Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Harmonia kissed and hugged Molly tight, she did'nt care how much people around them cherred and hooted. Harmonia was a public figure since she was 16 and Molly and her relationship was closely followed by the press. Of course, when it came to Papparazis the Austrian had her methods to deal with or better yet, avoid them. Of course Molly was a celebrity herself, but mostly on the Convention and Wrestling World, when she and Harmonia made their relationship official Molly became the talk of tabloids too, but the older woman managed to get Molly out of it enough so she was'nt bothered in private. All in all, it worked out fine and Harmonia knew, as their lips met once again, that Molly was the girl she wanted to be with forever.
When she heard Kennedy she nodded. "That is true, Miss Dragon. You have a strong arm, maybe we just test against each other in the ring soon...I maybe even have an idea for that.", she smiled while still having Molly on her lap. Then she turned to Ryan. "I don't speak spanish that well, but of course Bear is more then welcome to join us as long as you want. Same goes for Angel and woah..." Riley had decided that her two moms had'nt properly giving her enough attention and so she jumped with her upper body on Monis and Mollys lap and whimpered. "Yes, you too. Your new mommies would never forget about you.", she smiled and gave her dog some bellyrubs.

George chuckled as he saw this big man almost falter from a small cigarillo. But then again, the Eastenders tabacco was something special and certainly not for everyone. "I quit it actually. Just smoke them here and there. Chelsea does'nt like the smell.", he said and looked to the snowy street. Then he listend to what Jonathan had to say and shook his head. "Is'nt exactly that even more reason to pull yourself together? You have a family, man. A wife an a daughter. And don't give me that Daddy stuff, those two girls have a Mother and a Father in Liverpool whom are fine. I mean, it appreciate it that you took them under your wings, what can I say, that was before my time. And if you did'nt zone out today then I still would be fine with that. But now I am just worried.", he said and took another long swig before shooting the air out of his nostrils. "I love her. Chelsea that is. More then everything. You are a goodlooking guy, you must know how it is. You went from bed to bed and you are not satisfied, you can have like every girl that enters your door and you are still empty. Then she came. And from the first glance I threw at her, the first word she spoke to me, I said to myself: Georgie Boy, this is the bird you want to be with. And I will protect her whatever it will cost me.", he said and tipped to his forehead where the bandages were still prominently wrapped around his head like a white bandana. "And don't give me that selfpity crap, I saw that too often. Why do I like Ryan? Because he is honest and does'nt have a screw lose. I mean,dunno what has happened to you that..."this" developed in your brain but for the sake of Chelsea and Molly, for your wife and daughter, get your shit together. Now come on, stop pondering. I think we have the worst behind us, huh?", he said and when Jonathan gave him a suspicious look he sighed. "No russians to mess you up, promise. And definetly no Serbs. Brrr, man I have to tell you a story when we are inside again. Now come on, you get a nice glass of wine, without piss of course. I have a headache and the cold does'nt make it better. I need a good whiskey.", the pub owner urged and pointed to his pub.

Finella hugged her sisters close to her. She did'nt want to lose them, not her sister by blood and definetly not her soulmate, Chris Yukine, who had become the most important person in her life in just a month. She held one to the two and Harmonia softly cried into the shoulder of her sister. "I am so sorry, I am so terribly sorry...", she whimpered and Fin sighed. "I am sorry that I hit you, Moni.", she said. "Usually its you and me vs the bad guys. The Edelsteins mixing up Graz, huh? Remember when we were 15?", she smiled. Harmonia softly nodded. "The best year we had." "The best year we had...before they dumped me at the Catholic school...and then died." "Please, Finella, no. Don't speak about that now. We are both not in the shape to discuss that now. But we will talk it over...", Harmonia said and to her surprise, Finella relented. "Ja, ja, you are right." Thankfully distraction came when William, George and Chelsea entered and had some good news with them. "You see Chelsea, what did I told ya? Now try to keep that guy, rich businessman, as I said, rich businessman...", she grinned and George laughed a little. "Not as rich was I would like, believe me.", he answered but when Chelsea openly admitted her love, he took her hand and kissed it. "Thank you very much you all. I think everyone of us deserves some love and calm now after such grueling months.", he said as Molly came in. "Oh, hello, hello. I think I can call you sis now.", George grinned as Molly got overwhelmed by Bear creating wholesome laughter all around.

