But, more than anything, she hated having her money taken away. And yet, that was the situation she currently found herself in, thanks in no small part to the man who was currently groaning on her hotel floor.
His name was Yoshida Sato, though that wasn’t the name he’d given her when they were corresponding over emails. There, he’d gone by the generic name Ryu, and he’d been pleasant enough to start when he contacted her for a mixed wrestling session. Wendy’s side hustle had been drying up lately, so she was happy to have someone knocking on her door, and he was willing to pay good money, too. A two-hour session, and he even dropped a little extra for recording, always nice to get that in there. He paid the deposit, she set up the hotel room, the date was set, everything was looking good, she was on the path to making some good money on a Saturday.
And then he canceled. At the last minute, too.
That, in itself, wasn’t too big of a deal. Annoying, but it was something you had to get used to as a session wrestler. Guys flaked and bailed. Sometimes they were full of shit, sometimes they had legit reasons. She was ticked, but she got the deposit, so…whatever. It wasn’t the end of the world.
But her opinion on the matter changed when she asked the reason and got this as a response text.
Wendy took a long while to read that weaksauce excuse as she sat on the edge of her bed, looking out over a room she’d paid to use and a mat she’d bothered to clean, while she wore the wrestling outfit he’d specifically requested her to wear for their time together.Ryu: Apologies
Ryu: but i had another session today with Goddess Neith
Ryu: She really wore me out

‘Ryu’ did as asked, and when she opened the door and let him inside, she let him know exactly what she thought about being stood up because of a session wrestler with a swift kick in his nuts.Wendy: can you come up, anyway?
Wendy:: I just need to see you for a second. face to face
And no, he wasn’t into ballbusting. That wasn’t on his list of kinks, and she could guess it from the way he cursed up a storm on the floor. Neither was trampling, but that was precisely what he got when she planted a foot in his chest and ground her bare foot into his chest. She’d made sure to wear a thick robe, too, so he wouldn’t even be enjoying the view, and she took the opportunity to pull his wallet and phone out of his pocket.
The first step was making herself whole. She went through his wallet, looking at his ID in the process, and emptied it out in her quest to even the scales. He didn’t have too much cash on hand, not enough to cover the money he owed her, but it would get her half of the way there. She had an idea on getting the other half, too, but for that she needed his phone unlocked. ”Don’t move.”
Wendy held the phone in front of his face to unlock it, only he completely ignored the order and whipped up with all kinds of movement, making sure it wouldn’t register his face and unlock. A few hard stomps to his ribcage showed him why that was a bad idea.
After a little scrolling, she came across what she wanted - Neith’s hotel and room number. ”Perfect.”
Since she suddenly found her schedule clear, Wendy took the time to give Ryu a more thorough beatdown before she kicked him out, reported him as a timewaster, freshened up, then left her hotel for Neith’s. It was only a short walk away, lucky her, so she head there on foot and had a little time to ponder what the exact approach to all this would be. The right words to say, the sort of tone she wanted to set, the body parts she would talk if intimidation didn’t work and maybe even if it did…
She arrived at her competition’s room just a little before dark, and gave the door a hard knock, before she stepped back and rose to her full height. With her dark coat and her scowl and her high heels, she was going thick with the intimidation, wanting Neith to know she was in trouble the second she opened the door.
…of course, that would all fall apart if Neith was taller than her. Crap.