Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru after that blow, managed to give himself time to get up and recover, really Sunny had enjoyed feeling in the lead with that blow, so when the cobra watched as Sunny after seeing her standing up threw herself from the ropes against her, Susumaru would wait, until she would finally see how her knees were his attack, and taking a step to her right, she would try to avoid it.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny charged forward, propelled by the ropes and shooting towards her opponent like a heat-seeking missile. She seemed to overestimate just how long Susumaru was going to be down prone, however, and right before she could reach her target Susumaru would shift to the side, sending the blonde flying past and crashing into the ropes.

"Oooof!" Sunny cried out as she bounced right back and onto the mat. The air was knocked out of Sunny a bit, as she lay prone on the mat thinking about how she was maybe a bit too reckless.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru when she had seen that knee strike, she could see back in time, she could see herself knocked out in that fight when the blows on her head were too many, so when something similar came she had to act fast, throwing herself was one of the few options she had, but at least it was the best she took.

Once she did that and saw how Sunny was falling somewhat tired, Susumaru would have thought of something, being that when Sunny was in that situation, Susumaru would approach her, lifting her up and lowering her stance a bit, she would place Sunny on her back, thus forming a Torture Rack with Sunny's back living a battle of endurance.

"Come on Rookie, this is a favorite move by many, enduring it will do you good!!!"

Susumaru would say with a smile, while many fans shouted in excitement and supported Sunny to endure and overcome this ordeal.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny didn't have much time to ponder how she managed to crash to the mat, as she was suddenly hoisted up onto the shoulders of the deceptively strong Susumaru.

"Hyaaaa!" Sunny cried out as sharp pain shot throughout her spine as the Japanese wrestler contorted her back. The blonde flailed her arms about aimlessly as she heard the crowd picking up the volume, a cloud of doubt overcoming her.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru although not the strongest in her division, knew how to use strength to her advantage, more than anything to add as much strength to her grabs, and when her Torture Rack managed to connect, now Sunny would have to think of a quick idea to get out of there, being that move one of the biggest moves in terms of how much wear it generates in the fighter, being normally one of the ones that can be used to win fights due to the surrender of not withstanding the grip anymore.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny's eyes welled up as she struggled up in the air hoisted above Susumaru. Every inch of her body seemed to have been sapped of all of its strength as the sharp pain shooting throughout her spine turned into a numbing hopelessness. The blonde wasn't sure what to do; the match surely did not go as planned for her and now she found herself in a position she couldn't manage herself out of.

"Ahhhh!" Sunny cried out again flailing. She tapped the body of her opponent as to signal she had given up.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru continued for a while to give Sunny a little reminder of why she should have respect for the type of opponent she was facing, so when her body finally gave out and Sunny began to give up, and when the referee's warning became evident and the bell rang, Susumaru would release his grip and lower her to the canvas, only for her to sit by his side and let her recover from those unpleasant moments.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

Unread post by Suika »

Sunny's body limply crashed to the mat as she was released from the hold following the bell. Her entire body seemed to be coated in a blanket of pain, and while she really felt like just laying on the mat for a while, she desperately wanted to leave. Fighting through the dulling pain, the blonde rolled off and out of the ring, landing on the ground with a thump before quickly collecting herself. Wiping a few stray tears from her face, Sunny made a dash for the exit with a slight stumble to her step.

Winner by submission - Susumaru Sasozira

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