FInella turned to Chris then. "Hey, Heeeey, Wolf to Snowball, come out of the covers. The whole romancy part is over.", she chuckled and when Moni got up to help Molly, she wrapped both arms around Chris and smiled, pulling the smaller girl closer. "Thank you too Chris. For everything. You took me in, you cared for me, trained with me, you took sneezepowder and electric shocks for me. And you are the most badass, little cutie I have ever seen.", she smiled and kept her close. "I am looking forward to be home with you and Fenrir again, Sis.", she whispered before William came over. "Oh, hi. And who you might be?", she asked interested, still holding Chris.

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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While Ryan and Kennedy talked to Harmonia over her and Molly's offer to give them room, the Superstar being attacked by her new little dog as she did so, Chris was finishing her food. She didn't realize how hungry she had been before, eating with fervor. Damn George for knowing how to treat his performer. She pushed the plate aside, not wanting to admit the proud rocker had given in to the blimey's charity.

"Oi, Harmonia," she said as she looked around Ryan to said woman. "In case you forgot about it as you showed off, don't forget you still have a shot and your pint waiting for ya. Unless you're gonna make me drink it all myself." A tiny little smirk accompanied her words, feeling a bit better thanks to the filed stomach. And maybe the pint she already had helped make her feel a bit more snarky.


Chris happily smiled as Fin hugged her, though she'd duck her head down to keep it hidden. A hardcore badass like herself couldn't let herself show how much she enjoyed the simply affection. Not to mention Fin, or worse maybe Harmonia, would probably tease her about it for days. Chris just wanted to enjoy the moment, even if she had to share it with the older twin as the two of them reconciled. And then as George and Chelsea came in with everyone congratulating them on becoming a couple, even if she didn't really care too much overall. She could be happy for them later.

Thankfully she'd have her sis to herself as the Superstar went to help her love with the excitable Bear, peaking out of her hiding spot as she did so. The Hellraiser bared herself to Chris, showing her gratitude, and how she looked forward to coming home. "It was my pleasure, truly. These past few months have been amazing. I can't imagine how things would have gone without ya there by my side. Fenrir has missed you. Woulda brought him, but unfortunately your surprise took up more room than I expected." Chris shuffled a little in Fin's hold, squeezing her arms around her sis. "As for the pepper and shocks, though, know I did take payment from your ice cream tubs for those."

Another interruption reared its head, however, as William approached their bed. "Oh, hey. Uh, Fin, this is William. He and a few other people came to see Chelsea."
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Molly was already excited about all that had happened in the last few hours. She knew that her sister was going to be okay, she knew that everyone was coming together and that they could all smile and laugh together. After all she had been occupied with her worries and doubts in the leadup to this moment, now Molly could finally feel the pressure lifted off her shoulders, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. But when she heard Kennedy raise the topic of signing Harmonia to USPW, the Englishwoman perked up, nodding her head excitedly and reaching over to take Kennedy by the wrist. "Oh!~ Moni, you should totally do it!! Imagine the two of us going around the world, taking on all comers..." Lost in her excitement, she threw a few punches in the air, before blushing at the attention she was getting from her little display. "Ah, heh...sorry." Molly couldn't help herself - with her and Harmonia forming their new team, both of them were now moving on to greater heights in their careers than they could ever have imagined. If the Superstars were going to become the next big thing in wrestling, Molly wanted them to be all they could be. And an international excursion seemed like the perfect next step.

Still, she laughed the embarrassment off soon enough. And she would laugh even harder when she would soon be joined by Riley, who hopped into her lap. "Haha!~ Whaaat? Okay, maybe you can go too..." She ruffled the Retriever's head before she looked back up at the others, smiling even wider. If they were all set to meet back at the Eagles' Nest for a reunion, Molly could hardly wait. It felt good to be back.


Molly had barely been in the room for more than a few seconds before Bear took notice - and when he did, he was quick to make that known in the way only he could. He charged the younger Forster with such speed that Molly barely had time to prepare herself before she was tackled to the ground. But when she did, she laughed, pulling the big dog into a hug and scratching him on the head. "Hey hey, Bear! I'm really getting all the love from you guys, aren't I?" she joked, stirring up more little white hairs up into the air as she rubbed at his fur.

