Standard Match: Win via Pinfall, Submission, or Knockout
Hentai Allowed
Kiena lay seated in front of the locker room vanity mirror, one leg draped over the other as she carefully applied the finishing touches to her eyeliner. A stagehand had been in here only moments before to hand her a folder with information on tonight's opponent, a last minute courtesy from the match organizers to help her prepare for her debut. No sooner did that stagehand leave than those documents found themselves stuffed into the trash bin at her side. The carefully prepared papers had not even earned a glance from Kiena's apathetic eyes.
The supposed courtesy had been more of an insult to her than anything. Do these oafs not know about my record working the indies? How dare they treat me like a rookie! A couple of deep breaths was enough to put the brief mental tirade to an end. She may be new to this league, but that didn't mean she was new to the ring. Perhaps upper management figured the lack of formal experience in hentai matches warranted a beginners welcome. Their naivety almost made Kiena laugh. They would see just how well versed she was at manipulating the female form: A fact that her opponent was going to become very acquainted with tonight, whoever the little tramp may be.
Kiena stood up from her seat before taking a few steps back from the mirror. The zipper of her leotard was precariously visible in the front, as if inviting anyone to dare and pull it down. It only went halfway up her body, leaving her belly and bosom nearly on full display for all to admire. She slipped on her stirrup leggings one at a time, the heel and toe cutouts providing her with a tactile feel of the cold tile floor beneath her. Not much was left to the imagination as tonight's intentions revealed themselves through the outfit: practical and salacious. The grin on Kiena's face only widened as she became entranced by her own beauty, her fingers running down the toned curves of her own voluptuous form.
Kiena Ono

"Some of you may know her from the pages of Japan's naughtiest magazines, hailing from the countryside and making her debut tonight, let's hear it for the Model Murderer herself, Kiena Ono!"
Entrance Music
Kiena walked down the ramp in the same way she had walked down countless catwalks before. Her eyes were fixated on the ring in front of her, entirely ignoring the scores of fans trying to get a high-five or wink from the scantily clad newcomer. Pathetic. If they want fan service, then they're clamoring to the wrong woman. Kiena was only here to please her own insatiable desires.
Dipping between the ropes, Kiena finally made her way into the ring. She circled around it's perimeter, her breasts bouncing with every step as she raised both clenched fists into the air, eyeing the crowd with a sultry expression. Still unsure of what to make of the debutant, the cheers continued to pour over her display, subsiding only as her music began to die down in preparation for her opponent's own theme. Satisfied with her performance, Kiena spun around on her heel and made her way to her corner, resting her arms over the top ropes as she stared down the opposing entrance with a morbid expression.
Despite the upbeat atmosphere from the crowd, Kiena knew that tonight would be no pleasant affair for her opponent. After all, she had a message to send to the league and all future challengers that she wasn't one to be fucked around with, and that could only be delivered if she won tonight's match in brutal fashion. A tongue peeked out from between her lips, swiping along her cherry red lipstick as the thought of the many things she had planned for this woman already sent waves of arousal tingling through her core.