Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

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The Ominous Future
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Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Roared a voice dead centre of the ring - one surrounded by a complete plethora of characters. All of which only shared one thing in common.

They were all dressed in black.

"Laaaaaaaaadies and gentlemen..." The voice echoed again, with the crowd parting slowly to spread to the outside of the ring, save for a few individuals who stood behind the one with the microphone. One who was soon to be somewhat dramatically revealed by the parting of masses, to be none other than Diana Accera.

A reveal that earned an outright chorus of boos, which itself was needless to say given the Italian's horrendous attitude of late.

With the crowd now only unifying in its bellow against the Italian, seeing as how there was mass confusion a mere moment before, they were now all with eyes forward as Diana took centre stage. Around her stood that aforementioned plethora of wacky characters - some of which looked straight out of clown school, what with overexaggerated applications of makeup, and the adornment of clothes that simply didn't fit or were several sizes too big. Save for Diana. She herself was adorned in a top of the range, pure-black suit, with her long hair flowing freely behind her. To say the woman commanded presence was a understatement.
Similar Look
Though it wasn't just the curious attire and characters adorning the ring that raised many an eyebrow in the crowd. It was the decorations upon the ring and surrounding barricades themselves. Essentially, there was a wreath to every corner turnbuckle, with the outside of every ring corner having a portrait hung against it. Portraits of none other, than Astrid Arvidsson.

"It is with great sadness...no...the greatest sadness...that we are gathered here today." Diana spoke with a somewhat humble tone for someone barely holding back a smile, with the Italian once again adorned in Aviator style sunglasses that near covered her face.

"But thank you all the same. Thank you, for joining me...LAWLESS DIANA ACCERA..." She'd step back to literally bellow, with her smile growing wider as the chorus of boos returned. "Hey now-hush-hush, you're at a fucking funeral...!" Screamed the Italian in response, who'd turn to the crowd behind her to reprimand them, albeit still with a toothy grin.

"Ahem...Thank you...For joining Mrs Arvidsson...Mr Arvidsson...and all of us here of the Arvidsson family..." She'd stop for a moment, only after waving her hand in turn to the mentioned 'Mrs and Mr Arvidsson.' Neither of which looked anything like Astrid Arvidsson herself.

What, given 'Mrs Arvidsson' was clearly of South American descent, with dark brown hair and a figure in possession of an extremely high BMI, and 'Mr Arviddson' was four feet tall with solid black hair.

Not to mention, of Asian descent.

"...As we commit Astrid Arvidsson to the grave..." Motioning to the small mass in front of the ring, they on cue would part.

To reveal that Diana Accera had gone all out on this little moment of hers. And actually acquired a coffin...

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With the masses in a mix of stunned silence and hysterics (of the laughing variety) it was up to Diana to bring order back to the chaos. Watching on as the audience mumbled amongst themselves - with half laughing at the audacity of Diana whilst a good few many questioned the possible actual passing of one Astrid Arvidsson - Diana would pass the microphone rather carelessly to a rather broad looking gentleman that had been stood to her left. Though not before introducing them.

"But first, let us all share a moment of thought for little Astrid, as we hear from the people who knew her best.."

Stepping back into the corner if only to raise her hand to hide the laughter, Diana would remain hiding behind her hands for the entirety of the speech that followed. One that came from a near six foot five, black gentleman with a figure built for weightlifting.

"For those of you that don't know me, I'm Peter Arvidsson. I'm...I was Astrid's little brother..." The outright mockery of Astrid Arvidsson was beyond apparent now as her 'brother' took to the microphone, with nothing to his appearance that even suggested he and Astrid Arvidsson were from the same continent. Let alone siblings.

"Growing up with Astrid Arvidsson, it was always hard to deal with her jealously. 'Stop showing me up at school Peter,' she'd say. 'Don't bring your friends back home, you know I ain't got none'..." Peter spoke with a clear voice, yet it was all too apparent that the lines he was speaking were somewhat rehearsed. And almost certainly given to him by the chuckling Italian to his rear side.

