The True Hollywood Story

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The True Hollywood Story

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Lying to Angela Belti wasn’t an easy task. The woman had been around the world, seen it all, done it all, so she was nobody’s fool. Desdemona had a lifetime of perfecting her technique, however, and she was able to boil it down to a few steps, enough to get an 87% success rate.

First, you had to tell her a lie that she couldn't verify. In this case, Dizzy had told her mother that she was going to the gym and working out with an unknown sparring partner. If her mother had called, management would give her much the same answer, since they didn’t know, either. What neither her mother nor management could know, though was that Dizzy had spread a little word around backstage after her match with a stagehand she’d gotten friendly with, and gotten word to Alicia so that, when the call went out for sparring partners, she would know ahead of time and be the first to answer the call. Her anonymous partner wouldn’t be so anonymous.

Second, she had to make sure that her mother was preoccupied. As it turned out, she would be out most of the day thanks to a convention in Kyoto. A bunch of other, older wrestlers were meeting there, and she’d been invited. There was no chance she’d make it back to Tokyo before nightfall and, even if she did, there was no chance she’d come to the gym. As a final backup, she had her mother on the Find My Phone app - if she got within ten miles, the thing would light up. Safe as safe could be.

Third, she’d made sure to set this up for a light time in the LAW gym. There were people around, but not many, and she wasn’t popular enough to draw their attention. Whatever happened here, it wouldn’t be leaving this room, and her mother would never be the wiser. Ironclad setup.

Even still, Dizzy couldn't help but check her phone every now and then, making sure her mother was out of range. She split her time between that and checking herself out with the camera as she paced about the reserved wrestling ring, getting a good look at her new outfit from different angles.
New Look!
She held the phone up and pulled some of her hair back, trying to nail down the whole ‘dark, mysterious vixen’ look. One of the stagehands had whipped this up for her, the same one that helped her get a message to Alicia, and she had to give the woman credit for nailing. While she didn’t want to abandon the look she’d debuted with and would go with it from time to time, this was her new favorite - it fit better, was easier to move in, had a sleek and sexy look, and the zipper made it easy to take off in a flash.

Dizzy liked it. But would Alicia like it?

That was what she hoped for, to a degree that might’ve been a little unhealthy for a person she’d just met and known for all of ten minutes. But what a ten minutes it was. Dizzy couldn't remember ever doing anything so wild, ever hanging around with someone so crazy and full of life. She’d been hearing the Siren’s song in her head nonstop since they parted ways, and it was that addiction that brought her here. Yeah, she wanted Alicia all over her again, but the interest wasn’t purely physical - there was a story behind this woman, and she kind of wanted to figure it out. Maybe make a friend.

She could hear the rain outside, tapping away like crazy on the roof, and she hoped it wasn’t enough to keep Alicia from coming. Everything had gone so right to make this work…

No sense in worrying. She sat the phone down on the apron and broke into a dash, practicing her rope running while she waited for Alicia to show, bouncing from one side of the ring to the next at a blazing pace.

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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Alicia Soto knew that keeping secrets from a caring mother could become a complicated game if a girl got used to it.

Alicia's own mother hadn't done much sheltering of her daughter. Good thing, considering she would have failed big time with the fun the half-Latin beauty had found back home. Nothing too crazy, but she wasn't any demure, pristine Catholic schoolgirl despite having attended a Catholic school for a few years. But if mama had known how many nights she slipped out after working from mid-afternoon to sundown after school to head to a party, get back in at two in the morning, and then try to get up for school again at six, she would have thrown a few more sandals at Alicia's head, about the same number that she had thrown at her slightly wilder, slightly lazier sister. Figuring out how to have what she wanted had required some quick thinking for alibis and excuses.

This experience was why learning about Dizzy Belti's search for an "anonymous sparring partner" that Alicia had been assured that Hollywood Siren would answer had something to do with Mama Belti. Why go to all that trouble to do everything but straight up ask her to spar for any other reason? Alicia had actually broken into laughter the moment she had heard the complicated scheme from one of the stagehands, but her laughter hadn't meant she thought of the proposition as a joke. Alicia knew when people had eyes for her, and while a part of her thought of Siren as almost a different person who could be bolder than she could and go out there and act up the way she had during her debut with Desdemona and her mom in the other corner, she didn't think she missed the mark as that person so much that coming more as herself would serve as too much of a shock.

