Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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Catchy music would enliven the crowd as the audience got ready for a scheduled promo by the dark skinned diva: Sienna Smith! Her appearance was met with praise. The bikini clad wrestler made her way to the ring, swiveling her hips from side to side while wearing a huge grin on her face.
Sienna Smith
The black haired middleweight rolled into the ring and waved to the audience before extending a hand to one of the production crew members outside the ring and grabbing a microphone. Smith would then sit on the middle rope. The rope accentuated the shape of her lovely posterior as she began to speak.

"Evening, Japan! Believe me I'm as happy to see you as you are to see me!" She'd pause for a moment as the audience received her greeting warmly and responded with cheers.

"I've got some business, tonight. But rather than get into the thick of it and make a whole speech, let's just get everyone up to speed real quick with a short clip. Sound good? Roll it!"

Highlights from the Punk Princess' promo would begin to play on the stadium titantron. Katsumi had a strong showing. She took an opportunity to make an example out of a fellow middleweight and put the entire LAW locker room
on notice. As the clip ended, and Katsumi announced herself as 'The New Real', Sienna held the microphone up to her face. She grinned before chuckling and and standing up to get to the purpose of her coming out, tonight.

"Challenge accepted, Punk Princess! If you still got that kinda spunk in ya, come on down and pick on someone your own size! Come see what happens when you step to Sienna Smith!"
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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"Uh-oh," comes a familiar, effeminate voice over the speakers, the cadence cloying and somehow sinister. "Someone's in trouble~"

Katsumi rounds the entrance ramp, stepping into view with microphone already in hand. Already dressed for a match in her black short shorts, sleek black boots, and pink long-sleeved top, Katsumi props her free hand to her hip. "You done fucked up, Smith! But hey - round of applause for the suicidal- oop!" She delicately, coquettishly places her fingertips against her lips. "I mean 'brave'."

She proceeds to slow-clap, bumping her microphone-carrying fist against open palm. Sass readings are off the charts.

"But before we start - I thought that Kana chick was a wardrobe-malfunction waiting to happen. You...," she motions towards the dark-skinned girl in the ring. " look like you're just asking for it. What, hoping I'll go easy on ya outta worry that everyone'll see your implants?"
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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Sienna's mouth formed an 'O' shape as Katsumi quickly answered the call and made her way to the arena. The bikini clad woman's body language communicated that she was feigning surprise and hints of fear. Indeed the Punk Princess exuded the usual spunk and edginess that defined her. The confidence and flair she spoke with were it's own brand of charisma. Sienna's expression would quickly change to a mischievous smile as Oshiro began to comment on her body.

"Easy? Implants? Haha, you know, you're every bit as amusing as I thought you'd be." Smith would say before walking up to the ropes closest to the entrance ramp and leaning against them, resting her forearms on the top rope.

"Why don't you come on down and see how easy I am and how fake my 'assets' are...? Oh! Even better idea. Why don't you strip down to your underwear to make it fair, yeah? Yeah! Hear me out! When I wrestle ya and put ya in your place, I'm already risking cutting my bare, beautiful dark skin on the edginess of your personality. Why should I risk cutting it on that tacky belt or your other gaudy accessories?"

The audience cheered at the prospect of both women throwing down in essentially their underwear. Kat had made it clear in previous appearances that she wasn't at LAW for sex. The same couldn't be said for Sienna, and she was more than happy to take tension to places that discomforted to Punk Princess to give her an edge before formally throwing down with her.
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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"Tacky?! Bitch, this belt is awesome! And it's the perfect stand-in until I get my shot at the title belt!"

Defend her fashion as she might, however, Katsumi couldn't overlook the audience's roar for her to wear even less. She wrestles with a bare midriff and bare legs, what do these guys want from her? A look is shot to the left-side audience, then the right-side, disapproval on her face. Back to the ring, she gives a derisive, albeit feminine, little snort.

She could do the match that way - for the audience's sake. She could go psycho on this chick if she tried to force some sort of wardrobe situation on her, too. But she's going to do what she can to hype it up a little more and demoralize her upcoming opponent!