"But I knew she always cared. Deep down. 'You're so much more talented than me Peter,' she'd say, then she'd always offer me a hug despite her being the one that was failing school. Hell I remember one time she came home with two black eyes and a shoe missing. She got bullied alot, you see. But she was still there to offer me a hug. She was cool like that." Peter stepped back a moment with a well practised nervous stance to his frame, before he raised his free hand to wipe down his cheek. Not that there was a tear there.

"But I guess, we always get what we deserved. I loved my sister, I still love her. But you can't go steppin' up to the LAWLESS one like how she did. Diana Accera don't play no motherfuckin' games." Diana's mouth gave the game away, as she followed wordlessly at the last bit to Peter's speech. With the groan from the crowd so loud it could fill the arena, Diana would take the cue to step forward. Her arms raised, to offer the little brother of Astrid a well deserved hug.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The crowd became endless with their constant booing, with whatever humour was to be found in the moment overtaken by the sheer rude audacity of the woman hosting the 'funeral.' Worse still was the fact that Diana Accera's little event had barely gotten going.

"Ladies and gentlemen...LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR PETER!" Diana's request for appraisals from the crowd only earned a louder chorus of boos, before Astrid's 'brother' would leave Diana's light hug to return to his 'mother' and 'father.' The latter of which seemed to be next up, as he took his cue to take the microphone that had been passed back to Diana from Peter.

"Quiet please...For Mr. Arvidsson now..." Diana leaned in as the aforementioned father took the microphone, whom soon cleared his throat before placing his free hand to his side.

"Of all the daughters I had..." Mr Arvidsson spoke, with a clear tone that again suggested this was a practised speech. If a insanely abrupt one.

"...Astrid was one of them."

With that, and a small bow, the microphone would see itself back in Diana's hands. Hands that belonged to a woman now in outright hysterics, as she tucked her head forward in a vain attempt at hiding her laughter.

"LADIES AND GE-...GENTLEMEN..." Diana roared again, with tears in her eyes. "A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR MR ARVIDSSON!"
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The crowd was seemingly incapable of growing tired of booing, with the assault on Astrid Arvidsson's pride and family seemingly having no end. If Diana had her way, it never would. She was having the time of her life. If anything, she was wondering why she didn't do things like this more often in the ring!

It was much easier than a pillar to post brawl!

Finally catching her breathe in tandem with the audience calming down, with nothing more than a wave of her finger the next member of Astrid's 'family' would take the microphone to hand. This woman had already been introduced by Diana if unofficially - for it was 'Mrs Arvidsson,' the mother of the targeted Astrid. Yet again needless to say, the woman bared absolutely no similarity to the aforementioned Astrid. With dark brown hair and a tanned complexion, the extremely robust South American took the microphone in both hands, with her accent clearly indicating she was of Brazilian decent.

An oddity, given her apparent daughter was Norwegian.

"I-loved my daughter, very much!" Spoke Mrs Arvidsson in quiet a slow manner, suggesting perhaps that English was not a language she spoke well. Needless to say, she'd continue all the same.

"She was a very good girl. Good girl all of the time. I will be missing Alison very much..." Try as she might, the apparent mother of the blonde dragon failed to muster a tear despite Diana cueing her in. Not only that, but she'd outright fumbled her speech entirely, forcing Diana to step in with yet another chuckle.

"...I will be missing Eric-" 'N-tchh..-no!" '-Astrid very much. I will be missing Astrid very much..!" Diana was forced to correct the woman instantly twice in a row, all the whilst raising her hand to cover her face. Mr's Arvidssons two-time error if anything made the speech all the more effective in Diana's eyes. And hysterical.

Grabbing the microphone to hand, the audience didn't even bother to throw a tirade of boos this time as Diana gave a 'comforting' hug to the grieving mother before her. They were evidently growing tired of the performance before them, where as Diana herself felt as though she'd barely gotten warmed up...

