That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Lyra Heartfield (minus the boxing gloves)
Jonathan Steele
Jonathan and Lyra exited the changing rooms in the big gym they had booked for Jonathan’s first training class in quite awhile. He was going in solo without Ryan and William this time as the trio had trained the Young Lionesses before in the past. Today, he had six students coming in that wanted to learn and he knew a couple of them quite well. Chelsea Forster has been someone he trained extensively back in the states and Lyra was always a student of his when they met back in the days he was semi-retired from wrestling. However, the four others were new to him. He only knew Sanae from her match against Lyra and Yuki was familiar to him as he watched her matches against Rose Gold and Skylar Jones. Then there was Rylie Marshall, but he couldn’t make heads or tails on her. He saw her Falls Count Anywhere Match at Fight The LAW and the girl could brawl despite losing the match. Finally, there was Natalie McCathy, who Jonathan heard wrestled in roller skates on the indies and it made him wonder how exactly she trained while always rolling around.

How does it feel to have class after so long?” Lyra asked with a friendly smile on her face turning to her mentor.

It’s weird. I feel like the old days are back,” Jonathan replied as he started moving over to the white boards starting to write down training exercises.

And Bri is coming in?” Lyra asked.

I wanted the students to see what they could measure up to. Bri won the Wildcat Championship when she was really young and in her first match with a major promotion. I thought she could be a prime example of my training,” Jonathan replied.

That’s a wonderful idea. It markets the training you are able to provide and gives the ladies someone to look up to. Jay and Leon have done some tremendous work also on the independent circuit recently,” Lyra noted.

I tried getting the others out here, but flying to Japan is expensive. I didn’t want to push them,” Jonathan explained.

Still, you and Brianna are good enough to help these students and myself reach new heights,” Lyra said.

Like helping you muster the courage to ask Sanae out? What you’ve practiced in your dreams and in the mirror doing?” Jonathan asked with a smirk.

Uh-Uh-Uh….it’s not like that. I admire her…for her determination. But I don’t like her! I mean I do! But not like that! But it’s not her fault! Oh shit…..I’m not making this easier, am I?” Lyra asked with a very red blush on her cheeks as she rubbed her left arm.

That’s your cross to bare. Hahahahaha!!!!” Jonathan exclaimed with a laugh as Lyra punched his muscular right arm in frustration for embarrassing her.
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Rylie finished stepping out of the locker room, entering the gym. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, glad to make it on time for the first day of training. She was wearing her wrestling outfit of a back and blue two piece bikini, complete with fingerless gloves and steel toed boots. She ran a hand through her short blue hair, glad to be back to having it short and back to it's preferred color. She was also glad to have her racoon ears, tail, and face paint on as this was her first time returning back to her Trash Queen gimmick. Having returned from the Leviathan promotion in which she was under the gimmick of Polaris, a compass themed wrestler that guided the lost, to which she had to have long golden blonde hair under that persona. "It feels so good to be back." She whispered to herself. She didn't mind the different gimmick, it was a good learning experience, but to Rylie, this was more her element.

