The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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A small party for rookies at a Tokyo hotel
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Esther Gates laughed that flighty, silly laugh that always informed her of an important fact. She neared that point where a knowing bartender back home would have started to slow down her drinking, else she would have ended up taking off her top in front of two hundred people again. Though she only felt a slight buzz, after her laughter slowed, she sat the drink aside with a look of derision, like it had made her tipsy without her input. Then she returned to the matter at hand, though it seemed that with the last joke, the conversation started to die.

She glanced over the small group gathered to chat. Esther had enjoyed the night. After some music and dancing, everyone had settled into some pockets of conversation. Ever the talker, especially with a little alcohol in her system, Esther had launched into answering some questions from people who recognized her as a Gates, or people who wanted to know where she came from so they could comment on her slightly rustic accent, or this or that or the other thing. Admittedly, as she settled more comfortably on the bar stool, Esther kind of wanted the meet-and-greet questions to end. She wanted a good flirt with someone, and one figure that had joined the little chatter circle had already caught her eye.

Eve, she thought? She had served as the DJ for some of the earlier music, and as the commercial said about cover girls, she seemed easy, breezy, and beautiful all in one great package. She drew Esther's eye as easily as anyone in the room, and once the southerner decided she would talk with the woman, she shifted into a posture that spoke loudly and clearly "this conversation is now between the two of us" as she leaned an elbow on the counter and squared her shoulders. "You said ya wrestle too, yeah? How long?" She tried to settle in with that gaze of "I would love to make this a conversation," and she hoped Eve took the hint.

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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As far as Eve Summer's was concerned, there was no such thing as a bad night out. Tonight was no exception to the rule. Though this night was about the potentials of LAW as well as the new established signings, Eve had been asked if she could headline the entertainment for the big party. Being a famous DJ beyond a wrestler, Eve had no problem setting up a nice little gig. It was supposed to be nothing extreme, but when she began to play her remixes of tracks with her own personal spins, it was not long before the place was bouncing up and down to the rhythm of the anthems she banged out. Eve was pleased to do it, as she had not DJ'd as much as she would have liked over the last year, so it was nice to get back into it again even if it was just for one night for now.

A few hours had passed since then, and whilst the main attraction had ended, the night was still young, and the party was still very much in motion. Having finished her set, Eve had decided to mingle with the rest of the crowds, giving little pointers to potentials and saying her greetings to the new signings who would no doubt make their appearance soon in LAW for the first time. Eve as always was simply a marvel of a woman to behold, possessing a natural beauty that seemed almost unnatural. She was clad in rather revealing clothing much akin to her wrestling attire, wearing a sparkling top that covered only her chest, leaving much of her to die for midriff exposed. She wore trousers that fit firmly around her hips but were looser at the bottom. She was barefoot as nearly always, rarely caught wearing footwear it seemed.

She just finished talking with a hopeful when a voice came from behind, making Eve turn around to face Esther, another of the new signings who was significantly considered of more promise and potential than many of the others. She seemed a little out of sorts, her stance and posture suggesting that she was definitely a few drinks into the night. However there was certainly a beauty to her as she spoke over the music, her southern accent dominating other voices within the blur around the two.
"I mean... I suppose I'm known for doing the odd match." Eve mentioned with a jesting tone, managing a small but beautiful smile. Though her career was not exactly on the standard of the legends, Eve was still an established name by now on the LAW roster.
"I've been in the wrestling game for... ooh, probably a few years now. Finally starting to pick up a few wins finally too." Eve would mention. She was not ashamed of her record, as it was always her ambition to entertain the crowd. Given how active and athletic she was in the ring, Eve had never failed to entertain.
"How about you? If you're here... I'm guessing you are one of the fresh ones off the rack! Looking forwards to a career in the LAW?" Eve would then ask back, having no trouble engaging in conversation with the beauty before her.

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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"How odd are they?", Esther asked with a grin, thinking herself oh so clever until she better processed the question and realized that she was probably wrong. Rather, she realized that she hadn't clarified enough and asked a dumb question. She shook the question off, letting Eve know that she didn't need to answer one so silly. "I mean, I guess a lot of LAW's matches get kinda odd. Do ya do more of the odd ones or are you more old-school?"[ There, a question that two pretty people could use to make conversation, rather than a bad conversation starter. Esther posed with a hand on her hip to hear more.

Esther offered her best sympathetic head bob when Eve mentioned struggles with winning. Not so drunk that she didn't think to weigh whether or not she should ask about Eve's struggles, Esther settled for the conservative "That's good!" to show her support. If Eve wanted to expand on any struggles, Esther figured she might do so on her own. For now, she let it rest and glanced once at Eve's abs in between conversation points. She thought her own abs looked good, but they didn't have that same...excellence to them.

