In the dark after-hours of the evening, Charlotte wheeled around the Lioness gym, a 5-lb dumbbell serving as her Karaoke mic.
“I stumbled in at 2am all drunk
And full of smoke
My girl said I've had enough
That's it, I'm sick, get out!
So I stumbled down to Kelly's Pub
I told the girls me story
And we had another round…”
In spite of her ear buds, Charlotte’s go at the Buck-O-Nine staple was on neither key nor tempo, but what the girl lacked in vocal skill she made up for with the fearlessness of a solo audience. Then as the chorus kicked into gear she hopped on an exercise bike and pedaled like a spirit of sobriety nipped at her hooves.
“Aaaaand weeeeeeee'll
drink and drink and drink
And drink and drink and drink and
And we'll drink and drink and drink
And if I see a pretty girl, I’ll sleep with her tonight.
Her breath started to catch up to her about halfway through the trumpety bit, so she dismounted the bike, rolled onto the floor, and stared up at the sickly-white fluorescent lights. Tuckered out but still nodding to the beat, she grinned. God it felt nice to be alone with her ridiculous self. For a night and a day she'd lived out of what became Cassandra’s human-kennel. Boats of fun, for sure, (sans the Vampire's unwanted involvement). But Christ. LAW could leave a girl a bit blown to bits couldn't it? Especially when she considered what other folks would make of such a shitter of a debut. Take Eleanor for example.
Eleanor Gray—Charlotte’s trainer to be. There’d be those who’d say the name Gray suited the old bat, on account of them being blind bloody idiots. Eleanor was a woman with buckets of colour in her veins, and she bled on fucking everything. The mat, life, Finella's face...everything. Charlotte had watched hours of her matches. In her more fanciful moments, she might have described herself as awed. At Eleanor’s Presence. At her tactics, her technique, her charisma. It was the kind of level she could only fantasize for herself…And all this from a woman who served almost a whole term as the mayor of a major American city. Fucking Colour, right?
(And she’s, right now, probably thinking we’re a washed-up bit of driftwood eating up a precious hour of her evening. Uncreative jobber can’t even pin a catgirl, right?).
No, no, no. different first-impressions were in order.
Shimmerlace slid onto the barbell rack. The one with the 200lbs of black steel bumper plates loaded at the top. Gritting her teeth, tightening her core, pushing with all her might, she budged the bar up and over its stand. “ACCCH FUCKIN’ SHIT AAAAGH!” Blood surged into Shimmer’s face. Veins popped at her brow. Her arms trembled and her breath hitched and struggled in her throat.
(The folks back at the old school'd always said she had a knack for selling)
Shimmer shifted to a grin and did a solid 10 reps like it was an unloaded bar—which it might as well have been with the trick bumper plates. Rather convincing ones, Shimmer thought. At the magic shop a few months back, she hadn’t known what she’d do with a set of low-weight fakes such as these bad boys, but come on. She’d needed them, and lo. Opportunity comes a'smilin'.
So, the plan was simple. Be fuckin’ dying when Eleanor stepped inside the gym. Then when Big Bad and Gray grabs the bar, THRUST. Thrust right into the old girl's sternum and follow the momentum to roll on top of her. And then...? Fuck, Shimmer didn't know. Get bent by Eleanor, laugh until she laid off. Probably.
“Aaaaand weeeeeeee'll
drink and drink and drink
And drink and drink and drink and
And we'll drink and drink and drink