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Finally removing herself from the warm embrace she had with the super-heavyweight momma Arvidsson, Diana turned as to stand centre of the ring. With a sniffle to her and a finger raised to wipe away tears that were never even close to forming, Diana dramatically raised her head to face a crowd that was evidently waiting for the end. Or perhaps something else - perhaps, some justice for the Italian who had gone overboard.

Waaaaaay overboard.

For the moment however, it would be entirely Diana Accera as she took to raising the microphone as if preparing for a final statement.

And then, all at once, she'd be brought to a halt.

For with a flicker of the lights all of those in attendance would be left in the dark. Including Diana herself, naturally, and all of the 'Arvidsson's in attendance.

Until almost as quickly as the lights had flickered off, they came back on. With a very recognisable theme song playing.

With Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin blasting down the arena speakers, the crowd would come alive as their heads turned to the ramp. Familiar sights of a Golden Dragon would flicker across the titantron screen, with roars a plenty being thrown in the direction of the ramp. Only, for a very long moment, there'd be no-one upon it.

Having already stepped quickly back to have her rear side against the ropes furthest the entrance ring, Diana Accera couldn't have look more frightened if she tried. The woman's eyebrows were raised and her hands were shaking as she grasped the top rope, with the Italian having already been so careful as to position the fake family members between herself and the ramp. If only the crowd knew...

That she had absolutely zero reason to.

"Wait a minute...Wait a minute...No...Don't fucking tell me..." Diana slowly pushed through the crowd in front of her, before raising her hand to finally remove those sunglasses of hers.

"Ladies...Ladies and fucking gentlemen...I don't believe it...She's really here..." Diana looked left and right, with the crowd evidently lost for a response given there was still no-one on the ramp. Until, there was.

Not a wrestler, mind.

A stage hand.

With something very peculiar in his mitts.


Diana was playing the part of hype-woman so well it was a wonder she never became a ring announcer or commentator. Though Diana was by no means doing this as a favour to a fierce rival and strong competitor. No, Diana had come out here tonight to humiliate a woman who dared oppose her. And she wasn't stopping now.




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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

If rolling your eyes made a sound, said sound would most certainly fill the arena as they caught on to what was happening. The so called 'legend' now descending the ramp was literally as implied.

An aardvark. Nothing more.

And yet in the ring, Diana Accera was losing her mind, akin to a child meeting Santa Claus. And worse was yet to come.

For with a underhanded slide of a notable amount of notes, Diana had made sure a stage hand would be well compensated for what he was about to risk his career doing. Piped boos, and often enough cheers, had become something of a stable in the world of modern wrestling - with their main use to imply false crowd favour or disdain in any individual who in the eyes of those backstage, were receiving the 'wrong' reaction.

Though it wouldn't be boos nor cheers that Diana had requested as the literal aardvark was carried to the ring...

"HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!..." Bellows began to sound off seemingly from out of thin air, as Diana once more burst into tears laughing at the actions of the bribed stage hand. Chants of the 'crowd' would continue on all the way until 'Aardvark Arvidsson' was in ring - where they would abruptly end, if only to once again be replaced by the sounds of endless, tired boos. And the sound of roaring laughter.

"LADIES AND-fuck man...I can't..." Diana lowered the microphone as she repeatedly laughed, unable to call out to the crowds as the Aardvark was held aloft.

If you were tuning in just now, you might have been under the impression that LAW was in amidst the live re-enactment of a very curious version of the Lion King, given how 'Miss Arvidsson' was held aloft at the request of the former LAWLESS champion.

"Ladies and gentlemen...Just...Just cut it there..." Diana was still laughing all the whilst as she put her hand on the nearest individual, if only to keep herself somewhat upright amidst her cries of laughter.

"Just fucking cut it...End LAW here...It's fucking peaked..."

