Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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Cersei found herself gripping the apron tight without even thinking, as the faintest hints of doubt began to creep into her head. She was confident of her sister’s skill, so much so that it had never occurred to her that she could lose her. She was aware of Stone’s pedigree and the bodies that had fallen in her wake, but she had been quick to write the woman off as a brute. Nothing that her sister couldn't handle, even if it would be a challenge. Bast was up for it.

Now, though, that doubt began to creep in, as she saw a rare sight unfold before her very eyes - the unthinkable scene of her sister, the destroyer of men and women the world over, on her back, fighting for dear life while a giant clambered over.

Maybe she could lose. Maybe.

That disquieting thought was nowhere to be found in Bast’s head, as she focused solely on surviving from one moment to the next. As disadvantageous as her position was, she fought hard from beneath, striking up at Stone with thunderous blows, doing her best to give an answer for every hit she suffered. It was clear to her that this woman wasn’t a striker by nature, with her punches lacking a certain finesse, but that didn’t stop them from hurting. There was no way of knowing who would come out on top in this exchange. Neither, in all likelihood.

It was a good thing, then that Stone backed off before things grew out of hand, and Bast took the opening to work her way back up, shaking off the hard hits as she went, knowing full well that the pressure would be back on her soon enough.

It came as no surprise when Stone came thundering in once more, looking to tie up with her and drive her back. Bast fought with her on the outset this time, giving her stern resistance, but her quivering legs gave way and she was driven back once more, heading hard towards the edge of the ring.

That was where she wanted to go, as strange as it might’ve sounded. Bast waited until they were nearing the ropes, then planned her feet and twisted to the side, trying to use Stone’s momentum against her and change position. As soon as they were stable, Bast leaped up and shot her knee into the giant’s chest, attempting to force a break in the most violent way possible and force her into the corner.

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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It was a sight to behold when both Bast and Stone collided in another test of strength. Both women were mighty specimens, powerhouses that were considered unstoppable forces of the vast LAW Heavyweight Division. To see the two come together, it should have been for a PPV event as the crowd could not help but celebrate. The noise in the arena was near deafening, watching the two monsters clash like some form of Kaiju movie experience. Forms strained and muscles bulged as both women went at it, the cheers beyond the ring nothing but white noise to both competitors. For all her size and power, Stone was meeting her match against Bast, discovering someone who could finally test her seemingly unreal strength!

It was revealed the first time the two clashed together, but Bast incredibly stopping Stone's advance dead in the water. This time however, Stone would seemingly get the advantage, muscling her way through Bast and pushing her back. The fear was that perhaps Bast was finally beginning to tire, but in truth it was part of a greater ploy. The moment it looked like Stone would crush Bast against the corner turnbuckle of the ring, the smaller but no less a giant of the two wrestlers would swing the momentum into her own favour. With an impressive shift, Bast was able to side step and twist her marvel of a form, which sent Stone forwards with her own advance carrying her forwards. There was no time to stop, and Bast managed to press against Stone, having used her own progress against her before leaping upwards and landing a solid knee strike against the broad chest of her foe.

Stone grunted, that big knee strike crushing into her chest and driving her into the turnbuckle all at once. It knocked the air from her lungs, as the impact also head her head whipping back as her body impacted hard against the corner with Bast's bodyweight and strength driving her deeper. By the time the driving strike had come to an end, Stone was left leaning against the Corner. It was hard to get a read on the giant whose expression was nearly always plain or merely stoic, but there was small tells for Bast to see that Stone was not pleased. That strike had hurt her for certain. It let Bast know that Stone was not unstoppable... it was hard to know how hurt she was... how much work there was to be done to put the behemoth down, but she could see a few beads of sweat upon her brow, the subtle changes in her expression.

"Stone! Get the hell out of that corner now!" Stick would bellow, stamping her foot against the ring several times as if to put her point across. Stone as always began to respond, and Bast knew she would have to act quick if she wanted to take advantage of the giant's current position!

