Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Match Type: Tornado Tag/Falls Count Anywhere

"All right Pegs, we are going to put those two in their place! We won't let the crowd body shame us or make us feel like we don't belong just because we don't shake our asses or fit the look of a skimpy little flakey swimsuit model." Lauren said as she paced the locker room.

"Aye. Lauren ya put that broad Moe in her place last time which was great! We need to hammer away at Jem though. We are gonna show these two bitches we ain't to be pushed around or taken lightly. We ain't jobbers! We ain't flabby whales like the haters say!" Peggy said continuing to hype the two of them up.

"Yeah! We are gonna show the world that we can take them even if they are favored to win. We are also gonna fight hard and win clean. No cheap shots, nothing. Fight, slam, and dominate." Lauren said as she high fived Peggy. Lauren was in her blue one piece swimsuit and Peggy in her green one as the two oldschool wrasslers began making their way into the hall to head towards the arena. They did have a chip on their shoulders, and while no malice was directed at Moe or Jem the two did represent the wrestlers that people loved.... Lauren and Peggy didn't fit the bill appearance wise. They didn't just get fans at first glance they had to scrap, fight, and claw their way to the few fans they did have by winning... and trying to finally win more matches than they lost.

As their music played they came out to a mixed reaction and they just walked confidently down the ramp. They high fived each other and then made it to the ring, walking up the ring steps then though the ropes. Lauren and Peggy flexed their arms and strut around the ring, knowing full well that their legs and backside quaked... and in Lauren's case her belly did too a tiny bit. These two settled into their corner, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Moe and Jem.

"As soon as that bell rings I am gonna rush Jem, you rush Moe." Lauren said to Peggy. "Just punch, knee, forearm, kick... whatever. We will start things off and hammer away at them." Lauren said as they waited for their opponents.

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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Tonight, both teams had things they wanted to prove. As the team of Peggy McIntyre and Lauren Fredericks, Irish Old school set up in the ring and finished up their entrance, and as the two of them and everyone else in the arena eagerly awaited their opponents, the LAW commentary at ringside went over the history between these two teams.

This match would be far from their first meeting. Both Jem Holland and Moe Fukuoka had met Peggy and Lauren on multiple occasions. Jem had battled Lauren in a retro-themed match live on stream on her own show in a LAW sanctioned match. She had gone in to meet Peggy in an official match as well, struggling against both but ultimately besting both Peggy and Lauren in hard-fought contests.

Moe had wrestled Peggy in one of her first few matches at LAW, pulling off an upset with a tremendous Avalanche Powerbomb to get the win! But she battled Lauren later in a losing effort to overcome the difference in size and strength between them!

The history between all four ladies prompted fan demand for another showdown! And it seemed the LAW bookers and management finally agreed! And now it was time to settle things once and for all with a big tag match on tonight's show!
Moe Fukouka

Moe came out first, and the crowd responded instantly with cheers as the lightweight joshi. Moe took her place on the stage at the top of the entrance ramp. She looked down the ramp at the ring. Her gaze was fixated on Irish Oldschool! As she gazed intently and her music played. And very soon, she'd be joined by none other than LAW's Greatest E-Girl, the one and only Jem Holland!
Jem's Entrance Music
Jem Holland
Thunderous cheers broke out when Jem's music hit! Holland was nothing if not hugely charismatic and popular with crowds all around the world! She came out and posed with her index finger high in the air! Pyro went off for a moment. When it finally settled down, Jem would drape an arm over the much more serious Moe's shoulders. With her free arm, she held a mic in hand. Jem's music would fade as she offered some brief pre-match commentary.

"Lauren, Peggy! We've been doing this dance for a while, huh? I feel like I've been fighting you guys longer than I've been waiting to get a PS5!"

"Look, ladies! My friend Moe and I, we're gonna settle things with you tonight! And we're going to win! Yeah, there are some less than savory folks out there that wanna see you two get squashed for looking the way you do and for not fitting a certain mold. But I say to heck with 'em! Lauren! Peggy! We're not gonna beat you because we're out here to body shame! We're not gonna beat you because you don't strut your stuff like other ladies do!"
Jem would run her fingertips down her tight and respectably curvy frame, much to the crowd' a delight!