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by skip-stop »

At first it was a try not to cringe challenge. And though with great difficulty, but some coped with it. Although, of course, Diana has made every effort to reduce the amount of sanity within the walls of the arena. Listening and watching the show that the brunette arranged was just physically impossible. The feeling when it's they who do something, but it's you who feel the shame. Is she really Italian? Because it was definitely nothing else, but Spanish shame.

But the moment Diana invited Aardvark into the arena, it turned into a try not to laugh challenge. And this time no one managed to cope with it. Even the most avid moralists, who believed that Diana had crossed the line a long time ago, could not restrain wild laughter. They say that laughter prolongs life. Well, the sick fantasy of the Italian woman who directed this show provided a few extra years for everyone who was present in the arena at the moment when Aardvark was lifted into the air in the style of the Lion King.

Even Diana herself, who up to this point had shown amazing restraint of emotions, lost control. In a sense, she was right, at this point LAW could be ended. This show was like semolina porridge, in which mustard was first added, and then a huge amount of sugar. The taste turned out to be quite strange, but the emotions from that were certainly unforgettable.

Only one person wasn't laughing at that moment. This woman was sitting in the upper rows of the arena. And although there was a smile on her face, it wasn't related to the show that Diana had put on. Adjusting her glasses, this woman took out her phone and sent a short message, after which her smile became slightly wider.

"The show must go on..." she said softly.

At the same moment, the huge screen above the ramp turned on. In the bottom right corner there was a flashing red inscription "live broadcast". The laughter in the arena gradually began to subside and many turned their attention to the big screen. However, some bewilderment could be read on their faces. The reason for this was that the image was very out of focus. Two human silhouettes could be distinguished on the screen, but nothing more.

"Ah, I found this photo!" A voice with an obvious Italian accent rang out. "Just imagine, she came covered in mud from head to toe and said that she was training mud wrestling, she said she would become a mud wrestling champion!"

"Ahahahahaha!!" It was a loud but sincere laugh. "It's so cute!"

The camera started moving forward and finally the image became clear. A photo of a little girl with thick, long black hair was shown on the screen. As it was said, this girl was up to her ears in mud, but, nevertheless, there was a smile on her face. Nothing can fake sincere children's emotions. Although the photo itself and the context caused a small wave of laughter in the audience.

"Thank you for sharing this, I always suspected that she was a fidget, but definitely not to this extent."

"Oh, this is far from the funniest thing that happened to my Diana!"

The camera moved away from the photo lying on the table, and now there was a woman in the lens. Not young, but still a good-looking Italian woman. And if in the case of Astrid and the South American woman that Diana presented, only the most short-sighted person could find the similarity, then only a blind person would not see the obvious similarity between Diana and the woman on the screen. They both had the same black hair, the same eyes, and the same sharp facial features. Yes, Diana's mother, Fabiana Accera, appeared before the audience.

"You know, I want to thank you again for your hospitality, I know that my request for a visit was too unexpected, but I'm glad that we were able to meet here, in Catanzoro."

"Oh, no need, I'm grateful for the opportunity to meet my daughter's friend, so thank you for the visit, Astrid!"

The camera moved further away and now Fabiana's interlocutor was in the frame. And it was none other than Astrid Advidsson. Not Aardvark. Astrid. Two women were sitting at a table on the cozy kitchen. The family tea set was taken out of the closet and at the moment both women were enjoying tea and a pleasant conversation.

Astrid Arvidsson

"I hope our cameraman doesn't embarrass you too much," Astrid said, casting a brief glance at the camera. "I wanted to surprise Diana, as you know, she would probably object if I told her that I was going to visit you."

"Oh, she's always had a problem with that!" The brunette laughed. "You know, she has seven siblings, but even that didn't teach her how to make friends, instead she always preferred to speak in the language of the fists!" Fabiana took a sip of tea. "Constant bruises hardened her character, but made her a lone wolf, which everyone always avoided!" The woman thought for a moment. "And even though I'm proud of her, I think she should have talked more and not waved her fists."