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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The sudden trick might’ve seemed cowardly to some, as if Bast was trying to get out of testing her might against Stone, like she feared the woman’s power. While she did respect what her foe was capable of - and how couldn't she - her ‘trick’ was more an act of pragmatism, and there was little point in going for fanfare at this point, anyway. She had little interest in such a test with this woman anymore, particularly when they were both at different stages of fatigue. Bast’s main goal was to win and win decisively.

To that end, putting Stone in the corner and keeping her there was a good strategy, in her eyes. While she was slow, the turnbuckle would reduce what little mobility she had, limit her options, and make her a standing target that the Hammer of Africa could easily drill into. That knee to her chest had only been the beginning, and it seemed that Stick realized that, too, if her shrill bleating was any indication. As before, the behemoth of a woman responded to her handlers demands and came storming away from the turnbuckle, looking to force her escape.

It wasn’t happening. Not if Bast could help it. No.”

As Stone came out, she planted her foot, lifted the other up, and shot it out with a powerful, commanding thrust that put all of her strongest leg muscles to use. It was her signature move, the Khopesh, and it was typically aimed at her opponent’s face - given the circumstance, though, the chest area would have to do. While it was usually meant to put an opponent down, all Bast expected from it here was to knock Stone back into the corner she obviously hated being in, making some precious space to capitalize on.

It would create a gap once more, and Stone would rush in to close that gap straight away, this time by leaping up and giving Stone another knee, one aimed right at the middle of her unwavering face.

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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Stone did not have time to comprehend the following strike against her powerful form. It hit her with such speed and force that Stone only felt the after effect, being forced back against the turnbuckle before she could rise as Stick had commanded her to do. The pain followed afterwards, sharp and quite severe, making her face grimace in clear discomfort after taking the powerful Khopesh strike. Stone was hit with such force that even a woman of her stature and size was still sent backwards, a display of crushing strength from Bast and one that had the crowd in awe, seeing that she was capable now of inflicting hurt against the normally stoic and unstoppable Stone!

The first strike was vicious enough, planting such a trademark kick into Stone as Bast did, but the second one was nothing shy of brutality. The second knee came in higher than the first the moment the mountain of muscle was against the turnbuckle, this time aimed right for Stone's face. The giant of a woman ate all the attack, her head ricocheting backwards in violent fashion as the rest of her body followed, arching over the top of the turnbuckle. A wave of spittle and sweat seemed to explode from her head and lips as her head whipped back, before coming forwards. The crowd stood to their feet, watching as Stone staggered forwards, clearly rocked by the terrible strike. They began to wonder if she would finally fall! So far the statuesque woman had not been downed at all, save for a trip here and there... but for all the punishment Stone took she was yet to collapse.

This felt like it however as Stone stumbled, favouring her face, still feeling the terrible ache against her chest where Bast had planted the Khopesh against her! When it looked like she might finally collapse however, Stone seemed to find her footing. The crowd gasped out loud, realising that the giant was able to stabilise herself. She looked a little rocky on her legs, but she regained composure despite the devastating combo, slowly turning around to face towards Bast. It felt like Stone really was an unmovable object, and Stick beamed, pointing an accusing finger towards Cersei.
"There! You see?! What did I tell you?! You can't stop my Stone! She'll fold your little girl into two!" Stick would arrogantly sing, much to the distain of the crowd as they began to jeer the loud mouth manager.

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Fall down.

Fall down.

Bast could feel the recoil from the knee, she knew it had been a solid hit. She’d used that knee before. She’d knocked people clean out with that knee. It shouldn’t have mattered how tall and strong Stone was, she was still human, she still had a brain, and as such there was only so much damage she could take to the skull and still remain coherent. At bare minimum, that blow should’ve been enough to drop her to her knees.

Every logical cell in Bast’s mind told her that should’ve happened, so when it didn’t, when Stone teetered but never tottered and stayed on her feet, she was left flummoxed. And she wasn’t the only one.

Cersei gripped the apron tight as she looked on, so tight that she almost threatened to rip the damn thing. What was with this woman? Bast had been unloading her best shots, and the beast still kept coming. It was bordering on freaky, quite frankly, and the longer it went, the less she liked their chances. They needed to make gains on this woman, and they also needed to shut up her rooster of a promoter, if only for Cersei’s sanity. All that squawking was growing truly irritating.