She learned a lot on her trip to the U.S. to work under Leviathan, but she still wanted to train under someone. She wanted to get good and rack up some more wins to clear her debt with her friends that helped her get to where she was. Rylie was determined to improve and learn, and thus she was here in the gym a few minutes early. She wasn't even 24 hours into returning from her trip and the stretch she gave as she looked around was evidence of that. She noticed Jonathan was writing on the board and a blushing woman chatting with him. She started to walk over with a sway of her tail to get within interaction distance of the two as she looked at the board and waited for the right time to chime in. "Mr Steele? I'm here to begin." She mentioned as she then raised her hand up in greeting to the blushing woman. "What's up? I'm Rylie."
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Everyone had their own reasons for attending Jonathan's class. Sanae Saitou was a promising new talent whose profile in LAW was rising higher and higher after her performance in her Apex qualifiers, and Jonathan could recognize the potential waiting to be brought out of her. Yuki Kazikura had already established herself, initially as a prominent name on the indies, but later as a perennial main-eventer in the Lightweight Division - but she'd fallen on hard times after a string of losses in some of the biggest matches she put herself up for, and when she was determined to build herself back up, she needed to seek out the best tutors she could find. Chelsea Forster was somewhere in between; she was a long-time friend of Jonathan's and she had a respectable amount of experience under her belt, but now that she had teamed up with George Fortunato and Karl Schneider as the Mad Tea Party, she was looking to reinvent herself and put forth a new face to the world - and, though she had helped build her new persona with her teammates, she knew that if there was anyone that could help her get a fresh start, it would be Jonathan. Regardless of where they came from, though, or what brought them here, they would all soon arrive at the gym, coming to face their trainer.
Sanae Saitou
Yuki Kazikura
Chelsea Forster
Sanae was the most personable, waving her hand to him and Lyra with a grin as she came near. "Hello, hello! I remember you two from our last match..." She turned to Lyra and nodded her head, smiling just a little wider as their eyes met - "but it's an honor getting the chance to train under you. If you've been working with the Young Lionesses, I imagine you'll have plenty to teach us."

Yuki faced him with a polite bow - though, she still had her reservations when she was meeting him for the first time, and she whispered over her shoulder to Chelsea. " know this guy? You think he can help?"

"Wot?" Chelsea stared blankly back at Yuki, not knowing any Japanese, before Sanae helpfully translated. "Oh, bags," Chelsea responded. "'eez a good lad whun ye get ter kun 'im, like." Likewise, Yuki blinked for a moment in confusion, not understanding, before Sanae chimed in again. "Uh, she said he's good when you get to know him...I think."

"Ah, well, anyway..." Yuki continued, now looking at Jonathan, "All that aside, where should we start?"

At that point, a woman ran into the gym, wearing one of Jonathan's shirts proudly bearing his face on the front of it - and looking a little oversized for her frame. She passed the students to close in on Jonathan, veering to his side. There she panted for breath, leaning up against him with her hand on his shoulder to brace herself. Her face was red, and her brow was slick with sweat, as though she'd been running to get here - but still, she straightened herself, wiping off her face with the front of her shirt before she cleared her throat to address the others.

"Sorry I'm late, everyone - I'd like to remind you all that I had perfectly good reasons for running late, and I wasn't distracted by anyone selling autographs or anything! Ah, erm..." Clearing her throat, she looked back at the gathered class. "I'm sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Brianna Steele, Jon's wife. Or, you might know me better as the Black Tornado," she added with a wink.
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Jonathan continued his chatting with Lyra and checked his phone seeing it was almost time for class. The new students would be here any minute and soon enough, the fold started arriving. First, Jonathan met Rylie shaking her hand and expressing his greetings and praise for being eager to get learning. Then, Sanae came in with Yuki and Chelsea right behind her as he shook each of their hands and then came in his wife panting like she ran a long marathon and he playfully rolled his eyes.

Three years of marriage to this woman and she’s still a nerd. By the way, nice shirt,” Jonathan teased as he kissed his wife’s forehead before turning to his new students.

I’m a little out of practice when it comes to this. I haven’t handled a class since my own wrestling school got shut down years ago and even then, I now mainly use the resources handed to me. Anyway, welcome everyone and I’m glad you all have decided to trust me with your further training. My wife here has come in as a prime example of what could be in your future. Whether that’s winning titles or seeking recognition in this world, it’s possible with me. However, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I was sure 6 signed up,” Jonathan stated as he counted the girls in front of him.

Make way for the Daredevil!” Natalie screamed as she rolled into the gym with hardly any workout attire on as she skated in a circle around the four newcomers (Rylie, Chelsea, Yuki, and Sanae) before rolling backwards up to Jonathan leaning on the wall to stop herself.