"We're gonna beat you because we want it more! Because we are more determined to earn our way up the midcard in this company! Because we're gonna be shaping the landscape of this company and professional wrestling! So if you got the memo, you better get set!" Jem finished up by starting her signature catchphrase! One which the many Jem fans in attendance always happily joined in one! It made even Moe smile!


Jem would toss the mic aside and she and Fukouka would race towards the ring! The pair would slide in under the bottom rope and set up shop on their side of the ring! As the two made their way into the squared circle, the announcer would sound off!

"The following is a Tornado Tag Team Match! In this corner! At a combined weight of three hundred and fifty-six pounds! The team of Lauren Fredericks and Peggy McIntyreeee! Team Irish Oooold Schoooool!"

"And in this corner, weighing two hundred and fifty-two pounds! Moe Fukoukaaaa and Jeeeeem Hoooooollaaaaaaaaannnnd!"

With this, the bell would ring not seconds later! And once it did, Jem would rush at Lauren and Moe would rush at Peggy! And the pair would look to grab hold of Oldschool and pepper them with clubbing, overhand right hands in the hopes of getting an early advantage! The fans would cheer as both teams seemed to take the initiative at the outset of this match!
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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Lauren and Peggy stood with their hands on their hips and the crowd roared. Soon Jem spoke and the glare from Irish Oldschool softened a bit as they looked over at each other in disbelief at what they had heard.

"We are flattered to hear that...." Lauren said without a mic intent on only her opponents hearing that.

"But we want it more." Peggy finished again without a mic so only those in the ring could hear. Of course the crowd would boo the duo but they didn't care. They had a 100 pound weight advantage and were determined to use it!

However as the bell rang the two rushed and caught the bigger, flabbier old fashioned slam specialists off guard!

"Ngh! Ugh!" Lauren groaned as she clubbed back finding herself losing some ground despite fighting back. As she hobbled in limp legs the near 200lb Lauren howled as she shoved Jem away. Giving chase and trying to extend her arm to level Jem with a clothesline!

Peggy was also struggling as she found back but she instead decided to go low, grabbing Moes legs and pulling them put from underneath her before mounting Moe to savage punch back and return the favor five-fold!

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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Lauren and Peggy were receptive to Jem's words. But that didn't change the fact that both teams were out here to win tonight! The moment the bell rang, it became clear that everyone in the arena and everyone watching at home that we were about to find out exactly which duo wanted the win more tonight!

"Let's do it to 'em!" Jem would cry after the opening bell!

"Ikuzooo!" Moe roared alongside her!

The lighter, faster pair decided to take the initiative and bring the fight right to Irish Oldschool! Jem and Moe peppered the bigger Lauren and Peggy with clubbing blow after clubbing blow! But Irish Oldschool were grizzled staples in the tag division! Their bread and butter was using their size and their power to muscle around smaller foes! And just as each of them had done individually in their singles matches with Jem and Moe, they had intended to do so here in this Tornado Tag Match!

"Agh!" Holland would exclaim in surprise as Lauren laid hands on her and shoved her back a few steps!

Even on shaky legs, Lauren had some power in her curvy frame! Jem quickly found her footing! LAW's Greatest E-Girl bounced right back and charged at Lauren! And when she did, Lauren clocked her with a clothesline for her troubles!

"Uuf!" Jem would cough and clutch her perky chest as she fell and her back met the canvas!

Meanwhile, Moe began to gain some ground on Peggy! She began to force the redhead back! But as she poured on the pressure with overhead forearm blows, Peggy went low and pulled the lightweight's legs out from underneath her! In seconds Moe had been taken down to the canvas at the same time that Jem was! Peggy got right on top of her, mounting the brunette and raining down savage punch after savage punch!

"Argh! Unfh!" Fukuoka would grunt repeatedly as she brought her forearms up to block with varying success!

