First, you had to tell her a lie that she couldn't verify. In this case, Dizzy had told her mother that she was going to the gym and working out with an unknown sparring partner. If her mother had called, management would give her much the same answer, since they didn’t know, either. What neither her mother nor management could know, though was that Dizzy had spread a little word around backstage after her match with a stagehand she’d gotten friendly with, and gotten word to Alicia so that, when the call went out for sparring partners, she would know ahead of time and be the first to answer the call. Her anonymous partner wouldn’t be so anonymous.
Second, she had to make sure that her mother was preoccupied. As it turned out, she would be out most of the day thanks to a convention in Kyoto. A bunch of other, older wrestlers were meeting there, and she’d been invited. There was no chance she’d make it back to Tokyo before nightfall and, even if she did, there was no chance she’d come to the gym. As a final backup, she had her mother on the Find My Phone app - if she got within ten miles, the thing would light up. Safe as safe could be.
Third, she’d made sure to set this up for a light time in the LAW gym. There were people around, but not many, and she wasn’t popular enough to draw their attention. Whatever happened here, it wouldn’t be leaving this room, and her mother would never be the wiser. Ironclad setup.
Even still, Dizzy couldn't help but check her phone every now and then, making sure her mother was out of range. She split her time between that and checking herself out with the camera as she paced about the reserved wrestling ring, getting a good look at her new outfit from different angles.
New Look!

Dizzy liked it. But would Alicia like it?
That was what she hoped for, to a degree that might’ve been a little unhealthy for a person she’d just met and known for all of ten minutes. But what a ten minutes it was. Dizzy couldn't remember ever doing anything so wild, ever hanging around with someone so crazy and full of life. She’d been hearing the Siren’s song in her head nonstop since they parted ways, and it was that addiction that brought her here. Yeah, she wanted Alicia all over her again, but the interest wasn’t purely physical - there was a story behind this woman, and she kind of wanted to figure it out. Maybe make a friend.
She could hear the rain outside, tapping away like crazy on the roof, and she hoped it wasn’t enough to keep Alicia from coming. Everything had gone so right to make this work…
No sense in worrying. She sat the phone down on the apron and broke into a dash, practicing her rope running while she waited for Alicia to show, bouncing from one side of the ring to the next at a blazing pace.