Oh, and now the conversation switched to her. Eve couldn't possibly know how tired Esther had become of talking about herself over the course of the night, so she betrayed no weariness when she answered. "Yeah! It's great to be here. Kind of didn't expect this five years ago, but that's the way life goes." Esther might have just gone onto a mundane life tending to plants if not for a classmate blurting out that she looked like her mother, the "famous wrestler." Famous to all but Esther, she supposed.

"First time in Japan too. Took me three tries to take the right cab to get here." Esther didn't want to say "that's an invitation to willingly offer yourself as my new friend in this strange place," but if Eve picked up on it anyway, that would be great.

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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"Ha! Trust me, you'll get used to the language soon enough. It is pretty much trial by fire whilst you are in Japan. It's not so bad in the main cities and places, but stray a few metres beyond and you get no help at all. It took me a little while but I've picked up on a few things. That said, I'm under the impression that LAW are starting to spread more globally now after how successful their PPV's and shows have been. You might find yourself in who knows what part of the world and back again, but I think learning Japanese will still help. For the time being though I know a few phrases and words I could teach you sometime... I should probably warn though, most are curses and swear words." Eve would then add in a playful manner. Esther checking out her midriff did not escape her, as the lady was less than subtle with her movements. It looked pretty clear that Esther was liking what she saw, and Eve could not help but shift her stance a little, managing a cheeky but stunning smile. Esther herself was very easy on the eyes, clad in little more than a form fitting red dress that left a good portion of her cleavage exposed. Her hair was styled and unique in colour, only adding to Esther's own captivating beauty.

"Heh... where are my manners? Sometimes I can drum on a bit... I did not catch your name sorry. I'm Evelyn Summers, though my friends just call me Eve. You are more than welcome to use that if you'd like." Eve would speak, wearing a winning smile as she offered her hand out towards Esther.
"What's your name?" Eve would then ask, her perfect smile remaining as her head tilted slightly.

Elsewhere in the large gathering was another presence. One masquerading as a new arrival as not to be noticed. The woman wore a long black wig, appearing almost gothic in nature with a long black dress that left portions of her powerful but slender frame exposed. Clad in heels, she was already a pretty tall woman, her legs escaping from the slits in her dress, a very well built but fine form being possessed by the arrival. She was on the hunt tonight like most other nights, a woman who was sadistic in nature, preying not only on the weak but also the powerful; such was her own prowess and ability. Right now however, she just wanted someone to wrap her legs around... and the unsuspecting new prospects would be perfect. However... none had taken her eye thus far, most too common for her eyes or not of the desirable build. It was looking to be a fruitless venture, until the Baroness happened to spot Eve in the distance.

Regrettably she was aware Eve would know who she was... but then her eyes trailed to the woman she spoke too... a woman just as perfect looking as Eve herself. Licking her dark lips, the arrival would slip into the crowds for now, quietly watching from afar.

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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She even had a nice accent to go with the nice...everything. Yeah, Eve had a nice everything.

And while Esther did not get her full "I'll show you around the city" offer, she did get some offer of a chance to interact. Her face brightened at the prospect, and she almost reached back for her drink before remembering she had gone deep enough into the realm of tipsy for the night. "I base a good part of my vocabulary on curses, so that wouldn't change things too much," she offered, joking. Partially joking. No, she didn't actually curse that much as most of her friends back home. But thinking through that didn't matter. The Aster saw a perfect opportunity to flirt. "You're really good with the music, but ya must have a talented tongue too." She paused to let that sit. Tipsy Esther might have flirted better than sober Esther, or so tipsy Esther thought in her poor judgment. "I can talk a lot, but I don't pick up languages all that well. Though Iwould be great with trying to learn with you."

Oh, yeah, names would be good. Esther had only picked up on Eve's name because of the earlier introduction to her when she had handled the music, and she wouldn't know Esther from that four-foot-eleven waif hiding in the corner over her shoulder. "That's real pretty. Both the long one and the short one." Real smooth. "I'm Esther Gates. I haven't found a way to shorten Esther that doesn't make me sound like I'm still eight." Still on her flirting game, Esther shifted slightly, giving her chest a chance to move within the plunging neckline of her dress, as if to say "clearly, I am not still eight."

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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"Ha... I don't tend to sing sorry. I am not bad by any means, but I've always been more into mixing and doing good sets that outright performing." Eve would respond with a smile. She knew exactly what Esther was getting at though, she just chose to answer the way she did, playing hard to get as it where. Eve had partied enough to know when someone was being flirtatious, and she could see all the signs. Esther was clearly trying to hit on her, doing so in a somewhat discreet way, but hitting on her all the same. Esther was certainly a beauty to behold, very much easy on the eyes, but Eve was unsure if it was Esther talking right now or the alcohol. She seemed sober enough to look upon, but sometimes it was hard to tell for certain, and Eve did not want Esther doing something she could potentially regret if she was not in the right frame of mind.