She sneered back at Stick as the woman threw her taunts out, acting as if she was the only one in that ring to be feared. Proving her wrong would be trivial. ”Bast!” She called out. Samira! Show them who you are!”

Bast didn’t really need the encouragement, but it was appreciated, anyway, especially considering what she had in mind. She dipped down, rushed towards the wobbling Stone, and reached up to grab her head and pulled it towards her. The crowd rose along with her as yanked her massive opponent onto her shoulder and stood straight up, trapping her in a fireman’s carry and not only managing to stand tall with nearly three hundred pounds of Stone, but walk forward, carrying her on solid, unwavering legs.

It was an impressive feat by itself, but it was about to be topped. Bast moved just far enough from the ropes to clear them, then pushed up, swung Stone over her head, fell backwards and grabbed the plummeting woman as she did, looking to plant her features onto the mat with a fireman’s carry facebuster - or, as it was better known as, an F-5.

The moment it landed, Bast scrambled over her towering opponent, grabbed her leg, and pushed down on her chest for the pin, hoping against hope that it would be enough.

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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The sight of Bast F-5ing Stone would be one for the ages, and once more there would be great debate over why this was not on the Main Card of a PPV event. The crowd all lifted to their feet screaming as the massive Stone was woman handled by Bast. To be certain, she made it look easy, hauling the giant of a woman onto her shoulders before tossing her upwards. Anyone could see though that it was anything but easy, and Stone looked and certainly felt every single bit of vast weight and height that she was! None the less, flashes of mobile phones and cameras went off near creating a slow motion effect when Stone went crashing down within Bast's grasp as she performed the move to absolute perfection! If there were any doubters of Bast’s strength when compared against Stone’s, they would be silenced forever!

The ring barely took the impact, its foundations coming under strain and enduring its true test. Stone seemed to bounce upwards straight after landing, almost looking dead on impact before she settled. Such was the vibration that the nearby referee actually fell over from the slam, scrambling quickly to her feet as Bast went for the cover. Stick stood with a look of shock and awe washed over her features. For certain Stone had been felled before, but normally it was from a cheap trip or a strike against her limbs to bring her down to one knee. Never had she seen someone lift her so, and then go as far as to hoist her higher and slam her like she weighed nothing. She looked on; her eyes wide and her jaw open, having a rare moment of silence as the crowd continued to bring the roof down with celebration at the grand display of ability and power for Bast.

It was looking like that would be enough, and the ref was quick to initiate the count as Bast made a clear cover attempt upon the seemingly unstoppable Stone...


Two... !!
"Stone! Get up! We're not finished yet!!"
Thre... *

Stone sat up suddenly, making the crowd gasp out loud in utter shock at the display. It was as if she had come back from the dead, responding as she always did when Stick's call came between the counts. The smaller red haired but loud beauty managing to snap out of her own shock and awe to get back into the game, giving a quick command before it was too late. Somehow Stone responded! The reaction of the fans spoke a thousand words and more, sharing the feeling to the rest of the fans watching worldwide at home... they could not believe what they were watching. Stick stamped her foot against the ring surface, a determined expression and a forced smile spreading upon her lips.

"You think you can defeat Stone?! You haven't seen anything!" Stick would bellow out. Her voice was different this time however, her own confidence was clearly rocked after seeing Bast F5 her wrestler, and telltale signs would show Stick was becoming increasingly nervous at how the match was unfolding. She knew Bast was a serious threat now, and in truth did not know if Stone would respond to her shout out. The heavyweight was still with her, managing to flick out with a whisper in the nick time. There was a sense of apprehension in Stick, a single bead of sweat seeping from her brow. She took a deep breath, whilst that forced smile looked more sinister then before.

"Destroy her!" Stick would cry out, pointing an accusing finger during her command. Stone would reach out and grasp Bast by her neck, slowly dragging herself to her feet. Her grasp was as strong as ever, but her movements were slowed and sluggish. Her expression remained as stoic and uncaring as before, but Bast could see the signs. Stone was hurting... she was not indestructible... she could be felled, she could be beaten… but damn was she hard to take and keep down! It seemed the conflict was far from over, and Stone looked to rise to her feet, looking to keep Bast in a chokehold with one arm. It was clear what was coming, but it was whether Bast could do anything about it... as Stone looked to hoist her upwards with one arm right off her feet and up high, attempting to slam Bast down with a massive chokeslam!

