Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Standard Match

Rules: Normal
Victory Conditon: Pinfall, Submission, Ring-out or K.O.
Attire: Standard


This was to be Mikan's second match here in LAW and already she was being pitted against someone the crowd clearly had wanted to see her face off against. The top member of Sweet Diva from when Mikan was a fully active model had been none other than Sakura Hagiwara, a famous Idol in her own right. It was without a doubt a dream match, to see these former idols, paragons of entertainment and beauty to face off one on one in the ring.

So far Mikan was feeling confident, if she had to guess she could probably put up a good match against Sakura. Though out of the two idols it was clear that Sakura was the more experienced wrestler, she had been here in LAW for a lot longer than the freshly arrived Mikan who only had one match under her belt so far. She also had gotten training from someone as impressive as Misaki Toyoda! Though Mikan had gotten training as well, and she wasn't about to let down her trainer. She was going to do all she could to make her proud!

The music of the Super Idol began to play out of the speakers, and it didn't take long before the orange haired nationally famous former Idol stepped out onto the ramp! She began to jog down the ramp, greeting the fans with waves and high-fives. Approaching the squared circle with a skip in her step as she would climb the steel steps and then slip into the ring between the middle and top ropes. She bounced on her feet towards the center of the ring, raised her right arm up high up into the air and then did a clean pirouette and extended that arm forward, pointing a finger gun to the crowd that she let fire off, followed by a wink of her eye. The crowd popped loudly with cheers for the icon!

Mikan would strut her way to her corner, settling into it as she extended her arms against the top ropes, leaning her back against the turnbuckle. She was actually quite excited to face off against Sakura. She hadn't really met Sakura before, but they had both been in such similar circles and scenes for a big part of their life that it seemed as if she was a rival of hers since their idol days. It was a strange feeling to say the least...

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Sakura smiled softly as she made sure her outfit was nice and secure. Tonight was a special night against an opponent many fans were excited to see her take on. One Mikan Tachibana. A fellow idol who had turned to pro wrestling as well. Granted Sakura had never met Mikan personally but she heard quite a bit about her from her friends in Sweet Diva, likewise she was well aware of her work even without wrestling given both ranked fairly high in idol popularity contests.

So it would be a bit of a lie on Sakura's part if she said there wasn't some sense of competition and rivalry between them even despite never having met personally. But that was fine! Competition was always good since it would just push both to do better. At the end of the day Sakura was just glad that more and more idols were joining wrestling promotions and proving their skill and that they should be taken seriously. Tonight would just serve as a penultimate reminder of that.
So making sure her outfit was ready to go and secure Sakura would nod to herself with a smile as she turned to the crew workers and received a nod meaning it was time to make her entrance. Pumping her fists Sakura would come out, bur rather than her usual music she instead went with a Sweet Diva track, after all it only felt fitting given her rival in this bout. Coming out to the top of the entrance ramp Sakura would pose brightly with a smile on her face while posing for the camera in a classic sweet diva pose.

Switching into a run down the ring Sakura would smile and highfive fans on her way down before reaching the ring. Leaping up onto the apron Sakura would turn around and pose proudly for the fans once more who cheered and wolf whistled for her in response. Turning and vaulting over the ropes Sakura would smile pleasantly at Mikan and approach her with a hand raised up. "Hi Mikan it's nice to meet you in person!" Sakura said while extending her hand out. "Here's to a good match!" She said waiting to see if her fellow idol woudl accept the gesture of good sportsmanship.

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Mikan watched the ramp as Sakura Hagiwara made her appearance up at the top of it. She watched and tilted her head a bit to the side as it seemed as if the Sweet Diva idol had adopted a very different outfit. Raising an eyebrow as she would straighten up a bit and stand upright in the corner, waiting for Sakura to make her way into the squared circle.

The orange haired girl would start to walk up to the center of the squared circle after Sakura had finished off her little entrance. She saw Sakura instantly do what she had planned to do and would let out a soft chuckle. She nodded her head and stepped up to Sakura as she would reach out and grab that extended hand firmly. Clasping hands with Sakura, Mikan would share a smile with the fellow diva.

"Feelings mutual, Hagiwara-san." MIkan spoke out, " I'm sure we'll have a good one. After all, with so many people excited to see us finally together on the same stage...we can't exactly let them down, can we. " Mikan teased a bit as she would give Sakura a wink of her eye, release that hand of her professional rival and bringing it to her own hips. Mikan would back up and return to her corner next, waiting for the referee to start the match.

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Sakura shook hands readily with Mikan, a smile on her face as the other idol reciprocated her feelings about the match, something that Sakura was extremely happy about as she nodded with a competitive grin on her face. "Very true so let's not." Sakura said earnestly before stepping backwards almost in sync with Mikan until both were in the corners, waiting for the bell to ring.

The moment that it did Sakura would immediately come out of her corner with her hands up, ready for anything and preparing for whatever Mikan may have in mind. But before she really would be able too Sakura would hold a hand up in the air for a timeless gesture. "I think the fans would love to see us start off with a classic don't you think?" She asked with a smile as she offered the test of strength to Mikan, waiting to see how she would react.

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Mikan nodded her head as she back up from Sakura Hagiwara. It seemed as if the two of them would be able to have a friendly match and that was something that brought a bit of happiness to Mikan. Her first encounter had been quite a rough one, filled with a lot of clashing with a friendly rival was just what she needed! Her back was against the corner as the referee called for the bell, the match had begun and with it Mikan stepped out of corner and began to walk towards the center of the ring, slowly. Arms were raised and ready to grapple...but when Sakura raised her hand up high into the sky the way she did, the orange haired former Idol would smirk a bit.

