A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar grinned as she slammed Karin down, satisfied by the thud of her body against the mat. She quickly snatched the blonde's arm, yanking on it in a submission! Unfortunately, Karin managed to stop her, clasping her hands together to prevent Sky from stretching the limb.

Before she could figure out her next course of action, Karin rolled on top of her, putting her back to the mat, and firing a punch right into her face! "Gh-!"

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Karin´s punch connected and she smirked. She would then try to roll over the legs of her opponent, while hoping that the grip on her own arm by sky was weak enough that she could slip out of it. She would try to place her butt on the chest of sky and pull skylar´s legs under her armpit. She would try to postion herself as stable as possible while pinning the arms of sky down with her knees. She would smirk down trying to hold her blance while having skylar in a rolled up schoolgirl pin. “got ya!”

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Skylar grunted from the punch to her face, allowing Karin to slip from her grasp. Before she knew it, Karin was on top of her, butt on her chest, legs in her hands for a Schoolgirl Pin! The brunette blushed from being caught the the suggestive move, especially from such a cute girl. She felt her face getting hot. She was sweating, and not just from the work out.

Wanting to counter this pin, Sky would try to slip her arms from Karin's grasp, and grip the blonde's boobs."Now I got you!" She teased, using that grip to try and push Karin onto her back. If she could, she'd move forward, pressing her crotch against Karin's as she straddled her sparring partner. If she had her way, it was this girl's turn to be flustered!

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Seeing the blushing on Skylar´s face made Karin smile brightly as she tough it was really cute how this tough girl was suddenly that lustered. Wanting to see more of that Karin decided to double down as she began to move her hips from side to side and rub her rear gently over the chest of her trainings partner, still looking down into her face. The longer Karin looked at her, the cuter skylar looked! Karin would catch herself daydreaming leaving herself open…

So Sky suddenly grabbed the boobs of Karin. The small girl looked down I nshock before she would stare confused and shocked at Sky…”what?”
And in the next moment she wnet down again: sky showed how strong her arms were by pushing Karin backwards and slamming her hard onto her back. Karin would moan out loudly, as she would lay there stunned only for her opponent to climb ontop of her and straddled the two together, pulling their bodies in closely, having their muscular frames rub against each other as Sky brough them into postion. At the end Sky was laying ontop of Karin in very suggestive postion.

Karin would turn a little bit red and smiled at her opponent: “hello there!”

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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As Karin rubbed her butt on Skylar's chest, the brunette let out a quiet moan, before biting her lip. Her face got even more red than before, praying Karin hadn't heard the sound she just made. Squeezing the other girl's breasts, she forced the girl onto her back, mounting her opponent.

She stretched her body on top of Karin's, pressing her abs, breasts, and sex down against her's. Their clothes grew sweaty, as both girls grew enamored with each other. "Hey, what's up~." Sky teased, pinning Karin's arms above her head. Their faces were only inches away from touching.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by xalex »

Karin felt how their moist and hard bodies were pressed into each other with sky onto. Karin began to struggle and wiggle trying to force her hands free from the grip of her opponent. All this did though was make their bodies rub together for a short bit. Rubbing chest against chest and abs against abs. After a while Karin would stop and look at sky with a smile... "Looks like you gut me" would she whispers with one raised eyebrow. "I submit to you!" Would she add while looking sky right into the eye's

Karin face would turn beat red and she could feel her heart racing inside he chest. With how the chest ofvthevtwo woman were Karin was sure that Kate could feel it racing.
Also the body of the Japanese girl felt like it was going to burn up... Heat was beaming off her skin and her whole body was shaking a little bit. she often had been in similar position with other woman but she never felt like this before... This felt more real way more intensive
Last edited by xalex on Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Sky was completely on top of Karin, grinding her body down on hers in a sensual act of dominance. With their chests mashed so closely together, Sky could feel the beating of Karin's heart, and it was fast. "Damn girl, your heart's beating fast. You need a rest~?" She asked teasingly, as if it weren't apparent her own heart was beating just as fast.

Sky snirked as Karin submit to her. "Damn right 'cha do." She said, teasing Karin by pushing herself up with her hand on her breast. She would sit on her knees, waiting for Karin to be ready for round two. "Wanna start on the ground this time?"
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by xalex »

Karin needed a momen to get back up. She still felt her heart racing even after the two woman separated. The squeeze Sky gave her bust was not helping her to clam down. Karin would sit on her butt shaking her head for a moment. Her checks still glowing red. “yeah I am ready for round two!” would she declare slowly moving over onto her hands and knees. She began to circle sky slowly and carefully. Waiting for sky to make a move… to make a mistake.

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