Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Dawn Wilder has been in LAW for a while, but mostly took a casual stride when locking horns with other talent. After a fateful encounter with a certain veteran, a path for the blonde to elevate her skills and standing in the LAW ecosystem opened. She was thus awarded a lover to compensate a previous loss along with a clean victory shortly after. This looked like just another hunt for the Canadian wrestler, but there was a little catch. By becoming intimate with Aella, a branch to the rest of her tree was opened. It seemed simple enough to immerse herself into a new family, but the natural order valued a different environment than simply dinner at home.

Nonetheless, Dawn Wilder was looking to impress the crowd and her upcoming opponent. Needing to equip herself like a proper warrior, she would invest a fraction of her funds into melding a new attire that still embodied the lightweight's soul.

"Harmony...alignment..stability..." In the present day, Dawn would be seen in standing in back with a card in hand, starting at the image with passionate intent. Said card depicted a family underneath a rainbow. She recalled the true meaning behind the Ten of Cups, thus blonde felt verified that this encounter would lead to only positive results. Not losing her gaze even after a summon to the battlefield. The card would be returned to its deck as Dawn set forth towards the gathering of souls.
Like a cat to a laser pointer, fans were fixated on the stage thanks to Dawn's new risque attire now on display. Rather than demonstrate her ability to connect with natural forces, the first performer would skip along the aisle merrily even as her toes met the hard metal floor. It might have been best to frolick around to commemorate this new metamorphosis. Upon reaching the squared circle, she slithered up the apron and crawled to her temporary den in the form of a near corner. It might have been considered rude to meditate this time, since the other wrestler was probably keen on meeting her. Thus the lightweight stood upright with back supported by the turnbuckle, focused on the ramp with a hawk's eye.

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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This was gonna be... extremely awkward. As an understatement. Extremely awkward was an understatement for the match Alizeh was about to be in tonight. Not as a result of the match type mind you, or even necessarily her opponent. In fact by all accounts this should have been a fairly standard, mundane even. No, what made tonight so awkward was the... sexual activity of her opponent. Because Dawn Wilder, as Alizeh had learned, was her mom's... sexual partner. Yeah Alizeh hadn't warmed up to girl friend or mate or whatever the two were calling themselves. Frankly Alizeh wasn't sure what to make of the girl, especially since the two were practically the same age. But tonight would be all about facing that she supposed.

Sighing softly Alizeh would finish the preparations on her new outfit. "If nothing else this is at least a good chance to break this in." Alizeh said to herself as she made sure everything was in its proper place before getting up. Bending down and securing the laces on her boots Alizeh would stand back up and toss her hair back before turning and marching to the gorilla position.

Nodding to her friends in the backstage crew as she passed the green haired girl would stand at the curtain, ready and waiting while Dawn finished her entrance. Really the girl seemed fine, someone Alizeh would probably get along with normally, but having the girl banging her mom made things much more complicated than it needed to be. Luckily though Alizeh would get the distraction she needed as her entrance music kicked on over the speakers, the crackling and rumble of lightning along with the fast paced rhythmic guitar of her song, the contrast was already starting between Alizeh and Dawn.
Coming out Alizeh did her best to force a smile on her face as she did her usual entrance for the crowd. Posing for the fans Alizeh would run down the ramp, high fiving the fans on her way down towards the ring. It was really just a way for her to get herself into the right mindset for this match as she hopped onto the ring apron before vaulting over the top rope into the ring. As she did so her opponent was naturally within eyesight. Despite that though Alizeh found it hard to meet the blonde's gaze, so instead Alizeh would offer a curt nod to her before heading to her corner to wait for the match to begin, forgoing any pre match interactions.

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Now it was time for them to meet face to face finally. Dawn watched the fellow woman's movements like a hawk. She found herself quite captivated by Alizeh's choice of attire especially the shades of green on display. Not that she regretted her new choice of wardrobe.

Just as the greenette's feet graced the mat, the Canadian woman opened her gape and embarked one step only for a conversation to be denied. Seeing Alizeh as rather charismatic until the moment they were only a few feet apart. Actually that smile earlier felt more like a mask than genuine emotion. So some bottled up insecurity? Hopefully this wouldn't interfere with the nature of the contest. Small talk could wait a bit longer, so Dawn decided to not intrude and possibly communicate more through her talents.


The match would begin and Dawn was already on the prowl. Strolling around the perimeter while she eyed up the greenette. Then another possibility entered the mindscape, thus she had to address in case. "Don't hold back or you won't thrive!" Hoping that might start goading Alizeh into a better state of mind. For now the blonde kept her arms up wondering if her opponent would approach even slightly.
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Alizeh was absolutely feeling the awkwardness right now, and slight amounts of resentment. It was weird cause it wasn't as if she hated Dawn, but it was still just... weird to know the kinds of stuff the blonde did with her mom. Really if anything Alizeh was just glad she didn't flaunt things around like other people in this company.

'Whatever gotta just focus.' Alizeh thought to herself, glad that Dawn didn't try and speak prior to the bell ringing. Once it had Alizeh would put her fists up and step closer to Dawn, circling the girl as she looked for an opening, pondering how the girl would be taking this, especially since she was being trained by her mom.