"Well, trust me, she definitely started to talk much more, huh," Astrid chuckled. "And, as you can see, she really has a new friend." The blonde put the cup aside. "Can I ask you to show me some more photos, please?" She smiled. "Diana would never show them to me, so I want to take the opportunity while I'm here, when else can I see this cute girl in mud, huh?"

"Haha, of course!" Fabiana smiled in response. "Wait a minute, dear."

The brunette left the kitchen in order to find other photos, and Astrid, in turn, turned her head to the side again and looked directly into the camera. And although she didn't express much emotion, there was still a slight smile on her face. And her lavender eyes seemed to look straight into the soul of those who now saw her on the screen. The show took a rather unusual turn and the audience was not quite sure what exactly it would lead to. But that only made things more interesting.
Last edited by skip-stop on Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The moment the screen came to life, Diana turned her head like a deer caught in headlights. Naturally she was expecting Astrid herself, given that - spoiler alert - the blonde wasn't actually dead nor in the coffin. She was expecting the powerful blonde to force her way though the stage hands backstage, before descending down the ramp with intent to claw Diana's eyes out.

Oh to beat the blonde down on top of this massive verbal humiliation? One equipped with a fake family and now even an aardvark? Diana felt as though she'd be quite literally seeing Astrid off. An Apex match between the two? By the end of this day, Diana was fully intending for Astrid's will to wrestle in general to be gone!

For Diana was confident that even despite the blondes own powerful build, she could take her given the setting was to her advantage. The former LAWLESS champion certainly didn't intend to deal with Astrid in a fair fight after all, had she come down as planned.

That is, had Astrid ever came to the ring.

"What..." The microphone would inadvertedly catch her confusion, before she lowered it to her hips. "What...What the fuck?" Diana turned her head, but everyone around her was as blissfully as unaware as to what they were seeing as she.

Until it became apparent that Astrid wouldn't be joining her in ring at all. No, the blonde was making a house visit.

To Diana's childhood home...

"I want..." Diana slid the sunglasses off of her face and held them in her hand as she waved the nearest ringside official over. She didn't need to watch the footage to see where this was going.

"I fucking want Dan out here now... Get him the fuck out here...YOU..." She'd extend a finger, seemingly picking out a particular ringside attendent.

"YOU FUCKING TELL DAN..." Her words were loud and vicious, but drawn out by the footage on screen to all but Diana and those she was speaking to. "TELL. DAN. To call the police. International call. I want fucking staff on hand right now. I know we gotta have someone in the area. Fucking training, or holiday, or whatever. FUCKING TELL. DAN. NOW."

A few members of the crowd who would turn their head would catch wind of Diana's frantic state, though the Italian soon tried to reign things in, naturally. Despite the fact her own mother was perhaps in great danger.

"Woaaaa-Hey-Hey-Hey what's all this..." She'd play the dumb card, glasses back upon her face as she held the microphone to her lips. "No videos, this is a funeral! Have some respect, damn!"

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

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It would not be an exaggeration to say that expectations completely coincided with reality. Despite the fact that Astrid could not see Diana in person at this moment, she was completely sure that the brunette was now overwhelmed with very strong emotions. The audience that the Italian woman gathered in the arena witnessed this.

Was it a dirty game? Perhaps there really is some truth in this. They say that all means are good in war. Astrid could not say that she fully supported this statement. However, she wanted Diana to understand the simple meaning. If Diana thought that Astrid would sit in deep defense, ignoring the antics of the brunette, then she was very wrong.

"Amazing... considering who you've become, I didn't even immediately believe that this lovely woman is really your mom," Astrid said, still looking straight at the camera. "Do you feel it, Diana? Do you feel this cold on your back?" The smile on Astrid's face became more sinister. "But the real show hasn't even started yet." The blonde looked away for a moment, as the footsteps of Diana's mother were clearly heard in the corridor. "You reap what you sow, Diana, the gods see that I didn't want it." Astrid said pointedly before the camera moved back.

