Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pin, Submision, Knockout, or DQ

Suzume really could get used to the crowd, being in the center of attention really suited her. Being in the center of attention while kicking someone's butt, even more so. This time however was special, she actually knew who it was she was fighting, well, knew the name at least, and actually owned some records made by Akali. It didn't change much about what was to unfold in the ring but it was an interesting detail that captured her attention.
Entrance Music
Regardless of who her opponent was, Suzume remained as confident as ever, preparing to make her entrance. Yellow lights filled the arena as Susume ran onto the stage, Gouts of sparks being sent up in the air behind her as she needed the center of it in a cartwheel followed by jumping up and throwing her fist up in the air. She then made a show of looking around the arena before storming down the ramp and sliding straight into the ring.
Wrestling Attire
When she got between the ropes she walked to the corner and climbed on top of it, throwing her hand in the air repeatedly, with the last move letting it stay in the air, one finger pointing up. After lingering like so for a moment she then pulled her hand to the side and flexed it before blowing a kiss to the audience. After having done so she would then jump down and wait in the corner for her oponent.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

Unread post by breakthingsxd »

Akali was the type of person who didn't like to be calm and collected before a match. She needed to be hyped up, aggressive, ready to roll. And so she didn't spend her time working out in silence or meditating before a match. She spent it kicking the crap out of a practice dummy while her playlist blared in the background- yes, with some of her own music.

So as her theme blasted out in the arena and she strode out onto the stage, vibing with the crowd and with her music. Her strides were slow, yet powerful and confident- like a wrestler about to kick the crap out of someone should be. She belted out the last few lines of her song with the crowd before ducking under the middle rope and tossing her hair back.

"Hey, Suzume, right? No hard feelings when I kick your butt, right?" She said, a grin spreading across her face as she extended her arm to her opponent. "Let's have a fun fight.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

"No hard feelings at all, especially since you are going to get the kicking. Yeah, let's have some fun." She said with a confident smile as she accepted the handshake.

After they were separated, Suzume stretched, waiting for the bell. When it sounded she immediately fell into her stance and darted forward. When she got into a striking range, she first threw a kick aimed at Akali's head, it was however only faint as she would change directions to land it on her chest. Then she would follow that with a left hook as she stepped closer.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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"We'll have to see." Akali shot back, before stepping back. When the bell rang, she threw her hands up in a defensive stance. Lucky she did, as Suzume immediately darted straight at her as she went straight for a kick to her head. Akali moved her hands slightly upwards, yet Suzume's attack dipped below her head and rammed into her lower forearm, thankfully avoiding any major damage.

Unfortunately, this was followed by a solid left hook that crashed into the rapper's guard. She wasn't a complete flop when it came to durability, but she also wasn't all the way up there and so the hook split her arms, leaving her stumbling backward and getting ready to preemptively duck in case of a follow-up.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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Seeing as her attacks made some impact and drew Akali's attention to defending her head Suzume would throw a jab at her head to maintain her attention there while she would aim to follow that with a knee to her stomach as she closed in.

If that would work she would then seek to wrap her hands behind her oponents neck to bring her into a clinch and continue sending knees up to the rapper's abdomen.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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Akali was anticipating another attack to her now completely vulnerable head, so it was a good thing that she ducked in advance, as a fast and furious jab from Suzume hurtled just over her head, causing a few strands of hair to fall onto her face.

Unfortunately, her head was now placed directly within reach of Suzume's arms, and as she was brought into a clinch, she coughed out in pain as her opponent's knees rattled her toned midsection over and over again.

"Ungh- oof!"

She worked a lot on her abs, but even then, this constant barrage hurt, and Akali did her best to straighten up and toss Suzume over her knee, freeing her from her painful prison.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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Suzume was focused on her attack and did not notice as Akali shifted to then counter her by tossing her to the ground. A loud thud and a grunt of pain followed that move before she was able to roll away and get up to her feet.

Strengthening up and flashing Akali a smile, Suzume reached out her hand in a beckoning gesture before getting back in her stance and waiting for her opponent's move.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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Akali was more than ready to go at her opponent again. She quickly feinted dropping down for a leg sweep before instead explosively leaping towards Suzume's legs, tackling her to the ground, and then mounting her, sitting atop her chest and pinning her foe's arms to the ground.

Only now would Akali smile under her mask, her grin just barely visible in the way her cheeks tilted upwards as she pinned Suzume. But she wouldn't go for the pin so early. Instead, the rapper slid to the side and wrapped her toned thighs around Suzume's waist, squeezing hard in a bodyscissor.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

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Akali managed to bait Suzume as she prepared to defend from a leg sweep only to fall prey to a takedown. Instinctively, she rose her hands to defend from incoming punches or choke attempts but nothing of the sort was forthcoming. Instead, Akali slipped to the side, wrapping her thighs around her and squeezing. Suzume growled in pain, tensing her abs to resist such a squeeze as she started to move in her attempt at getting out.

First, her palms slipped to the insides of Akali's knees to use the week point of the joint to loosen the hold, of course, she didn't think she could get out that way but it should be enough for her next step. With some space now secured inside her opponent's scissors, she would turn to face her before getting to her knees, effectively ending up in something akin to a closed guard. She could proceed to exercise her grappling expertise here but it seemed more prudent to get out of the thighs squeezing the life out of her. To that effect, Suzume reached behind Akali's neck to lift her up and slam her down against the mat.

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Re: Kodama Suzume vs Akali(D)

Unread post by breakthingsxd »

The rapper had successfully managed to wrap (rap?) her foe up in what must have been a painful bodyscissors. The spreading of her joints by Suzume was a mild annoyance, but it didn't effect her too much before Suzume showed the difference in their grappling experience by moving into a closed guard that had Akali's scissors, even with her formidable thighs, loosening by the second.

It was then that Akali's foe got to her knees, reaching behind the rapper's neck and slamming her down hard on the mat, causing her thighs to immediately relax and her legs to fall to the floor and loosen from Suzume's waist. A groan of pain escaped her as she lay out on the floor, stunned temporarily and rather vulnerable to further attack as it stood there and then.

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