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Stick and the audience weren’t the only ones surprised by Bast’s bestial move, tapping into her raw strength for the devastating attack. Cersei looked on in slack jawed amazement as well. She was more familiar with her sister’s capabilities than anyone, but even she’d been taken aback by the incredible display of power destructive capability. Yes, she’d used that move on opponents before, but smaller men and women. She’d never imagined that Bast could hit it on someone who was her own size, let alone an opponent whose weight exceeded hers by no small amount.

It was an incredible display of dominating power and destructive force, and while it wasn’t one of her official finishers, it was certainly worthy of being one. Bast recognized that straight away and moved in for the pin, figuring the match was as good as won. It had taken a good deal of offense to put this giant down, but she was still ostensibly a human, and there was only so much any frame could take. This had to be enough.

She held that delusion for two more seconds. Right up until the moment where Stone kicked out.

It happened at the last possible second, but it did happen, with Stone responding to her mistress’ call. Bast was flung off and looked back in astonishment, hardly believing what had occurred. What happened next was even harder to fathom, as Stone not only recovered, but went on the attack - a strong hand shot out and caught her around the neck, latching out with deadly force. Stone could only shake her head left and right as her foe hauled her upwards, higher and higher.

It wasn’t going to end well. But that didn’t mean it had to end poorly for her.

Once they were up high enough, Bast gripped the wrist of the arm choking her and leaped up with her legs wide. One went around Stone’s head, while the other shot under her shoulder, with the two limbs meeting behind her back. She pulled in tight, and just like that, she had a triangle choke going, putting the pressure on the behemoth with one of the world’s most well-known, effective holds.

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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The crowd were in full swing as there was no evidence of the match letting up. It was impressive enough to see Stone bounce back the way she did, but it was even more impressive to witness Bast battle back. Most wrestlers would have lost morale and found despair overwhelming them, but Bast knew what to do... keep fighting. If nothing else, she had already revealed that Stone could be bested, and that she could be beaten! She was not the invulnerable menace many thought the giant of a woman to be. When it looked like the heavyweight was about to be smashed by the monster, Bast was quick to act. Rather than letting the larger wrestler have her way, she quickly wrapped her legs around her, managing to lock in a triangle choke.

With her air cut off for the second time, Stone began to list. She grimaced out, staggering to the side as the weight of Bast and her exertion upon the hold began to take a toll upon the brute. Like a powerful serpent, Bast began to squeeze, having expertly locked in the choke hold, showing the might of her legs and what strength she could muster. It was looking good, and Stone struggled to keep her footing. It was a sight to see the tall woman being able to keep Bast aloft for so long, but surely she could only hold onto her for so long. Unable to breathe, it was only a matter of time before she would collapse and Bast could better secure the hold!

At least that was how it should have went. An unusual whistle came from Stick from behind Bast... it was not one to get her attention, but seemingly something else. Though Stone's face was beginning to turn a shade of pink and purple, one of her massive arms came up to grip at Bast's powerful thigh. Instead of dropping downwards, Stone actually began to hoist Bast up higher despite the stranglehold upon her. At ringside, Stick was already smiling in that irritating fashion towards Cersei... and all at once, Stone suddenly threw herself downwards with intense speed and power, bringing down Bast with her in rapid succession. The entire ring clattered and echoed out as Stone converted Bast's hold into a devastating powerbomb that had the crowd gasping in both horror and amazement. The entirety of the ring rattled and bounced, and even Stick had to hold onto the corner to stop herself losing balance.

Bast was on her back... and it looked like that was it. Stone took a few deep breathes, looking towards Stick who gave a motion towards her. A second later, Stone clambered over Bast, looking to go for a pinfall. After a powerbomb like that... it had to be over! Though it was not a signature move of Stone's, none could deny that bomb could rival the best in the business. The ref was quick to slide over as Stone finished covering, looking to put an end to things once and for all. The watching audience could not believe how much the match continued to swing from one competitor to another. By now Stick was clapping, as if celebrating victory already as the ref began the count!


