The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

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The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Weonna »

Standard Match

Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent
Today was the big day for Anna Evans. She was going to make her debut match in L.A.W. a week after her big sister Rianne made her debut!

"Alright here I go...I'm gonna win this one...for you Rianne..." Anna had seen her sister have a bad debut start, but before the match Rianne had some encouraging words for Anna and told her to do her best. As the purple haired Brit was making her way to the stage she began to ponder. Could she be able to actually compete in L.A.W.? There were many big sharks roaming around and for Anna she felt like a small fish trapped in a big ocean. Only time could tell how her career in Pro-Wrestling will pan out as Anna was trying to just live on the moment.

Alright Anna! You'll be up in a couple minutes!

A staff member would inform Anna as the party girl would take a deep breath and get her happy feet moving.

"Alright let's do this!" She would say in a very excited tone while waiting for her music to que and the Announcer to introduce the new wrestler to the crowd.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Making her official debut in the L.A.W. universe! From London, England put your hands together for Electronica!
Before Anna would come out behind the curtains she would put on purple neon party shades.
Her enterance stage was dark and flashing purple lights began to illuminate the stage area while her music was playing. When she came out she started to dance, which got the members of the crowd jumping g on there feet, almost as if they were in a 90's electric dance club. It was all smiles and cheers for Anna as she danced her way to the steel steps and on top of the ring apron as she would pose (as seen in the pic) and take off her neon shades before passing it to the referee for him to hold onto before entering the ring to dance some more. Once the crowd was familiar with the new girl it was clear she was the life of the party and Anna began to wave at her newly made fans and blow them kisses.
The Party girl would then wait in the corner awaiting patiently to see what her opponent was all about.
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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

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Just as the neon party was getting it on the light went from bright and colorful to dark and menacing. The song like a vampire started playing a purple smoke seeps down from the ramp as Scarlet Eventide ascends to the ramp like being risen out of a coffin.

She opens her red eyes giving a vampiric hiss as she did. Looking at Electronica and doing the throat slit gesture. She was trying her hardest to look like a proper threatening Vampire. Some were unnerved but others in the crowd know she hasn’t had a good start to LAW. Losing every match she’s partaken in. This hasn’t deterred her however which seems to be why she’s got some fans. She stalked her way down to the ring not taking her eyes off of Electronica. Her body nicely fitting her attire. As she slid into the ring and gave a big hiss to the crowd.

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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Weonna »

"Oh wow..."

Anna stood outside the ring when it was time for Scarlet to make her enterance. The vampiric wrestler did not disspoint and Electronica actually found it quite entertaining, despite how over the top Scarlet's enterance was.

Anna would roll back into the ring once both women were done making there enterances and the referee instructed both women to get to there respective corners.

Following procedure the ref would check both Wrestlers for any brandish weaponry and when the ref would check on Anna he asked her if she was OK to wrestle in high heels.

"Oh yeah! Definitely! Listen I know it's a handicap for me to be wearing them but I care more for the aesthetics!"

However there was another issue with the high heels as the point of the heel could be potentially dangerous. The referee would exit the ring to talk to the other officials about Anna's high heels, while delaying the match. The crowd wanted to see a match and the referee had to come back in and explain to Anna that she is not allowed to use certain kicks that involve the heel further handicapping herself even more.

"Alright Alright Fine! I'm ok with that! Let's just get the party started ok?" For Anna she was an understandable person and abided by the rules. Once everything was all set the match would finally start after a small bit of delay as the bell would ring.


Once the bell would ring Anna would circle around Scarlet before coming forward for a collar and elbow lock up to start the match.

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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

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Scarlet chuckled seeing that Anna was having some issues right out of the gate. “If she’s already having issues then she’ll be my first victim! Also I’ll finally get my first win here!” She thought to herself as the bell rings and she steps out ready to go. Seeing that Anna wanted to lock up the vampire gladly accepted the offer.

Scarlet: allow me to educate you on how Vampires do battle human!!!

She said trying to be threatening but came off as a bit of a try hard.
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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Weonna »

"Hehehe~ hi cutie ~" While Anna had locked up with her vampiric opponent she decided to do the unpredictable move of simply dancing around with her opponent!

"Let me educate you on how to have fun~" Anna chuckled and started to dance with Scarlet almost as of they were doing a samba.
This caught a lot of people off guard, even the ref was confused. Anna simply smiled as she twirled underneath her opponent's arm only to grab her hips and dance some more!
Last edited by Weonna on Thu Oct 20, 2022 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Well she wanted to show how vampires fight, well now she’s showing how to make a vampire confused. She so confused she’s just dancing along without her even realizing it. “Uhhhh, what are you doing?” Scarlet asked as they were cutting rug with each other. It was like a samba. They danced and Scarlet didn’t know how to take this.
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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Weonna »

When Anna pulled Scarlet close to her she would giggle and bluntly say.

"I'm distracting you~"

The Electrical purple haired party girl would then grip Scarlet's left wrist and twist it with an arm wringer before trying to put Scarlet's trapped left wrist behind her back in a Hammerlock.

"Gotcha luv~" Anna would chuckle before attempting to nail Scarlet with a Hammerlock reverse DDT.

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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Well the confusion quickly turned to an Oh shit look as Anna bluntly revealed this was all a distraction and she was hooked in the hammerlock.

“You cheating little-“

That was all Scarlet could get out before Anna hooked and connected with a reverse Hammerlock DDT, spiking Scarlet to the mat. She held her head kicking against the mat in pain.


She yelled out showing she’s not the intimidating vampire she built herself up to be.
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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Weonna »

Anna would raise an arm after nailing Scarlet with a Hammerlock Reverse DDT. She felt like she was in control of this match and was ready to keep the offense going.

When the Party Girl saw Scarlet kicking about in pain Anna would grab the Vampire by the hair and pull her up to her feet.

"Alright here we go~" Anna would say before throwing Scarlet on her butt with a Snapmare! But Anna wasen't done yet as she would then attempt to trap her opponent in a sitting Abdominal stretch!

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Re: The Party Begins! "Electronica" Anna Evans (D) vs. Scarlet Eventide

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Scarlet was trying to shake the cobwebs off when Anna picks up scarlet then hits a snapmare and locks the vampire in a seated ab stretch

“Owwwwwwww! Unhand me vile human!

She yelled kicking and trying to get herself to the ropes.
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