Figuring some subtlety would do Desdemona some good when it came to keeping mama out of the loop, Alicia had packed a little more clothing than she might have for a couple hours just dipping into the pool like she normally would on an off day for training (not that she ever got many of those). Given her mermaid tendencies, she trotted into the gym, unbothered by the rain, in her civvies, passing through the lobby with her hair dripping wet and getting plenty of dirty looks about it that she ignored. She dealt with that in the lockers, squeezing the rain out of her hair in one of the showers, and quickly pulled on her outfit. A bikini was involved, as almost always, but she threw on some gym shorts over her skimpy bottoms and a cut-off tank top beneath her bikini top to avoid drawing too much attention to her sparring partner.
Alicia didn't have the luxury of avoiding attention in the gym. She had trained with at least half the people in the gym all the time in some capacity due to her time working with Performance, and as she walked into the gym with her hair still wet, two or three of the few people inside threw a hand up at her in greeting. Alicia answered in turn, but not wanting them to ask her for a spar, she moved on to where she should go.

Sure enough, there was Desdemona, bouncing around in one of the training rings. Wearing something different, too. Alicia, partially sneaking up on one corner, rested her elbows on the canvas, gazed up with a sly smile, and spoke to get the Italian's attention. "That new? Suits you." Gone was the overtly sexual Latina lover in her voice, though the sweet huskiness remained. "See, it were me? I'd cut those pants off about right here." She stepped back so Dizzy could see her waist and cut a line with her hand ridiculously high across the top of her thigh, even above where her gym shorts fell.

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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One step, two, three, four, five, six.

One step, two, three, four, five, six.

One step, two, three, four, five- ”Merda!”

Dizzy stumbled a bit on the last step and cursed her breath. Getting the rope running right was one of those things that always seemed so much easier to do than it was in practice. She’d gotten to the point where she did it right nine times out of ten, but then that last one hit and she would either step too long or too short, screw the whole thing up. She’d been annoyed when her mother made her do it for an hour straight one time, but now she was seeing the sense in it.

She kicked the bottom rope in frustration and was about to go for another try, when she heard a familiar voice coming from nearby. Familiar, but not exactly the same - it lacked the lust-filled, sensual suaveness that had been dominating Dizzy’s dreams for the past week, enough that she almost thought it was another person. But when the voice spoke again and she locked on it, there was no mistaking it - there was Alicia Soto, sure as day.


She bounced and nearly squealed, just happy to see the woman again. It didn’t hurt that she’d come dressed in a look that was as practical as it was sexy, the rare kind of look that wouldn’t have been out of place in a gym or a bedroom. And her luscious hair had this faint, shimmering glitter that made her want to get lost in it before it dried off, looking even wilder now that it wasn't up and bound. Even without the lights of the ring, she was every bit as dazzling as before.

Unlike before, though, Dizzy found herself loving that smile more than ever. It was a little different, now that they only had a security camera on them.

Dizzy nodded along with her assessment, then gave her own thighs a pat. ”Easy for you to say, with your supermodel thighs. You don’t have skinny little chicken legs like me.” She dropped straight to a sit, rolled out of the ring, then rushed towards Alicia, coming at her with a hug that bordered on a tackle. Her hood even flew back with the rush, revealing her beaming face and bright eyes.

”I’m glad you came, really.” She smiled up at the taller woman and gave her a good squeeze. It wasn’t just to feel her up, though that was part of the equation. ”Thanks.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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A not-completely-committal tilt of her head answered as Dizzy mentioned the mini-shorts not working due to her "chicken legs." Alicia knew girls with chicken legs. "Not that skinny. Or don't think so, at least. You always got 'em covered," she widely shrugged as if she were proving her point about the need for less covering. "And if you started tryin' to show 'em off, it would get you in the gym to make 'em thicker. It's not like Gina Carano came to my crib and blessed me with these." Alicia hadn't gotten her current shape out of a complete desire for aesthetics, either, but for the purpose of her argument, she didn't need to say that. The whole "I started doing labor for rich people in my teens" story likely didn't excite anyone.

