
“Greetings my pets, This is Julie Merriweather and I am here backstage to give you fans what you need. After the main event between Tina Kelley and Astrid Ostberg for the championship a lot of questions are left lingering in the air, and hopefully I will be able to get some of the answers we seek as Tina Kelley has taken some time away from her busy schedule to answer some questions for us tonight.” She mentioned as he took a drag from her cigarette holder and pulled it from her lips, exhaling the smoke towards the camera as she smirked and spoke in a seductive tone. “Come now, follow me.” She mentioned as she turned around and walked deeper backstage with a nice sway to her hips and clip clop of her high heels meeting the ground as she lifted a hand up to wiggle her claw jeweled index finger to follow.
As Julie continued to strut deeper backstage she walked over to an area in which appeared to be a storage area or at least where some leftover equipment was being stored. Sitting on one of the boxes with her elbows resting on her knees with her hands interlocked in front of her with her side of her cupped together hands resting against the lower half of her face was Tina. Who blinked and snapped to attention when she noticed Julie approaching and hopped off the equipment box she was resting on to approach her. She wore her traditional outfit of a white and blue stringed bikini with her calf high matching boots and her grey sweater tied around her waist.

“Here she is my pets, Tina Kelley. Tina my dear, you gave quite a performance against Astrid not too long ago that unfortunately met an abrupt end at the hands of the woman who you first made your debut against. A rather sexy, strong opponent by the name of Selket.” She mentioned turning her face to look at the camera with a slight shrug, calling it like she saw it. Besides, Selket and Julie appeared to have some rather similar tastes. She then looked back towards Tina, “Here’s your chance to let everyone know, what’s on your mind?”
Tina looked towards Julie, then towards the camera as she shrugged her shoulders a little bit. “I mean, what can I say? As soon as I found out I had my chance to wrestle among the elites and not only that, wrestle the very woman that inspired me to take up wrestling and have a chance to be the champion? I had to accept. Not only that, I trained harder than I ever have to get into a condition worthy of trying to become one of the elites. To become worthy enough to be a trainer to the young lions under my tutelage, and most importantly, to be worthy to my fans, my friends, my family, and my loved ones and do my best to try to make them proud.”
“Was I able to get to that level? Did I almost defeat Astrid? Was I about to achieve something that I have been dreaming about since I was a kid and be LAW’s next champion?” She then shrugged again. “I honestly can’t answer that. Perhaps? I have to give Astrid credit where credit is due, she put me through hell in that match, but also helped unlock my hidden potential. We will never know the outcome of that match though because we both got attacked by The Egyptian Princess, Selket.” She mentioned as she now started to pace from side to side. “That woman…I don’t know what the hell her problem is. I figured after her match with me, she would just move on. After all, I had no grudges against her. She defeated me, showed me what the upper tier of wrestlers were like, and if anything, I have her to thank for becoming determined in not giving up on this dream.”
“So why she has chosen now to try to bully me makes no sense. Even before the match with Astrid, she’s been interrupting my post matches, trying to get back in my head. I was wondering why, but then it hit me. Maybe I have become a threat to her now. First I wasn’t in her league and now, here I am. I’ve busted my ass off to get to this point and I’m not going to stop now. I still have a lot to accomplish and I will not rest until I get my hands on that heavyweight championship!”
“Before I can focus on that again, I need to settle this score with the one called Selket, I don’t know if the post match made it to air, but to those that didn’t see what happened after the match, I challenged Selket to a match at Fight The Law at the Amway Arena and even allowed her to chose the match. To this day though, I still haven’t heard back from her. Is the priestess that scared of a former model?” She then stared at the camera getting closer to it until nothing but her face was in view. “Listen very carefully Selket.” She said in a stern voice like scalding a child, a tone that even unnerved her friend Oscar at one point. “You are just going to have to accept that not only am I now experienced enough to be on your level, I will now surpass you. I am through with your mind games! If you want to prove me wrong, then prepare for battle at Fight The Law!”