On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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As the camera turned on, it revealed a beautiful gothic woman in a thigh slit spaghetti strapped leather dress, complete with thigh high boots, fishnet opera gloves, finger claws, finger jewelry and so on. She had on stunning dark make-up and held a microphone with one hand and a long cigarette holder with a black cigarette at the tip of it as she looked towards the camera with a smirk.

“Greetings my pets, This is Julie Merriweather and I am here backstage to give you fans what you need. After the main event between Tina Kelley and Astrid Ostberg for the championship a lot of questions are left lingering in the air, and hopefully I will be able to get some of the answers we seek as Tina Kelley has taken some time away from her busy schedule to answer some questions for us tonight.” She mentioned as he took a drag from her cigarette holder and pulled it from her lips, exhaling the smoke towards the camera as she smirked and spoke in a seductive tone. “Come now, follow me.” She mentioned as she turned around and walked deeper backstage with a nice sway to her hips and clip clop of her high heels meeting the ground as she lifted a hand up to wiggle her claw jeweled index finger to follow.

As Julie continued to strut deeper backstage she walked over to an area in which appeared to be a storage area or at least where some leftover equipment was being stored. Sitting on one of the boxes with her elbows resting on her knees with her hands interlocked in front of her with her side of her cupped together hands resting against the lower half of her face was Tina. Who blinked and snapped to attention when she noticed Julie approaching and hopped off the equipment box she was resting on to approach her. She wore her traditional outfit of a white and blue stringed bikini with her calf high matching boots and her grey sweater tied around her waist.

“Here she is my pets, Tina Kelley. Tina my dear, you gave quite a performance against Astrid not too long ago that unfortunately met an abrupt end at the hands of the woman who you first made your debut against. A rather sexy, strong opponent by the name of Selket.” She mentioned turning her face to look at the camera with a slight shrug, calling it like she saw it. Besides, Selket and Julie appeared to have some rather similar tastes. She then looked back towards Tina, “Here’s your chance to let everyone know, what’s on your mind?”

Tina looked towards Julie, then towards the camera as she shrugged her shoulders a little bit. “I mean, what can I say? As soon as I found out I had my chance to wrestle among the elites and not only that, wrestle the very woman that inspired me to take up wrestling and have a chance to be the champion? I had to accept. Not only that, I trained harder than I ever have to get into a condition worthy of trying to become one of the elites. To become worthy enough to be a trainer to the young lions under my tutelage, and most importantly, to be worthy to my fans, my friends, my family, and my loved ones and do my best to try to make them proud.”

“Was I able to get to that level? Did I almost defeat Astrid? Was I about to achieve something that I have been dreaming about since I was a kid and be LAW’s next champion?” She then shrugged again. “I honestly can’t answer that. Perhaps? I have to give Astrid credit where credit is due, she put me through hell in that match, but also helped unlock my hidden potential. We will never know the outcome of that match though because we both got attacked by The Egyptian Princess, Selket.” She mentioned as she now started to pace from side to side. “That woman…I don’t know what the hell her problem is. I figured after her match with me, she would just move on. After all, I had no grudges against her. She defeated me, showed me what the upper tier of wrestlers were like, and if anything, I have her to thank for becoming determined in not giving up on this dream.”

“So why she has chosen now to try to bully me makes no sense. Even before the match with Astrid, she’s been interrupting my post matches, trying to get back in my head. I was wondering why, but then it hit me. Maybe I have become a threat to her now. First I wasn’t in her league and now, here I am. I’ve busted my ass off to get to this point and I’m not going to stop now. I still have a lot to accomplish and I will not rest until I get my hands on that heavyweight championship!”

“Before I can focus on that again, I need to settle this score with the one called Selket, I don’t know if the post match made it to air, but to those that didn’t see what happened after the match, I challenged Selket to a match at Fight The Law at the Amway Arena and even allowed her to chose the match. To this day though, I still haven’t heard back from her. Is the priestess that scared of a former model?” She then stared at the camera getting closer to it until nothing but her face was in view. “Listen very carefully Selket.” She said in a stern voice like scalding a child, a tone that even unnerved her friend Oscar at one point. “You are just going to have to accept that not only am I now experienced enough to be on your level, I will now surpass you. I am through with your mind games! If you want to prove me wrong, then prepare for battle at Fight The Law!”