Sup, teach? I’m ready to learn when you are!” Natalie said as she flashed a wink and a check mark sign at Jonathan.
Natalie McCathy
Uh…yeah. Ahem, as long as you’re in, I suppose you’re excused,” Jonathan answered. “How about you girls warm up with some jogging around the gym? Give me 5 laps.

Perfect! I can skate that in my sleep! Race ya, everyone!” Natalie challenged to her fellow students as she took off on her skates starting the first lap.

Lyra would take off second and take a look at Rylie finally noticing her greeting as they shook hands while jogging.

It’s nice to meet you, Rylie. I heard about your latest match from the cruise and you did excellent. Oh, your aura is dark purple. That means you are very down to earth and vibrant!” Lyra exclaimed before Sanae caught up and greeted her as she blushed.

Um….hey Sanae….how are you?” Lyra asked with a blush as she pulled down her headband to hide her cheeks.
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Rylie smiled and gave a firm handshake with Jonathan and bowed her head a little in appreciation to his praise. "Thanks Coach, or do I call you Mr.
Steele? I'm glad to finally find a trainer that doesn't seem like the kind of person that is creating machines for their own personal use."
She then watched the trio arrive and threw a hand up in the air in greetings to them, not wanting to distract their conversation with each other. She then noticed someone else arrive wearing a t-shirt of the trainer. She started to look confused and was wondering if the gathered crew was more of a fan club, but then she noticed the interaction between her and Jonathan and heard that she was the wife and grinned, finding that adorable.

She almost felt a little out of place with this group, but then Natalie made her epic entrance by skating in and she smirked, liking her style. She then heard Jonathan give them their first task and giggled as Natalie chose to skate for the jogging exercise. "No doubt on who's going to finish first there." She laughed as she then began to jog and then noticed Lyra talking to her and talking about her aura, she grinned at Lyra. "Your aura reading is pretty spot on my dude! Also, purple is one of my favorite colors. So what was that reading? Horoscope? Crystals? Chi?" She asked curious to know more from Lyra, but then Sanae caught up to them and she noticed Lyra's blush before hiding her cheeks as she gave a mischievous smirk. "Oh I get it, you totes got the hots for this one. I'll let you two get to talking, good luck, we'll talk soon!" She mentioned as she jokingly gave Lyra a good game smack on the rear before she picked up her pace with the jogging, separating from the two of them to have their talk together in private as her racoon tail swished from side to side as she jogged.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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"L-Listen..!" A blush lit up across Brianna's face when she heard Jonathan speak up, but she elbowed him playfully in the side all the while. Soon enough, the topic shifted to what Jonathan's teaching could do for his students - something that Brianna could speak to from experience. And with that, she stood a little straighter, puffing out her chest as she flashed a proud smile. "Yep, that's right!" she explained. "Jon and I met when he was teaching a training class I was in. Back then, I was afraid to even speak up too much around the people who had more experience than me, but he helped break the ice, and he saw the potential I had. The more we got to know each other, the closer we got - and the more confident I got. And, I'm Wildcat Champion, so that should count for something! I'm sure you'll see for yourselves soon enough."

The girls nodded to this - but when Jonathan noted that one person was missing from their class, they turned to look at each other with confusion. But their questions would soon be answered when Natalie McCathy made her arrival on the scene, flying through the gym on roller skates! Immediately, her entrance drew a few odd looks from the students. Right away, they could tell they were dealing with a wild and free spirit; if Rylie didn't give them that impression already, she seemed downright sedate in comparison to Natalie. Yuki sighed softly to herself; she hoped this wouldn't mean much trouble.