But then Dawn said not to hold back or she wouldn't thrive, now THAT set something off in Alizeh who narrowed her eyes at the blonde. "Trust me, holding back was NOT on the agenda." Alizeh hissed out before dashing forward at a quick pace, looking to snatch out with her arm to grab hold of Dawn's wrist and if successful pull up and twist as if she was going for a wrist lock, but instead as Alizeh brought the limb down Alizeh would drop onto the mat, pulling on Dawn's arm while turning her body to the side to pull Dawn over her and down to the mat with a deep armdrag!

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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With past matches, Dawn was shown to be quite open about her sexuality and aware that few veterans felt the same despite their flocks. However the blonde couldn't be more appreciative of the vanilla contest instead of higher-ups forcing some unusual tension. Valuing a cleaner path towards a possible emotional connection, she could relate to the opposing dilemma.

Words forced a new light to flicker in Dawn's mind as a result of the greenette's sudden change of mood. "Good." Possessing an awfully relaxed expression for a woman who was inches away from a somewhat agitated opponent. The blonde would return the favour of throwing out her arm, but Alizeh's initiative won in the end. "Hmmmm..." Biting her tongue as a result of rising tension. She seen this manoeuvre enough times and was already in the process of bursting into a flip. If only it weren't for Alizeh's fast reflexes. "AHHHHHHH..." Thus the Canadian woman was sent soaring and forced on a little trip, resulting in a rough tumble backfirst towards the mat. Left rattled temporarily, she could at least affirm the similarities between the Midoris in terms of a frontal approach.

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Alizeh really hated the feeling of awkwardness in a match, partially because it was such a foreign feeling for her. Normally she was loose, relaxed and even flirty depending on her opponent. Tonight though she was off her game, being pitted against her mom's... lover was such a weird and awkward experience that Alizeh had never once considered even when her mom had announced she was signed.

Luckily though Dawn, whether she knew it or not, had spiked Alizeh's ire with the blonde and if nothing else was at least making it easier for the green haired girl to lash out with some offense to the blonde. Managing to catch the smaller woman off guard with a deep arm drag Alizeh was quick to pull her feet up before kipping up to her feet and immediately breaking out into a run for the ropes. Turning as she met them Alizeh would rebound back towards the downed Dawn. Knowing she wouldn't have the opportunity for long Alizeh would try and make the most of this chance that she could by leaping up as she neared a hopefully still prone Dawn before turning through the air, trying to come down on the blonde with a running senton!

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Everything was progressing back into a natural flow, at least for Dawn anyway. Dealing with another aggressive opponent who was driven to subdue anything that stood in her path.

She only acquired minimal wounds after that arm drag since the bout has barely begun. Thus Dawn would be due for a recovery if it weren't for the nearby greenette ready to pounce and double down on her control. Of course she couldn't just throw the match to simplify the process, it was too soon in her new path to take losses, especially when both Midoris were probably looking for lionesses instead of lambs in their ranks. Just as Alizeh leapt through the air, the blonde would try raising her sharp knees to form a guard so the greenette would land on a bed of nails.

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Alizeh was unsure about Dawn, other than she wanted to beat the blonde. As an opponent and nothing else, period. Something she was on her way to doing after the deep arm drag that took the woman off her feet and down to the mat. Naturally Alizeh wanted to press this advantage by breaking into a run and launching herself at the downed blonde, arching through the air to try and come down with a senton on Dawn!

Unfortunately however Dawn wasn't as beaten down and dazed as Alizeh had expected, leading to her crashing down back first onto the girl's knees! "Gah!!!" Alizeh cried out in pain, landing on her ass and immediately holding her back in pain with a wince on her face as she leaned forward, relying on her other hand to support herself, temporarily unable to do anything about her opponent!

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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In the nick of time, Dawn shown her spines to ward off the chaser and leave a few scars in return. Unaffected by the screams of fellow youth, once Alizeh was no longer weighing down, the blonde would kip up to two feet and observe her twitching opponent from behind. It would be Dawn's hunt now that she no longer needed to be on the defensive.

"Come..." An order instead of request. Keeling over to secure Alizeh's near wrist, the greenette wouldn't be allowed to tend towards her busted back as the enigmatic woman applied an armbar. Using moderate pressure to wear down the opposition and keep them temporarily raised simultaneously, the next phase of Dawn's plan was to slowly peel Alizeh off the mat only to abrupt whip her to the ropes. The enigmatic woman stayed put, awaiting her opponent's return trip. Provided that her foe was too rattled, the blonde briefly balanced on a lone foot only to spin around, using the momentum in a bid to deliver a spin kick towards Alizeh's head!
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meeting the Pride: Dawn Wilder vs Alizeh Midori

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Whenever you used any kind of aerial move there was always risk involved. Risk that you would miss, or slip, or overshoot, or most common of all, that your opponent would counter since unfortunately, aerial moves were the easiest to counter. This was the price Alizeh had paid for taking such a risk right out of the gate.

Now left holding her spine in pain Alizeh was gritting her teeth, trying to think and force herself up and out of the bad situation she knew was coming. Unfortunately Dawn was upon her faster than Alizeh could respond and she found her arm grabbed and pulled painfully making her wince and grab at her shoulder. Attempting to get her feet under her Alizeh's means of trying to counter were preempted before she could even get anything going.

Pulled up to her feet against her will Alizeh was sent running at the ropes and left to rebound off them and back to her opponent... right into a kick to the head. "Ngh!" She groaned out in pain, spinning in place from the kick and left to stumble away, holding her head in pain and looking unsteady on her feet.

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