when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Match type: POW

condition to win: Win Condition: Pin, Knock Out, Make Opponent Say "I Give Up" or Have Opponent Tapping

the orange-haired girl would be preparing to go out and make her presentation in the ring while adjusting the gloves she had on her hands, Kiryu had been told that this was going to be a POW match and if she remembered correctly in these types of matches the loser would become a prisoner for a whole day of the winner "Well then I'll play with all my cards and I'll get serious so I don't lose" Kiryu looked slightly forward thinking about something and a shiver ran through him as he shook his head from side to side trying to remove that thought that had arisen from his head

The orange-haired girl's ears could hear her entrance theme, which caused Kiryu to put a smile on his face as he started to walk and then the orange-haired girl appears walking down the metal ramp.


Once near the ring, the first thing she has to do is take off the dragon tail that she had while smiling at the public present, this was the third fight she had done and she really loved this, then she climbs the metal stairs and gets inside of the ring between the ropes, she goes to the middle to raise her fist in the air confidently and after doing that, she returns to the corner of the ring
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Vermeil was particularly excited about the match she had to play tonight. She wasn't going to fight just anyone, but her new rival, to whom she had lost in an "I quit" match. She was all the happier that it was a POW match, she was planning on winning this time and submitting her all day. She laughed in advance, while smiling with her air of demon.

When her theme appears, she sets off for the ring, first greeting her audience and then climbing into the ring, smiling mischievously at her opponent, whom she had so longed to see again to beat her. She walked over to her corner and stood in front of her, leaning forward and resting her hand on one of the ropes next to the redhead, looking her straight in the eye.
"Did you miss me babe?~ Are you ready to be my sub?~"

Vermeil licked her lips in excitement, she devoured her opponent with her gaze, imagining him crawling at her feet. But that was only in Vermeil's imagination because the match hadn't started yet. The referee then pushed Vermeil back to bring her back to her corner, she sighed disappointedly but provoked her opponent as she walked to her corner.

"You will lick my feet again, this time your face will come to my feet, my little dragon~"

Vermeil gave Kiryu a small wink before coming to his corner, clinging to the ropes while rocking his hips from side to side in excitement. Her little dance pleased the audience behind her.
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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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the dragon was just waiting for her opponent and slightly closed her eyes, she just exhaled and sighed as her eyes looked at the spectators, she just gave a half smile, since there were several people who came tonight "heh wow, quite a few people came tonight, I wonder who I'm going to face" the orange-haired girl wondered in her mind, since no one had told her who she was going to face because they said it was a surprise

Kiryu thought for a few moments until he heard his opponent's entrance music, it became strangely familiar to him and he slightly opened his eyes and looked at the ramp "can not be..." thought the girl with orange hair and pink eyes, since she recognized that entrance music and knew who it was from, her eyes now focused on the metal ramp where she could see a girl with purple hair make her way towards the ring

her eyes will now be able to see her rival that she had defeated a few weeks ago and now her body trembled slightly, since vermeil was here and from what it seemed was her opponent tonight, then she remembered that she had been told that she would be surprised against who she was going to figh "yes glad to see you vermeil, ready for me to kick your ass again?" Kiryu asked as he looked at his opponent and slightly growled at what the demon girl had said that she would be submissive even though it made him a little nervous that if he lost this match, she would be Vermeil's pet for a whole day apart from the closeness that she had vermeil it was enough

but the referee managed to separate these two girls but kiryu was very nervous and her face gave her away, as she turned red but she had no intention of losing to this girl, as she prepared to attack once the bell rang but she knew that if she made a mistake, that could harm her
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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Vermeil remembers very well the last moments spent with Coco, she had kissed her on the cheek before leaving. She didn't know why, but Coco blushed in the face of her provocation rather than getting upset, the demon still liked it.

Coco didn't seem to know that Vermeil was her opponent, it slightly told Vermeil who she was preparing for this fight. Coco is a very powerful woman, she had to be too. Then comes the moment when the match how, the bell rings, Vermeil comes out of his corner and walks towards the middle of the ring, remaining with his arms crossed.