At the same time though... Eve did find she was interested in this stunner of a woman, even if she was playing hard to get right now.
"Esther's a nice name. It's nice to meet you." Eve would respond, finally having a name for the remarkable looking woman. Her smile grew a little, and she could not help but give a small giggle as she noticed how Esther moved and shifted.
"I won't be able to stick around too long unfortunately. I actually have another gig in the clubhouse a little out of town in an hour or so. But I'll tell you what... Since your new to LAW, how would you feel about a little spar sometime? I have a nice little space away from LAW with a fitted gym, be good to see what you can do. Who knows... maybe I might be able to teach you a few moves, or perhaps you could teach me. Might help you get better settled." Eve would offer, her smile shifting slightly, making her more seductive looking.

It would no doubt be a few nights later then this one, but by then she would truly know if Esther was interested or not after she let the alcohol get out of her system. Eve slowly slipped a card into her hand from her back pocket, {the only one she had upon her pants} which had her mobile number on, no doubt a business card given how stylish it looked.
"Could even throw a stipulation in there if you'd like... I know LAW has plenty of them already. Training for them could do you some good." Eve added, her tone also becoming a little more seductive then before.

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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Darn, no bucket on that shot. Eve gave her the literal answer rather than the flirty one, and the sound of a balloon slowly losing air seemed to fill Esther's mind. Not knowing how to pick the flirting back up with such a reasonable answer directed her way, Esther just rapidly nodded along to Eve's explanation. "Well, you're really good at the part you do!" The Brit likely already knew that fact, but people deserved compliments, nonetheless. "I don't do much singing either aside from karaoke. But that's because I'm bad," she joked, partially to save face, as she brushed her loose lavender bangs out of the fringes of her eyes.

Darn, she planned to leave too. Esther could understand why, but that put her possible plans to at least lure Eve onto the dance floor to bed for the night. Regardless, she did a good job of hiding her disappointment, or so she thought, as Eve explained that she had to leave. She only sighed a little and straightened, then had a jolt when she wondered if Eve wasn't just trying to escape this conversation by leaving. Maybe Esther had gotten tipsy enough that she didn't realize she had started being annoying?

...Nope, apparently not. Esther stopped dead and blinked to gather whether she was reading this offer right. Eve wanted her at her a gym away from LAW? Just the two of them? And they could...teach each other a few moves? Esther caught herself about to lick her lips at the prospect of her and this beauty doing precisely that for an afternoon or evening. Or morning, she did not actually care.

When Eve offered her card, Esther probably took it a touch too eagerly. She gazed at it, then back up at Eve, nodding at everything about the proposition. "If I just say yes, does that count?", she asked, but quickly waved away her own question. "Seriously, I'll call or text you. I think I could use a few pointers in some of these stipulations." Trailing off with a sultriness to her voice like a southern belle too overwhelmed by the concept of anything too sensual, Esther took the business card and made a brief show of sliding it into the space between one breast and the shoulder strap. This was the only time not having pockets worked in her favor. "There are a few that just go right over my head."

She could flirt all night, but she didn't want to be what stopped Eve from making a gig. "But, yes. You do what you need to do! You'll hear from me soon, queen of the DJs."

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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"Sounds good. Text me a little later so I get your number, and then I'll contact you with some details." Eve would say with a beautiful and beaming smile. Noticing the time she would say her quick farewells to Esther, and a few other potentials she had been talking to. No quicker than had things began that it felt like it was coming to an end, and Eve soon worked her way through the crowd and left the place to honour her other commitments for the night. It left Esther standing by the bar alone, but at least now she had Eve's details, and the prospect of meeting with her again was no doubt still on her mind.

"Oof... I cannot believe you fell for that. That was rough to witness." A sultry French accent spoke from besides Esther. Upon the bar sat her silent stalker, who was now making her move. Wearing a Black wig to conceal her identity and gothic make up, no one could know it was actually the twisted tyrant known as 'The Baroness'... She had been present for some time, listening to the conversation between Eve and Esther, quietly smiling to herself as she knew the angle she could approach her potential prey from. Clad in a form fitting black dress, the intoxicating beauty turned on her stool towards Esther, finally getting a good look upon her. At this moment in time, Esther was the greatest specimen in the party, a marvel to behold... one the Baroness longed to wrap around.