A soft chuckle escaping her lips as she straightened herself out while listening to Sakura's words. She would start to move closer to Sakura, a rather calm walk as she approached her foe. Mikan would smile at Sakura, " Gotta respect the classics, right?" Mikan said as she would start to bring her hand up and clasp hands with Sakura. Entwining her fingers with her rival as she then brought her other hand up. Looking to lock into that test of strength with Sakura. " Ready?" She'd ask, before she'd start to slowly ramp up the pressure, putting one foot behind the other as she would lean into her foe, pressing their impressive busts against one another as Mikan would try and force Sakura backwards!

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Sakura would smile happily at Mikan, glad that the two seemed to be at a understanding with one another, each more than willing to fight for their fans and their own reputations. It was the stuff that five star matches were made of and Sakura couldn't wait to see all of what her fellow idol could do. So once the two locked hands and began pushing Sakura would smirk at Mikan as their busts pressed up against each other.

"You know it." Sakura said as if her actions didn't speak for her but it didn't matter. If Mikan said something, than Sakura would respond, simply so Mikan wouldn't get the last word in. Without realizing Sakura was already getting competitive with her fellow idol. The test of strength perfectly showed this as well since Sakura was quick to take things a step further by pressing her head forward against Mikan's while shoving her whole body forward, aiming to bend the girl backwards, looking for any advantage she could manage!

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Mikan narrowed her eyes as Sakura got in the final word. The orangette noticed pretty easily what was happening. She had heard about this a fair bit and she was no stranger to competitive spirit. Even she was subject to it, as they locked up she felt their impressive busts mash together and next thing she knew was their forehead's bumping against one another. She grit her teeth a bit, doing what she had been trained to do which was widen her stance and place one foot behind the other to brace and stop Sakura from pushing her back!

"Let's do this..." She grunted out, as she would hold her own against Sakura...pushing harder back into her fellow Idol wrestler. Trying to push their frames so tightly that their bare abs would smack against one another and those large breasts of theirs would mushroom against one another. She tried to bend Sakura's wrists backwards, looking to force Sakura to bend backwards as she tried to force her down towards the canvas!

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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Things were getting competitive right off the bat between Sakura and Mikan. Not that the dark haired beauty minded much. After all competition was good yeah? Either way the test of strength was as classic a start to a wrestling match as one could get, and neither idol wrestler wanted to lose in it, each doing whatever was possible to try and achieve some kind of advantage over the other in it, Mikan even pushing Sakura's wrists back causing the girl to wince at the motion.

"Grrr nice try!" Sakura shot out as she spread her feet out a bit wider and pushed back, their busts and stomachs practically mashing together while their lips threatened to meet in a kiss. But romance was the last thing on Sakura's mind. No instead she was focused on using her widened stance to push themselves forward, trying to get one leg back behind Mikan's and push against it to weaken her fellow idol's stance and push her backwards that way!

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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There was a clear sense of a brewing rivalry between the two wrestlers, not only did they have a shared past in the Idol business. Though Sakura had never gone on to become a solo Idol like Mikan did. Instead Sakura had gone off to become a wrestler, something which Mikan had now become as well! The intensity that this simple test of strength was exuding was something else. It was as if the crowd could see sparks coming of from the two of them. Their well trained yet generously buxom frames were practically glued together. Their breasts were mashing and mushrooming against one another, almost as if their pairs sought to flatten the others, meanwhile fit taut abs were grinding against each other.

The crowd certainly loved this display, as they flexed and struggled against one another. Grunts of effort escaping their mouths as they sought to overpower the other idol-wrestler. Though Sakura quickly changed tactics as she slipped on leg in behind Mikan's legs, she started to push harder into Mikan, particularly their chests together. Mikan started to feel how she was being forced down, bending backwards as Sakura started to lean over her.

The orange haired beauty was slowly forced down, her hair touching the canvas as she was steadily forced down....Mikan though was stubborn. She refused to give in, gritting her teeth, she tried to brace herself and tighten her core. She tried to use Sakura's tactic against her and begin to push up, trying to get them to a neutral position and bend Sakura back over her own leg! Looking to weaken Sakura and start to bring her down backwards much like Sakura had attempted!

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Re: Sakura Hagiwara Vs. Mikan Tachibana [Idol Vs. Idol]

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It went without saying that this match between Sakura and Mikan was off to a rather.. intense start. More than what was usual for Sakura given she typically got along well with most people. At the very least in the beginning of the match. Here though? All it took was a few seemingly harmless words from from both girls to send sparks flying between. Now something as simple as a test of strength was turning into something much more dramatic than Sakura ever thought it could be from somebody she just met!

Still... despite that, Sakura just refused to budge an inch as she pushed forward more and more, progressively and slowly forcing Mikan to bend over backwards! 'Yes! Yes take th-' Internal cheers of success were wiped away along with the small victorious smirk that came over Sakura's face as slowly, but surely Mikan pushed up, forcing the two back to a standing position! "Wha!?" Sakura asked shocked that Mikan was able to do this, but worse yet, Sakura would soon find herself bent backwards in much the same way Mikan had been!

"No!" Sakura cried out sharply before sucking a breath and gritting her teeth tightly as she pushed up, trying to reverse the positions of the two again! ...But she couldn't do it. Every time Sakura pushed up, she would only make it an inch or two before dipping back down. Apparently Sakura may have had an edge in upper body strength, but Mikan held the superiority in core strength! "Ngh! No!" Sakura groaned out, trying and failing to rise a few more times before eventually, her knees went weak from the position they were in before finally giving out, prompting Sakura to fall on her back, officially losing the test of strength against her fellow idol!

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