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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Selket had been watching Tina for a while. Ever since their first match she kept the blue haired woman in the back of her head. Not because she was worried or scared or such none sense like that. No she kept the woman in mind because Selket knew she was just the type of person LAW fans and staff would get behind. Her personality, her looks, her style all screamed upcoming favorite. She was someone that people would put their faith in and support even in defeat. One match had been all Selket needed to make that premonition, and sure enough, almost a year later it had come true and Tina had a title match against Astrid, even seeming close to defeating her... So it was the absolute perfect opportunity for Selket to strike once again and make her claim for the heavyweight title once more.

After all, a sacrifice could only be made when they were raised up and looked at favorably by all. So thats what Selket saw Tina as, nothing but a sacrifice for her to stake her claim and to show that interest she had been crashing the blue haired beauties victory celebrations, stalking her, maintaining her interet and keeping the woman on her toes but never directly doing anything. Well at least since attacking her during her title match. Even when Tina had challenged her for Fight the LAW Selket kept her silence. Now however.... this looked to be the perfect time to strike against her soon to be opponent.

Emerging from the shadows of the set and creeping up behind Tina with the same crook she had used on Tina and Astrid during their match Selket would swing it down, smacking the crook against the side of Tina's leg before bringing it up in one smooth movement around Tina's neck and pulling against her, using the weapon to choke Tina! "Challenge..." Selket said, whispering lowly into Tina's ear with a devious smirk on her face before continuing. "Accepted." Selket said before turning and raising her leg up before removing the crook from TIna's neck, kicking the woman in the back to send her away.

"I''ll bury you for good... In a match of my own design my dear Tina. Then I'll be coming for whoever stands with teh heavyweight title later that night. Rejoice, for you will be a sacrifice for my coming victory." Selket said, watching to see if Tina would get up to try and attack, of course having her weapon at the ready if Tina tried it. "As for the match.. my own twist on a coffin match.. a Sarcophagus Match to be precise. I hope you're ready to experience darkness once more." Selket said, licking her lips evilly in preparation for what she would do to the woman.

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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"Agh!" Tina cried out suddenly feeling something hard crash into the side of her leg at knee level. She would have fell forward if a crook wasn't quick enough to come around the front of her neck as she felt herself pulled back and strangled. She gritted her teeth as she gripped at the crook around her front as her eyes widened as she heard Selket whisper into her ear. At the same time as the crook smash Julie, the interviewer let out a surprised yelp and backed out of the camera view. She smirked as she watched Selket admiringly, but knew not to get involved and her work was done so she let the camera crew continue to do their work as she walked off, knowing better than to get involved any further.

Tina then grunted out as she was kicked forward, falling to the ground into a roll as she twisted with the roll as she ended up facing Selket in a crouched position as she glared at her now next opponent. "A Sarcophagus match? Good, but it won't be me that'll be buried. You are nothing but my past, and grr, I'm looking forward to burying it." She mentioned as she then tried to spring into action, rising up ready to lunge at her enemy, but the strike to the knee effected her. The pain became intense and she couldn't put any weight on that leg as she suddenly collapsed back down to the ground, rolling onto her back as she lifted her knee up closer to her body as she cupped her hands around her knee, letting out a scream of pain that echoed backstage.

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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Selket set her shoulders back, crook in hand ready to attack the moment her soon to be opponent came too close to her. Luckily before anything else Tina at least agreed to her challenge first and fore most, cementing the coming contest between the two women. 'Perfect.' Selket thought, her smile only getting wider seeing Tina try to come closer towards her only to fall over like a tree that had been hacked down at the base. "Excellent, then lets have a precursor to it then.." Selket said lowly as she got closer to the woman, raising her leg and starting to stomp down brutally on Tina's body, looking to soften her up for their match to come!