Almost before she could finish her thoughts, Dizzy was rushing her. Oh, so she had that kind of popularity with the girl already, did she? Half-impressed with herself for leaving the smaller Italian with this sort of positivity toward her after essentially kicking her ass (and it would look that way to anyone but the two of them), Alicia blinked, pleasantly surprised, when the smaller woman rushed her for a hug. Okay, given how her fingers wandered a bit over the bare parts of Alicia's body, maybe a chance at some skinship was part of Dizzy's motivation. But Alicia gave her a soft hug back, and maybe let a breast press into her shoulder a little more tightly than she would have for most people hugging her.

"You let me ride your face and 'squeeze you out'-" she made the air quotes as she leaned back, watching Dizzy smile up at her. That kind of smile could make a woman feel pretty good about herself. "-in front of ten thousand people all the time, and you can ask me to do a lot of stuff." Not completely untrue there, though she clearly joked. Speaking of jokes...she just had to poke the matter that she suspected about Angela. "Mama totally made this appointment for you, huh?" It was her turn to grin. "Probably got to thinkin' she'd have liked someone to do that stuff to her back in the day. That might have loosened her up."

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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A lot of people ribbed Dizzy about her body, and it wasn’t too hard to see why. Given her mother’s towering stature, it was pretty clear she’d come up short in the genetic lottery, and while she didn’t care too much about being physically compared and her shortcomings, she couldn't ignore them. She’d tone up a little since she got into wrestling, spending more time in the gym than ever before and working out with people who knew what they were doing instead of just randomly picking whatever machine looked cool. But she still had a long way to go before her figure could even come close to Alicia. If she ever got there.

She’d done well in her love life, though, despite all that. Having good energy went a long way to impressing the right kind of people. Alicia seemed to be proof of that.

Dizzy enjoyed the hug for a few seconds, just liking the feel of being wrapped up in those powerful arms, before she managed to summon the willpower to peel herself away from the Latin beauty. She threw her body forward and whipped her hood back on, then straightened up.

”Eh, be careful what you say. If riding my face is all it takes to get a favor out of you, I’ll start racking them up, trust me.” She wiggled a finger her way, then hopped up to sit on the ring apron, bringing them to the same height while her legs dangled.

”Nah. Wrestlers were all chaste and sexless back in my Mom’s day. And they never had sex or did anything freaky and they were 100% professional all the time and yeeeeeeeeeeah. That’s the way she tells it, anyway.” Dizzy huffed and threw her eyes into a long roll. ”She pretty much said she doesn’t want me within a mile radius of you. And yet, here I am. Funny, that.”

Her smile dropped a bit, as she pulled a leg up to rest on the side of the ring, while the other lazily swung. ”Sorry for the end, by the way. With Mom not giving you props.” She shook her head. ”You were incredible, she’s just stubborn. I’m sure you know that, though, just…just saying.”

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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Dizzy's lack of a shy streak continued, and Alicia broke loose with a chuckle. All the littler chicks back at home had either been firecrackers or the quietest people in the room, and nowhere in between. She couldn't remember any of those firecrackers willingly telling Alicia that she could ride their faces whenever she wanted, though. She didn't promptly interrupt to mention that point, but she held it in her head alongside all the other questions she wanted to ask the clearly sheltered but obviously experienced Italian. Well, maybe not experienced. Maybe she had watched a hell of a lot of porn or something in her free time while Mama didn't bother her.

She blew a raspberry when Dizzy mentioned what her mom must have said about how demure wrestling had been once upon a time. "Did you get delivered by the stork, too?" She matched the smaller woman with a roll of her eyes. "Guarantee it was just as bad, just with a lot more cocaine and alcohol. Which means there was a lot more sex too. And if mama bothered to tell you specifically that she didn't have any lovers, that means she probably had the most outta anyone." A part of her realized in the moment she said it that maybe a bad experience with a free-wheeling life had gotten Angela into this belief that she should turn her daughter into a wallflower. Alicia didn't want to do any psychoanalysis, but she knew she could have been right.

A dismissive hand lifted at the mention of Angela's disinterest in complimenting her. Alicia would have been more surprised if the older woman had willingly given her props. Not getting any arguably told her more about how well she had done and how little Angela had managed to ignore just how much Alicia had shown in the ring. "Ehhh, that kind of the point of Hollywood Siren, anyway." She leaned against the turnbuckle, thinking over it. "If I piss off some old folks, I've probably made the right impression." Her mouth parted with a teasing grin.