The crowd roared as the action in this match quickly broke down and took off! We were only seconds into it and Irish Oldschool has already taken control!
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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Lauren let out a shout as she sent Jem packing to the mat, bending down to pull her up by the arm. The big woman spun and whipped Jim to the ropes and gave lumbering chase right after! The big woman again extended her arm and looked to smash Jem with such a clothesline that she went flying over the ropes down onto the hard ground at the base of the entrance ramp!

Meanwhile Peggy hammered Moe with strikes and got to her feet, pulling Moe up by the hair. Keeping hold of Moe's hair Peggy ran towards the ropes looking to toss Moe clear over on the opposite side of the ring sending her crashing down to the ground right in front of the announce table for a hard landing!

Irish Oldschool was keeping things simple so far, and right now it seemed like their tactics were working well! The duo was out to show that they weren't just old, flubbery jobbers. They were wrestlers, and competitive, able to win and a threat to anyone they faced in a ring or in this case outside the ring!

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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Lauren and Peggy had scores to settle! And the two of them came at Jem and Moe with enough gritty old-school offense to get even and then some!

"Urgh...woah!" Jem groaned as Lauren pursued her and pulled The E-Girl up from the canvas by the arm.

The blonde's groaning would soon transition to surprise when Lauren send her hurtling towards the rope with an Irish Whip! Fredericks proved that she was willing to stay on top of Jem by running in after her! The heavyweight Clotheslined Jem, taking the both of them over the top rope and sending them crashing to the ringside area!

Jem took a spill! She found her way up to all fours. She placed a hand on her head. Holland was hurting, but she kept her eyes on Lauren and got herself ready to move!

Meanwhile, Moe contended with Peggy! Peggy grabbed hold of Moe's hair and ran her towards the ropes to try and toss her to ringside, but at the last second, Moe spun around and turned the tables, grabbing the green fabric of Peggy's leotard with the intention of sending her overboard instead! If Fukuoka managed to counter, the crowd would cheer as she stomped her feet and hyped herself up! Moe would look to follow up by running to the far end of the ring and building up speed for a Suicide Dive! All the while, Jem would recover! Holland would look to chip in by pulling Lauren up off the floor, and then Peggy! Jem would try to group the three of them together to line them up for Moe's dive to the outside to help her tag partner level the playing field by taking out everyone all at once!
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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Lauren and Peggy were not doing too well at this moment as Jem recovered more quickly than Lauren did and Peggy landed hard on the outside howling in agony! The duo was pulled up on wobbly, trembling legs as they looked up and saw a flying Moe! The green clad grappler crashed into the trio and both member of Irish Oldschool crashed down to the ground! Lauren and Peggy moaned in pain, kicking the ground as their thighs quaked with each kick. They were in trouble and on the outside where falls could count. Each woman rolled to a side, moving away from one another. Peggy rolled towards the ring steps at the corner of the ring while Lauren was rolling over towards the entrance ramp as they tried to recover unsure of how the suicide dive impact the flying Moe or if Jem was caught in any of it....

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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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The cheers that filled the arena when Moe hit her suicide dive were proof that Jem and Moe were the popular and attractive wrestlers that Irish Oldschool has made them out to be!

The duo stood up together! Jem raised Moe's arm triumphantly as they took control of the match, standing over the fallen old-school wrestlers! The pair slapped their palms together as if you simulate a tag! And immediately after, they'd swap targets! Jem would pursue Peggy and Moe would go after Lauren!

Moe would look to follow up on her momentum by running towards a crawling Lauren and jumping up to land on Fredericks' back with her own, hoping to connect with a Running Senton! If Fukuoka managed to connect, she'd sit up and take a seat on the big blonde's back! At the same time, Jem looked to collect Peggy from the steel steps! She'd grab Peggy by the head and look to run her towards the entrance ramp before throwing her down towards the metal structure!