Chelsea, meanwhile, heard Finella's teasing, and once again her face lit up with a blush. "Now 'old on, it isn't dat-!" she began, but any attempts she might have made to divert anyone's attention from the topic were shot down when George played along with it. "JUD-!" Chelsea shouted, her cheeks flushing hard...and yet, she still looked back and smiled, all the same. Even after all that had happened, after the long months of pain and hatred that had led to this moment...Finella wasn't doing this out of spite. It was no more than good-natured teasing, the kind you'd expect between friends. To Chelsea, it felt almost unbelievable that Finella could joke so freely with her after all they'd done to each other...but she could accept that. It felt good to finally laugh it off, and to look to the future with a smile. It was certainly better than looking to it with fear of what might come next.

Molly reached for George's hand to help herself up, at the same time nodding to his words with a blush. "Heh...I guess we are, now," she giggled. Then, she looked over at Finella. "And I guess the same goes for us now too, huh, Fin?"

That made Chelsea jump up with a "WHAT!?" She could accept being friends with Finella - but to think of themselves as family had almost been unthinkable, and even now, she was still getting used to it.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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The cold breeze had started to settle in and Jonathan took another drag from his cigarillo as he properly blew smoke from his nostrils finding a weird sensation from the feeling. He listened to George prattle on about him getting himself together and he just chuckled in a light response. What did George expect him to do? Find a genie in the lamp and wish for this demon to be freed from his mind? Jonathan would have to find out later on how to deal with the return of The Anomaly and how to be rid of him forever. He did know where the demon came from. His temper isn’t the best and Jonathan really acts on impulses a lot. Once you get him going, it’s hard to get him back to a calm state unless you fight him. Jonathan is usually never hostile and lots of witnesses can vouch for that, but his anger gets the better of him. The Anomaly was born from his anger and rage…born from the negativity and stress he suffered from….and it wanted more power.

It’s not that simple, George. I can’t flick my mind off and hope….whatever he is….goes to sleep. He’s got his own mind. And now he’s got my mind. I can only hold him off for so long and I’ll do my best. But everyone is safe around me. You just got to give me that chance to prove it,” Jonathan explained. “I’d be more worried about you around Chelsea. You piss her off? Heh, good luck, my dude.

Of course, Jonathan meant all this in good fun, but in his mind, he didn’t really trust George. The man seemed fun and competent on the outside, but there was someone on the inside with criminal connections. All someone had to do was get on his bad side and they would be missing without a trace the next day. He didn’t want to gamble anything against him. The way he threatened him….had the gull to insinuate he had to shape up….this peacock needed to take a look in the mirror. Just because he was gonna possibly date Chelsea, doesn’t mean he’s an angel. Jonathan would be keeping an eye on him and if he ever thought to get confrontational, just know he asked for it. Jonathan decided to play it safe and play nice.

Haha. Yeah, it is getting quite cold. But you followed me out here. Never forget that,” Jonathan teased.

Jonathan tossed his stick on the ground and stomped it into the pavement with his foot letting the last bit of smoke rise from it. He and George would head back straight to the pub as Jonathan gave the peacock a curious glare, but all left his body once they entered The Wolf and The Bunny. Even if it felt like the last place he wanted to be, the warmth it provided would satisfy him. Jonathan came over to Harmonia, Chris, Molly, Ryan, and Kennedy grabbing a seat from a nearby table and stealing a fry off Chris’s plate. Kennedy shot him a little look as he entered the conversation.

Where the hell were you?” Kennedy asked as Angel howled for her owner’s attention receiving an affectionate head pat.

I had a little heart to heart with George. Nothing special,” Jonathan replied.


William kept to himself so everyone could enjoy themselves and he adjusted his sling to make it more comfortable on the arm. Ryan, Chelsea, and George returned from their walk in the park and apparently Chelsea and George were an item now. Molly also arrived and Bear tackled her to the floor as the Great Pyrenees was fond of both Forster sisters. The big dog licked Molly’s face and sniffed her red bunny ears knocking them off her blonde hair. Ryan had to restrain him and helped Molly back to her feet as well as fetching her bunny ears. Finella would break the ice and notice William as Chris introduced the two.

Yeah, I’m William. Boyfriend of Astrid Ostberg. Muscular and capable of many feats. Also, I got injured from a little dinner invitation, but that doesn’t require an explanation,” William greeted as he patted his sling.

And I’m Ryan. It’s very nice to finally meet you and see you healthy, seniorita,” Ryan added with a friendly smile and nod towards Finella.