Now for that question she held onto. "How did you get that appetite, anyway? Told you can't touch anyone for so long that you go crazy at the chance?"

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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Something about Alicia’s laugh made Dizzy smile even wider. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard it, but it was the first time she’d heard it when she wasn’t super horny with a pair of awesome thighs around her ears. There was something so genuine and real about it, something that warmed the soul.

”Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s bad. I mean,” Dizzy used the rope to pull up to her feet and proceeded to walk along the edge of the ring like it was a tightrope. ”Spoiler, but there’s no ‘Mr. Belti’. Got no idea who my Papa is.” Dizzy spoke about her missing father with the same urgency one would reserve for missing car keys…when they had a backup extra set available. ”And I don’t poke much about it, ‘cause I can tell it’s a big deal for her and I don’t really care, but I can make some inferences, and…yeah. She talks about her heyday like it was squeaky clean, but I can tell she leaves out the juicy bits.”

Dizzy reached the turnbuckle and scrambled up it fast, making her way into the ring as quick as she could. As silly as it might’ve sounded, it was the little things like this that she messed up when the heat was on. ”Well, you definitely made an impression on my Mom, so congratulations, mission accomplished. I’m pretty sure she’d like to make an impression in the ring with your face.” Dizzy scrambled up over the turnbuckle, then back onto the ropes in one quick, fluid motion. Good, good.

That bit about the Hollywood Siren made Dizzy’s eyes perk up - it was the way she talked about it, like that was a different character. Not a hard concept to wrap your head around, but so many of the wrestlers in LAW weren’t acting - they were as goofy, crazy, sexy, mean, whatever on the screen as they were in real life. Alicia turned it up to eleven for the cameras, and that was a rare thing for wrestlers.

Wrestlers today, anyway. Back in her mother’s day, it was a lot more common.

She stored that thought for the moment, though, as she moved over to sit back on the apron and got close to Alicia, near enough to rub shoulder and tap her leg with the tip of her foot. ”I dunno, really. Maybe it’s my Dad’s genes talking, maybe he was a horndog. But I’ve always had a deep love of the feminine form.” Dizzy looked the Latina over and bounced her eyebrows. ”Mom tried to keep me out of trouble, but I’ve always been good at finding it, anyway. I’ve just never liked holding back, you know. I see something I want, I go for it. I see someone I want, I go for her. Life’s short and so am I, man.”

Dizzy threw up her hands and leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees. ”I’m rambling. How’s this coming off, cute or boring?”

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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Alicia had started to figure out the "no father" situation even during their match. She did not know much about her own father, and she appreciated that it was because she didn't need or want to know. The relationship with her mom had been stronger because of that absence, and Alicia had learned to tell when other people had that same relationship with their moms. Angela's having tied ropes to Desdemona as a way of keeping her from making the same mistakes seemed pretty obvious. At least it didn't sound like Dizzy was too bothered by not knowing her dad; Alicia wasn't, either. She had never much needed him, whoever he was.

But she nodded in understanding. "Yeaaaah. Guess that's her business. Just gives us freedom to speculate, though." Wearing a sly smile, she finally made a flat-footed hop up onto the ring apron, holding onto the ropes when she landed up there for balance. "And she don't wanna talk about dad 'cause he was a Norwegian porn star with a reputation. And he won all of their private wrestling matches." Alicia stuck a tongue out and winked at the smaller Italian as she climbed a turnbuckle. She wouldn't tease too much, but she had to get that one in for the image.

She pulled on the ropes as she hopped back down, pulling them down as far as her strength and weight could manage. When they resisted her, she let the rope pop back up and into place. Good core and shoulder exercise, she had learned, and Alicia always found quick little chances to exercise. As she watched it reverberate before settling back into its stoic place at the side of the ring, she chuckled at Mama Belti's opinion of her. "Good. If she only kinda hated me, I wouldn't be doin' my job right." What people thought about her meant everything and nothing at the same time. Alicia didn't care if people hated or loved Siren, as long as they did think about her. That was half the battle to becoming a big deal.