Soon, they were off on the track. In the midst of their run, Lyra reached out to Sanae, and the green-haired girl slowed her pace just enough to keep up with her. Sanae saw the blush on Lyra's face as they introduced each other, and she in turn blushed back. "Me? Oh, uh...I'm doing great, actually-!" She stammered a little to try and find the words, but soon, she stood back up straight with a newfound confidence. "You've seen how I'm doing in the Apex qualifiers, haven't you? You should see my match against Alizeh!" The girl was practically tingling with excitement as she thought back on the hard-fought victory she had achieved, proving she had grown strong enough to rise above her friendly rival. Thinking about it made her quicken her pace, emboldened by her prior success. But even if Sanae had found her footing, that would still be shaken just a moment later, when Natalie spoke up.

"W-Whaat!?" Sanae's face flushed a vivid red, and she held a hand to her mouth. "No, er, it's not that, it's just-" But when she looked up, she saw that her thoughts had slowed her down, and now she was falling behind! She sucked in a gulp, squeezing her fists tighter with determination. If Sanae knew anything about herself, it was that she wouldn't let herself slip up. She needed to prove she had it in her to succeed, and to rise above the competition - and letting the others get ahead of her simply wasn't acceptable! Sucking in a breath, she took off, tailing after them. "Hey, guys, hold up-!"

Brianna watched this all with a huff, following their path around the track. "We really have our work cut out for us, don't we?"
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Jonathan followed the students around the track as Natalie kept a steady lead, but for the sake of fairness, she would keep it slow while keeping her position. Jonathan wasn’t sure what it was about her that made Natalie different than most wrestlers he met, aside from the roller skates, but brownie points had to be awarded on the creative direction. Then came Rylie….it seems Jonathan will be her personal coach going forward and Jonathan hadn’t had a personal student for quite awhile. Not since his hiatus from the sport altogether and he was distant from the students he already had back home. Lyra is one of his older students and one he met during his years on the shelf. Definitely a great friend to have and really good friends with his wife, Brianna. The others had their trainers, but nothing wrong with further guidance in a different direction.

They surely do a lot of things differently around here. Where in USPW, you deal with what is in front of you, they take it to a whole another level. Practically to insane heights. Case in point, hentai wrestling or sex combined with wrestling. Safe to say we aren’t in Kansas anymore,” Jonathan replied to his wife’s question with a movie reference to a grand old classic.

Natalie skidded back a little to measure up with Rylie as she had to admit the raccoon gal had a certain flair she could vibe with. She smirked as she skated on forward a bit as if issuing a challenge to Rylie.

You ain’t the first YL I have met before, but you’re already becoming the coolest one I know. What made you go all Nightcrawler here?” Natalie asked with her arms crossed.
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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As Natalie slowed her roll and looked at Rylie with a challenging smirk, she rolled her eyes, but with a smirk as she quickened the pace a little more to catch up with her. "What's up Wheels?" She replied back after the Nightcrawler comment as she raised her fist up towards Natalie for a fist bump. "Oh, long story short, was a runaway and spent more of my life homeless as opposed to sheltered. I made homes out of dumpsters and as annoying as they are, I find trash panda's adorable, so why not embrace how I was raised? Katrina Kelley from LAW stopped to talk to me and she chatted with April Starling, who in return, helped provide me an apartment and kept me fed, but with a mountain of debt to pay off, but thankfully at zero interest. Now they got me into wrestling to try to help pay things off. At first, I didn't think I was cut out for this, but after my first defeat, I enjoyed the crowd. Now I want to wrestle for the crowd and now they gave me a goal of wanting to go after that Lawless title, so that's why I reached out to Jonathan. What about you? What's your story?"
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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Natalie fist bumped with Rylie and just cruised on her skates pushing up when needed for speed and turned corners to make laps count. She crossed her arms and nodded to everything Rylie said having a frown on her face.

Damn, that’s rough you had to live on the streets for awhile. I couldn’t imagine what it is like being homeless, but my mom told me lots of people have nowhere to go in the world. I feel so bad,” Natalie replied with a somber look.

However, Rylie told her she had friends help her get an apartment, but she had to pay off some debt. Natalie then got asked about her story and adjusted the pads on her elbows to keep them secured as she thought over the order of details to share.