“Oooh! Oooh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” A cry from a monkey could be heard down the hallway as a black and white monkey climbed into Chelsea and Finella’s room jumping to a high perch staying there.

Kennedy and two doctors would come as one of the doctors tried calling in security, but Kennedy slapped the walkie talkie out of his hands making the device slide under a vending machine.

I said help me get the monkey! Not call the cops on it!” Kennedy exclaimed.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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George snipped the cigarillo stump into the snow and sighed. "I know that my bird has temper. That's what I love about her.", he said with a smile. He felt a bit easier around Jonathan noe, seeing that he was a caring family man. "Well, maybe you aren't so bad after all.", he mentioned as they entered the bar.

Harmonia still had Molly on her lap and laughed together with everyone. Finally they could relax and face the future as one big family. This was what Harmonias sad and lonely heart had always wanted and her arms scooted closer around Mollys waist. Then she heard the invitation and her face lit up. "Me? At USPW?", she asked. Next to LAW this league was quiteq prestigeous, holding matches and events all over the world, the best of the best had started out there and some of them where there to this day. Harmonia was'nt new to globetrotting but now she would do it with her girlfriend, would do it with her family. Harmonia nodded. "Consider it a deal. The Superstars oooh and of course their Superdog, will come to USPW!", she smiled and wrapped her arms around Molly and Riley, who barked happily.
Then she heard the voice of a certain Rockstar reminding her of her pint and shot. "Oh, will you excuse me? Of course, all of you are invited to stay with us as long as you want. We all deserve a little time off now...",she smiled and walked over to Chris. "Moonrock of course too. You have gotten yourself a little furnoase, I heard?", Harmonia smiled and lifted her shotglass. "Alright, to Fin.", she said softly.


Fin started to laugh when Chelseas head looked like a cherry. "Yeah Chels! Imagine all the family gatherings and sunday dinners, sis!", she laughed and then brought her attentionnl back to Chris. Finella held the smaller woman and sighed. "Chris, how about when I a m out of here we are going on a little vacation? I can't go back in the ring immediatly so I need something to do. How about we go camping when its getting warmer? Our parents often camped with us as children.", she whispered. "Just you, me and Fenrir. No one else. And Heeeeeyyyyy what did I hear about my Ice Cream being stolen, you...you Ice Cream Pirate!", she said and pouted before grinning again and hugging Chris tighter. "All the Ice Cream in the world is'nt as sweet as you sis. You deserve it all.", Finella smiled and buried her face in Chris hair.

Harmonia gasped. "You... You are that William?" she asked. Of course she had heard about Astrid Ostbergs boyfriend but never giving it too much thought until he stood before her. "I adore your girlfriend. She is a true champ, through and through. You can be proud of her.",Harmonia smiled and looked over to George and Chelsea, softly poking her elbow in Mollys ribs. "See how they look at each other? ", she whispered and started to giggle.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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The air amongst the group was much lighter than it had when they all joined up in the hospital. Smiles seemed to be on everyone's faces, merry and joyful. Chris was the only one not sporting joining them. She was feeling more level headed now that she had filled her stomach and wasn't dehydrated anymore, but she still wasn't in a mood to celebrate. Fin waking up so quickly was amazing and she was happy for that, but even so it just felt like everyone that was something on the back burner. She could excuse that for the people she had met tonight, and maybe even Molly, but not Harmonia.

She seemed to want to write it off and just let things settle there, go back to how things were. Or at least as close to how things were as they could be. Maybe Chris was just a little biased, she'd admit, but that was just how she viewed the so-called Superstar. But after Fin sent her a text when she was in the bathroom, the rocker was at least willing to try and get past that bias. Hence her calling the loser of tonight's arm wrestling contest over for her drinks rather than just drinking them herself and leaving, as Jonathan walked past and stole one of the soggy fries she didn't eat.

Chris handed Harmonia her glass when she came over. "Here ya go. Gonna guess you heard about Fenrir from Veri, am I right? I'm sure he and Fenrir'd love to meet up again. Not to mention, our little pup would surely love to meet your new little friend, as well as your guests' dog." The rocker then lifted her own glass in response to Harmonia. "To our sis and a speedy recovery for her. Kanpai." Their glasses clinked and then she threw her head back as she downed her shot.