She dropped a shoulder against the turnbuckle again to lean there when Dizzy returned from her adventure atop the turnbuckle. Returning the eyebrow waggle sent in her direction with one of her own, she lowered her voice and added that Siren zest to it when Desdemona mentioned that her dad might have been a horndog. "Norweeeegiann porn star," she teased again. But, joking aside, she supposed Alicia had a simple, good enough reason for having that thirst that she did. She even had a line to go along with it that had the bigger Latina chuckling again. "Start a daredevil thing and drop that in every promo."

Cute or boring? Alicia quirked a shoulder. Dizzy had come over as spunky and cute from their first grapple, but she couldn't let her know that so easily. "Be reeeeal cute if you keep talkin' me up. Might give you half-cute otherwise."

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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Alicia was one of the few people she’d ever told about her not having a father, and definitely the first to learn it this early in their relationship. Not because it was some deep dark secret, but because she hated - hated, hated, hated - what tended to come her way next.

”Oh, wow, that must’ve been rough.”

“You poor thing!”

And when they really felt rude…

”Whoa, that explains a lot.”

Made her want to puke sometimes. Maybe she wasn’t perfect, but she could’ve turned out a lot worse in life. She wasn’t into drugs, didn’t smoke, didn’t have some long rap sheet and she’d never even crashed her car. She liked sex, big whoop. She was nowhere near the train wreck people expected her to be growing up with a single parent.

Not everyone got it, but somehow, Dizzy knew Alicia would. It was nice to be right about things.

”Ooo, I hope I’m half-Norwegian, could play up the whole viking thing. Keep meaning to do a DNA test for that, never got around to it. Most of the time I just use it for a pickup line, you know? Tell a girl I’m half-whatever-she-happens-to-be.” She tapped her chin, pondering the possibilities, before she blew it off with a shrug. ”I’ll go with your story for now. Makes me glad I don’t watch any porn with guys in it, though. Awkward.”

She flashed her best smile, then ducked in through the middle and top rope. She hopped her way over to the ring and stood with her hands on her hips, making an attempt at being professional. It failed, utterly, but the spirit was there. ”So, I did want you to come here so we could hang out, get to know each other a little bit, maybe do some…other things.” She let her voice trail off with that last one and chewed her lips, before she perked back up. ”But I do want to get in some good training, too. So maybe we can spar and talk a bit, you give me pointers when you see me screw up, just have fun overall. Work for you, bella?”

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Re: The True Hollywood Story

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Alicia quirked her head at Dizzy's mention that she used her lack of context for half her lineage to drop lines. The Latina beauty herself looked too much like her fully Chilean mom to make that work, but she supposed Dizzy looked ambiguous enough to make it work. Well, in most cases. "Just don't try it on the Japanese girls, or they'll get wise to the act," she joked. The better joke though was still continuing to twist the knife a little on the Norwegian porn star bit, however, at least in Alicia's easily entertained mind. "Well, the day you accidentally stumble across some, you might get dad and mom with the way I know some of these porn stars operate. I lived near a few. They, uh, really like their cameras around. For everything." Those people really did think an opportunity to film could show up at any time. Alicia had been propositioned a few times...

Halfway to asking Desdemona if she only brought her here to wander around outside the ring and flirt (which would have been perfectly fine, to be honest, since it was funny just to do that if Mama Belti didn't want it to happen), Alicia got her answer anyway. She again made her flat jump onto the apron and grabbed onto the top rope to stomp over it like one of those truly big women who needed to remind everyone that they were big, like it wasn't obvious. A few at the performance center had tried to intimidate her that way. She had just put them down, since most of them couldn't wrestle all that well. They were like the create-a-wrestler in those wrestling games Alicia had tried now that she had a little time and money. All they knew were pretty power moves.

"Other things, huh?" More of Siren dripped into her tone again. "Dyin' to get caught by these again?" She bounced back and forth on her legs, the little bit of meat added to their muscle letting them show off a good jiggle. But if Dizzy actually wanted to spar or do some general practice, the trainer in her knew that she was not properly warmed up enough not to pull something. She started a brisk set of stretches, starting with her arms then moving to her legs. "Gimme a sec not to pop an implant or anything." Not that her naturally drooping breasts would make anyone think she had any implants. "And speaking of implants, what did mama teach you, anyway? It's not like the two of you are even close to being the same style."

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