition: Submission only, either verbal or Tapping.

Sachiko while bandaging her hands, would think a bit about what might become of her next Opponent, Blair...... She wouldn't know much about her due to lack of information from not asking Yukari for help, but for now she knew she had to win.

When she was called to fight, she was ready, this time only a pair of bandages would be her ally along with her clothes, so then she would walk, listening as her theme began
So then she would appear, she this time gave a look to the audience, a dead look in her eyes, going all the way up to the ring, where she would pass between ropes, where starting to stretch a bit, she would keep her attention on the ramp, where she would know that the possible new Opponent would appear

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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