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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After the title match, it was clear to everyone involved that Selket had unfinished business with Tina and Astrid alike. Though the Norsewoman was perfectly happy to meet Selket's challenge - she was, after all, familiar with the Egyptian's tricks first-hand, and she had no love for her cruelty to her opponents or her willingness to cheat - she could concede that if this was anyone's fight, it was Tina's, when it was Selket who had been denied both her shot at the title and the dignity of finishing the match on her terms. She was willing to stand by and let the former model handle it, calling Selket out for a challenge. But it seemed as though the Egyptian Priestess couldn't wait her turn - before the next match had even started, she had broken in on an interview where Tina was discussing her match, and attacked the would-be challenger!

Astrid had been wary of Selket. It wouldn't be the first time she'd done this - she had been stalked and pursued by the Egyptian in the leadup to her match with her last year at Fight the LAW. She knew Selket had done this to Tina before, and she could be certain she'd do it again. When Astrid was backstage, watching Tina's interview play out on the TV screen, she didn't want to look away for even a second just in case she missed any sign of her. But she saw a whole lot more than that. And when she saw that Selket was attacking Tina prior to the match, striking her in the leg as though she was trying to break it - something that would no doubt lend her the advantage in a match - the Norsewoman knew that Selket had gone too far. She couldn't stand by idly any more - she knew what Selket was capable of, and she couldn't let Tina be harmed over such a petty grudge!

The Heavyweight Champion broke into the halls, taking off down corridors and around corners to try to catch up to where she had seen Tina. She wasn't quite sure where she was in the building, but she knew it couldn't be far. When Astrid saw the camera crews gathering around one of the doors, she knew she had found her target. And then, she burst through the door, charging into the room to lock a hateful glare on Selket!

"Getting impatient, are we?!" Astrid shouted. "Then I suppose I shouldn't wait either!" Looking to pry Tina's attacker off of her, she ran behind Selket, looking to wrap her arms under hers to push them out to the sides in a Nelson hold, and then to pull her back from her victim with her thus secured!
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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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Grace had been watching only to keep an eye on thing for Tina, she knew of Selket and her feud with the petty trickster that only seemed to get worse with each passing week that the two knew each other. Now Selket had come to attack Tina again to weaken her before the next match and Grace was quickly following Astrid to help her out. Thankfully Astrid pulled Selekt off of her before Grace did because she wouldn't have been trying to restrain Selket in the moment, and instead of touching the despicable sneak she would turn her attention to helping Tina.

"You're knee. Are you okay?" She gently asked Tina. She would offer Tina a hand and carefully help her up. She feared the damage might've been done, but they couldn't tell until Tina was out of harm's way and able to check for herself. If she had done any serious damage to Tina, Grace might find herself going for something of Selket's to bruise and maim in turn.

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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Oscar Orelash walked through the back halls of the LAW arena as he tried to find where Tina was, glancing at his phone as the interview featuring her was taking place since the background was all he could go off on in terms of location. The young lion was worried about his mentor after her chance to earn the LAW heavyweight belt from Astrid Ostberg was unfairly sabotaged by Selket and wanted to make sure she was OK. While Oscar himself didn't know much about Selket, he still remembered now unnerved Tina was when she first told him about the Egyptian Priestess and the way she taunted her after Tina defeated him in their first meeting. Oscar felt like the best thing to do was to comfort his friend and make sure she was ok since the last thing he wanted to see was his mentor lose motivation over this.

But then Oscar heard Tina's screaming and he froze in shock- his blood running cold by the pained tone in her voice. With the initial shock out of the way, Oscar shoved his phone into his pocket and ran as fast as he could towards the screaming. He could hear his heart beating in his ears as he drew closer and closer before skidding to a stop at the brawl that was going down. Oscar was faster to react to the chaos this time as his eyes caught Grace Kenning, Tina's girlfriend, trying to help Tina stand as he hurried over to the two ladies.

"Here- let me help. You get under one arm and I'll get under the other!"

