Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Standard Match: Winner will be declared by pinfall, submission or ko.

Minami would take a deep breath backstage, already dressed in her classic outfit and prepared for her next match in the Apex qualifiers. Management had been slow which was really throwing a wrench into her plans for Apex to show that brat Sanae Saitou what real wrestling was about. But if nothing else this was certainly a step in the right direction. Not only was it against an opponent who was actually as experienced as herself, but it was someone with a certain... reputation in this company that would make things all the sweeter when Minami defeated hr once and for all.
So feeling prepared as she was gonna get Minami would step forward, receiving the que from the staff to make her entrance with her classic entrance theme. Coming out to a mix of cheers and boos was no surprise for her, especially given her stance towards rookies like Sanae, but Minami took it all in stride and sauntered down the ramp with no fear on her face. Making it to the ring and calmly entering Minami would head to her corner and turn to lean against it, looking up at the ramp, waiting patiently for her opponent to come down with steely eyes.

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Helena knew of the reputation on Toshimi Minami. It only mattered in that it would mark a triumphant return to victory for Helena DuBois. The tall Canadian was sauntering through the hallways as the staff gave her a wide berth. Helena was happy she still could out fear into the scuttling insects.

Her music began to play and she came out to a loud chorus of booing. She waved and smiled to the fans to mock them glating up at Toshimi while smiling a cocky sneer. This would be fun....

Helena climbed through the ropes and stood tall over the shorter wrestler with her hands on her hips. "I hope you are ready to get knocked off hour high horse." Helena said.

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Minami paid almost no mind to entrance music of her opponent as it began to play through the arena's speakers. Minami had seen Helena wrestle and while skilled, she marred it by relying on cheap tactics. Not the type Minami would give the time of day.

Only looking up once Helena had entered the ring and addressed her Minami would give the dark haired beauty a dead pan stare. "The only one getting knocked off is you." She stated simply while staring up at the woman who stood nearly half a foot taller than her with absolutely no fear on her face.

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Helena smirked at Toshimi and shook her head. "Oh please, know your place." Helena said. The bell hadn't rung yet but that wasn't going to stop Helena. She lashed out quickly with a toe kick to the abdomen to try to sneak in a hard strike before the bell! Helena would step forward and wrap an arm around Toshimi's head to spike her down to the mat with a DDT kicking off the match with a sneak attack that she hoped would build herself some momentum moving forward.

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Minami tsked softly at the high and mighty attitude of Helena, not that she was any better but she wasn't about to admit it. "I do know my place, and its above you- Guh!"" She shot back coldly before suddenly being cut off by a kick to the gut! 'There it is..' She thought to herself, letting the banter distract her from an obvious cheap shot from her opponent.

Feeling the arm around her head it didn't take long to figure what Helena would do next and that she needed to be quick. Grabbing onto Helena's arm Minami would pull it away as much as possible before dropping her weight and tucking forward, trying to break Helena's headlock with a roll!

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Helena was happy that she struck first, but incredibly irate that her DDT attempt was foiled. "Insolent little brat..." Helena hissed as the two rolled. Helena had to bet quick to her feet as she needed to strike again. She was going to send a couple fast punches towards Toshimi's head hoping to rock her skull a bit. Helena wanted to keep her rattled, and keep her from going on the attack.

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Minami was annoyed that she had been the one forced on defense so soon into the match, but if nothing else she had at least foiled Helena's ddt attempt. Something that would have been extremely hard to fight back from had it hit. Still despite their roll it didn't stop Helena from targeting her with strikes to the head. "Ngh! Ugh!" From the quick strikes Minami would attempt to go the opposite route, lifting her leg up and shooting it out to kick Helena in the gut to force her to back up!

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Helena was striking at Toshimi but her foe lashed out catching Helena right in the middle of her abdomen! Helena backed off with one arm cradling her mid-section. She had to hit Toshimi hard. Helena rushed at Toshimi and let out a scream, leaping into the air to try to crash into her with a running cross body block!

Helena wanted to get Toshimi down and create a position where they didn't have much space between them allowing Helena to employ a few of her tricks if needed...

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Despite starting off in a less than favorable way Minami was starting to find her foot in this match. The taller and stronger opponent before her proving to be quite the obstacle. At least now she had managed to get Helena to back off some with a solid thrust kick.

However it wouldn't be long before her opponent came running back at her once, this time taking to the air for what looked like a crossbody! Narrowing her eyes as she saw the woman coming in then Minami would dive forward, tucking and rolling under the path of Helena's body to avoid her and let the woman crash into the mat.

If successful then Minami would turn and face the woman, darting forward and swinging her leg back before swinging out to try and kick Helena while she was down!

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Re: Battle of Masters: Helena DuBois vs Toshimi Minami

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Helena was proving to be her own worst enemy tonight as she flew at Toshimi.. only to crash hard against nothing but canvas! Helena groaned in pain and then rolled over onto her back as the hard kick hammered her mid-section leaving her stunned on the mat as Toshimi had halted the momentum of the Canadian heel leaving her on the mat rolling around while cradling her mid-section.

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