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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

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”Go to sleep.” Bast muttered under breath, as she strained in the hold. ”Just go to sleep.”

She was almost never a woman for talking in matches, in part because she saw it as a waste of time and in part because she simply could never think of anything worthwhile to say, but this was an exception, one that truly showed how much she was being pushed by this woman. She was lucid enough to realize that this wasn’t the longest match she had ever participated in, but she couldn't recall any bout taking such a physical and mental toll, wearing her down in such a staggering way. Despite the way Cersei liked to prop her up, she wasn’t a goddess blessed with limitless vitality. She was human, she had her boundaries, and they were drawing closer with each passing second.

She had to take Stone down, and it had to be now. She needed it. She prayed for it, and she wasn’t alone.

Cersei gnawed away at her nails on the sidelines, watching as Stone continued her campaign to bring Stone down to size. As much as it pained her to admit it, Stick had an impressive prospect in Stone, and she was left wondering how she’d come across this woman, what sort of training she’d gone through - little things that she could apply to Bast’s own improvement.

Those thoughts were cast aside, however, as Stone’s slow descent came to a halt. The giant was rising once more. ”How?” Cersei beat her fists on the apron. How?”

It seemed like it couldn't be happening, but it most certainly was. Stone lifted Bast up in an astonishing display of pure power, and brought her crashing to the floor with an impact that threatened to tear the ring apart. The pin came next, with the referee scrambling over to make the count.

Bast didn’t move for the first, nor the second, and Cersei prepared her lungs to shriek as the hand came up and threatened to fall a final time, horrified, as if it was an axe coming for her sister’s head.


Bast threw her shoulders up at the last second, the exact last instant, breaking the pinfall. It was so close that a ‘that was three’ count even broke out here and there, though Cersei was close enough to say for sure that it hadn't been. She clutched her chest and breathed deep to refill her lungs, knowing well the bullet they’d just dodged.

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Re: Collision Course! Bast vs. Stone [Apex Qualifier]

Unread post by thesteedman »

The crowd exploded into cheers the moment Bast got her shoulder up at the last possible moment! To see that fight remained within Bast even after such a devastating slam! Both women were tearing into each other, displaying unreal strength and fortitude in kind. Stone did not look all too bothered, her expression stoic and uncaring even after Bast was able to break the pinfall and avert what looked like certain defeat. However... Stick's face spoke more than a thousand words. She looked shocked, even horrified that Bast was still in this fight. There was no telling how many of the roster would have been put down by that last move, no doubt the vast majority...

Bast was certainly something special. The exception rather than the rule. If she could keep in the fight after such a blow like that, this woman was going places... very high places in the LAW. That face of shock soon soured into anger, though the crowd were still going estaic that Bast was capable of flicking out in the first place! As prolific and impressive of a feat it was to witness, listening as the crowd continued to cheer the praises of Bast... she had to be running of fumes by now. It must have took a lot just to flick out. Stone's flesh was glistening, her chest rising and falling deeply. Though her expression did not betray her condition, her body language certainly had. Stone had been pushed far... Those slams, strikes and strangleholds had certainly left a mark. It was only due to her unnatural fortitude and her unique ability to follow command beyond reason that she was still in this fight herself.

"Stone... CRUSH HER!" Stick would bellow out, leaning over the ropes as she did so. As always, the behemoth of a woman responded. From her position, she was able to lean over the downed white haired powerhouse, wrapping her massive arms around her lower torso. Seizing her around the waist, Stone would power up to her feet, hoisting Bast with her, embracing her against her own unreal and broad form. Muscles began to buldge as Stone began to tense up, her arms seemingly growing and closing tighter around Bast's exposed midriff. It was clear what was happening... this was Stone's finishing bearhug! Given the sheer strength and size of the woman, it was a truely colossal variation of the hold! Slowly, those arms closed in deeper, as Stone began to lift Bast upwards as if she weighed nothing.

"That's it! It's time to end this! Squeeze her!" Stick would bellow, feeling that this could finally be the end of the match!

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