The notion of getting her legs around Esther was such an appealing one, a part of her was tempted to simply launch at her now and wrestle her to the ground. Given how fresh most in the party were, none would be able to stop her. Most of these individuals would fade away and get nowhere, though one or two would make it… the Baroness was already sure Esther would be one of them, she had the look, she had the build, and no doubt she had the skill too. With Sumiko having managed to talk her way into a brief amount of freedom, the Baroness needed something to quell her hunger. Not just anyone… it had to be someone perfect, and the Baroness believed she had found that target as she smiled in a wanting manner.

"Do you really think Eve 'DJ' Summers is going to respond to you? That woman is not as pleasant as she makes out. I hate to be the bearer of bad news... but she just blew you off. I've seen her do such a thing before. In truth, regrettably this is not my first try out... and a year ago... I was where you are now, having that pretty little card in hand." The Baroness informed, taking a swig from a beer bottle. It felt unrefined as she normally drank expensive wines... but she had an alter ego to keep up.

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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With Eve's smile, Esther could not help but internally feel a desire to blurt take me with you!, but at the risk of sounding like a weirdo, she resisted. "Cool! Bye! Have fun," she chose to say instead, like a normal, not-tipsy human being, as she watched Eve leave (and quite enjoyed it). Though wishing more could happen tonight, Esther relaxed contentedly in her chair, plucking the card from inside of her dress again since it didn't feel too comfortable to keep there and peering over it with satisfaction. Yep, that seemed like a worthy accomplishment tonight. Maybe she would head home before long herself, since some of the crowd had started to ease its way towards the door.

Turning to reach for her purse to put the card in a more reasonable place, Esther caught a glimpse of another figure in her peripheral...just as that figure spoke to her. She...wasn't sure she caught exactly what the woman said, but as she absentmindedly pulled her purse closer, she gave the woman a long glance. Okay, hello hot body in a little black dress. Hello, pretty face. A bit much on the makeup, but damn if she didn't have some eyes that makeup accentuated. Esther blinked at her, trying to process her words. "Fall for...what?", she asked, not even sure that was what the woman had said. She should really get a cab rather than walking back...

When she continued, Esther felt her heart sink a little, and with it, she sank on the stool, pausing before she tucked away the card. She ultimately did stuff it into her purse, but what the woman said had already popped into her mind as a possibility. It did seem an easy excuse for a DJ to say that she had another gig just to get away from an annoyance. Esther's mouth twisted to try and hide a frown. "Yeah, I guess I had kinda the same thought. That felt convenient," she admitted, her disappointment evident. She would still try, but she supposed she should prepare to be ghosted.

But, Esther knew she should not let that get her down. She had just traded one beautiful new friend for another, and she turned to fully face the bombshell. "It's whatever, though! Looks like some interesting people are still here anyway." Esther briefly scanned the stranger again, as if to say that she meant her. "Thanks for the heads-up. I'm Esther. You said not your first tryout? For the company, or just with Eve?"

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Re: The Party's in the Penthouse (for thesteedman - Esther, Eve, and Baroness)

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"You could say both." The Baroness whispered, managing a defeated smile. Her acting was certainly on point, as she looked off to the side as if deep in thought.
"As I said, like you... I got a nice little card and that was that. I just saw her talking to you, I was going to try and warn you about her but... well it was a little too late. Figured I could still warn you now though, just so you are prepared for what comes next." Baroness whispered, trying to keep the illusion of a friendly face. Her defeated smile turned into a seemingly genuine one when she offered out her hand to Esther.

"My name is Steph. It's nice to meet you." She would add, her French accent very thick but only adding to the mystic of the seemingly Gothic girl. It would be the first truth Baroness would offer Esther, as her name was indeed Stephanie, a name she preferred in full, but for this guise she did not mind shortening it down, all to bring her prey further into the web.
"I hope you do not mind me saying this but... I think you are the hottest girl I have laid eyes on all night. I would say you are even hotter than Eve, and I think she's a fool for playing you around. I imagine it is her loss though non?" 'Steph' would say, turning more to face Esther as she crossed her legs and moved in a near hypnotic and alluring manner.

She made effort to hide her exploring eyes, enough to make it look like she was trying to be discreet about it, but not enough that Esther would not notice it. She bit on her lower lip in a light manner.
"Can I get you a drink? I think it will be last orders soon... but I think we still have some time if you feel like hanging out a bit? The manager in this place is actually a friend of my fathers... don't tell anyone... I've been getting the better drinks all night, free of charge." The Baroness whispered... it was another lie. In truth she owned the hotel herself, allowing LAW to use it for the event and covering the expenses. It was so she could do exactly what she was doing now... but she never would have imagined having such a stunning target as Esther.

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