"Come on, let's have a talk, my sweet dragon ~"

Vermeil smiled at his opponent seeing her from his corner. It was a daring move, Coco could very well refuse and hit Vermeil but if she accepted, the two women would push against each other until the first one who touched the ropes or the ground lost.
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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Kiryu knew the attitude of the vermeil girl and perfectly remembered that sadistic attitude that the purple-haired girl had apart from how she enjoyed hurting her, so the orange-haired girl gave her a shiver to think that it would have to be a type of pet to vermeil but she heard the bells that had started this fight so she got ready and raised her fists ready to hit her opponent

but the orange-haired girl is confused when she did not see that her opponent was running towards her with the intention of hitting her, but simply walked to the center of the ring with her arms crossed, kiryu blinked for a few moments, confused, she did not understand what vermeil was trying to do "what do you want now vermeil?" asks kiryu looking at his opponent, she didn't know if it was a trick to deceive her or this was to catch her off guard

but she begins to approach where her rival was, she did not have much confidence in the girl with purple hair since she had seen vermeil's attitude but she wanted to know what she wanted, once close to her opponent she looked at her and then kiryu put her hands on her hips as she looked with her pink eyes into the red eyes of the demon girl
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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Vermeil looked his opponent straight in the eye, his red eyes devouring Kiryu's eyes as she walked towards her. When Kiryu was in front of Vermeil, Vermeil smiled at him and leaned his chest against the dragon woman before starting to speak.

"Well I said we had to talk...Why did you kiss me on the cheek last time?"

She pushes Kiryu lightly with her chest as she steps towards her, leaning her head forward to whisper in his ear.

"I don't deserve your lips? Or is it because your tongue is meant to lick my feet?~"

Vermeil circled around the dragon woman as she spoke. Even if it was going to annoy the public, Vermeil wanted to provoke his opponent and talk to her before the start of the match. She had the feeling of being in front of a woman with whom she could get along, at least in a fight, and she intended to take advantage of it so that the two women could fight to their fullest. Vermeil really liked to provoke his opponent and tease her with his body, Vermeil's outfit not being suitable for combat, highlighted his generous chest.
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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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kiryu once close to his opponent can see how vermeil was eating her with his eyes, making the orange-haired girl quite uncomfortable while still keeping her hands on her hips and after a few seconds kieyu feels like her opponent's chest gets close to her "w-well it's a way in which everyone says goodbye, right?" she said while her cheeks turn red and she steps back a little due to the push she received from her purple-haired opponent, she really just asked that vermeil question

Kiryu's eyes slightly move to the other side so as not to see the demon girl directly while inside she feels ashamed and very sorry for what was happening now "hell no why would i want to lick your feet i'm not some kind of slave" said the dragon girl while now looking at vermeil, this made her quite uncomfortable and more because of the closeness that both had, they were not supposed to fight and why the hell the demon girl loved to provoke her, she had no idea but later she would see
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Vermeil laughed following Kiryu's words, even if she had lost the first fight, Vermeil largely won on the mental.
Vermeil had fun talking with his opponent but the public found that and the referee too. She sighed seeing the referee force them to fight and Vermeil cocked his head to the side looking at Kiryu.

"Ahh.. They're so boring... I wish I could talk to you a bit more but we're in the ring right now... And we're supposed to hate each other...~"

Vermeil laughs diabolically, she deserves her nickname of demon just with her laugh. She then pulled her arm back and struck her opponent's cheek with her fist.

"End arguing Kiryu! I will bang you in and out of the ring until you submit to me!"

Vermeil walked towards Kiryu with no guard, she was determined to fight as savagely as the first time.
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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

Unread post by the funny girl »

Kiryu looked at his rival with a certain mix of emotions between embarrassment and a certain anger for talking about that subject in the ring, in which they supposedly had to fight right now while Kiryu did not realize what his opponent was doing and suddenly "ARGH!" Kiryu moans in pain from receiving a blow to her cheek as it makes her step back.

that had him a solid a bit as he watched vermeil get on with her "was that your best hit? even my grandmother hits better than you" Kiryu glared at his opponent with a smirk that was mocking and then went over to her to hook his left fist into Vermeil's cheek and then put his foot on the purple haired girl's stomach and push her back.

"Come on, hit as hard as you can, because if you keep hitting like a girl, you won't hurt me"
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: when the dragon returns to face the demon, kiryu vs vermeil

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Vermeil sighed slightly as he took the hit and smiled mischievously before walking towards his opponent while clenching his fist.

"You get beat up by your grandma? Poor girl~"

Vermeil throws himself on his adversary to give him a shoulder blow in the first place to push the redhead against the ropes and to hit her in the face with his fist when she is pushed back by the ropes.

"When do you roar little dragon?~"
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