Chris just stayed silent as Fin gave her idea, wanting to go rough it. It was a nice idea, actually. She could only imagine how stir crazy the wolf would get if she wasn't allowed out. Camping wouldn't be too strenuous on her, and the fresh air would likely do her good. Plus, the highflyer had never gone camping before. Her parents took her from country to country for their orchestral performances. While they sometimes stayed in some rural areas, she had never actually gone camping. The closest to the experience Chris had was making a blanket tent in her room. "Mm, sounds nice. Hope you won't mind showing me the ropes, sis."

Soon the Hellrasier was burying her face into her head, calling her sweet, and causing the hard rocker to blush and turn her face towards the bed to hide it. She'd also try to ignore the howling simian, that busted into their room somehow, and the tallest blond that soon followed to apprehend it for some reason. Maybe it was her pet? Heck, the lot of them had already brought a few dogs. What was a monkey at that point.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Even before Harmonia answered, Molly already knew that her girlfriend couldn't say no to the offer of taking the Superstars overseas. They both knew it was their destiny - if they were bound for greatness, the whole world deserved to see them, and their rise to glory was something that went beyond LAW. And sure enough, the Austrian accepted. Molly nodded her head to her with a beaming grin, and she began to bob up and down excitedly in her seat, too eager by the prospects of going to USPW with Harmonia, and by all the potential dream matches that ran through her head, to sit still. "All right!~" she cheered, throwing herself tightly against Harmonia's side as she wrapped an arm around her in a firm embrace, while her other hand scratched at Riley's head. "I knew you'd come through! We're gonna be so cool!~" Then, she looked back at Ryan. "Oh, yeah, Ryan...we need to thank you for helping to make this possible. I know that I'm touched to know you believe in us, and that you think we can go so far...that's what the Superstars are all about!"

With all the excitement that had been going on, it had completely slipped Molly's mind that Jonathan had excused himself from the picture. But when she heard Angel's howl, she spun back around to face him, and she blushed a little, ashamed at the thought that she'd let herself lose track of him. "Oh-! Hey there, Jon," she said. "You're doing alright?"


In the hospital, as Bear tackled Molly to the ground, the Englishwoman doubled over in laughter. Even when he knocked the headband off her head with his snout, she could only laugh it off, giving him a scratch on the head. "Oh, yes, I missed you too!~" she giggled - but, as Ryan pulled him back, she got to her feet, brushing a fair amount of white hair off her shirt before she accepted her headband and placed it back on her head, straightening it out. "Thanks for that, Ryan," she said, before turning to watch as the others got acquainted with the now-awake Finella.

She held her hand to her mouth when Harmonia poked her in the ribs, trying to stifle a giggle. She could see the way George and Chelsea looked at each other, all right - and she knew it well, considering it was the same way she and Harmonia looked at each other too. She knew Chelsea wouldn't be happy if she knew they were having a giggle at her expense, but she couldn't help herself. At a time like this, she realized, she needed a good laugh anyway.

Chelsea grumbled and looked off, doing her best to hide the blush on her face while the others discussed the start of her official relationship with George. But she would soon be brought back to her senses as she heard the screeching of a monkey down the hall. When she was already coming off a headache, the high-pitched noise felt like it was going to split her skull in two, and she grabbed at her temples as she doubled over in a roar. "Oi! Goddammit! Wha's dat noise about-!?" she sputtered.

Molly, meanwhile, looked back down the door, seeing Kennedy approaching. She had a suspicion she was involved - not just because she didn't know anyone else who had a monkey, but because only Kennedy was the type to get into this much trouble. She just hoped it wouldn't get out of hand...
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Jonathan turned over to Molly as he smiled at the bunny and answered her question. “I’m good, Molly. Just had a little disagreement with George, but we sorted things out.

Jonathan turned to Harmonia coming in and hearing that she agreed to be on USPW as he grinned.

Big step for you, Mama Bird. How’s it feel knowing you’ll be in another major promotion? You might be required to work more than you usually do here.


Kennedy tried reaching up to get at her monkey as the small animal chirped and jumped over on Harmonia’s shoulders hugging her by the neck.

Bobo, come on! You’re gonna freak Moni out!” Kennedy instructed.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Harmonia looked at the small rocker and sighed, a smile coming onto her face. "You know what. Maybe we can work things out, don't you agr-", she started before Jonathan asked her something. "Mama Bird, you are really too kind Jonathan. You think I would be a good mama? Together with Molly?", she grinned and gave her girlfriend a wink before bursting into giggles. "For our little Riley I mean!", she chuckled and wiped away a tear.