If Jem managed to maintain control, she'd take a seat on Peggy's back in much the same way that Moe had with Lauren! The fan-favorite ragtag team would look to drape the arms of their opponents over their thighs! Jem and Moe would pull back on the china of Peggy and Lauren as they looked to look Irish Oldschool up in stereo Camel Clutches! Should Holland and Fukuoka pull this off, they'd be met with roars of approval from the fans in their efforts to get Peggy and Lauren to tap out at the same time!
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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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Lauren moaned as Moe landed on top of her and put her in a camel clutch! Her back and now neck were throbbing as she struggled kicking her legs while thrashing about! "Let go damn it.... ARGH! Let go!" Lauren howled as the smaller wrestler had her stuck.... for the time being.

Meanwhile Peggy was grabbed and hauled over and tossed painfully to the ground as she was locked in the same hold by Jem! Peggy struggled much the same as Lauren was and also to no avail. "Damn it pretty princess.... Ngh.... ARGH! I am gonna show ya what we can do!" Peggy howled.

While it looked like Irish Oldschool was stuck, and in fact they very painfully were, they had both thrashed and bucked about trying to free their arms at the same time. They both let out a loud "WOOOOOOOO!" At the same time as they grabbed the ankles of both women and pulled back while rising on their knees to escape sending both women face-first to the hard ground. As the big women with rumbling thighs and shaking backsides staggered up they pointed to one another and grabbed both Jem and Moe by the arms whipping them into one another! Lauren chased Moe while Peggy chased Jem. Once the two gorgeous grapplers collided they would immediately be crushed in between the charging jiggly thighed slammers as they would body splash them together just as they crashed into one another!

"Great work Pegs! I am gonna take Jem here and you can have fun with Moe!" Lauren shouted as she high fived Peggy before dragging Jem by the hair towards the ramp.

"All right, lets show them old fashioned wrasslin'!" Peggy said taking Moe by the hair and taking her towards the announce table.

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Re: Tag Team turmoil: Irish Oldschool vs. Jem Holland/Moe Fukuoka

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The arena cheered the team of Jem Holland and Moe Fukuoka as they took control of the match! Moe had worked over Lauren well in a Camel Clutch Submission! And Jem set up Peggy in the same hold next to her! The blonde and brunette high-fived one another as they stretched out the pair of bigger women underneath them on the entrance ramp! This clip/highlight would be saved for years to come in LAW's archives and in their promotional material! But unfortunately for Jem and Moe, the moment went just as quickly as it came!

"This princess has your number in both videogames AND wrestling, honey!" Jem boasted to Peggy.

"Give up, Lauren! This won't go the same way it did last time we faced off!" Moe snapped at Lauren while still working the heavyweight gal!

The pair were in the middle of high-fiving when a loud "WOOOOOOO" was boomed from underneath them!

"Wha-" Moe reacted.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Jem yelled frantically!

Jem and Moe had their ankles grabbed and their footing compromised! This combined with the fact that Irish Oldschool was rising up from beneath them meant that Jem would fall backward onto her butt! Meanwhile, Moe fell forward, but caught herself and rolled up to her feet!

Moe had a good recovery. But despite their quaking thighs and curves, the members of Irish Oldschool had an even better one! After some brief fanfare, Lauren grabbed hold of Moe. And Peggy collected Jem from the ramp. The two of them whipped Jem and Moe into one another! And the moment they set Jem and Moe on a collision course, Lauren and Peggy followed up by running in after them! The end result would be the audience reacting with shock not once, but twice! Once for the initial collision between the ragtag pair and another time in quick succession when Lauren and Peggy ran in and sandwiched Moe and Jem between their larger, shapelier frames!

The dual Splash completely leveled Holland and Fukuoka! The two would lean up against each other and drop to their knees before collapsing into the ground on their fronts! What was once a scene of Irish Oldschool getting dominated in stereo had very quickly become the opposite! Lauren and Peggy stood tall over a downed Jem and Moe!

The two maintained their control over the match and over their opponents! Jem could offer little resistance as Lauren pulled her up by the hair and high-fived her partner! Lauren would pull Jem up the entrance ramp, seemingly with something in mind!

Meanwhile, Moe was no better! Peggy had no trouble pulling her towards the ringside area and towards the announce table! The fans reacted with a range of emotions and hype as Irish Oldschool picked up tons of momentum!
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