Oscar would slip his head under Tina's shoulder and would hold onto his Mentor, giving Tina time to hold onto him as well as he tried to support her.

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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Needless to say despite her love for the theatrical and mystical, Selket was not a woman above using dirty tricks or good ole physical violence to get her way against an opponent. Thats why she had battered Tina's knee before their match. Not only to aid in her chances in said match, but also to remind the model that no matter how safe and secure she thought she would be, when against Selket there was always the possibility of getting hurt...

Unfortunately for the Egyptian woman her fun would be cut short by Tina's snooping friends. In between stomps and screams of pain Selket would look up, hearing a familiar voice behind her before her arms were suddenly grabbed and pulled up before being forced from her soon to be opponent by one of her old ones. "Oh my dear drengr, if you wanted some fun all you had to do was say so, unfortunately though, I'm far too focused on my current sacrifice." Selket said while leaning over her shoulder to look at Astrid before turning to see two others come to Tina's aid.

"Awww how cute." Selket said mockingly before smirking evilly despite being in the grip of Astrid... or so they all thought until poof. A puff of smoke suddenly went up where she was standing enabling Selket to slip from Astrid's arms and disappear... But she wasn't done yet. "Honestly Tina its rather adorable how protective you're friends are of you, or rather, adorably pathetic, I do hope their smart enough to stay out of our match... for their own sake of course kufufufu." Despite not being physically in the room anymore, Selket's presence was still felt throughout as she took control of the intercom system, letting her eerie, disembodied voice boom throughout the room.

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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As Tina collapsed to the ground clutching her knee, this allowed Selket to go on the offensive and soon Tina felt the crook slam into her ribs causing her to gasp as the air got rocked out of her as the impact caused her to sit straight back up before falling back down on her side folding her arms over her ribs. She then felt a few more crook slams and boots as she tried her best to cover up, but soon enough some boots to the back of her head caused her vision to blur and she then felt her eyes start to force close, losing consciousness. She then slowly stirred to hear Astrid and Selket scuffling and then her vision started to clear as she seen her girlfriend and Oscar hovering over her as she weakly smiled touched by her friends and her idol coming to her aide, but then that smile turned into a wince and a brief cry of pain as she took Grace's hand and was pulled up to her feet and then felt the both of them support her. "Thanks, ssssssss, AAAGH, damnit. I...should have...nhh expected....this."

She then looked up to see Selket was no longer there and heard her taunting her on the intercom. Her head sank down, feeling worn out from the attack and barely able to keep it lifted up as she clearly looked hurt and was having difficulty breathing as her ribs were going to be bruised for certain. However despite the attack she managed to have a smirk on her face. "At least...I got...my match." She said between panting painfully.

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Re: On The Level: An Interview with Tina Kelley

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Even when she was caught in Astrid's powerful grip, Selket barely seemed to so much as flinch - even now, she could find it in her to look back over her shoulder, meeting the champion with a smug smirk. It made Astrid clench her teeth, her body stiffening with frustration. Even after she'd been thrown off a balcony and onto the cold, hard floor of the arena, this woman never seemed to learn her lesson. She couldn't leave well enough alone. But now, she had gone after not just Astrid but everyone else around her - and for the Norsewoman, that was too far! Not even when she was in her grip here and now did Selket seem to know when to give in - she seemed unflappable, and when Astrid wanted to teach her something, that was unforgivable.

In a puff of smoke, the Egyptian vanished, leaving Astrid coughing and gasping to clear the dust away from her lungs. She shuddered when she heard Selket's voice play over the intercom, as a reminder of what she'd done. Then, however, she straightened her back, turning back around to face where Grace and Oscar were attending to Tina. She winced when she saw the condition Tina was in, and it only stirred her anger more to know that Selket had done this to her. But now wasn't the time. Selket would be dealt with later - for now, Tina was the one who needed help.

"Are you all right?" Astrid said with a sigh, looking Tina up and down. "Hopefully, when that match does come, you'll be in good enough shape to compete. Believe me, there's no low too low for that woman to stoop to."
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