Fabina returned to the kitchen and put some photos in front of Astrid, after which the woman sat down next to her. The Norwegian woman took another brief look directly into the camera. Even the audience began to feel some anxiety about what was about to happen. Diana's element was words. Lately she has started talking a lot and often. Astrid's element was action. Given this, only one question was important. How exactly did Astrid intend to act?

"Here, look, this is our whole family," Fabiana said, and then pointed at the girl. "Here's Diana, as always, with bruises and abrasions."

"Your family is so big..." Astrid said while studying the photo. "How did you cope with the upbringing of your children? It's just unbelievable..."

"Haha, family is family," the brunette said, then took a short sip of tea. "Of course, when the family is so big, it's not always possible to live soul to soul, our children often fought at a young age." The woman smiled slightly. "But maybe it has prepared them in some way for the fact that they always need to defend their point of view." Fabiana's smile widened. "That's why I'm proud of each of them, especially Diana."

"Even now?" Astrid asked the first sharp question since their conversation began.

Hardly anyone did not notice that after this question, the Italian woman looked down at the photo, and her mood became much sadder. She ran her finger over the photo, as if wanting to touch her daughter. Fabina sighed heavily.

"She's my daughter and I'm always proud of her," she finally said, which made Astrid smile a little. "But I'm afraid she's lost her way." Raising her head, Fabina looked Astrid straight in the eyes. "Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Maybe even better than you think," the Norwegian woman nodded. "I also think she's lost her way." The blonde put her palm on Fabiana's. "Your daughter is a great woman, but I'm afraid she needs help right now." A lightning seemed to run through the lavender eyes. "Even if she doesn't understand it herself."

"And you know how to help her?"

"I think right now she thinks that any of her actions will go unpunished." Astrid shook her head. "Confidence in one's own impunity can drive a person crazy." The blonde squeezed Fabina's palm slightly. "But if we show her that no one can escape the consequences of their choice, that any action has consequences, then maybe we can let her know that what she has turned into is not who she should have been."

"Astrid, I wanted to ask..."Fabiana seemed to understand something very important. "Diana never said that you were her friend, besides, I saw you quarreling a few weeks ago... then why..."

"That's exactly why it became personal for me," Astrid interrupted Fabiana and slightly tilted her head forward. "That's exactly why I'm going to do what I must." The smile completely disappeared from the Norwegian woman's face. "Whatever it takes."

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Re: Diana A./Astrid A. - Funeral For A Friend.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Diana had heard enough, long before Astrid had the point of using a threatening tone by default.

She was visibly flustered and now the Italian was making no attempts at hiding it. How could she, when her own family was in danger?!

Diana had become quite the egotist of late, to put it lightly, but the basis of her character and personality could not be corrupted even by the harshest of tragedies. As the quote went - 'Even bad guys love their momma!'

"If one of you doesn't pick up the fucking pace..." Diana stuck her head out of the ropes again, with her sunglasses haplessly slipping off her nose and ears with no reaction from the Italian. "I'll snap your fucking neck..." Her words directed at the already scrambling ringside officials made them move all the faster, as their panic soon matched Diana's own under threat of violence.

Turning her gaze back to the screen, the more intimidating Astrid's presence became the more she ground her teeth. She was already clenching her fists as tightly as could be, with her nails close to digging into the skin of her own palms. Then at once, an idea sprung to mind.

"Fuck sake..." Diana muttered under her breath to herself, over the fact she hadn't considered such an obvious course of action sooner. Her hand would haplessly throw the microphone she was still carrying into the hands of Astrid's 'family' nearby, as Diana's mitts scrambled inside of her pockets. It was needless to say who she'd be trying to dial as she pulled out her phone, with Diana's eyes back to the screen. She was hoping that the ringing of her mothers phone would be heard, so that Diana could at least receive some sign that Momma Accera was about to pick up!

To heed a desperate warning!

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