They were all dressed in black.
"Laaaaaaaaadies and gentlemen..." The voice echoed again, with the crowd parting slowly to spread to the outside of the ring, save for a few individuals who stood behind the one with the microphone. One who was soon to be somewhat dramatically revealed by the parting of masses, to be none other than Diana Accera.
A reveal that earned an outright chorus of boos, which itself was needless to say given the Italian's horrendous attitude of late.
With the crowd now only unifying in its bellow against the Italian, seeing as how there was mass confusion a mere moment before, they were now all with eyes forward as Diana took centre stage. Around her stood that aforementioned plethora of wacky characters - some of which looked straight out of clown school, what with overexaggerated applications of makeup, and the adornment of clothes that simply didn't fit or were several sizes too big. Save for Diana. She herself was adorned in a top of the range, pure-black suit, with her long hair flowing freely behind her. To say the woman commanded presence was a understatement.
Similar Look

"It is with great sadness...no...the greatest sadness...that we are gathered here today." Diana spoke with a somewhat humble tone for someone barely holding back a smile, with the Italian once again adorned in Aviator style sunglasses that near covered her face.
"But thank you all the same. Thank you, for joining me...LAWLESS DIANA ACCERA..." She'd step back to literally bellow, with her smile growing wider as the chorus of boos returned. "Hey now-hush-hush, you're at a fucking funeral...!" Screamed the Italian in response, who'd turn to the crowd behind her to reprimand them, albeit still with a toothy grin.
"Ahem...Thank you...For joining Mrs Arvidsson...Mr Arvidsson...and all of us here of the Arvidsson family..." She'd stop for a moment, only after waving her hand in turn to the mentioned 'Mrs and Mr Arvidsson.' Neither of which looked anything like Astrid Arvidsson herself.
What, given 'Mrs Arvidsson' was clearly of South American descent, with dark brown hair and a figure in possession of an extremely high BMI, and 'Mr Arviddson' was four feet tall with solid black hair.
Not to mention, of Asian descent.
"...As we commit Astrid Arvidsson to the grave..." Motioning to the small mass in front of the ring, they on cue would part.
To reveal that Diana Accera had gone all out on this little moment of hers. And actually acquired a coffin...