I grew up in a rough neighborhood of New York. It really got bad as street thugs tried taking my backpack when I walked to school or tried taking my wallet for drug money. I kicked their asses, but got some bruises in return. Luckily, my father was a cyclist and competed in the Tour De France races back in his home country so he taught me how to bike. I got to school that way easier and didn’t deal with many assholes. I love roller skating and wanted to do something with it. There was roller derbys, but that got a little bit extreme and injured my elbow bad in one showing. Then my father introduced me to wrestling and this is my career now. I’m a cult classic on the indies and a champion at that. I went through some horrible characters before becoming the Daredevil. My skates are the things that keep me going, but don’t let it fool you….I still lose sometimes. One thing I always like doing is grinding on the ropes cause it’s really sick to me and pleases my fans,” Natalie explained with a boastful tone on that last statement.

Meanwhile, Lyra saw Chelsea and Yuki catch up as she distracted herself from her blush to break the ice.

So, how did you girls come to be here?” Lyra asked.
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Re: That’s Mr. Steele To You! (for CaptainL and SimplyWoo)

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With Jonathan taking off and accompanying the students across the ring, it suddenly hit Brianna that she was going to have to do the same. She let out a long sigh - after all, she had already needed to run here, and she didn't know how much energy she had to keep going. But, nevertheless, she shrugged her shoulders, falling in alongside her husband, and nodding to what he had to say.

"Oh, yeah, I'm well aware," she said. "I've been reading up on this promotion, after all. Not my kinda thing, if you ask me, but it seems to work for some people..." Then, she turned to focus a look on her husband. "By the way, don't get any ideas."

However, shortly thereafter, Brianna looked up to see how Natalie was staying a good distance ahead of the others, not to mention the reason why - she still had her skates on! At first, she looked on in disbelief, but then she glanced back at Jonathan again. "Hey, is that fair-!?"

Meanwhile, Lyra had fallen in alongside Chelsea and Yuki, who were keeping up with each other at a more or less even pace, still side by side. Both of them looked back at her to answer her question. "Oi, that's a long story..." Chelsea muttered with a sigh. "Ye nah, I didn't evun wanna be a wrestler at fairst, like. I wanted ter go into tunes, but it didn't weerk out. Nah matti 'ow much I practiced, or 'ow good I got, I na got along wi' de suits, and they'd always try ter force me into some silly contracts, and I'd yell in their faces, and they'd shew me out de doer. Eventually, one o' dem said dat if I wanted ter do dat I should become a wrestler...and I wanted ter rub dat in 'is sorry kite, so that's juss wha' I did, like! I wuz ed de indies back in England fe a while wi' me sister Molly before I got picked up by de bigger promotions. And, well...I'm sure you've already 'eard de news about de Mad Tea Party, so I dun need ter go over that."

Yuki was next to answer. "My story probably isn't as interesting. Wrestling just started out as a hobby of mine, really. I started all the way back when I was in high school, where I applied to join a training class at a gym, and I found I really liked doing it. It helped me focus, and it made me feel like I was doing something good with my life, so I wanted to chase that feeling. I started competing more on the indies, even a few part-time appearances here and there, but LAW was the first big-time promotion I was ever signed to. I was even number-one contender to the Lightweight Championship..." But, once she had said that, she let out a sigh and glanced down, her tone growing more somber as she was burdened by all the memories of her less than perfect record since. "I've...tried, but I've never really been able to reach those same levels again. So I wanted to train as much as I could, and this seemed like a good start."

In the midst of their discussion, Yuki had started to fall behind Lyra and Chelsea. When she realized this, though, she balled her fists tightly and clenched her teeth, forcing her legs to pump harder at the air as she tried to pull ahead - even if she hissed through her teeth from the strain she was putting on herself in the process. She couldn't let herself slip!

At the same time, Chelsea turned back to Lyra. "Waaaait a tick. Aren't ye a fortune teller er firkin? Shouldn't ye already kun dat?"
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