"I am flattered. USPW was something I followed quite intensly, you have'nt as much budget as LAW but you are all over the world. I am used to the jetsetting life and from now on...". She placed a hand on Mollys. "...I am not alone anymore.", she smiled and then nodded to Chris. "You saw some Chris Yukine matches? I think she would be a fine addition to to USPW too, together with Finella as Moonrock. What do you think, Jon?"


Harmonia yelped as the monkey burst into the room. "Aaaah! Get that thing away! Get this fucking thing away!", she screamed while the dogs were barking and everything was in commotion. "What the hell is going on here?!", a Doctor shouted who entered the room. "Why is it that everytime we have wrestlers here we turn into a goddamn zoo! Now literally! Out! Out! Everyone out!", the man screamed, his head red as a cherry.

Harmonia hid behind Molly as good as she could. She hated monkeys and was terrified by them since a little scene at the zoo when she and Finella were little.
" Make this thing go away! ", she squealed and Finella laughed. "Oh Moni and her monkeys, thats quite the story, sooo..". "Don't you dare!", Harmonia hissed and the doctor looked around. "I said out!"
Finella rolled her eyes. "Keep it down, yeah? People are trying to rest here!", she said and the man in the white coat exploded. "Relax, let me see the monkey and then they will go!", Finella promised and the doctor shook his head. "Wrestlers...", he said and left the room.

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Chris all but glared as she downed her shot. It almost seemed like Moni wanted to smooth things between them. Maybe she actually did want things to just settle down and, like Fin said in her text, let everything just heal. Maybe-

And then Harmonia turned her attention turned to Jonathan, breaking off mid sentence to address the USPW member. The rocker took a long, deep breath through her nose, before putting her shot glass down a bit harder than she meant to. Of course the Superstar would be more interested in her career expanding over anything with her sister. She could claim what she did or didn't do and slap the taste out of the smaller girl's mouth, but her actions were telling a different story. Their sis would always be on the back burner of her priorities.

As the Austrian went on about the offer, the smallest girl of the group grabbed her second pint, which before she took her shot had been about three fourths full, and downed it down in seconds. She wasn't one to drink when she was pissed or upset, since that usually seemed to be what people did before they made foolish decisions. They drank until they felt it all vanish into a drunken haze, and when inhibitions are down, from the little crime shows she had watched, horrible repercussions usually were quick to follow.

Setting the glass down a bit more softly, Chris turned towards the group conversation, a little blush creeping up on her cheeks as the alcohol started to take its effect. Her name came up as the blond turned towards her, mentioning her and Fin possibly joining USPW as well. It wouldn't be a bad decision for her career, both as a wrestler and a musician. Not to mention her parents travelled all over the world in the orchestra, sharing the experiences with a toddler Chris. After that, having stayed in one place had always felt a little cramped. The kind of tightness she could get used to, but always there. "Appreciate the help, Harmonia, but I don't want you putting words in someone's mouth. If Jonathan had enough of a slot for Moonrock, I'd prefer to hear that from him rather than have you pushing us." She looked the Austrian in the eye as she spoke, telling her where things stood between them despite her intentions.


At Harmonia's yelp, Chris couldn't help but peak out from her curled up state and see what exactly had happened. Her hand covered her mouth at the sight of the big, strong Superstar cowering behind her slightly shorter girlfriend from the wild little simian. The rocker couldn't let on about how much she enjoyed the sight, and had to cover the smile and stifle the chuckle that tried to resound. She didn't even mind the doctor who nearly lost his top at them. It was worth it for the little bit of dirt.

"OK, guess that means I'll have to go then sis." The snow haired girl squirmed out of the Hellraiser's clutches, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she pulled away. "Sorry for not being able to stay longer. I think the hospital's security has had enough with mine and your antics the last few days." She made sure she was out of the way so Fin could see the monkey in all its banana-devouring glory.

In the meantime she moved beside the cowering blond, bumping her shoulder against her. "Don't worry, I'll make sure Fin gives me a fight for that story," she said teasingly. Chris then moved to the dogs, attempting to help calm them down along with whoever else would do so, as the monkey was handled by whoever brought it.
Golem's Guardians

Discord: TheFanfictioner#8859

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