"You don't want me in a bikini, sweetness. Getting beaten at your own game would be pre-tty embarrassing!"
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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The audience cheered when Katsumi brought up the idea of herself in a bikini. After all, the only thing better then being graced by the presence of one bikini clad wrestler was the possibility of being in the midst of two of them competing in the ring. Smith made sure to jump on that point while she could. It was the perfect segue she needed to focus the conversation on the type of fight she wanted.

"Ohhhh, now you're speakin' my language, Kat! Now you've got the right attitude! By why stop there?! You wanna beat me at my own game?! You wanna entertain these people, right? Do you people wanna be entertained?!" Sienna would gesture to the crowd, prompting them to cheer and hype the two up.

"Why don't you and me throw down in a ring on the beach, Katsumi? You got nothing to be embarrassed about, right? You're too 'cool' for wardrobe malfunctions." She said while using two fingers to stress the quotes on 'cool'.

"Look, if you think you can make every wrestler at LAW look like Marissa, then you'll have no problem trying to show me up on my own terms! You, me, a ring on the beach, bikini wrestling match. You wanna make a name for yourself? You wanna do it for the people?! Whattya say, Kat? You wanna start reaching for that brass ring or what?" Cheers for both women would emanate through the stadium. The gauntlet had been laid down and the ball was in Kat's court. Would the Sienna's answer to Oshiro's open challenge be accepted?!
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi's left eye twitches. The microphone is raised again. "That's how it's gonna be, huh!?" She can't deny the roar of the audience, who appear to be thrilled at the prospect of Katsumi wrestling Sienna in swimwear. Of course they would be, they're humans. And Kat is, after all, pretty hot. Sienna, it's a little difficult to say from this distance. She has nice hair, though. That, she can tell. But this feels like a trap. Like a slippery slope. The audience doesn't let up.

"If you're that determined to get embarrassed...!"

She can't believe she's going with this. She's done swimsuit matches before, but never for their own sake.


She pauses to glance to the left and nips onto her lower lip. A rare look of concern briefly flashes across her face.

'Please-please-please don't let this blow up in my face...'

She swallows and looks ahead. That concern is replaced with a more expected confident, cocky smile. "..I'm just the girl to make it happen! Game on, Sienna! But don't think this is gonna go the way you want!"
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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The audience roared as Katsumi deliberated it briefly before finally accepting the match! The quick look of concern on Kat's face would go unnoticed by many, but Sienna made sure to play close attention. Prior to actually issuing this challenge, she hadn't the faintest clue about the Punk Princess' reservations or preferences. She simply wanted a fun match on her own terms with the promising rookie. And that moment was all she needed to confirm that she made the right call.

"There we go! She's gonna be a good sport, ladies and gentlemen! We're gonna put on one heck of a match!" Sienna would lean over the top rope. She'd hook one of her legs over the middle rope before giving Katsumi sultry, lustful stare. Slowly she'd raise the mic before giving the Punk Princess some parting words and finishing up with a wink. "See you at the beach, babes~!"

"Oh! And good luck! You're gonna need it!"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Sienna Smith/Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi is really not so sure about this. On the one hand, she's confident she can take the gaijin. Her open challenge has been met, and this is the whole purpose behind it; put mouthy chicks down so the rest of the federation knows who they're dealing with. On the other hand, so much could go wrong. After her match with Cathy - and a few to follow - Katsumi has some.. concerns. But who knows? She can't really see Sienna from here, so maybe the dark-skinned girl has a gross puggy face or something, and there won't be any hint of trouble.

Unless puggy-faced Sienna tries something, that is. But if she did, she'd just have to beat on her even harder. Make a statement. No, make an example out of her.

Yeah. This could work after all. Maybe even better if Sienna did try something. As long as that something didn't involve wardrobe malfunctions. She can go straight to Hell if she pulled that. That's probably what this is all about, in fact! Why else would she be trying to get her into a swimsuit!? She's relying on her wearing something flimsy! That bitch! Well, wouldn't it just be hilarious if she came to the ring wearing something ultra conservative? Maybe a battle bikini? Would that count? Is that a bikini? Did they specify?-

There's music playing. When did that happen?

Katsumi's flailing mind suddenly refocuses, realizing she missed whatever was just said. This could mean only one thing, and Katsumi hates it: Sienna is already in her head.


With nothing but a stern, determined look from the Punk Princess, she about-faces to make her way backstage again. She has a beach match in her future.
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